現代中國 人物列錶
佚名 Yi Ming林志穎 Jimmy Lin周傑倫 Jay Chou
孫燕姿 Stefanie Sun王心凌 Cyndi Wong林俊傑 wayne,Lam JJ
信樂團 Xin Letuan劉德華 Andy Lau張靚穎 Jane Zhang
譚詠麟 Alan Tam鄧麗君 Teresa Teng王菲 Faye Wong
蔡依林 Jolin Tsai張學友 Jacky Cheung屠洪剛 Tu Honggang
梁靜茹 Fish Leong謝霆鋒 Nicholas Tse遊鴻明 Chris Yu
羅大佑 Lotayu薛之謙 Jacky梁詠琪 Leung Wing Kei
刀郎 Dao Lang黃徵 Shawn Huang宋祖英 Song Zuying
範瑋琪 Fan Weiqi蕭亞軒 Elva Hsiao許巍 Xu Wei
李剋勤 Hacken Lee吳奇隆 Nicky Wu羅志祥 Show
孫楠 Sun Man黃義達 Yi DA鬍彥斌 Anson Hu
東來東往 Danny弦子 Xian Zi韓紅 Han Hong
蔡琴 Tsai Chin溫嵐 Wen, Landy鄭源 Jacky
王傑 Dave,Wang Chieh劉歡 Liu Huan陳楚生 Chen Chusheng
周傳雄 Zhou Chuanxiongs.h.e孟庭葦 mai
湯潮 Tony齊秦 Chyi Chin陳小春 Jordan Chan
伍佰 Wu bai張韶涵 Angela Chang莫文蔚 Karen Mok
阿木 A Mu陳百強 Danny Chan範逸臣 Fan Van
花兒樂隊 THE FLOWERS後弦 HOHO吳剋群 Kenji Wu
周筆暢 Zhou Bichang李聖傑 Sam Lee小虎隊 Xiao Hudui
路遙 Lu Yao
現代中國  (1949年十二月3日1992年十一月17日)
名: 衛國
出生地: 陝西陝北山區清澗縣

閱讀路遙 Lu Yao在小说之家的作品!!!

描述:英年早逝的偉大作傢,理想主義者。主要作品有《人生》 《平凡的世界》 《早晨從中午開始》等,其史詩般的作品影響了整整一代人。


由於路遙出身農村,他的寫作素材基本來自農村生活,他始終認定自己“是一個農民血統的兒子”,是“既帶着‘農村味’又帶着‘城市味’的人”,他堅信 “人生的最大的幸福也許在於創作的過程,而不在於那個結果”。所以他認為“衹有在無比沉重的勞動中,人才活得更為充實”。他始終以深深糾纏的故鄉情結和生命的沉重感去感受生活,以陝北大地作為一個沉伏在他心裏的永恆的詩意象徵,每當他的創作進入低𠔌時,他都是一個人獨自去陝北故鄉的“毛烏素沙漠”,他在那裏審視自己,觀照社會。
路遙的追求與成功,他的憂思與矛盾,都同他的心理結構有着密切的聯繫,他被稱為“土著”作傢,主要受到的是農民文化的影響,作為農民的兒子,他深深地愛着他的故鄉,承襲和接受了傳統文化的影響,以農民生活作為他取之不盡的源泉。但他又是一名“文明”的作傢,他立意高遠,廣納博取,時時瞻望世界文化,他喜歡《紅樓夢》 、魯訊的作品,巴爾紮剋、托爾斯泰、肖洛霍夫的作品他更是百讀不厭。各種報紙期刊他也經常翻閱,勤奮大量的閱讀,豐富多彩的現實生活,再參之以他獨特的生活體驗,使他的創作博大宏闊卻又情深意長。
路遙平凡的人生構鑄了輝煌的世界,他的全部作品收入了五捲本的《路遙文集》 。







































1、1949年出生於陝北山區一個貧睏的農民家庭,7 歲時因為傢裏睏難被過繼給延川縣農村的伯父。文革開始後受影響直到69年底纔回到傢裏務農。這段時間裏他做過許多臨時性的工作,並在農村一小學中教過一年書。
2、1973年進入延安大學中文係學習,其間開始文學創作。大學畢業後,任《陝西文藝》 (今為《延河》 )編輯。
4、1980年發表《驚人動魄的一幕》 ,獲得第一屆全國優秀中篇小說奬,《人生》 、 《在睏難的日子裏》 也相繼獲奬。 《人生》發表於1982年,改革時期陝北高原的城鄉生活構成了它的時空背景。
5、 1991年完成長篇小說 《平凡的世界》 獲得第三屆矛盾文學奬,他的作品 《人生》 被改編成電影後,引起巨大的轟動。

《平凡的世界》 還未完成即在中央人民電臺廣播。他的創作隨筆 《早晨從中午開始》 更是讓人看到了他對文學事業的執着的信心和付出的代價。正如 《痛悼路遙》 一文中所寫:“計算成功的方式是吃苦和受罪,他拼命工作,玩命寫作,自我折磨式的付出,在文學創作這條艱辛寂寞的道路上,竭盡全力,一路血汗嚮高峰攀登”。對人生的執着追求,對他所熱愛的故鄉的鐘情,以及對他的現實主義寫作手法的自信,這一切構成了路遙小說基本的特徵。


1. 《人生》
2. 《平凡的世界》
3. 《黃葉在秋風中飄落》
4. 《在睏難的日子裏》
5. 《你怎麽也想不到》
6. 《驚心動魄的一幕》
7. 《戰國傭兵傳》
8. 《早晨從中午開始》
9. 《我和五叔的六次相遇》
10. 《搖曳的戀情》
11. 《一生中最高興的一天》
12. 《夏》
13. 《痛苦》
14. 《我與廣播電視》
15. 答 《延河》 編輯部門
16. 《小鎮上》
17. 《醫院裏》
18. 《答中央廣播電視大學問》
19.關於電影 《人生》 的改編
20. 《月夜靜悄悄》
21. 《杏樹下》
22. 《風雪臘梅》
23.關於 《人生》 和閻綱的通信
24.關於 《人生》 的對話
26. 《人生》法文版序
27. 《路遙小說選》自序
28. 《生活的大樹萬古長青》
29. 《青鬆與小紅花》
30. 《賣豬》
31. 《路遙散文隨筆》
32. 《姐姐》
33. 《路遙短篇小說集》
34. 《緻蘇聯青年近衛軍出版社》
35. 《竜與悅》
36. 《答陝西人民廣播電臺記者問》
37. 《愛の結末》


[長篇小說] 《平凡的世界》 《人生》 《在睏難的日子裏》 《我和五叔的六次相遇》 《黃葉在秋風中飄落》 《驚心動魄的一幕》

[短篇小說] 《月夜靜悄悄》 《一生中最高興的一天》 《夏》 《姐姐》 《風雪臘梅》 《青鬆與小紅花》 《匆匆過客》 《痛苦》

[雜文集] 《早晨從中午開始》 《路遙小說選自序》 關於《人生》的對話 《土地的尋覓》 《作傢的勞動》 《柳青的遺産》 《無聲的洶涌》 《生活詠嘆調》 《生活的大樹萬古長青》 《人生》法文版序 《這束淡弱的折光》

此前,陝西省作傢、評論傢和學者在陝西師範大學舉行集會,緬懷路遙。知名作傢賈平凹、高建群及評論傢李星等以及路遙的親友,與陝西師大近千名師生一起,回憶和評論了路遙的文學生涯。陝西省作協副主席曉雷寫成一部6萬字的紀實作品《男兒有淚》 ,用飽含感情的筆觸,還原了一個真實的路遙。曾以《最後一個匈奴》而成名的作傢高建群未語淚先流,高聲朗誦了《扶路遙上山》片斷,使不少人淚灑會場。






王天笑也告訴記者,路遙名氣是有了,但錢的確是沒有賺到多少,“比如路遙百萬字巨著《平凡的世界》 ,當時出版社給的稿費大概是千字30元。在作品出版前就已經預支得差不多了,傢裏的開支和供養養父母、親父母,加上他又要抽煙,實際上並沒有賺到什麽錢。他去世後衹留下1萬元的存折和近萬元的欠賬”。

























