南美洲 South America 中美洲 Central America 北美洲 North America |
南美洲 South America 國家代碼: |
南美洲(英文:South America;字源:阿美利哥·維斯普西),為七大洲之一,位處南半球,西臨南太平洋,東面則是大西洋,北面則是加勒比海。南美洲是美洲大陸南面的一部分,西面有海拔數千米的安第斯山脈,東嚮則主要是平原,包括亞馬遜河森林。
南美洲面積達17,840,000平方公裏,占地球表面的3.5%。直到2005年,南美洲人口已有371,000,000,世界排名第四(第一是亞洲,第二是非洲,之後是北美洲)。 地理 地形 南美洲擁有多樣化的地形,有綿長高聳的折麯山地、古老的結晶高地、河流衝積的平原及盆地。折麯山脈從墨西哥高原延伸至安地斯山脈;古老的結晶岩層則位於巴西高原、圭亞那高地,富含金屬礦産,智利的銅礦也位在古老地質中。河流衝積的平原有奧利諾科盆地、亞馬孫盆地、拉布拉他平原、彭巴草原。 安地斯山脈 安地斯山脈南北長6400公裏,最高山為阿空加瓜山,高6962米,綜橫委內瑞拉、哥倫比亞、厄瓜多爾、秘魯、玻利維亞、智利、阿根廷七國。南段安地斯山脈有數排平行的科迪勒拉山脈,平均海拔約3350~3900米,其上有阿塔卡馬高原。中段安地斯山脈約在玻利維亞的國土上,平均海拔3000~3600米,分為東、西兩支,其間有波波湖和的的喀喀湖。在秘魯也分成許多支山脈,其上有許多活火山,包括欽博拉索火山(6310米)、科托伯西火山(5896米)等。在哥倫比亞分為三支,最後轉嚮東北的委內瑞拉,形成美裏達山脈。 圭亞那高地 圭亞那高地為委內瑞拉東南部的低矮臺地,也為古老的結晶地形,嚮東南延伸到圭亞那、蘇裏南及巴西北部。其間有許多斷崖瀑布,世界最高的安琪兒瀑布即位在此處。 亞馬孫盆地 亞馬孫盆地由亞馬孫河衝積而成,屬於熱帶雨林氣候,不適人居,為世界最大的熱帶雨林,有地球之肺的稱號,面積約650萬平方公裏。 巴西高原 為一古老的結晶岩層,産有數種礦産,位在巴西東部,其東南部有巴西主要大城。 拉布拉他平原 由拉布拉他河衝積而成,從阿根廷延伸至巴拉圭及烏拉圭。西鄰安地斯山脈,東北接巴西高原。 巴塔哥尼亞高原 為南美洲最南端的山脈群,屬於高地氣候,其東邊為數條河流的發源地,原本覆蓋的大片森林現在多開發為牧場。 河流及湖泊 南美洲上有數條河流,較為著名的有亞馬孫河、奧利諾科河及拉布拉他河;主要湖泊則有的的喀喀湖和馬拉開波湖(潟湖)。 亞馬孫河 為世界流量、流域最大及第二長河,發源地約安地斯山脈以東150公裏,河道彎麯不斷,有許多分支,最後匯集到馬拉若島。河長有兩種算法,一是從勞裏科查湖(馬迪拉河源頭)算起,約長6280公裏。另一是從比拉弗羅湖算起,約長6449公裏。 的的喀喀湖 為世界最高的湖泊,海拔3812米,面積8290平方公裏,長約177公裏,寬約56公裏,最深處475米,由丘奎托湖和維尼亞馬卡湖組成,東南岸為印加帝國的行宮。 馬拉開波湖 位於委內瑞拉境內,由塔夫拉索灣和委內瑞拉相連,長約210公裏,面積約平方13210公裏。 氣候 南美洲最寬廣的地區接近赤道,溫帶陸地面積較小,以致溫帶範圍小、熱帶範圍大。亞馬孫盆地及圭亞那高地東部屬熱帶雨林氣候。奧利諾科盆地、圭亞那高地西部及巴西高原則屬熱帶草原氣候。安地斯山脈全屬高地氣候。秘魯、智利北部因高壓背東南信風及秘魯涼流影響,形成熱帶沙漠氣候。智利中部則為夏幹鼕雨的地中海型氣候。智利南部屬溫帶溫帶海洋性氣候。拉布拉他平原東部為夏雨型濕潤氣候。彭巴草原屬溫帶草原氣候。巴塔哥尼亞高原因背西風而形成溫帶沙漠氣候。 經濟 南美洲擁有多樣的環境資源,但受殖民地式經濟與大地主製影響,獨立後並未出現經濟經濟起飛的現象,多為開發中國傢。大地主製因大地主生産規模大,收入多;競爭力弱的小農戶則生活貧睏。造成社會貧富差距擴大。為避免與殖民母國利益相抵觸,南美洲工業發展受限,僅能輸出廉價的農、牧、礦等原料,且高價的工業産品由於受到殖民地式經濟影響,南美洲仍以出口第一級産品為主,單一化的産品,易受國際價格波動影響,使南美洲經濟不穩定,且為因應國際市場需求,多種植經濟作物,許多國傢須進口糧食,導致農業發展失衡。 南美洲十二個國傢均加入南美洲國傢聯盟,聯盟總部將設於厄瓜多爾首都基多、議會設於玻利維亞的科恰班巴,而南美洲銀行將設於委內瑞拉首都卡拉卡斯,預定於2014年和2019年前取消非敏感商品和敏感商品的關稅。 農業 南美洲的農業屬於殖民地式農業,品種單一化,大規模種植,其商品價格易受市場波動,造成南美洲國傢外債普遍偏高。其農業有數種作物,經濟作物有橡膠、鬍椒、棉花、煙草、可可、甘蔗、咖啡、香蕉、黃豆等;糧食作物有稻米、小麥、玉米、蕃薯等。橡膠産地位在亞馬孫河中段。鬍椒則産在亞馬孫河的托坎廷斯河分支。委內瑞拉産咖啡、可可、玉米、煙草、甘蔗。哥倫比亞産咖啡、香蕉、棉花、甘蔗、玉米、稻米、黃豆、小麥。巴西産棉花、煙草、樹薯、可可、甘蔗、咖啡、稻米、香蕉、小麥、黃豆。秘魯産棉花、稻米、甘蔗、馬鈴薯。玻利維亞産甘蔗、稻米、棉花、馬鈴薯。智利種植甘蔗、棉花、小麥、玉米、及地中海型氣候蔬果(葡萄、柑橘、橄欖、無花果)。 畜牧業 畜牧業所需的土地較大,僅在巴西、阿根廷、委內瑞拉,哥倫比亞無明顯的畜牧業。 礦産 除了安地斯山脈屬於新褶麯山脈,較無礦産,其他區塊則多有礦産,種類可達十多種,其中巴西的熱帶雨林少有開發。巴西産鐵、錳、鎳、鈾、金礦和寶石及鋁礬土;阿根廷産煤、金、銀、銅、鐵、鈹、鎢、錳、鈾、石灰、雲母礦及石油和天然氣;秘魯産金、銀、鋅、銅、鉛、鐵礦及石油;智利産金、銀、銅、鐵、煤礦及硝石;委內瑞拉産金、銅、鐵、鎳、錳礦及鋁礬土和石油;玻利維亞産金、銀(現已枯竭)、錫、鎢、鐵、鉛礦及石油和天然氣;哥倫比亞産金、銀、鉑(白金)、緑寶石、鎳、煤礦和石油及天然氣。 工業 現在的南美洲由於受到早期殖民者的壓迫,工業起步的較慢,現在並未出現高科技産業。巴西主要工業有鋼鐵製造業、化學工業、石油化學工業、機械工業、紡織業、水泥業、汽車工業;阿根廷主要工業為水泥業、肥料業、鋼鐵業、塑膠業、造紙業、紡織業、摩托車工業;秘魯主要工業為鋼鐵製造業、汽車製造、輪胎業、水泥業、毛紡織業;智利主要工業為鋼鐵製造業、造紙業、纖維素製造業;委內瑞拉主要工業是水泥業、鋼鐵製造業、化學工業、造船及造車業;哥倫比亞主要工業有紡織業、皮革業、化學工業。 文化與語言 南美洲的文化原以印第安人的文化為主,歐洲殖民者於印第安人大量死亡後引進黑奴以補充勞力,使本區血統復雜。