北宋 苏轼 Su Shi  北宋   (1037~1101)
Lamentations of Lady Zhaojun
Divination operator Huangzhou Inspirational wisdom courtyard Live work
Butterfly in Love
Jiang chengzai YiMao The first month of the lunar year Score Day and night Kee Meng
Jiang chengzai Missouri go hunting
Dong Xiange
Shuidiaogetou mid-autumn
Stories of mid-autumn
Stories of Chibi meditate on the past
Shuilong yin Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Chapter Zhifu Yanghua words
Write Your back row went to Missouri Anon Send a child by the
Go towards Huan
Tippler Cao
lucky francolin
Shuilong Yin
Shuilong yin Zengzhaohuizhi Flute Shier
Shuilong Yin
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Yuan xiu dish Bing Xu

   Su Shi

Of beautiful dishes, there is the nest of my village, Chao Yuan Xiu addicted to the enemy, I also addicted to it. Yuan Xiu Yun: See that hole the North Sea, when the complex cloud our home course not? Repair of dollars because of that food. I went to town out of ten years, but could not think. Yuan Shu to self-repair fitness, see more than the yellow is for poetry, so go To his son, while the east slope of species under the cloud.
He is the United States Jun family dishes, shop green envelops field.
Pods round and small, thin and rich Cassia buds.
Species over the autumn, pull Sau Fan cream.
For flowers without calyx, one by one, such as budworm.
Is when the blue dress women, pick any hurry.
Steam of the re-Xiang Hong Wei color of their Meng.
Wine salt soy sauce, spring onion, ginger Mao orange thread.
Know that chicken and dolphins, but the fear put chopsticks empty.
Miao Chun Yeh do, plowing Amidst the cluster.
Run with Ze of Gan, warm as a blue mud melt.
I never negative, the same force and manure soil.
I always forget family homes, Chu sound change children.
This charming property alone, more than Department of Thoracic and year-round.
Jun go To his son, not letter Sheng sealed capsule.
Zhang Qian shift alfalfa, for example Kwai Sung.
Contains Coix Ma Yuan, Peng Hao Luo, etc..
Suspended know Dongpo, the Ji halogenated thousand minutes.
Long so that Qi Native-Americans, said that the two Weng.
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