路遙的精神世界是由普通勞動者構建的“平凡的世界”,他在當代作傢中最能深刻地理解這個平凡的世界裏的人們對中國意味着什麽。他本身就是這個平凡世界裏並不特別經意而産生的一個,卻成了這個世界人們精神上的執言者,他的智慧集合了這個世界的全部精華,又剔除了母胎帶給他的所有腥穢,從而使他的精神一次又一次裂變和升華。他的情感卻是與之無法剝離的血肉情感。這樣,我們才能破譯長篇小說 《平凡的世界》裏那深刻的現代理性和動人心魄的真血真情。路遙在創作那些普通人生存形態的平凡世界裏,不僅不能容忍任何對這個世界的過去和現在、歷史和現實的解釋的隨意性,甚至連一句一詞的描繪中的矯情和嬌氣也决不容忍。他有深切的感知和清醒的理智,以為那些隨意的解釋和矯情嬌氣的描繪,不過是作傢自身心理不健康不健全的表現,並不屬於那個平凡世界裏的人們。路遙因此獲得了這個世界裏數以億計的普通人的尊敬和崇拜,他溝通了這個世界的人們和地球人類的情感。這是作為獨立思維的作傢路遙最難仿效的本領。





我衹見過路遙一面,那已是20多年前80年代初期的事了。那時各地作傢協會和文學刊物的經濟情況還不緊張,現在已星散零落、被人鄙視得一錢不值的“文壇”還經常舉辦“筆會”。無非是由哪傢文學雜志或者哪個省區的作協出面邀請一幫外地作傢來本地聚集一次。大傢都有一種解放感,無話不談,氣氛活躍。聚會中少不了吃吃喝喝、遊山玩水。今天想起來,中國首開“公款吃喝”的應該是中國作傢,中國作傢是“公款消費”的始作俑者,罪莫大焉!也難怪今天的年輕作傢特別是 “80後”的一代,對我們這些老一輩的作傢瞧不到眼裏,氣不順。我們玩鬧的時候他們還穿着開襠褲撒尿和泥玩哩,今天也該輪着他們風光風光了。

我是在由陝西作協在西安舉辦的筆會上認識路遙的。可是路遙好像出席不多,出席時也是一臉愁雲,很少說話。西安筆會還安排我在“人民劇院”講了一次 “創作談”。前不久,我又到西安出席“麯江電影新人新作推薦展”,和著名導演謝飛一起給電影新作頒奬,地點正是“人民劇院”。一進大門,我就不禁想起20多年前那次開講“創作談”的聚會。那時樓上樓下連通道都擠滿了聽衆,人人洗耳恭聽。今天,我看任何一個作傢來講“創作談”也不會再有那麽多人來浪費時間了。我一人在臺上舞之蹈之高談闊論後,陝西作協請我吃飯,路遙也在座,仍然很少說話。但吃完了飯他非常誠懇地要我到他傢坐一坐,說是他傢離飯店不遠。我記得他傢就在陝西作協院內的宿舍樓裏,連建築面積也就 70多平方米的樣子。當年人人傢裏的陳設都很簡單,而路遙的傢更是簡單得近乎簡陋。在他傢裏,和他坐在一起就和在農村炕頭上盤腿而坐沒有區別,西安這座城市立即消失了。坐下後他給我衝了杯茶,用一個烏蒙蒙的玻璃杯。我突然發現好像整個房間都和茶杯一樣烏蒙蒙的,連他整個人都籠罩在一片蒙蒙的霧中。當時在座的還有王愚,我記得從他傢出來走到街上我對王愚說,你們陝西作傢大概是中國作傢中最不會生活的一群了。王愚跟我笑着說:對了!賈平凹剛買了個電冰箱,冰箱裏放的衹是辣面子和醋。那時陳忠實還沒有像今天這樣經常被人談起,後來纔知道忠實那時常住在鄉下。我們西北作傢和農村有着割不斷的情感與生活方式的聯繫,因而農村永遠是我們的疼痛點。這是我和路遙見的第一面,也是最後一面。



在《平凡的世界》創作隨筆 《早晨從中午開始》中他寫到: “人,不僅要戰勝失敗,而且還要超越勝利。”於是有了為世人所驚嘆的百萬字長篇巨著—— 《平凡的世界》 !
孫少平,一個平凡的世界裏平凡的人,他求知若渴,卻苦於貧睏的傢境,為人師、打小工、做傢工,生活漂泊不定……他,選擇了一條最為艱難的道路進行人生的頑強拼搏,他在改變自己生存條件的同時又在追求着一種更高的生活意義,他的奮鬥,他的追求,給平凡註釋了另外一種含義! 猶如與他靈魂的對話,這篇自傳性的文章,使我知道了他的生活是怎樣的艱辛,是怎樣的清貧,同時又是怎樣的高貴!巴爾紮剋曾經說過:“不幸是一所最好的大學。”在這所大學裏,老巴靠藉債完成了《人間戲劇》同樣,路遙也從這所大學裏完成了《人生》和《平凡的世界》 ,看這兩部作品的名字,能是生活在富裕的象牙塔裏的作傢寫出來的嗎?他們不僅擁有另一種時間,更擁有另一種人生,這種對苦難與孤獨的深深體驗,正是他們另一種財富,這財富使他們熱愛生命甚於熱愛自我,熱愛風景甚於熱愛自己的眼睛,這是一種深刻的平凡。






中央人民廣播電臺主任編輯葉詠梅( 《平凡的世界》廣播劇編輯)說,路遙的作品表現着真、情、美三個特點。當時, 《平凡的世界》廣播劇先後播出3次,直接聽衆超過3億人。在中央人民廣播電臺播出的60部來自古今中外名著改編的廣播劇中,《平凡的世界》排名第八。




北京語言大學教授鄭萬鵬說,同為“現代史詩”, 《平凡的世界》比《安娜卡列尼娜》少了一層憂慮,多了一層喜悅。 《平凡的世界》主人公們,體現着路遙的現代人格理想,即在完成自我意識覺醒的基礎上,完成對他人的責任,以實現更高意義上的社會和諧,倫理和諧。路遙以“現實的人文主義”與“新時期”以來富於人文精神的思潮一道,成為中國當代人文主義復興的徵兆。

相對於路遙生前和身故暴得大名的王小波來說, 路遙算是一位身後比較寂寞的作傢。因此,在路遙離開塵世11年之際,一位學者突然從大衆日報讀到韓石山先生的文章《我看路遙之死》 ,不免感到驚奇.然而,讀完之後,這位學者便衹有"驚異"了。

韓先生的核心觀點,認為路遙以死拼得一部獲茅盾文學奬的作品,太不值得;路遙之死的深層次原因,是對史詩式偉大作品的追求,鼓吹此種觀點的文學評論傢們是路遙早死的客觀上的無形殺手.一言以蔽之,路遙及有關評論傢不懂得文學,文學應該是輕鬆的,而不是沉重的. 路遙"光給自己的母親和妻子買兩件新衣裳還不夠,還要親手織一件能籠住天下的母親和妻子的華麗的衣衫.於是這苦命的農村孩子便衹能一步一步地走近自己的終結."
其實,韓先生文章的主旨並非在於紀念路遙,而是藉路遙之死,提醒文壇衆生,不要蹈襲路遙前轍.他是在倡導一種"輕鬆,健康" 的寫作方式,輕鬆地寫作,輕鬆地掙大錢,讓自己和傢人過上幸福的生活.那麽,韓先生苦心孤詣用"輕鬆論"統一作傢們的認識和追求,有此必要嗎?
近世如魯迅,活得纍,寫得也纍,年不屆花甲而歿,說其是纍死的,也無不可,但魯迅若沒有了魯迅的追求,還是否稱其為魯迅?說到底,人一生的值與不值,是一件極其個人的事,外人之臧否,並無實質性的意義.讓魯迅不做魯迅,去成為周作人或林語堂或梁實秋, 與癡人說夢有何異乎?放眼人世間,固然有纍死的人,玩死的,閑死的也不在少數.

