唐代 储光羲 Chu Guangxi  唐代   (706~763)
narrate Wei zhao Should drawing rhinoceros
Xian Wang impressive and dignified manner
Noda Yellowbird Row
Qiao parent word
Fisherman words
Shepherd words
Cailing words
Shoot pheasant words
Tiger Words
Wei-Ting for northbound
Zayong 5 Pebble loose
Zayong five rattan frame canopies
Zayong 5 Pool side crane
Zayong 5 Fish Bay
Zayong 5 Quiet Habitat
View topic Tai Xuan
Songyang concept to concept that Mikado former residence
Jihouyima Troubadour a sign in the trigram
Offer eight uncle owned East
Pan-Mao Shandong province brook
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Registration with the gentlemen Jionji Tower

   Chu Guangxi

Golden Temple from true premises, Albatron straight down. I am also busy to static, Tang Qing Autumn.
Cang Wu Yichun Court, film Bi Kunming Pool. Who Road days Henkel, ignoring side hereby.
Tai Chi Bin virtual form, join the line Cuiwei. Thunderstorm near Yao Ming, the spirits of Kuini.
Changes in the mortal soul, exemplifies the poor horizon. Crown on the gate of heaven open, assumed under the Hong Yanfei.
Low winding winding palaces, mountains and small mixed. Pitch space empty, Shu Yi with the return.
Ze high mountain range of non-building, living in Yi Yi Wei.


【Source】 卷138_5

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