北宋 苏轼 Su Shi  北宋   (1037~1101)
Lamentations of Lady Zhaojun
Divination operator Huangzhou Inspirational wisdom courtyard Live work
Butterfly in Love
Jiang chengzai YiMao The first month of the lunar year Score Day and night Kee Meng
Jiang chengzai Missouri go hunting
Dong Xiange
Shuidiaogetou mid-autumn
Stories of mid-autumn
Stories of Chibi meditate on the past
Shuilong yin Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Chapter Zhifu Yanghua words
Write Your back row went to Missouri Anon Send a child by the
Go towards Huan
Tippler Cao
lucky francolin
Shuilong Yin
Shuilong yin Zengzhaohuizhi Flute Shier
Shuilong Yin
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

leaf Professor And muggy word Verse Again write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Playing record Longjing tea Tour

   Su Shi

Mr. Lu Zhu Ru, eating clean is not muggy.
Jejunum the show period, Yin chew flavors foot.
Huatang downtown wire tube, eye up the spring Lu.
Mr. Rush to avoid, in the ventral surface of the cold virus.
Return to cook gourd leaves, his disciples song "Dry foot."
Lascivious and "Ling-tai", in female deer deer volts.
Rabbit fame was gone, what with thousands expelled.
And should allow me to generation, clear eyes closed when sitting.
Ya Ting Shek Pai high, wood tip of captive flight house.
I'm not the season, visitors will not be fast.
Bearded old man smell like snow, leaving Zhu Xiling visit.
Hole into the lake in Chaoyang, Jin Bihan Shuiyu.
Fei spring shut at night, cloud-free rate of the sleeve of a robe.
Tsz Wong Fu Bao verses, God was quiet reading companion.
Lane Temple of the elderly, Yanzuo demons cry.
To offer when the necklace, France for the light phase continued.
Wuchai Poem and Wine pollution, Yu Wang is no conflict.
Chen Qi kitchen cooking fee, Juji over the valley.
Appreciate further the first meaning, non-rice bowl wants and hopes.
Then switching the highest clouds, to the curious child services.
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