北宋 苏轼 Su Shi  北宋   (1037~1101)
Lamentations of Lady Zhaojun
Divination operator Huangzhou Inspirational wisdom courtyard Live work
Butterfly in Love
Jiang chengzai YiMao The first month of the lunar year Score Day and night Kee Meng
Jiang chengzai Missouri go hunting
Dong Xiange
Shuidiaogetou mid-autumn
Stories of mid-autumn
Stories of Chibi meditate on the past
Shuilong yin Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Chapter Zhifu Yanghua words
Write Your back row went to Missouri Anon Send a child by the
Go towards Huan
Tippler Cao
lucky francolin
Shuilong Yin
Shuilong yin Zengzhaohuizhi Flute Shier
Shuilong Yin
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Within moon Send a child by the three

   Su Shi

Hospitality last month, the glittering city East.
Last year, gaunt man, confined to bed in the broken window.
Qiao Mi wandering phase, slim and wearing a housing cage.
May turned out that I was sick, the whole song floor space.
Ask pillow three sighs, Fu Zhang from the phase Cong.
Days the wind does not phase sorrow, blow me down King Palace.
White Dew into the liver and lung, such as Qiu Chong Yin night.
Take that Bai Hao, into eastern wild poor.
Years to know geometry, Jia Qi repeated every month.
Fish do not sleep on the cold, actually the eve of the phase Yan breathing of fish.
Every six years this month, five years according to departure.
(Mid-Autumn Festival for a month where the six men, but to be here by the old and the child.)
Song Jun when other music, sold out for the sad swallow.
Fan Li are believed to remain, this will throw light Qi.
Rong Silver Lake one hundred ares, hanging mirror Chihiro Que.
Three-shift Gechui strike, Yue Qing figure chaos.
Return of the North Church, the coldness in turn exposed leaves.
Call to drink wine and go and read to the children I said.
It turned out bad after the illness, empty light on pear chestnut.
But see the ancient east, buckwheat, such as shop snow.
For song of last year, re-cut fear of heart.
Shu promoter in Wenshang, behind closed doors is relatively clear.
(Shu Huan Yun lifts the state test.) ZHENG Zi to Heshuo,
(Zheng Cao families only go to Beijing.) Boat and overnight lines.
Dayton sub, although right close, Wu, such as in the prison shut.
(Gordon lifts up and Xu test.) Zhaozijishu, the water to more than sound.
(Today I Zhao Qing Gao book remember that I made in the East Wu Zhongqiu "Thinking of You.")
Leisurely four Heart of the thousands of miles out.
Understand the old moon, a really good time difficult to merge.
Review of people get on and everything, such as flow-ping.
Chang Wen on this night, thousands of miles with the clear one.
(Born more than the enemy made history: see Hai Jia Yun Mid try for a month,
Is a multi-aged, round beads, this climate of people often Jia,
Although quite different thousands of miles, meet future phase asked who confront no different. )
God from the pains, that this will be light.
Next year the sea, pitch Jingu situation.

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