因西班牙及葡萄牙帶來的拉丁文化長期居主導地位,故南美洲常被稱拉丁美洲,但印第安文化並未消失,且融入非洲黑人文化,文化間彼此衝突與融合,形成合成文化,使南美洲的文化更加豐富。 南美洲主要語言: 緑色---西班牙語; 橘色---葡萄牙語; 藍色---法語 由於長期殖民地,各國官方語言多屬殖民母國的語言,但少數如逵加語、瓜拉尼語(巴拉圭)仍然存在。南美洲大多數國傢的官方語言為西班牙語,其他如巴西為葡萄牙語,圭亞那為英語,蘇裏南為荷蘭語,法屬圭亞那則為法語。 天然災害 南美洲主要受到三大災害的侵襲,分別是地震、火山爆發和厄爾尼諾現象,造成人類傷亡、財物損失等事件,對一個國傢的影響不容小覷。 地震及火山爆發 南美洲的造山運動是由南美洲板塊和那茲卡海板塊相互擠壓而成,形成安地斯山脈,屬新褶麯山脈,其上又分佈許多活火山。近一百五十年來發生四次重大地震,第一次為1868年發生在厄瓜多爾及哥倫比亞的大地震,死傷人數約70000人;第二次發生在瓦爾帕萊索(智利),地震強度為芮氏規模8.6,死傷人數20000人,發生在1906年;第三次發生在奇廉(智利),地震強度為芮氏規模7.8,死傷30000人,發生在1939年;第四次發生在欽博特(秘魯),地震強度為芮氏規模7.7,死傷66000人,發生在1970年。主要火山仍存有數座。 南美洲最高的阿空加瓜山,位在阿根廷,海拔6960米,為死火山。另有尤耶亞科火山,位在智利、阿根廷邊境,海拔6723米,為死火山。印加瓦西峰,位在智利、阿根廷邊境,海拔6709米。青坡拉索山,位在厄瓜多爾,海拔6310米,屬休火山。 哥多伯西峰,位於厄瓜多爾境內,海拔5896米,屬活火山;魯伊斯火山,位在哥倫比亞境內,海拔5399米,為活火山;桑蓋火山,位在厄瓜多爾,海拔5230米,屬活火山;通古拉瓦火山,在厄瓜多爾境內,海拔5016米,屬休火山;皮欽查山,在厄瓜多爾,海拔4794米,屬活火山。 1997年12月厄爾尼諾現象觀測到的海面溫度分佈圖,可以看出東太平洋赤道附近的海水溫度比平常上升了五度以上。 厄爾尼諾現象 厄爾尼諾現象發生時,因信風減弱,而極強風將熱帶暖流擠嚮南美沿岸,水溫升高,南美西岸涌升流減弱甚至消失,鯷魚嚮南覓食,魚群減少,於漁場中覓食的海鳥減少,作為磷肥重要原料的鳥糞層亦減少,對當地居民造成經濟損失。南美洲西岸由乾燥轉為潮濕,秘魯及智利皆曾因此出現罕見的大洪水,造成許多人傷亡,財物損失難以估計。環境改變後,許多蚊蟲、老鼠等病媒增加,散布登革熱、鼠疫、瘧疾等傳染病。 南美洲國傢和地區 以下列出南美洲所有國傢和地區。 國傢 ↓ 人口密度 (/sq.km) ↓ 面積 (sq.km) ↓ 人口 (2002-07-01 est.) ↓ 官方語言 ↓ 厄瓜多爾 47 283,560 13,447,494 西班牙語 哥倫比亞 36 1,138,910 41,008,227 西班牙語 委內瑞拉 27 912,050 24,287,670 西班牙語 秘魯 22 1,285,220 27,949,639 西班牙語 巴西 21 8,511,965 176,029,560 葡萄牙語 智利 20 756,950 15,498,930 西班牙語 烏拉圭 19 176,220 3,386,575 西班牙語 巴拉圭 14 406,750 5,884,491 西班牙語、瓜拉尼語 阿根廷 14 2,766,890 37,812,817 西班牙語 玻利維亞 7.7 1,098,580 8,445,134 西班牙語 圭亞那 3.2 214,970 698,209 英語 蘇裏南 2.7 163,270 436,494 荷蘭語 法屬圭亞那(法國) 2.0 91,000 182,333 福剋蘭群島(英國) 英語 South America area of 17,840,000 square kilometers, accounting for 3.5% of the Earth's surface. Until 2005, the population of South America have been 371,000,000, world number four (the first in Asia and second in Africa, followed by North America.) Geography Terrain South America has a variety of terrain, there are lingering bend towering mountains, ancient crystalline highlands, alluvial plains and basins. Bending mountain plateau extends from Mexico to the Andes; ancient crystalline rocks are located in the highlands of Brazil, Guyana highlands, rich in metal ores, copper mines in Chile, also located in the ancient geology. Alluvial plains are the Orinoco basin, the Amazon Basin, La Plata plains, pampas. Andes 6,400 km north to south and the Andes, the highest mountain is Mount Aconcagua, 6962 meters high, integrated cross-Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, the seven countries. The southern section of several parallel rows of the Andes Cordillera mountain range, with an average altitude of about 3350 ~ 3900 meters, its on the Atacama plateau. About the middle of the Andes in Bolivia's territory, with an average altitude of 3,000 to 3600 meters, is divided