玻利维亚 Bolivia 首都:苏克雷 国家代码: bo |
玻利维亚多民族国(西班牙文:Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia)是南美洲的一个内陆国家,为南美洲国家联盟的成员国。邻国有巴西、秘鲁、智利、阿根廷、巴拉圭五国,法定首都为苏克雷,但实际上的政府所在地为拉巴斯,拉巴斯海拔高度超过3,600米,为世界海拔最高的首都。
历史 玻利维亚于15世纪末被西班牙征服,隶属于西班牙拉普拉塔总督区。 在18世纪间的拉丁美洲独立战争玻利维亚被一位从委内瑞拉的加拉加斯来的民族英雄---玻利瓦尔解救而独立,所以国名便以他的名字为名。 1825年正式从西班牙独立,独立后的玻利维亚经常和周边国家发生战争,因而失去了很多土地,有现今智利北部的安第斯山脉和沿海地区,巴西南部,和巴拉圭北部。特别是在1879年到1883年的硝石战争,玻利维亚丧失其唯一滨海省份,包括重要港口安托法加斯塔(Antofagasta),玻国自此成为内陆国家。 2005年12月18日,总统选举举行。埃沃·莫拉莱斯以54%的选票赢得选举,并于2006年1月22日就职。 地理 玻利维亚属于地势西高东低的国家。西部高地位于安地斯山脉,东部低地包含亚马逊森林。最高的山是沙哈玛山(6,542米),最低处的地点位于奥鲁罗省。的的喀喀湖位于玻利维亚与秘鲁的交界处。乌尤尼盐沼位于西南部(波多西省)。 政治 2005年12月18日,玻利维亚选出该国首位美洲原住民总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯。 行政区划 九个省departmentos 和首都 * 丘基萨卡省Chuquisaca首府(苏克雷Sucre) * 科恰班巴省Cochabamba首府(Cochabamba) * 贝尼省Beni首府(特立尼达Trinidad) * 拉巴斯省首府(La Paz) * 奥鲁罗省Oruro首府(Oruro) * 潘多省Pando首府(科维哈Cobija) * 波多西省Potosí首府(Potosí) * 圣克鲁斯省Santa Cruz首府(Santa Cruz de la Sierra) * 塔里哈省Tarija首府(Tarija) 经济 玻利维亚是南美洲最贫穷的国家。这是因为高度腐败和殖民统治后外国列强在该国的势力。该国拥有丰富的自然资源,因此被称为"坐在金矿上的驴"。除了著名的矿藏,还有人所熟知的是后来被西班牙人发现的印加帝国,玻利维亚拥有在委内瑞拉之后的南美洲第二大天然气田。此外,萨尔瓦多mutún在圣克鲁斯拥有70%的世界铁和镁。 玻利维亚的2002年国内生产总值(国内生产总值)已达79亿美元。经济增长约2.5%,2002年通货膨胀率预计将在3%至4% ,(2001年低于2%)。 Prior to European colonization, the Bolivian territory was a part of the Inca Empire, which was the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century. During most of the Spanish colonial period, this territory was called "Upper Peru" or "Charcas" and was under the administration of the Viceroyalty of Peru, which included most of Spain's South American colonies. After declaring independence in 1809, 16 years of war followed before the establishment of the republic, named for Simón Bolívar, on August 6, 1825. Bolivia has struggled through periods of political instability, dictatorships and economic woes. Bolivia is a democratic republic, divided into nine departments. Its geography is varied from the peaks of the Andes in the west, to the eastern lowlands, situated within the Amazon Basin. It is a developing country, with a medium Human Development Index score, and a poverty level around 60%. Its main economic activities include agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining and manufacturing goods such as textiles, clothing, refined metals, and refined petroleum. Bolivia is very wealthy in minerals especially tin. The Bolivian population, estimated at 9 million, is multiethnic, including Amerindians, Mestizos, Europeans and to a lesser extent Asians and Africans. The main language spoken is Spanish, although the Aymara and Quechua languages are also common. The large number of different cultures within Bolivia has contributed greatly to a wide diversity in fields such as art, cuisine, literature and music. |