秦中歲晏馬捨人宅宴集 Qin Yan in the years Cot One house Feast
薦玄德公廟 Recommend Xuande temple
上長史王公責躬 aide Princes Personally responsible
至嶽寺即大通大照禪塔上溫上人 From Yue Temple is a large photo Chase Tower Wen Chan Buddhist monk
終南幽居獻蘇侍郎三首時拜太祝未上 Zhongnanzhen Live in seclusion Su Xian Assistant minister 3 pm worship An offical who holds to offer sacrifice to gods or ancesters Not on
至閑居精捨呈正上人(即天後故宮) extremely Grass Teaching room Present in the hope of being improved Buddhist monk The days Gugong (Imperial Palace)
酬綦毋校書夢耶溪見贈之作 Meng Qi pay no school books donated for Yexi see
同王十三維偶然作十首 Tongwang A baker's `dozen thirteen dimension Chance for Shishou