唐代 陆龟蒙 Lu Guimeng  唐代  
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Time to recover and Qing yuandaoshi rhyme (in poetry)
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Feng and Xi Mei The first month of summer You Lankavatara Teaching room write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
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Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Shi Mu Zhou Xing Quan cited View Laojun Hospital for

   Lu Guimeng

Six contained on the Si Wei, Wu Zong Erythrina River. I worship Jing Ji, Chao under the next year.
March is spring time, around the flower Guo reelection. Lan Disk million bun, the _insert_ion of gold-tin.
Granted to priests Hall, _set_ the couch on the East side. Sound Bishu courtyard, empty hall shaped Laoxian.
Nature of the music light condensate, and to more virtual mysterious. Incense ceremony was really like, wash hand Phi Ling ed.
Mount the new fixed angle corner, Oolong natural cliff alone. Unless the net fine day, but not dark green cliff top.
Have to take Yunfeng, spray under the sink spring. Spring scores ten branch, Zheng trickle down at all.
I enter the cold drunk, Mighty west window breaking dormancy. Species of bamboo sticks from seeking independence, just east of the wall.
Children call spade a basket, cranberry cutting through legislation. Cong Cong faction fell, led by practicing with a crosswise.
Yo throwing rocks, splashing cold splash ring. Seven Mile mad slave _Set_o, Shu Ying reduced to the former.
Jump to spend half poured powder, Chung Mo spinner circle. Three potential beam hanging, hanging shelf and diarrhea crisis alone.
Wen Yao Chi has slipped, but also irrigation Zhu grass fields. Mallard get Tsui Bo Rui, phoenix child dance Dan tobacco.
Tuo Gui Lin Feng transition, every mist Chi rhino boat. Situation when the Xuanyuan home, taste the moral articles.
Good than on the water, gentle thousand participants. If this wizard, willing evil microwave transmission.
Do not intend to compete dribbling, should be occupied by the enemy ripple. Arrows out complex, together floating blue sky potential.
There must learn real son, Yan Lu crown crane fall. If auxiliary Stephen, at its source so sparse.

【Source】 卷619_11

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