南宋 陆游 Lu You  南宋   (1125~1210)
complain heartfelt emotion
Divination operator Yongmei
Reproduction of
Patio Spring
A return pass from the central Fujian Fu-year-old is quite Adultness Show the wind for this poem
Mourning North
Ai Ying
Such as Zhang Ai
Love idle
Love idle
An article on
Ani Road
Ani Road
An Zhong And tear book attracting attention
An Zhong And tear book attracting attention
An Zhong And tear book attracting attention
An Zhong Solitude recall with emotion
An Zhong Solitude recall with emotion
An Zhong Solitude recall with emotion
An Zhong Commentary Use Predecessor charm
An Zhong Late thought
Multiple poems at a time
Reproduction of

Reproduction of

   Lu You

Crisp red hands, yellow tie up the wine, the city walls of the palace Willow Spring.
Dongfeng evil, joy feeling thin.
A pregnant melancholy, a few years away from the cable.
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
Spring as the old man thin air, tears of red raw silk slip down through the shark.
Peach drop, leisure pools Court.
Mount Union, although in, Kam book difficult to care.
Mo! Mo! Mo!
  Crisp red hands: red, soft hands.
  Huang Teng wine: Yellow seal wine, Homebrew palace in ancient times one kind of wine. These two is written to give Lu Tang Wan drink wine.
  Could it be Willow: Willow fence in one.
  Huan love: a happy love life. These two said: relentless wind, blew away the happy marriage (where the wind compared to the couple break up the feudal parents).
  Red sad: tears stained face rouge. Sad: moist. Shark raw silk: a thin silk handkerchief. Sentence says: and the rouge of tears drenched handkerchief.
  Mount Union: a permanent love of the oath.
  Jin books: Kam word back to instruments, a love letter. Care: to send.
  Mo: nothing more (that helpless sigh.)
  Lu poem written by his love tragedy.
  Tong Jun Lu's first wife was a lady with Down Nobles, get married, they "his wife Xiangde", "Harmonious and even" vote means a pair of love and the loving couple. Unexpectedly, as arranged marriage, mother of one of the land Quedui daughter had a sense of disgust, forced off abandoned Lu Down.
  Lu admonition in every possible way, pleading the case of invalid, the two finally forced to be separated, remarried Down "Tongjunzongzai" Zhao Shi Cheng, also heard from among the. One spring day a few years later, Lu Sanin in the home (now in Shaoxing City) south of the temple near the track Shen Yu Garden, and kai husband met with the Tour Down encounter. Down arrangement Jiuyao, a small token of comfort to feelings of Lu. Lu You see people a sense of things, the hearts of strong feelings, then drunk Yin Fu poem, the letter document title on the wall in the garden. The first word describes a word full of people with Down's This meeting, expressed their deep attachment and Acacia cut, but also to express the words of people who hate unspeakable sorrow tragically mood.
  Loading the word happy by recalling past love life, lamenting the suffering of forced divorce, meaning two layers.
  "Dongfeng evil" a few for the second layer, wrote the lyrics with Down divorced people were forced to feel the pain. Write on a layer of spring scene lust, extremely beautiful, suddenly a turn here, the feelings of anger broke through the tide once the gate of the minds of the word, no stop to vent down. "Dongfeng bad" words, pun, Han Yun is very rich, is the key to the whole word, the word also contributed to the crux of the tragedy of people love. Originally, the wind can make the recovery of the earth, brought exuberant vitality to everything, but when it swept tempest chaos when the spring would also undermine the capacity of state in spring, leave the theaters and the cloud "peach drop, leisure pool Corner" Jiuzheng chaos sweeping the bluster of its serious consequences, so that it was "evil." However, it is primarily a IMAGERY, IMAGERY ci love tragedy caused by the "evil" forces. As for whether the mother land included, the answer is no denying that, but made it clear that the inconvenience, but words can not only had to express this way out of the subtle. The following three-day, people hate the word further to "wind" out of the psychological Writing, and make up a "bad" word: "Fun Love thin. A melancholy pregnant a few years away from the rope." Forced to break up a happy marriage, loving separation of husband and wife are forced to make both of them emotionally tortured and subjected to great suffering for several years and turn to give them just full of life, Chou Yuan. This is not as brilliant spring flowers are destroyed by the merciless wind and shrivel up? Next, the "wrong, wrong, wrong", a series of three "wrong" word, and even into out, feeling very bitter. But in the end who is wrong? Is their original "not against the venerable Italian" and finally "and women's tactic" negative it? Is the "Venerable" of the oppression of the negative it? The institution of marriage is unreasonable denial of it? Poet does not say, not easy to say so, While this "weighing a ton of olives" ("Dream of Red Mansions" language) to leave our readers to hold in mouth, to taste. Although this layer directly express feelings, feelings of anger, such as rivers rush down, stretch absorbed; but not a crash it demonstrated, in which "evil wind" and "wrong, wrong, wrong" outside of a few very flavored taste.