《平凡的世界》長銷不衰 路遙不為人知的艱辛










這些評價在路遙傢人睏難的生活面前,顯得虛無而無助,在大傢對路遙一片贊揚聲之中,離路遙最近的親人卻少人關註。路遙的養母李桂英於2004年2月去世,在她去世前的2003年6月,延川縣决定給李桂英每月補助150餘元,當地報紙當時的報道是:半癱在炕頭的老人激動地說:“我真是感激不盡,衛國(路遙)地下有知,也能含笑九泉了。”李桂英獲得的 150元補助對路遙親父母而言仍是奢望,這兩位生活在清澗鄉下的老人一個癱瘓在床,一個有病在身,生活自理已成問題。如今,在陝西日報當記者的兒子王天樂剛剛因病去世,在榆林的小兒子王天笑重病在身自顧不暇。

誰來照顧他們?從榆林到西安,沒有人給出答案。將路遙帶上文學之路的曹𠔌溪說: “我們是有心無力。”路遙的好朋友高建群被記者追問這個問題時數次沉默,他最後說:“你可以憑你的感覺去判斷。”陝西作協黨組書記雷濤說:“我們關註的是路遙的直係親屬,比如他的父母(養父母)和妻女,如果是其他親屬,我們就不好拿這個嚮政府匯報。”

還有一個奇怪的現象是,路遙弟弟、父母的睏難都不願意告訴在北京一傢廣告公司上班的路遙女兒,甚至當路遙女兒從記者口中瞭解到父親傢裏睏境表示要 “盡力去管”的時候,卻遭到了王天笑的拒絶。而關於路遙當年的婚姻,路遙周圍的人都知道路遙和林達婚姻出現了嚴重問題,但15 年過去了,知情人對此仍三緘其口。當我們思考怎麽幫助路遙傢人的時候,關於路遙的種種疑團也嚮我們襲來。

實際上,在惠建寧發佈倡議書後,有網友跟貼捐款,但也有網友對此發出質疑:路遙這麽有名氣,他的書賣了這麽多年,作為他的弟弟,難道還會缺錢看病麽?記者在采訪中發現,路遙生前雖然創作了《人生》 《平凡的世界》等經典作品,但他去世後衹留下1萬元的存折和近萬元的欠賬。為了賺錢,他還炒過股,甚至開價5000元給企業寫報告文學。而路遙的作品版權現在屬於路遙女兒路茗茗,因為以前缺少版權知識,作品並非按版稅而是稿費計算,收入也極為有限。



2003年元旦,林達與路茗茗簽訂了一份《遺産繼承協議書》 ,雙方就路遙生前所有作品著作權的繼承事宜達成協議,由路茗茗全部繼承路遙作品的權利。此後,路遙的作品也由稿費改變為版稅,人民文學出版社2004年獲得授權出版《平凡的世界》 ,該社發行部主任李春凱告訴記者,這幾年路遙作品銷售約有27萬册。儘管他沒有透露支付版稅數額,但可以肯定,版稅收入將大大超過稿費收入。










在近年某傢青年報的一項調查中, 《人生》 《平凡的世界》被選為影響當代大學生最大的小說前三名。15年來, 《平凡的世界》長銷不衰, 《人生》魅力不減,路遙死後留下了不朽的精神財富:從陝西走出的年輕作傢到地産商潘石屹,再到千千萬萬從底層奮鬥上來的年輕人,無不因路遙的小說而熱淚盈眶。






為紀念路遙逝世15周年,《陝西日報》連續報道了路遙傢人患肝硬化重病纏身,卻因經濟拮据使治療陷入睏境的消息,引發了社會各界對路遙傢人的關註,賈平凹等人帶頭為路遙傢人捐款。與此同時,路遙身後,一批堅守清貧的作傢開始浮現於人們眼前:殘疾作傢賀緒林在幾乎沒有經濟來源的情況下,臥床寫作30年;另外一批“陝北流浪作傢” 或貧睏、或遊走、或沉寂不知去嚮……


路遙身後的15年,有人不禁提出了這樣的假想:當初對文學有着宗教般虔誠態度的路遙如果活在當下,會是怎樣?曾任《長安》 雜志 主編的作傢子頁給出了這樣一個答案: “假如路遙活着,他一定去旅行。”







源自對鄉土、對農民深切的愛,路遙甘用生命最後的年華,鑽煤礦、下農村、居陋室,撰寫出一部沉甸甸的、反映1975-1985十年間中國城鄉廣泛變化的長篇巨製《平凡的世界》 。路遙的墓碑上,深情地刻着兩行金色的大字——“像牛一樣勞動,像土地一樣奉獻”。