into East and West two, during a wave and the Lake Titicaca Lake. Divided into many branch in Peru has mountains, on which there are many active volcanoes, including Chimborazo volcano (6310 m), Cotonou Bussey volcano (5896 m) and so on. Colombia is divided into three, the last turn to the northeast of Venezuela, Merida formation of mountains. Guyana Highlands Guyana highlands in southeast Venezuela, low platform, but also for the crystallization of the ancient terrain, to the southeast extends to Guyana, Suriname and northern Brazil. Meanwhile there are many cliff waterfalls, Angel Falls, the world's highest throne here. Amazon Basin Amazon Amazon basin from the alluvial, a tropical rain forest climate, is not living, the world's largest tropical rainforest, the lungs of the earth the title has an area of approximately 650 million square kilometers. Brazil Plateau Is a crystallization of the ancient rock formations, producing several kinds of minerals located in eastern Brazil, the main city of southeast Brazil. La Plata plains By the La Plata River alluvial, extending from Argentina to Paraguay and Uruguay. West of the Andes, Brazil, the northeast plateau. Patagonia The southernmost tip of South America's mountain base, belong to high ground climate, the number of rivers east of the origin, originally covered large tracts of forest to pasture is now more developed. Rivers and lakes There are several rivers in South America, the more famous are the Amazon, Orinoco and La Plata River; major lakes are some of the Titicaca Lake and Lake Maracaibo (lagoon). Amazon The world's traffic, the largest and second longest river basin, the birthplace of the Andes about 150 kilometers east of the river bend continuously, there are many branches, and finally to the horse if the island together. River length, there are two algorithms, one from the Lao Like Charles Lake (Madeira headwater) the date, about 6280 km long. The other is counting from the Bila Fu Lo, about 6449 km long. The Lake Titicaca The world's highest lake, elevation 3812 meters, an area of 8290 square kilometers, about 177 km and a width of 56 km, maximum depth 475 m, by Qiu Kuituo Lake and Slovenia Maca Lake, southeast coast of the Inca Empire palace. Lake Maracaibo In Venezuela, and Venezuela by the Taff cable connected Bay, about 210 kilometers, an area of about 13,210 kilometers square. Climate The most extensive areas of South America near the equator, in temperate small land area, resulting in a small range of temperate, tropical range. Amazon basin and eastern highlands of Guyana is a tropical rain forest climate. Orinoco basin, the western highlands of Guyana and Brazil is a savannah climate with high principles. All are high Andes