近代中國 人物列錶
蘇曼殊 Su Manshu(近代中國)王國維 Wang Guowei(近代中國)許南英 Xu Naying(近代中國)
魯迅 Lu Xun(近代中國)謝玉岑 Xie Yucen(近代中國)聞一多 Wen Yiduo(近代中國)
鬱達夫 Yu Dafu
近代中國  (1896年十二月7日1945年八月29日)
名: 鬱文
籍貫: 浙江富陽

散文集 leisurely corpus《鬱達夫散文》
作傢評傳 Author critical biography《鬱達夫自傳》
言情 describe loving stories (books)《迷羊》
小說選集 novel anthology《鬱達夫小說名篇》
現實百態 Realistic Fiction《沉淪》

閱讀鬱達夫 Yu Dafu在小说之家的作品!!!
閱讀鬱達夫 Yu Dafu在散文天地的作品!!!
  鬱達夫(1896-1945) : 作傢。浙江富陽人。1913年留學日本。1921年參與組織創造社。1922年回國,在大學任教。抗戰時期去香港、南洋一帶宣傳抗日,後流亡印尼蘇門答臘,遭日本憲兵殺害。著有小說《沉淪》、《春風沉醉的晚上》、《遲桂花》等。
  鬱達夫 (1895~1945)現代作傢。原名鬱文,浙江富陽人。7歲入私塾受啓蒙教育。後到嘉興、杭州等地中學求學。由於聰穎好學,少時已有中國古典文學的深厚基礎。1911年起開始創作舊體詩,並嚮報刊投稿。1912年考入之江大學預科,因參加被校方開除。1913年赴日本留學,廣泛涉獵了中外文學和哲學著作。飽受屈辱和歧視的異國生活,激發了他的愛國熱忱,也使他憂傷、憤世。他從研究經濟學轉而走上文學創作的道路,1921年參與發起成立創造社,出版了新文學最早的白話短篇小說集《沉淪》,以其“驚人的取材、大膽的描寫”而震動了文壇。1922年畢業於東京帝國大學經濟部。回國後參加編輯《創造》季刊、《創造周報》等刊物。1923年起在北京大學、武昌師範大學等校任教。1927年8月退出創造社。1928年與魯迅合編《奔流》月刊,並主編《大衆文藝》。1930年中國自由運動大同盟成立,為發起人之一,並參加中國左翼作傢聯盟。1933年初加入中國民權保障同盟。在白色恐怖威懾下由上海移居杭州,徜徉於浙、皖等地的山水之間,寫有不少文筆優美的遊記。

  Fu (1895 ~ 1945) of modern writers. Formerly on thermal, Zhejiang Fuyang people. 7-year-old into a private school education by the Enlightenment. After Jiaxing, Hangzhou, secondary school. As intelligent, studious, little time has a solid foundation of classical Chinese literature. 1911 began writing classical poetry to newspapers and submission. 1912 admitted to the River Foundation, to be expelled for participation. 1913 went to Japan to study and reading of Chinese and foreign literature and philosophy. The humiliation and discrimination of exotic life, inspired his patriotic enthusiasm, but also made him sad, cynical. He turned from the study of economics took the road of literature, in 1921 the founders of the Creation Society, published a new vernacular literature first collection of short stories, "sink" for its "astonishing resource, bold description" and shaking literature. He graduated from Tokyo Imperial University in 1922, Ministry of Economic Affairs. After returning home to participate in editing "and create" quarterly, "creating a weekly" and other publications. 1923 Peking University, Wuchang Normal University and other schools to teach. August 1927 out of the Creation Society. Edited by Lu Xun in 1928 and "torrent" magazine, and editor of "Popular Literature." Freedom of movement in China in 1930 set up the Grand Alliance, one of the incorporators, and to participate in the Chinese Revolutionary Literature. Early in 1933 and joined the league for civil rights. Under the White Terror threat moved from Shanghai to Hangzhou, stroll in Zhejiang, and Anhui, the landscape, these writers, many elegantly written travelogues.
  Yu life writing AGF. 1928, Yu successively designed "Dove Complete Works" published, then there is "Duff Collectio," "clog marks everywhere," "Duff Diary", "Dove Travels," "needy than he lets", "Yu poetry copy "," Yu Collected Works ", and" Duff's translation of short "and so on. Yu's unique writing style, and success, especially the best known novels and essays, was widespread. Among them, short story, "sink", "quarrying alum", "Spring Fever", "thin laid," "late Osmanthus" novella "lost sheep", "She is a Choice between Love" and "fled to" and other the most famous. Novels for young intellectuals frustrated abjection as a description of an object, often boldly self-exposure and full of sentimental romantic atmosphere, free and easy style of natural, fresh and beautiful language, has a strong subjective lyrical color. His prose is direct express feelings, no hidden decorated to represent a rich intellectual talent of depressed mood in the society, written fresh beauty, full of vigor and charm, and his fiction, with sincere, warm, bright and beautiful, merry style.

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