唐代 韩愈 Han Yu  唐代   (768~824)
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Nanshan Poetry
(surname) Artlessness poem
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Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Spring Snow

   Han Yu

New Year are not Fanghua, Alarmed by the grass shoots in early February.
Spring snow is too late to make it fly through the tree court.
  This is the first "Spring Snow", a new clever idea, unique style, is the leader in the Han Yu verses.
  "New Year are not Fanghua, Alarmed by the grass shoots in early February." Lunar New Year that first day, the day after is the beginning of spring, it marked the arrival of spring. New Year flowers are not fragrant, it makes the long winter long in the Spring of people look forward to exceptionally anxious. An "all", which revealed that eagerness. The second sentence "Alarmed by the grass shoots in early February," said in February there is no flower, but if it is from the side, the passion is not simply lament, regret. "Shock" the most suitable word interesting. It does not appear that the poet in February just see grass sprouts and surprised, disappointed, but finally in anxious anticipation to see "Spring" in the bud and surprises. Inner feelings: Although late spring, but after all, is coming. "Initial shock" to write "see grass shoots," when the modality is extremely vivid. "Shock" after the word like a cold winter out of novelty, surprise, happy feeling; "early" with the word late spring, blooming late regret, regret and dissatisfaction. However, this hint of emotion hidden behind the lines, it is extremely Han Yun. Han Yu, "Zhang eighteen early spring was outside the water sector" in the once wrote: "very thick grass near but no", "benefits the most is the spring of the year", the poet of the "grass shoots," seemed particularly passionate, but also because he from the grass see the spring buds of news. From the art of composition point of view, the preceding sentence "is not she explains," a suppression; after the sentence "The first grass bud", a Young, the ups and maneuvers, ups and downs.
  Third, forty-two snow surface is said to have no flowers, but real love is: who can wait for late in the spring down, the grass sprouts from the February figure to see the spring, but the snow was so live , and even were numerous, fly through the tree, decorate their own out of the school of spring. The real spring (flowers in full bloom) to the future, of course, can not help but feel some regret, but the spring snow does not fly through the tree is also still gives you the breath of spring! Spring Snow fly is not primarily a poet of wistful regret, but joy. Looking forward to spring a poet, if nature has not yet spring, he could come to the metamorphosis of a spring. This is the third and fourth two sentences of beauty, it is full of intense romanticism, can be said to flash in the pan. "Not think", "wear it", the Spring Snow depicted how beautiful and has a spirit, stimulating. Shen Qi idea of ​​poetry. Early spring, snow flying, could have been caused by "the New Year are not Fanghua, grass shoots in early February Alarmed" reasons, however, the poet side that snow is because Spring has come too late, before "so the court wearing a tree" fly and come. Turn because of the wording of this fruit, but increased the charm of poetry. "As a fly," the words, turning static to dynamic, mid-spring to early spring the excitement translated into cold, doubled Zaifan, so that readers such as the trail into the Sanin has overwhelmed feeling.
  King pulls out often in the poem in the new, Gongqiao odd police, is a spectacular masterpiece.
  (Tang Guiren)

【Source】 卷343_38

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