唐代 陆龟蒙 Lu Guimeng  唐代  
Read Xiangyang Tibetology Pass by Poetry Five hundred Send Paper Xi Mei Yan
Xi Mei Antecedent The turtle kept the offer Five hundred Yan Rong Ji Meng See and repeater singing with extension thank sb.with a gift
Feng pay Xi Mei Antecedent Wuzhong Ku Yu Hundred charm
Feng pay Xi Mei Antecedent The first month of summer See Send write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
Feng and Xu Shi Xi Mei 2 poetry
Feng and xi mei 2 poetry Any poem
Time to recover and Qing yuandaoshi rhyme (in poetry)
Kyoko Shi Shen added
read Hidden fu jing Send a deer doorman
Feng and Xi Mei The first month of summer You Lankavatara Teaching room write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
Feng and Xi Mei Gongzhaisiyong Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Komatsu
Feng and xi mei gongzhaisiyong write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Xiao Gui
Feng and Xi Mei Gongzhaisiyong write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Hsinchu
Feng and Xi Mei Gongzhaisiyong write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words He-Ping
Feng and Ximeichou Before a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations Cuilushengzhijianjiyinzengzhi Hundred The number 40 *40 speech
Feng and xi mei taihu poem score head Xiao Jing Gong plays God
Feng and xi mei taihu poem score head Hole into the forest estate
Feng and xi mei taihu poem score head rain Middle reaches (of a river) Bun teaching room
Feng and xi mei taihu poem score head Mao Public Forum
Feng and xi mei taihu poem score head To Maogong Quan Xian Big remonstrance Qinghe public
Feng and xi mei taihu poem score head peach Flowers dock
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

5 songs By clipping

   Lu Guimeng

Spring Migration of the rain fall from the Front, Lian Lian only cover acres of rice. Mount sparse cooked grains lighter,
Incompatible with Zhu Wo head. I have to worry about building the heart, such as blocking, but late at night listening to the farmer language.
Regularly through the years is the thing is the disaster, thousands of points per array of wild mallard mice. Tanaka, hold the rod into the next level,
Depression Nine Ten Sui Sui empty. Outspoken-year-old granary warehouse implementation, can not now Chaomu Chung.
Who duty under the Division of civilian, Gou District should be analyzed with analysis. For the hard work of the Italian Ruohe,
Insects and to teach people eat food. Who is required to accumulate the ancient state of Lu Qi, buy us, such as hunger is still responsible.
The differences for the government this time, the term displaced pleases levy request. Blissful Encounter Huayang off his life,
Japanese Canxia turn Feibai. To sell cattle abandoned paddy field, moving house and home near San Mao.

【Source】 卷621_5

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