Name: Lu Yao
Birth and Death: 1949 ~ 1992
Description: The untimely death of the great writers, idealists. His major works include "Life," "Ordinary World" "Good morning, starting from noon," and so on, its epic influenced a whole generation.
Birthplace: Shaanxi Qingjian
Personal Overview
Lu Yao's Creation for the "Morning from noon" is let us through his works to enter into his inner world, from which we can see his dedication and creative literature difficult time, "every word seems to all be blood Unusual Decade ", is such that we have seen the flowers and applause after the hard way.
Yao uncommon life of the brilliant cast structure of the world, his entire income of the five volumes of the works of "Yao corpus."
Yao's young age
Millions of words have been written lengthy literary work, the ideal life for us praise the cry of the writer Lu Yao, who has been gently away 7 years, although a long time, we do not want to believe it.
The Yellow Earth gave birth to the writer, seems to turn into a handful of loess, falling in the mountains on top of each block, but also seems to turn into a plume of smoke, filled in every hole cave in and give us the living, leaving unlimited thoughts and wealth.
The winter of 1949, a county in northern Shaanxi Qingjian remote barren ditch, was born a boy, a man illiterate peasant father, never did not expect his son would become a famous writer shocked the literary world in China.
When Yao was born to this world, he's family and social life of the living environment, and did not give him the same as showing a bright rose color. His family is very poor, 10 years I have only one quilt, lack of food, and want, more and more children have become a major burden for the family.
Yao childhood, in particular, smart and sensible. His mother said: "My childhood is a fine Yao is a mind Lee (Qingjian dialect, that is, smart brain), has never let me anxious over his stomach. His seven-year-old will be chopped wood, and he cut wood batches bundle bundle, pile on the alkaline side, the United States and the United States under the pile of a pile, Chun may not want to burn people. "
Lu Yao Wang Jiabao to complete a grade, this poor family can not earn a living anymore, and therefore, the parents decided to their first son Yao, Barry had one of his far outside - Guo Yanchuan County Wangjiagou brother.
It was an autumn morning, my father swept away Lu Yao Wang Jiabao, Jiulishan turned over, along the show went Yanhe to his uncle house. Go places in the night Qingjian County, no money to eat, my father had to stick to him with Maize fill their stomachs. The next day dawn, the father only a dime for him to buy a bowl of Camellia, then, to hurry. Hundred miles away, on the whole, Yao be wearing a pair of broken shoes, walked destination, he broke his clothes, foot wear also played a lot of Xuepao. Yao was only 8 years old.
The next morning, my father as an excuse to go to country fair. Yao village, an old acacia trees to hide behind, and watching tears trickle trickle father, step on a hazy morning mist, clamped a burden, like a thief quietly away. In this way, Yao and the other is the home of a 5-year, very few parents came to visit, nor ability to care for him. Walked home from Qingjian Wangjiagou Yanchuan Guo, Yao is the bitterness of life journey, he and the people generally do not want to talk about.
1987, a moon of the night, Yao Zhu told his friends talk about cooperation in this matter. He said he has little to adulthood Qingjian County, because that place was "the land of my cry."
Since then, Yao and his parents to live in click away.
Love, simple adoptive mother, as the yellow earth horse mushroom Ru, lonely bright flowers to open. She and her husband, as son of the Yao, as he ate tube, pipe he was wearing, what by him.
Sometimes parents are unable to supply rations, Yao went to the wilderness on the ground are often alone, in the harvest over the land, to find residual fill their stomachs under the corn.
In the simple and honest support of good parents, Yao spent his student days. Yao's adoptive father is a farmer, no children, the family is also very poor, barely on the village primary school for Yao. At that time, Yao often can not afford a few cents to buy a pencil and grief half a day.
Primary school, Lu Yao fear of an art class. No Dowling, no watercolor paints, and even the large 12-color lumps finger could not afford color - each piece must be a dime. His wit's end, had to sit foolishly, sad to see the students color, painting, or an excuse to leave the classroom, less than a class and not come back.
Primary school, Lu Yao's observation is quite strong. He has looks, according to their characteristics, body height, pronunciation habits, family background characteristics, each student sent to the class of a very funny they appropriate the "nickname."
Yao Sheng junior high school, because life force, foster father to not let him take the test. Yao knew that for his adoptive father is unable to attend school. But Yao stubborn by nature, is the tears have to prove that line! At that time, more than 1,000 candidates, county schools enrolled only 100 people. The results, Lu Yao's first competition in the life of victory.
However, there is no money at home, half a month later, Yao did not go to registration, until Dongnuexijie to raise money to enrollment, the school is not collected as required. Yao County, crying, being open to find the village Party branch secretary of the Congress. Kind led him to the county party secretary, the Secretary, the principal, and finally opened a brief meeting Culture and Education Bureau, only accept the poor students.
Junior high school for three years, is the most exhausted and Lu Yao life tough for some experience. He did not living per month is 56 yuan for meals are unable to pay, sometimes clearing five seven boiled radish can not afford to eat vegetables. At that time, school meals were divided into A, B, C and three levels, Yao C all eat rice: rice porridge, the first black den of wild sauerkraut. All of these, or he has to good students gather together up.
Every Sunday, Yao had returned to the village to participate in labor, crying, cattle farming plots to large fields of crops back, earn work points to a poor family fill the income...... so, he was the village's praise, often supported by the labor certificate.
Small Yao, not only regarding the content around a material, but also the outside world there is a clear spring-like desert eager longing.
Would like to know the outside, there was no other way, and only read a variety of books. Thus, Yao on all kinds of books had a strong interest in reading hungrily poured out.
Textbooks, Yao see a few times on the stop, but special love one night a night to boil the oil to light lamps extracurricular reading the book, this may be his usual general grades, higher test scores, but a cause it.
Before the age of 17, Yao has never produced even the canton, but he has to know a lot of things the outside world. Yao fantasy that one day write a book, put their ideas frankly tell more people, making him, a desire to write, so Yao in the primary and secondary schools, each composition was written very seriously.
The secondary sector, Yao literature produced on the interest. At that time, he almost greedily reading "How the Steel Was Tempered" "Young Guard", "destruction", "iron flow" and other books, not only for the creation, the main thing is trying themselves into a strong-willed people.
In Yao's high school, give him to help the largest and deepest, is his troupe Renchang You Run a teacher.
Chang Yao's compositions from the teacher, to see he is a promising literary seedlings began to consciously let him develop this talent. As long as the written text of what the class needs teachers often try to let Yao go.
Once, at a reading class, reading the contents of the poems, prose and drama pieces. To put this event a resounding success, and to exercise Yao, Yao often let the teacher write the evening with a series of literary language words. Party, the beautiful words and wonderful reading series, won the students their rounds of applause.
Regular teachers themselves be saved by the many art books given to Yao, the "How the Steel Was Tempered" "day and night" "Red Flag" "Pioneering" "Dream of Red Mansions", "Three Kingdoms" and other foreign masterpiece.
Often the teacher to their wealth, are quite selflessly handed the talented poor students, is expected Yao future talent.
Therefore, even if the talent was famous, Yao regarded the teachers as lifelong friends, often to the regular teacher's home to visit, thank a teacher cultivation of grace.
In 1966, Yao After graduating from high school, back to village to teach, and later transferred to the county Backstage out list.
The experience of hunger and suffering of life, to Lu Yao left a very strong impression, but also prompted him to pick up his good pen, to reflect the sadness or pain of all. Yao in the "difficult days" and "Ordinary World" written inside, and all have their own bitter shadow.
Fate did not bring food and clothing to the Yao and noble, made him a profound understanding of life and the pain and fatigue. As his "Ordinary World" written inside: "We came from poor peasant family - never to despise our origin, it gives us the benefits of the life ever been."
As he read much, pen another agile, coupled with the Shaanxi Folk Art in bloom everywhere, the flower, and gave him "the day after tomorrow Replenishing", so Yao's confidence in the more high literature. He "cherry by red" pen name, in the County Museum of mimeographed publication "Cultural Revolution" published "Liu Frontier," "Driving through the Nanjing Bridge," two poems. The two guns fired, it became even more rampant Lu Yao to enter the literary world, and sometimes reached the point of sleepless nights.
Yao kept writing ah was only in 1972, the year he first created more than 50 poems, including six published in the press. His popularity is rising.
Meanwhile, Yao River Valley with Cao, Baijun Min, Tao is with such literature Concert, organized literary world belongs to them that piece of tabloid "Expectation." Since they write, write, print, hard to publish the "Expectation" this is full of earthy eight open tabloid.
In turn, "Expectation" is also its seductive charm, good faith, among them changing everyone. On Yao, it seems important watershed. As Yao in the "Expectation" to commemorate the tenth anniversary of founder said: "Art, with its great charm to change one's life path. I am deeply grateful to my dear," Mountain Flower ", and it is this."
In 1973, 23-year-old Yao step in a tortuous been recommended to the Department of Chinese, Yanan University, began 寒窗 studying hard life. He was hungry and greedily sucking in the literary world and the thicket of flowers, his life journey into a new inn.
Yao - Career
Lu Yao Lu Yao's work, "Life"