  Word of the showings, past the emotion back to reality, forced to divorce his wife for further writing a great grief, is also divided into two layers.
  For the first layer of the first three sentences, write Down Shen Park reunion performance.
  "Spring like old" bearing poorly at the "Spring in the city is" coming period, which is the background of this case meet. Still did before the spring, but not what the people have. Down past the skin is so rosy, full of youthful vigor; and now she, after a "wind" of the ruthless destruction, haggard, and thinner. "Human space thin" sentences, although written only changes in Down's face, but clearly showed "a few years away from the claim" brought her great pain. Like the poet, she also "one pregnant with melancholy," tortured; like the poet, she is old friends constantly, Acacia give up ah! Otherwise, how thin it? Write to face changes in the morphology change in the performance of the inner world, was originally a kind of literature is a common practice, but thin is thin men, and why and in the meantime add an "empty" word it? "Shi Jun's own wife, Luo Fu husband also." ("Poems Mulberry inside") from the marriage, said they had independently of each other, the matter has now, not in vain for the Acacia and torture yourself? With the word, put the words of people that feeling of pity, the meaning of comfort, pain and sense of injury, etc., are all demonstrated. "Sale" Down sentence expression by depicting movement, further demonstrated the meet, she's feeling state. Old Park reunion, bearing in mind the past, she can not cry, tears will not it? But the poet did not write directly in tears, but with the way the line drawing, writing her "tears of red raw silk slip down through the shark", appear to be more tactful, more calm, more image, more moving. And a "transparent", which not only reflected in its many tears, but also reflected the very sad. Loading Layer wrote the lyrics themselves, with a straight expression of the poet practices; here to write Down Shique changed tactics, just write the changes to her face and her body feeling the pain are the words written in this layer eyes to see, so they have a "double-love moment both to the" artistic effect. Ci can be seen, not only deep in love, but deep in the statement.
  The last few words, is the second layer of the films were shown, wrote the lyrics after one encounter with the suffering of Down's mood. "Peach down" two and Loading of the "evil wind" period before and after care of, but also highlight though is how beautiful scenery, but also implied the personnel. Is not it? Peach blossoms wither, garden out, and this is just some kind of change, and personnel changes have been even more than some kind of change. As beautiful as the peach Down Jiaohao not have been relentless, "wind" destroyed tortured pining away yet? Ci his state of mind, do not they like "Leisure Pool House" as lonely and desolate cold it? The second meaning is both a clever and very natural. Fu and transferred directly to the following conditions: "The mountains, although in the League, Kam book difficult to care." Although only a handful of these two character, very able to demonstrate the word's own inner feelings of pain. Although their situation, such as rocks, crush, however, that a sincere mind, but also how to express it? Obviously in love, but can not love; obviously not love, but love this thread Qingsi cut off. Suddenly, there is love, hate, pain, there is resentment, coupled with Down's haggard face and see the grief of situation arising from feelings of pity, comfort meaning, so many emotions, heart arrow bunch million, a unspeakable tragedy, once again red throat chest break out: "Mo, Mo, Mo!" things have now, no longer irreversible, irreparable, and that thousands of emotion would like it to do what it do? Then cut the Gordian knot: It is enough is enough! Obviously made to do yet been finalized, meaning not yet been finalized, the situation still unknown end, but nothing happens so, and in the very sound of a heavy sigh over the whole term will result.
