唐代 韩翃 Han Hong  唐代  
After the Day of No Fire
An Autumn Evening Harmonizing Cheng Qin's Poem
Inscribed in the Temple of the Wandering Genie
Cooler Weather
Potpourri Songs Junior Bank
Chu will house the main book completed illegitimate money ministry councillor man honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china 1 for Zhang ji poem
accompany Li ming Fufuhuazhou
Zhi Fu Lee sent to the Secretary Jiangxi To screen
Ji Yue Meng returned to re-gift governor of province
Parting words Cuisizhifu South of the changjiang river Jianjian Changzhou surname honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
By month rock Mountain
See sb. to the door S Jiang ning city
accompany Ubac Any of Yao Cheng and sent with Prostitutes Ubac revive, resurrect shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
And Cao bng Zhuyizuomi Enroll Sigui work
Parting words Chengming House went Jiannan
Songsunpofu Cloud
See sb. to the door hand over the amount of sth south of the Changjiang River
accompany Surname assistant minister
To Li Shi Fail in an exam You will be owned by the state health Hebei
Sheet hermit Thatched cottage Will be king alchemist
Sent the main book of Chu Liu Tiao County
Multiple poems at a time
A four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme calm At first sentence rhyme

After the Day of No Fire

   Han Hong

Petals of spring fly all through the city
From the wind in the willows of the Imperial River.
And at dusk, from the palace, candles are given out
To light first the mansions of the Five Great Lords.

    Translator: Witter Bynner

Created by: 戴玨
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