1,1949 was born in a poor mountainous area in northern Shaanxi peasant family, 7 years old because the family was too difficult for rural counties continue to Yanchuan uncle. After the Cultural Revolution began to be affected until the end of the year 69, before returning home and farm. During that time he made many temporary work, and in rural primary schools taught a book a year.
2,1973 years into the study of Chinese, Yanan, during the beginning literature. After graduation, he was "Shaanxi Literature" (this is "Yan River") editor.
3,1992 in overwork, died young.
4,1980 published "amazing dynamic soul scene", was the first National Award for outstanding novella, "Life," "in the difficult days" also have award-winning. "Life," published in 1982, the reform period constitute the Northern plateau of urban and rural life of its space-time background.
5, completed in 1991 novel "Ordinary World" was the third contradiction prize for his piece "Life" was adapted into a film, it caused a huge sensation.
"Ordinary World" has not yet finished, the Central People's Radio. His Creation for the "Morning from noon" is seen to the cause of his persistent literary confidence and costs. As the "Mourning Lu Yao," wrote an article: "way to calculate the success of hardship and suffering, his hard work, your life writing, self-torture type of giving, in the literature of this difficult and lonely road, do everything, all the way sweat climbing to the peak. " Pursuit of life on his beloved hometown of love, and realism of his writing techniques of self-confidence, which all constitute the basic novel characteristics of Lu Yao.
Yao - Personal honor
Yao, "Yao Beatles"
All the works of Lu Yao
1. "Life"
2. "Ordinary World"
3. "Yellow leaves falling in the autumn wind"
4. "In difficult days"
5. "You can not think of how"
6. "Soul-stirring scene"
7. "Warring States mercenary Biography"
8. "Morning, noon and Start"
9. "The six meet me and Wu Shu"
10. "Flickering romance"
11. "Happiest day of life"
12. "Summer"
13. "Suffering"
Of 14. "I and the Radio and Television"
15. A "Yanhe" Edit sector
16. "Town"
17. "Hospital"
18. "A Central Radio and TV asking"
19. On the film "Life" adaptation
20. "Moonlit quiet"
21. "Apricot trees down"
22. "Snow bloom"
23. On the "Life" and communications Yan Gang
24. On the "life" of the dialogue
25. "Passer"
26. "Life" French order
27. "Yao Red" Preface
28. "Tree of life everlasting"
29. "Pine and a small red flower"
30. "Sale of pigs"
Of 31. "Yao's prose"
32. "Sister"
33. "Yao collection of short stories"
34. "To the Soviet Union Youth Guard Press"
35. "Long and Yue"
36. "A reporter asked the Shaanxi People's Radio"
37. "の knot the end of love"
List of works by Lu Yao
[Novel] "Ordinary World," "Life," "difficult days" "I met six times and Wushu in the" "in the yellow leaves falling in autumn," "soul-stirring scene"
[Short story] "Moonlight Quiet" for Life "the most happy day" "Summer" "sister" "snow bloom" "pine and small red" "hastily transient guests" of "pain"
[Miscellaneous Collection] "Good morning from noon" "stories for Lu Yao Preface" on the "Life" dialogue "the land search," "writer's work", "Liu Qing legacy" "quiet surge" "Life aria" "life the trees will last forever "" Life "French order" that the weak beam light refraction "
Yao - Personal effects
Lu Yao Lu Yao
November 17, 2007 is a famous writer, the 15th anniversary of the death of Lu Yao, Shaanxi, Xi'an, and literary and art circles in Yenan Lu Yao's alma mater, the University held a series of activities to commemorate the untimely death of the writer.
"Ordinary World, brilliant life." Yao phrase carved in stone tomb of a party's eulogy, a very appropriate interpretation of the distance tests a short but brilliant life of literature. 17, the morning of publication, "Yao Collected Works", the head of the Huaxia Publishing House, Shaanxi Province Writers Association concerned, came from Japan came to the Yao of hundreds of experts who attended a university in Yan'an Yao ceremony held at the tomb.
Previously, Shaanxi Province, writers, critics and scholars held a rally at the Shaanxi Normal University, cherish the memory of Lu Yao. Well-known writer Jia, Gao Li Xing and other groups and commentators, and Yao's family and friends, and nearly a thousand students and teachers in Shaanxi Normal University, memories and comments of Yao's literary career. Shaanxi Provincial Writers Association Vice-Chairman Xiao Lei write a 60,000 word nonfiction "Men and tears," stroke with full of emotions, a real reduction of Yao. Once said that "the last Hun" and famous writer Gao group before the tears flow without language, reading aloud the "Fu Yao Mountains" fragment, so many people shed tears at the venue.
80s of last century, Lu Yao to describe Loess Plateau of northern Shaanxi were heavy destiny novel "Life" and "Ordinary World," received a tremendous response across the country, which was Mao Dun Literature Award. In 1992, when he was 42, Yao overwork, in Xi'an, never put down the pen.
November 17, 2007 in Yan'an University, the tomb of Wenhui Shan Yao, Yao from home and abroad more than 100 researchers, solemn to offer a bouquet of flowers to express Lu Yao's memorial service. Yao day study at the National Symposium on the well-known literary critic Jose to, Yao Li Jianjun and other scholars discuss the works carried out. Chinese Writers Association, letter to the congress calls on Yao's personality to a very high literary quality and evaluation.
Yao Yao Literature Museum was inaugurated
November 17, 2007 morning, a commemoration of our country, "Mao Dun Literature Award" winner, the late famous writer Lu Yao contemporary literary memorial was established. Yao Literature Museum is located at the University of Yan'an cave complex in a row, back by buried Wenhui Lu Yao mountain cave facing the square, covers about 180 square meters, the Museum were from the contemporary literature we Mr. Wang Meng wrote. Culture and Health Committee of the CPPCC, vice director Wang Jucai, vice chairman of Chinese Writers Association, Chen Zhongshi as the Museum unveiled.
In the eighties and nineties of last century, Yao is one of the most influential writers of his "Ordinary World" long pins, bad, people can not understand, in Yao's death, his family, so why the fall into hopeless? Same time, people had to admire the spirit of the Yao, his lifetime hardship and death has left us a great spiritual wealth, that is, stick to literature and beliefs.
Although the best-selling works, but money is limited
Yan'an University of Yao's internal journal Studies have documented such a story: Lu Yao forward to visit his friend Zhang Xiaoguang help, Yao said: "I really was too poor to awful, you know so many entrepreneurs can manager can not help me find a director, I write articles for others reportage, earn some money for me. "Zhang Xiaoguang Lu Yao was contacted to help an entrepreneur, this is the only one selling Lu Yao's own name on the article just released, Yao was taken ill.
Wong also told reporters laugh, Yao fame is there, but really did not earn much money, "such as distance tests a million words masterpiece" Ordinary World ", then the royalties to publishers about 30 per thousand words. In advance before publication of a work has more or less, and family expenses and dependent parents, the parent, plus he has to smoke, in fact, did not earn any money. After his death, leaving only 10,000 yuan of book and Near million outstanding loans. "
Speaking of the copyright work, Wong says with a laugh, although Yao intestate, but his wife and daughter is heir apparent, Yao is such a loved daughter, from whatever point of view, they do not want to fight Lu Yao copyright. After inheriting the copyright Lu Yao, Yao's wife Linda is very understanding of the publication, publication of a work led to confusion Lu Yao, a number of publishers over the exclusive period is still in the works of Lu Yao sales, and Some publishing contract with Linda but when not to pay royalties to pay royalties, the agreement is valid for 10 years, remuneration is only 30 yuan per thousand words. In this way, even if re-selling works of Lu Yao, Yao wife and daughter the money is also very limited.
Spiritual heritage of inestimable value
Readers will benefit millions
A famous writer, Xiao Lei and Deputy Provincial Writers Association Yao known for years in northern Shaanxi, said Yao lifetime often say, "hit the weight Jinpen in" This phrase can be used to sum Yao, Lu Yao poor behind, leaving the five-volume collected works, The Collected Works like a blue chip stocks, with the sun, moon and progressive, the price index is rising all the time, its value is difficult to estimate the number of beneficiaries, is his 1000 10 million million readers and companion.
Yao - Character Appraisal
Jia: Yao personal and cultural memory of the strange charm of Georgia (written in the fifth anniversary of the death of Lu Yao)
Time really fast, Yao had died fifteen years. 15 years, think of him often.
Think of a mountain in Yanchuan, he pointed to the foot of the county, said: When I wore pieces of broken cotton jacket, but I am too badly here, and you do not! I certainly believe, and heard of some of the things he was young. He threw a stone Shi Jin go to the ditch, ditch bank in a group of birds will be crashing the sky. Writers in the province when the change of mind, a casting vote, he said to me in the toilet: very good on, we want that we two votes more than they! He then pee very high. Think he pulled me to his house to eat noodle pieces, he peeled potatoes is very aggressive, said: I get a long, thou Give us get some more medium-length, do not believe in fighting not Tongguan! Think of his writing back from the Northern people lost a round of lobbying, I asked the writing Zeyang he said: This is back to eating a big hard blanket, a finished manuscript you want to smoke pumping good miles! Think of "Ordinary World" was published some time out, and he gave me: a dog day, a full literature did not know! Think of winning back, and I congratulate him, he said: I guess the stage too serious for? I said: too serious miles? He said: I put them all trampled up! He reminded me several times transferred to provincial Writers Association, and I never go to the change of the time when it is not liking my unit, bumped him in the street to purchase woolen coat, I said want to Writers Association The idea, he said: that the site you want to give Zan Xian hold ah! Think of him by the whole, I see him, he said: down to the whole people do not give birth to my miles! I live in the hospital sick, he came to see me with some smoke, said: The take a break, you write so much, also do not live and let live?! Think of his sturdy frame. Think of him sitting in the courtyard of the province Writers broken wicker chair nap look. I think he was sick to see him, he said: Well, this ward? Provincial Standing Committee opened will allow me to live in.. Think of him dying, I went to the hospital to see him, he said: When he left the hospital, you and I go to the northern Shaanxi, find a mountain Geliu Lao Mountain stay here on, we support one side while the sheep body.