  Shen Garden poem has always been around this particular space to arrange their own ink, Loading Celebrex to ask this from the chase, while the "evil wind" transition; off-chip back to reality, "the spring, such as old" and Loading "Spring in the city is" sentence echoes the "peach drop, leisure pool Ge" and poorly at the "evil wind" phase anaphoric sentences, the same space at different times of the circumstances and it seems like a scene out of painting to reflect the stack. Full-term multi-way comparison, as indicated in films, the more the past couple live together the beauty of the scene as written is imminent, the more so after they were forced to divorce can be a sense of deep pathos feelings, the more show "East Wind "The ruthless and hateful feelings to form a strong contrast.
  Another example is Loading writing "crisp red hand", the films were shown writing "one thin air" in the image, in contrast, the full demonstration of "a few years away from the claim" to the enormous mental torture Down and suffering. Fast pace of the whole word, sound and feeling desolate tight, with the "wrong, wrong, wrong" and "Mo, Mo, Mo," sighs twice, soul-stirring, much grief could not bear words, grief can not be made of the fantastic.
  In short, poem to the content and form the perfect unity, is a spectacular, tear-jerking works.
  For thousands of years, the former philosophy more than that when Yin and his first wife Lu You Down is the cross-cousin relationship, in fact, not true. The earliest account of "Reproduction" is the word this Song Chen Hu's "Wen Qi Jiu continued," after a Liu Zhuang's "Poetry after the village", but Chen, Liu Ershi were not in their recording in the Speaking of land, Don is a cross-cousin relationship. Well until the Song Dynasty was in its "popular report," said: "The land Down marry early concept works, Wing of the women also, in the mother is Guzhi." From that point on "cross-cousin said," then be treated as "common saying." Comprehensive Research on fact, historical documents and data, Lu You Down away from home is Jiangling, which has a calendar Shi Ren grandfather, Yingzong, Shenzong dynasties of Tang and Song Ming Chen Kai, Tang Kai Sun men are all these half from the "heart" word naming, that is, Mao is willing, I am afraid, Italy, ignorance, false charge, and not to the "gate" of the character named Tang Wing of its people, that is, the uncle of Lu Tang Wing their peers who did not (according to Lu "Postscript Tang Xiuzhuan hand Weinan Jane Collection," "History of the Song Chuan Tang Kai," Wang Gui, "Su-Hua Yang _set_ the quality of public Tang Kai Epitaph" test _set_); and Lu first wife's mother is negative for Down home, the Tang Wing was declared the father and political achievements in sound between Administrations for Frontier Minorities Shaoqing son Don Yi, Yi Jie Tang Wing of the brothers to "door" named after the word box, that Kang, reading (according to "Jia Tai Chi Hueiji", "Po Chi Ching continued Hueiji "Ruan" Liangzhe stone recorded Song Shaoxing Shi on the Stone House "test _set_). It can be seen, Lu and his first wife what Down's cross-cousin relationship does not exist. Thus, careful, "cross-cousin said," There is no reason to, then it is entirely out of his invented it? Not the case. Liu Chuang in his "Poetry after the village," though not in the Speaking of land, Don is a cross-cousin relationship, but said this: "a suitable Mouguan's changed, and Lu are foreign." A's, referring to Down; Mouguan, that is, means "Tongjunzongzai" Zhao Shi Cheng. Liu Chuang these two phrases mean: Down to change who married Zhao Cheng, Zhao Cheng and Lu have marriage. The fact is the case, the aunt Lu Ying Wang Yue State Lady Down is a descendant of Chu Qian Di Qian Chen's wife, Renzong tenth largest female Qinlu Guo's daughter Princess, and Lu after the first wife of Down's husband is a Shih-Cheng Zhao Qin Luguo Princess grandnephew great, that Lu Chen capable nephew uncle the money line, exactly the same generation of people with Lu (According to Lu, "Collected Works of Postscript Tang Zhaozong Weinan Wu Su Tie gift voucher money culture", Wang Mingqing "command after the record" and "History of the Song imperial clan lineage, royal clan biography, Princess Tales" and other test _set_.) Liu Chuang of the younger generation as a poet is likely to have seen the careful account of Liu Chong or heard such rumors, but he was wrong would be the meaning of Liu Chuang, resulting in misinformation through the ages. This is not possible to enumerate the material, according to research out, only the relevant scholars in recent years, experts and the results of our research in this appendix for reference purposes only.

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