唐代 李商隐 Li Shangyin  唐代   (813~858)
Note on a Rainy Night to a Friend in the North
A Cicada
Wind and Rain
Falling Petals
Thoughts in the Cold
North Among Green Vines
The Inlaid Harp
To One Unnamed
The Palace of the Sui Emperor
To One Unnamed I
To One Unnamed II
In the Camp of the Sketching Brush
To One Unnamed III
Spring Rain
To One Unnamed IV
To One Unnamed V
The Leyou Tombs
A Message to Secretary Linghu
There Is Only One
The Sui Palace
The Jade Pool
To the Moon Goddess
Multiple poems at a time
A four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme narrow At first sentence rhyme

Note on a Rainy Night to a Friend in the North

   Li Shangyin

You ask me when I am coming. I do not know.
I dream of your mountains and autumn pools brimming all night with the rain.
Oh, when shall we be trimming wicks again, together in your western window?
When shall I be hearing your voice again, all night in the rain?

    Translator: Witter Bynner

【Reciter】 石榴花开


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