He is an excellent writer, he is a good politician, he is a magnificent person. But he is Kuafu, down the road in thirst.
Although he died, his work continues to hammer the reader read, his story still be remembered.
Shaanxi writers often get together, inevitably hair feeling: I do not know if Yao is still alive What is it like now? This is anybody's guess. But certainly he would write more and better work, he will do many things people admire it to whom tip the scales.
He is a strong man. Strong man who has his office than the average person's good, there is generally incomprehensible Department. He atmosphere, too overbearing, he was happy liberated, but also force the ruthless, he respected you let your fear, his concern for others, but to conceal his illness, his strong ego can not tolerate the laggard, but their love for sentimental heart lonely.
Shaanxi draw people that think of themselves as Shi Lu, I heard one student said Shi Lu: He considered what, not to mention the Shi Lu's strengths, his weaknesses are even Shi Lu can not learn!
Yao is a big ambition, literary life may not be his first choice, but what would dry into his literature on like fire burning out of burning and a shining flame.
Now, we rarely see such a person.
Some people say that Yao is exhausted, the evidence that he wrote "Good Morning, from noon," the book. But Yao is not exhausted, and his Night is professional practice and is a beast of mettle. Some people say that Yao is the poor die, because he owed one million death was, but that's all the poor Yeah but Yao has been pumping in Shaanxi writer in high-grade tobacco, drink coffee, to give his daughter to eat Western food has traveled the city is.
Kill him is genetic. After his death, his four brothers are suffering from liver cirrhosis with him the same disease, and again almost the same age, had died two and the other two are seriously ill. This is a miserable family! A porcelain cup and a wooden cup made out of a decision in its longevity, but also the fate of this gene, the Yao ephemeral life is glorious, he is a peculiar character and cultural charm of the grid longevity.
In Shaanxi, two people a long time, that is, Shi Lu and Lu. (Jia)
Chen Zhongshi: Yao worthy of feeding his land and people (written in the fifth anniversary of the death of Lu Yao)
We have to accept that, no matter how cruel this fact has still not be well accepted by reason, that is: a bright star from China between the fall of the Sky!
The head of an intelligence exception to terminate a very active also extremely painful and profound thinking.
This is Yao.
He was proud of our literature of a large provincial chief commander, is our group of writers known as Shaanxi's little brother; his sudden leaving the team makes this neat queue position of the emergence of a large vacancy, but also to make this dynamic group show loneliness. When: smaller than his younger brother and older than his brother and more attention to his growing literary predecessors and looked at him suddenly leaving the team to see him off, many of the most unbearable pain factor is material injury of its kind in the instinct of sorrow.
Yao a natural environment from northwest China's worst and most impoverished counties in the village came out to the prosperity of contemporary Chinese literature to create a splendid chapter. This is not just Yao personal triumph. It at least gives us such inspiration, the potential of our nation's duty-bound to keep enterprising spirit and a strong and powerful force of art. Yao has become the vision of the open grand, deep wisdom achieved through radio history and thought, great achievements in the cause of the powerful who have the courage to achieve the ideal of perseverance and stamina arduous, clearly showing that this ancient and excellent of the most excellent quality.
Yao into the evolution of life all concerned about the difficult process of cutting into the attention of the entire nation out of ills rejuvenation rejuvenation of historical transition, and the resulting immense suffering and great joy. Yao does not care individuals fortunate and won or lost, even with his entire childhood, including the difficult journey of hunger. This is a profound writer Lu Yao and the most essential difference between mediocre writers. It is at this point, Yao became independent thinking and artistic character of Yao.
Lu Yao's spiritual world is built by ordinary workers, "Ordinary World", the most contemporary writers, he can fully understand the ordinary people in the world of what it means to China. He is itself the world of the ordinary is not particularly one resulting from Jing-yi, has become the world's people to spiritual enforcement speaker, a collection of his wisdom all the essence of this world, gave him removed from the list of all fetal fishy foul, so that his spirit again and again fission and sublimation. His feelings are not stripped of flesh and blood with emotions. So that we can decipher the novel "Ordinary World" in that profound and inspiring and modern rational true blood true feelings. Yao ordinary people living in the creative form that ordinary world, not only intolerant of the world's past and present, history and the arbitrary interpretation of reality, even a word picture of the hypocritical and never squeamish tolerance. He has deep perception and sober mind, that the interpretation of those arbitrary and hypocritical portrayal of squeamish, but the writers themselves do not sound unhealthy psychological performance, are not part of the ordinary people in the world of. Yao thus received hundreds of millions of ordinary people in this world, respect and worship, to communicate with people of this world and the earth human emotion. This is the thinking of the writer as an independent ability to Lu Yao the hardest to follow.
To Yao's name, we hope to every young or older brothers, and strive to create, for the overall prosperity of the Chinese literature struggling. Only struggling for the same time, do not be too careless to their - Surely, this is Yao's teachings. (Chen Zhongshi)
Liang recall Yao: Acquainted with all things known to empty (written in the fifth anniversary of the death of Lu Yao)
Some writers known for work, work notoriously bad, word of mouth, but the writer asked about this work do not necessarily know who is; some writer's name loudly, as if everyone has heard there is such a person But asked what his popular works are arrested ear scratch cheek, lot of thought. I think Yao and Shaanxi Writers writers seem to belong to the former category. Usually unassuming, not very keen on social activities, television and even refused to rate photographed photographed without express high on love, which is the Northwest, "old fashioned" one of the characteristics.
I was held by the Shaanxi Association of Writers in the Xi'an Lu Yao's pen was recognized. Yao seemed to attend, but not much, is a look of melancholy when present, very few words. Xi'an document also arranged for me in the "People's Theatre," about a "literature." Not long ago, I went to Xi'an to attend "Qujiang new to the film as recommended by the new exhibition", and the famous film director Xie Fei together to award new work place is the "people's theater." On entering the gate, I can not help thinking that 20 years ago, lecturing on "literature" of the party. Then down the stairs with channel packed with the audience, everyone listens. Today, I think any writer in terms of "literature" so many people will no longer have to waste time. I danced on stage for a dance club in the rhetoric, the Shaanxi Writers Association invited me to dinner, Yao was also present, still very few words. But dinner is he is very sincere to me to sit on his house, said his family not far from the hotel. I remember he lives in the dorm courtyard Shaanxi Writers Association, with more than 70 square meters floor area also look like. Time, everyone at home furnishings are simple, but Yao's home is simple, almost primitive. In his home, to join him on and the white picket fence in the rural areas there is no difference between sitting cross-legged on the Xi'an city immediately disappeared. I sat down and rushed him to a cup of tea, with a Wu Mengmeng glass. I suddenly found the whole room seems to have the same Wu Mengmeng and cups, and even his whole people are shrouded in a misty fog. Wang Yu was also present here, I remember the street from his house I walked out, said Wang Yu, Shaanxi writer you the most about is the writer who does not live up. Yu Wang smiled and said to me: right! Jia just bought a refrigerator, the refrigerator and let's just face spicy vinegar. At that time Chen Zhongshi not like this has often been talked about, and then I faithfully then resident in the country. Our writers and the rural North West has an inseparable link emotions and way of life, so in rural areas will always be our point of pain. This is my first face and Lu, see also the last time.
Should be mentioned that his funeral. Yao passed away soon after, I went to Beijing to see Zhang Qie, Zhang Qie Chinese Literature Foundation, chaired by then, and I set up this foundation in excessive force is out, so still a little voice. Yao Zhang Qie told me about the death of his family situation and his poor, dying is said Yao least rest assured that his daughter. I think Yao invited me to his house when that face sincere expression. In fact, I and Lu had little left to say, even though his family said nothing in the depth of the topic, I and Lu are two types of temperament of the people. Yao said he should be kind, at the dinner table has been expressed, and no need to re-invited me to his house to sit a while. I think somewhere it is not the Yao to give what I have entrusted to him? On Yao's funeral, I must do what if it. Yao's daughter, I advocated the settled, it is better to Beijing to attend school. I told Zhang Qie said that the China Literature Foundation to do something, we should first start with this issue. But it should be said, and his wife, Zhang Qie Rue enthusiastic than I am, they actively make preparations, the Yao's daughter is very smooth to the school to school in Datong County, and often resort to Zhang Qie home to home as Zhang Qie their own home.
Now the child should be great, and you figure it should have a child that is about Yao's grandson. Yao himself, play an important part in the history of Chinese literature of a chapter, but he had a hard life, but not the material comforts, probably not had a single day to be happy. I do not know how, I think of him, Lu wants to "know everything the original dead air," the poem to "Acquainted with all things known to empty." (Liang)
Lu Yao Lu Yao's works "Ordinary World"
In "Ordinary World" Essay Writing "from noon start the morning", he wrote: "Man, not only to overcome the failure, but also beyond the victory." Surprised people in the world was there for the millions of words long masterpiece - "ordinary of the world! "
