唐代 卢照邻 Lu ZhaoLin  唐代   (637~689)
入秦川界 To Qin Chuan sector
文翁讲堂 Wen Weng hall
相如琴台 Phase as Qintai
石镜寺 Stone Temple Mirror
辛法司宅观妓 laborious Law division View house prostitutes
春晚山庄率题二首 Spring Festival Gala Village Rate Question 2
江中望月 River full moon
元日述怀(一作明月引) Mongol Huai-1 for the above Moon cited
益州城西张超亭观妓 The yi state View prostitutes west Zhang Chaoting
还京赠别 Also in Beijing Parting Words
至陈仓晓晴望京邑 extremely Chencang Hiu Ching Wang capital
和吴侍御被使燕然 And Wu Shiyu was to Yan Ran
七夕泛舟二首 The seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the cowherd and the weaver maid meet in heaven) Go boating 2
西使兼送孟学士南游 West made and sent to Bangladesh Bachelor South Tour
送郑司仓入蜀 Songzhengsicang Shu
绵州官池赠别同赋湾字 continous (in ancient china) officials in a "zhou" cistern Parting words Tongfuwanzi
还赴蜀中贻示京邑游好 Also go to Xiu Yi said Capital You better
初夏日幽庄 The first month of summer Day quiet village Village
山庄休沐(一作和夏日山庄) Village And one for off-Mu Summertime Village
山林休日田家 Mountain and forest Holiday a farming family
宴梓州南亭得池字 Yan Zi-word State of the South Pavilion may Pond
山行寄刘李二参军 Send Liu Li Shan Line 2 enroll
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷42_10