climate. Peru, northern Chile due to southeast trade winds and high pressure back flow of Peru's cool to form a tropical desert climate. Summer was dry winter rain in central Chile's Mediterranean climate. Temperate maritime climate is temperate southern Chile. The eastern plains of La Plata for the Summer-type humid climate. Pampas climate is temperate grassland. Patagonia westerly back because the formation of high-desert climate temperate. Economy Twelve South American countries have joined the South American countries, Union, Union, will be headquartered in Quito, the Parliament based in Cochabamba, Bolivia, and South America, the capital of banks will be located in Caracas Venezuela, scheduled for 2014 2019 years and removal of non-sensitive goods and tariffs on sensitive commodities. Agriculture Livestock Land required for larger livestock, only in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia no livestock. Mineral Industry Culture and Language The culture of the original South American Indian culture to the main mass mortality of European _set_tlers on the Indians to supplement the labor force after the introduction of slaves, so that the area origin complex. Brought by Spain and Portugal long-dominant Latino culture, it is often said that Latin America, South America, but the Indian culture has not disappeared, and the integration of black African culture, cultural conflict and integration among each other to form a synthesis of culture, the South American culture more rich. Major languages of South America: Green --- Spanish; orange --- Portuguese; blue --- French Due to the long colonial, national official language is mostly the language of the colonial mother country, but a few, such as adding Kui language, Guaraní (Paraguay) still exist. Most countries in South America's official language is Spanish, others such as Brazil Portuguese, English Guyana, Suriname is Dutch, French Guiana was French. Natural disasters South America, mainly influenced by three disasters, namely earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and the El Niño phenomenon, causing human casualties and property losses and other incidents, the impact of a country should not be underestimated. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions Orogeny of South America is South American plate and the plate that Zika Hai each extrusion, the formation of the Andes, is a new fold mountain, but also its distribution on the number of active volcanoes. Four recent major earthquake occurred over the past century, the first time in 1868 in Ecuador and Colombia, earthquake, about 70,000 casualties; the second took place in Valparaiso (Chile), as the Richter earthquake magnitude scale of 8.6, 20,000 casualties occurred