The image of the hero of his own metaphor that eagerly yearn for the vast new, he was reconciled to life're holding the land, he used all his courage, like the invisible shackles torn apart by askew, but the harsh reality of life is the moment not relaxed vise wings of his dream, he had to bow and the closed and stagnate in the environment. He was pleased with the direction of vertigo lost struggle, and finally, the same as a fly in a circle, then back to the land.
Sun Shaopins, an ordinary world, ordinary people, he was thirsty for knowledge, they suffer from poor family, and his teacher, played unskilled laborer, doing house work, vagrant life...... he chose a most difficult roads in life indomitable in his condition to change his life while pursuing a kind of higher meaning in life, he struggles to his pursuit of another kind of comments to the ordinary meaning! As if the dialogue with his soul, this autobiographical article, so I know what his life is hard, is how poor, how noble the same time! Balzac once said: "Unfortunately, the University is a best." In this university, the old bus by borrowing to complete the "human drama" Similarly, Yao also from the university to complete a "Life" and "Ordinary World" to see the names of his films, able to live in rich ivory tower writer write it? Not only do they have another time, also has another life, that of the deep suffering and lonely experience, is their other wealth, wealth and even their love lives in self-love, love the picture even in love their eyes, this is a profound ordinary.
"Life from the misery, only to be born in suffering the soul singing." Yao I finally read the famous words of content, I finally read the ordinary and have a proud and the Yao.
Yao works included in the hearts of generations
Former deputy director of the CASS Institute of Literature, the famous literary critic, Jose, the Shaanxi writers Liu Qing, Yao and Chen Zhongshi such as the formation of a realistic genre. Lu Yao's work to conservation is by suffering, suffering for his strong character, enrich the content of his writing. Yao is not just a writer, but also a thinker, a noble death, he works written to the hearts of generations.
Shaanxi Provincial Writers Association, said party secretary Lei Tao, Lu Yao's name together with his works, have not been tarnished by years of long, on the contrary, such a glory over time, but appears more bright and dazzling, Yao is still live in thousands and thousands of loving hearts of his readers. Lu Yao's work is an important advance in the new period of Chinese literature reached a stage typical of a new high.
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences researcher at the Institute of literature, young critic, said Li Jianjun, Lu Yao's works displayed a brilliance of human nature and personality of the great and positive attitude towards life, this is great works in common, is also a complex and personal than the current life fragments of the theme works with vitality reasons.
Lu Yao's work shows the truth, love, United States
Director of the Central People's Radio Edit Ye Yongmei ("Ordinary World" radio edit), said Yao's work shows the true situation, the United States three characteristics. At the time, "Ordinary World" radio has broadcast three times, more than 300 million people directly to the audience. In the Central People's Radio broadcast on 60 radio play adapted from the ancient and modern masterpieces, the "Ordinary World" ranked eighth.
Yao researchers in Japan, Himeji Dokkyo University Aberdeen fact that, Yao is China's earliest urban and rural social structure in China described the writer, his work is human nature approach, reaching the height of the world literature Shui Ping.
Shaanxi Normal University, Professor Zhao Xueyong that Yao's work has stood the two times (the planned economy era, the market economy era) test, thinking that he is the real problem of China's writers. Academic deserted and favorable for the formation of the reader a unique Yao phenomenon should be noted.
Jining, Shandong University Professor Zong believes that adhering to a civil Lu Yao original works of justice, he did not consciously standing civil position, which is a favorite of his works are an important reason for the reader.
Beijing Language University Zhengwan Peng said, with a "modern epic", "Ordinary World" than "Anna Karenina," a layer of less anxiety, more than a layer of joy. "Ordinary world" hero who embodies the ideal of modern personality Lu Yao that the completion of the awakening self-awareness based on the complete responsibility to others, in order to achieve a higher sense of social harmony, ethical harmony. Yao to "realistic humanism" and "New" has a rich humanistic spirit of thought, as a sign of China's contemporary renaissance humanism.
Yao alive and the deceased relative to violence was name of Wang Xiaobo, the distance tests be a more lonely writer behind. Therefore, Lu Yao occasion of passing away 11 years, a scholar suddenly from the public to read Mr. Han Shishan Daily article, "I think Yao's death" can not help but wonder. However, after reading it, the scholars will be only "surprise" the.
Yao Mr. Han Shishan
The scholar is a literary outsiders, however, self-confidence in reading literary works are not worse than most writers face. Lu Yao's work, published in the collected works in, and the scholars have seen. His "Life" and the film adaptation, at the time of generation of college students set off the share of fanaticism, I still remember. Yao is a influential people respected writer. Literature is perhaps the so-called fashion, but the character of literature and writers of vitality, it is beyond fashion. Time is not the sworn enemy of literature, it is literature and the living witness stand token.
Mr. Han's core view that the Yao to Si Pin was a work by Mao Dun, not worth it; Yao deep-seated reasons for the death, is an epic quest for the great work, advocate this view of literature Yao critics is the objective of premature death on the killers. In short, Yao and the critics do not understand literature, literature should be easy, not heavy. Yao, "light to his mother and his wife to buy two new clothes enough, one can also hand woven cage of mother and wife living the world of beautiful clothes. so that the hardy rural children can only step by step, approached his end. "
In all fairness, Mr. Han that Yao is alive exhausted, and this view is nice; on Yao's death, he is not without "sorry" love. But people can not agree, he gently touches with "not worth" a Yao denied all his life for literary pursuits and dreams. It is not only "not kind" (Mr. Han from the cloud), and loss of the brutal and hegemony.
In fact, Mr. Han is not the main thrust of the article is to commemorate the Yao, but Yao's death by reminding literary beings, not Dao Xi Lu Yao before the difficult situation. He was advocating a "relaxed and healthy," written in a way easily Writing and easily make big money, make themselves and their families a happy life. Well, Mr. Han painstaking as "easy on the" unity of knowledge and the pursuit of writers, there is this necessary?
Literary history a little common sense knows that, due to personal endowments of different, values of life are different, in addition to the special times like the Cultural Revolution, the pursuit of literary creativity and style has always been diverse. The Tang Dynasty, Li Bai of the elegant, high Tao-Wang Wei suits, still has the rural island of thin cold, Li worked hard to Du son desolate melancholy beauty; Song he sacrifice the long, shallow pour sings, joy of spring is the mainstream, but ji, Chen Liang of believers, but the north central plains, her Feelings, the railings beat times. and so on, a character trait, so on and so insist it?
Modern times, such as Lu Xun, Huode Lei, written too tired, do not wrinkle and the dead in that its is exhausted, and are not free, but without the Lu Xun Lu Xun's pursuit, it is called Lu Xun? In the final analysis, the value of human life and worth, is a very personal matter, foreigners of rank, there is no substantive significance. so do not do Lu Xun, Lin Yutang, or to be ren or Liang, and talking nonsense with Heyi Down? looking people world, of course, people who have exhausted, play dead, there are also many leisure death.
Yao - Related Links
"Ordinary World" not long off the hard failure Yao unknown
Mystery: these questions hit us
In the eighties and nineties of last century, Yao is one of the most influential writers, his works influenced a whole generation or two, he's "Ordinary World" long pins, bad, people can not understand, in Yao's death After his family into such a hopeless Why? Yao much of a legacy for his family? The legacy they aiming for? Reporter various twists and turns in Yulin, Qingjian, Yan'an, Xi'an, which launched an investigation.
November 1992 Wang Weiguo (Yao) suffering from liver cirrhosis death
Yao 1996, the death of his brother Wang Weijun suffering from liver cirrhosis with ascites
April 2007 Wong, Yue Lu Yao brother died suffering from liver cirrhosis
May 2007 Wong, smiling brother suffering from liver cirrhosis and mild ascites
July 17, 2007 Yao father died six months after paralysis
Currently Yao's mother, brother Tian-Yun Wang, sister Wang Ying, Wang Ping and Yao are also suffering from the same liver disease
Whether in Yulin, Qingjian, or Yan'an, Xi'an, Shanxi reporter could feel the writers on the spiritual wealth created by Lu Yao's certainly, in many literary journals, Lu Yao's name is still on and Jia Chen Zhongshi before the Road Yao Lu Yao was born Qingjian County, the parent of the cave is also pre-set "Yao Hometown" large monument, reminding every passerby, here is a great writer once lived where childhood.
Who will take care of them? To Xi'an from Yulin, no one answers. Yao put on the road of literature will Cao Valley Stream, said: "We are powerless." Yao is a good friend of Gao's group asked this question several times with him, he finally said: "You can feel with you to judge." Lei Tao, party secretary of Shaanxi Writers Association, said: "Our concern is Yao's immediate family, such as his parents (adoptive parents) and his wife and daughter, and if other family members, we not right to take this report to the government."
There is a strange phenomenon is that Yao brother, the difficulties parents are reluctant to tell an advertising company in Beijing, Yao daughter to work, even when Yao daughter learned from her father's home, the plight of the mouth, said to "try to control" time, but was laughed Wong refused. The year of marriage on Yao, Yao around Yao and Linda know that marriage a serious problem, but 15 years later, insiders have remained tight-lipped. When we think about how to help Yao family time, all the doubts about Yao also hit us.
In fact, after the benefit Jianning release written proposal, with users keep abreast of contributions, but there are also users to issue the question: Yao so famous, his books sell so many years, as his younger brother, are also short of money doctor Why? Reporter found that although during his lifetime created Lu Yao, "Life," "ordinary world" and other classics, but after his death, leaving only 10,000 yuan of book and nearly million in outstanding loans. In order to make money, he shares fry, or even asking price was 5,000 yuan to enterprises reportage. And Lu Yao Lu Yao copyright now belongs to her daughter Way Ming Ming, because the lack of prior knowledge of copyright, works not by royalty but the royalties, revenue was severely limited.
