Author List of Authors
Seng JiaoranLi JiangDu YouDai FuShen Jiji
Li DingzuoLi QuanWang BingLiu YuCui Lingqin
Li HanCheng GuanAmoghavajra
Seng Jiaoran
Author  唐(730 AD799 AD)

poetry comment《诗式》
Poetry《Not Finding Lu Hongxian at Home》   《Feng pay for An official's name Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china County, Be on one's back See show a (poem)》   《present Li zhong Cheng Hung a (poem)》   《Tochimoto Hill Zen home Wu donated Dongxi Department disabilities surname a (poem)》   《Miaoxi Temple of the high room Ling che Buddhist monk The trick is not to re- a (poem)》   《Feng and (surname) Ministry councillor Yi Tang gifts Appraise things through discussion Value for anti- To recruit people in retirement for government service The track and see the Send Troubadour charm》   《答黎士曹黎生前适越后之楚》   《answer Dou lu googol》   《answer Suzhou (city) Wei yingwu physician trained in herb medicine》   《A Cheng Fang Hui》   More poems...

Read works of Seng Jiaoran at 诗海
  Tang Monk. Words clear day, the surname Xie, tenth generation descendant of the Southern Song Xie Lingyun, Huzhou (Zhejiang Wuxing today) people. Changhe had dealings with Yan, but also with the spirit thoroughly, such as cohabitation Wu Xing Lu Yu Miao Xi Shan Temple shuttle of a loom. Farewell to reciprocate the many poems, some quite varied ideas to promote Buddhism was born. Mood of leisure, language simple light.
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