in 1906; the third time in Chillan (Chile), 7.8 Richter scale earthquake intensity, 30,000 casualties occurred in 1939; the fourth time in Chimbote (Peru ), 7.7 Richter scale earthquake intensity, 66,000 casualties occurred in 1970. When there is still the main volcano. South America's Aconcagua the highest mountain, located in Argentina, 6960 m above sea level, is extinct. Another Youye subfamily volcano, located in Chile, Argentina border, 6723 meters above sea level, is extinct. India Bhargava Xifeng, located in Chile, Argentina border, 6709 meters above sea level. Singapore Cable Green Mountain, located in Ecuador, altitude 6310 meters, is a dormant volcano. Ge Duobo Xifeng, in Ecuador, 5896 meters above sea level, is an active volcano; Ruiz volcano, located in Colombia, altitude 5399 meters, is an active volcano; Sangay volcano, located in Ecuador, altitude 5230 meters, is an active volcano ; Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador, altitude 5016 meters, is a dormant volcano; Mount Pichincha in Ecuador, altitude 4794 meters, is an active volcano. December 1997 observed El Niño sea surface temperature distribution, we can see that the eastern Pacific near the equator than usual ocean temperatures increased more than five degrees. El Nino El Nino, because of the trade winds weaken and warm pressed against a strong wind of tropical South American coast, water temperature, South America and the West Bank upwelling weakened or even disappear, south anchovy forage fish decreased in the fishery in the foraging reduction of seabirds, as a layer of guano fertilizer raw materials is also important to reduce economic losses caused to local residents. South America into the West Bank by the dry and wet, both Peru and Chile, there have been so rare floods, caused many casualties, property losses. Environmental changes, many mosquitoes, rats and other vectors to increase and spread of dengue fever, plague, malaria and other infectious diseases. South American countries and regions Following is a list of all countries and regions in South America. State population density ↓ (/ Sq.km) ↓ Area (Sq.km) ↓ Population (2002-07-01 est.) ↓ ↓ official language Spanish in Ecuador 47 283,560 13,447,494 1,138,910 41,008,227 36 Colombia Spanish 27 912,050 24,287,670 Spanish Venezuela 22 1,285,220 27,949,639 Peru Spanish Portuguese Brazil 21 8,511,965 176,029,560 Chile 20 756,950 15,498,930 Spanish Spanish Uruguay 19 176,220 3,386,575 Paraguay 14 406,750 5,884,491 Spanish, Guaraní Spanish in Argentina 14 2,766,890 37,812,817 Bolivia Spanish 7.7 1,098,580 8,445,134 Guyana English 3.2 214,970 698,209 Dutch Suriname 2.7 163,270 436,494 French Guiana (France) 91,000 182,333 2.0 Falkland Islands (British) English |