Yao daughter
Help - family members do not accept
New Year's Day 2003, Linda and Lu Ming Ming signed a "inheritance agreement," both sides of all works copyright Lu Yao's successor before his death to reach an agreement, by the way Yao Ming Ming works full inheritance rights. Since then, Lu Yao's works are also changed by a Remuneration royalties, People's Literature Publishing House in 2004 authorized publication of "Ordinary World", the club director Li Chunkai issue told reporters, Yao works in recent years sold some 27 million copies. Although he did not disclose the amount of royalty payments, but it is certain royalties royalty income will greatly exceed income.
Yao Ming Road, the copyright holder tea will help their uncle and grandparents do? The reporter called Road Ming Ming, when to tell her, she looked very surprised, "Wu Shu (Wong laughs) sick of the things I know last year, when I tried their skills to help him, but his uncle said Tin Lok Shan North of things for him, told me to not worry, I do not know to this year, Wu Shu Xian cure it. "Ming Ming Lu said that she would not uncles, grandparents, whatever, she would immediately and Wu Shu contact details situation and plan the recent trip back to Northern. However, on July 13, reporters want to face interviews Road to Beijing when the Ming Ming been declined.
At the press to the road on the telephone after Ming Ming, Wang-day phone call to reporters laughing too, he thought reporters should not tell the way this thing Ming Ming, "Ming Ming very nice to me, and last summer, also accompanied me to the one near Chengdu could see the Chinese, Ming Thea sinensis in Beijing has its own thing, I do not want this Jian things harmful to her. "reporter asked Lu Ming Ming to help his father's brothers are what can not, the king day laughing insisted:" I yes elders, Ming Ming is younger, and I can not use the money of younger people, (if that is Yao's royalty income?) that does not work, if the brother, I will take my brother away, the money is Ming Ming's money, spending is a big city, and I can not accept. "
Readers wish Yao family
138 × × × × 9879 Yao family were shrouded illness, tragic coincidence of life, social parties should give their lives, medical assistance and care.
135 × × × × 7730 Yao issue sold more than one million works, publishing houses can not stingy Yeah, now can be resolved through legal means ah.
134 × × × × 9447 world quite like him more than the family, this is the ordinary family, the same as a glass of water, but people need every day, missing not work.
130 × × × × 0176 Yao and his family has had a sentence should be: We cover more and more lost to natural brutal truth.
15 set constant heat Reading, Yao date?
Yao in plain language casting mundane affairs of life, to ordinary narrative forged noble spiritual world. 15 years later, Gao Jialin Sun Shaopins, Sun Shaoan...... still allows young readers to mind a hot name.
In recent years, youth reported a family in a survey, "Life," "Ordinary World" was chosen as the greatest novel affect the top three college students. 15 years, "Ordinary World" long pin is not bad, "Life" charm down, Yao left after the death of the immortal spirit of wealth: the young writer from Shaanxi out to developers Pan Shiyi, to the hundreds of thousands from the bottom struggling up the young people, are all due to Yao's novels and eyes filled with tears.
Yao, however, behind the 15 years, literary critics, literary achievements of the Yao is not a comprehensive evaluation of praise. Lu Yao's novel was the ratio of "How the Steel Was Tempered" the Chinese version of its books as inspirational: Some people have Yao and Shen, Sun Li and other local writers comparison, the only writings of scholars specializing in non-Lu Yao more, even many of the university's Modern and Contemporary Literature class will be a take-off distance tests; more people to simply go to Lu Yao lag a literary concept, creative way old "Left Behind" author.
In fact, Yao had noted that whatever the criticism during his lifetime, he had this profound thought. Yao believes that comparing the nineteenth century Russian and French literature of the great degree of realism, realistic writing in China is far from mature. In this context, blind imitation of the new literary genre, and "foreign things", the introduction of devouring doomed no future. Yao attitude outrightly therefore adhere to their plain style, his attitude was rather excitedly: "Everyone has their own language style, the works...... if I even appear in the line of such and such a text as I have firmly it off. "
Yao 15 years behind the face of surrealism, magic realism and other styles of the new local literature is not repeated the poor, people ask: Yao date? This, literary critic Li Jianjun that it is in "pioneer literature" winds sweeping, we see Yao, he stood firm on his position by itself, not the gathering surging waves "coerced and go ", this was a real success.
Profound "suffering" label, adhere to or abandon?
Yao was born in suffering, the suffering of using literature to Make the soul in song, but the fate of his life did not change the theme of poverty: during his lifetime, he received the "Mao Dun Literature Award" went to Beijing to accept the award when the toll is borrowed; death After his family members suffering from hereditary diseases, the ailing old mother, wife and daughter all sorts of care, leaving only a 1 million books and nearly 1 million in debt alone.
To commemorate the 15th anniversary of the death of Lu Yao, "Shaanxi Daily" reported consecutive Yao gravely ill family members suffering from liver cirrhosis, because of economic constraints to the treatment of troubled news, Yao led the community's concern about his family, Jia, and others take the lead Yao donations for the family. At the same time, Yao behind, a group of writers adhere to the poor began to surface in people's eyes: He Xu Lin disabled writers almost no source of income in the case, writing in bed for 30 years; another group of "wandering writer in Northern" or poverty, or walk, or silence disappeared......
Contact writer in 2006 in Shenyang peak begging event, Yao 15th anniversary of the death, people who think "poor scholar solid," the old saying, an old problem to be re-filed: literature should not be a poor career? In sharp comparison, the new century, all the rashness and impetuosity literature: Writers in business hot, "electric shock" hot, hot trend of adaptation under the huge system of rare masterpieces, some writers earn unconsciously pours, 10 million yuan worth emerging writers, literature is also facing the danger of becoming vulgar writer seems to have become closely linked with the fame career.
15 years behind Yao, who can not help make such a scenario: the original has a religious-like devotion to the literary attitude Yao if living in the moment, what will? Former "Chang" sub-page editor of the writer gives this answer: "If Yao alive, he must have to travel."
Yao style for poor, which adhere to or abandon? This problem started in Shaanxi writers circle loud call. A famous writer, Shaanxi Sheng Wenlian Vice Chen Yan believes that the current biggest problem faced by writers, the world's material goods, spiritual world of the writer's pursuit and interception, if self-standing instability, not only desire the immortal spirit, but also look ahead and behind to search the market of close combat, then the final is easy to work Gaode neither fish nor fowl.
Young writers turned to the city writing, Yao was younger generation depart from?
In Yao's creative perception, there had such a confession: "I work in the manuscript on the land with his father's work in essentially the same. Thus, this work is the extraordinary work and should not have any great feeling; this you write ordinary world, you are the ordinary world, a member of, not superior...... "
Yao's creation in the field of vision, there was a judge: "My unfortunate history of the formation of the rural problem is...... There is no doubt the vast backward countryside is a heavy burden into the future of."
Today, Lu Xun's literary line drawing recalls the then vice president of the old friends, not conceal regret: "I remember many years ago, Yao went with my two bare feet and the most prosperous areas in Xi'an - Bell Tower. go clock tower, Lu Yao's mood suddenly gone. he remembered the Northern people are suffering, emotions completely ruined. no matter what walk of the bustling city lots, Yao will not forget the suffering of ordinary people. "
Based on the local, deep love for farmers, Yao Gan with his final years of age, drilling coal, Rural, home shabby homes, writing out a heavy, reflecting the 1975-1985 decade, extensive changes in Chinese urban and rural long giant "system Ordinary World. " Yao's tombstone, affectionately inscribed two lines of golden characters - "like a cow, like labor, the same as the land dedication."
Yao 15 years behind, "beauty writers", "Body Writing", "very young writing Corps" and other commercial writing is repeated, has a reputation for plain writing style realism, Shaanxi, featuring a group of writers have begun to appear "face dating "self-reflection-type cries. Right now, after more 70,80 Shaanxi writers began to stay away from local, describe private, describe the city, making the watch has been concern for many people shouted Shaanxi literature disappointment: Is Liu Qing from the first generation to second generation of Lu Yao, Jia and Chen, Shaanxi writers explore the deep life experience, the vast literature pattern of Transcendence literary character, will soon come to an end?
In this regard, Shaanxi writer Li Xing believe that with the interest differentiation of social groups, people's values have also diversified, and the face of these in Chinese history is unprecedented phenomenon, Shaanxi Writers can not just keep working miserable life, was suffering. "Peasant way of life, way of life, is completely not the past that, and labor relations has changed, such as hiring a nanny is difficult, reflecting the rise in labor costs, which is the lowest level of globalization to the Chinese workers affected these, we writers can not but to see! "
In response, White Ye that now a large literature has not the same environment, many factors interfere with writers, the third generation has not experienced any particular writer Shaanxi representative writers, this is also the general problems of Chinese contemporary literature. "This is not a literary problem, but the question of the times."
Yao - family members
Yao Ming Ming Road
Linda, the wife of Lu Yao
Road Ming Ming
Road Ming Ming, Yao's daughter

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