唐代 卢照邻 Lu ZhaoLin  唐代   (637~689)
Chang'an interest and charm of antique taste
Correction Music IX songs Dengfeng chiefly
Correction music ix Song of Biological Activities third
Correction music ix Song of the southern suburbs fourthly
Correction music ix cantus Crown prince sixthly
Correction music ix Song of kings seventh
Correction music ix cantus (in old china) officials of higher ranks eighth
Correction music ix General Song ninth
Watching the mountains
On the back
War south
Plum blossom drop
Customer Results Youngster Field trip
Ode to History 4
present Li rong taoist
Early degrees backbone
Mar Qushui banquet was the word respect
Ancient Korea The yi state extremely Chang'an Fat Chung Yang relay
And Wang shi autumn night there one's thoughts
Look in the tree house one's thoughts
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

To Qin Chuan sector

   Lu ZhaoLin

Long long polar Osaka, Cangshan not look poor. Shi Jing Ying suspected broken, seems to reflect back empty.
Flowers green mist, Orioles twitter purple rock style. Chunfang do not hurry, leaving the enemy with the tour.

【Source】 卷42_10

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