现代中国 List of Authors
Liu YaziShen YinmoHai ZiLo FuShu Ting
Xu ZhimoXimurongYu GuangzhongSi ZhiLiu Bannong
Bei DaoGu ChengBian ZhilinDai WangshuDuo Duo
Chang YaoXiang MingGu YeshangyuChi ChiChen Zhongkun
Xiong YanJue BiguxiaDiBaiQi HongshengWang XuSheng
Lu XuGangYu RenBai LinTai YangdaoQiu She
Yi MingZhou MengdieZheng ChouyuLan YuningyanLiu Huaming
Liu HuajunChi KaiGuo MoRuoLin LingShang Qin
Luo MenXi ChuanOuyang JiangheDi YongmingYang Lian
Zhang CuoTian JianA LongJi XianHui Wa
Ma HuaQin ZihaoLin HengtaiRong ZiYa Xian
Yang HuanYang LingyeLin HuiyinBai QiuGuan Guan
Lin Weimin

Read works of Lin Weimin at 百家争鸣
  Understanding of forest people, because he was awarded the advanced workers of Popular Science in 2004. As before, I met mostly learn to step aside or Secretary-General of frail old comrades, when the see the prime of life, enthusiasm able, scholar style of forest people, the really amazed one. When I heard he was the power of information security professionals in our province, Jiangsu Province, 333 cross-century project of academic technology leaders cultivate culture, the people could not but admire, no wonder he was the Secretary-General of the province by the application of microcomputer Association has been appraised Provincial Institute of Advanced Unit.
  In accordance with established plans, Microcomputer Application Association in March 2002 to hold a "Jiangsu Network Information Security Forum." They initially thought that the forum accomplishing the typical academic forum, and do not range too. Until we find the specific operation, membership units and the enthusiasm of stakeholders is very high, "forcing" Association of the Forum were increasingly higher grades, and finally to determine the forum is organized by the provincial Science Association, the Provincial Development Planning Commission, Provincial Public Security Department Provincial Science and Technology Department, Provincial Information Office, Provincial Secrecy Bureau, Nanjing University, Southeast University and co-host microcomputer application associations. No experience in organizing large-scale meetings from the forest for the people, relying on child aggressive and sincere dedication, a down, learning by doing, led us up at the beginning of the busy: writing invitations to the Forum to draw up implementation plan meeting, the issuance of the meeting Call for Papers, are also invited to network information security experts to collect more than 80 papers were selected one by one. March 28, 2002, "Jiangsu Network Information Security Forum" scheduled in Nanjing, China well-known network security experts, and government information security management network and provincial leaders within and outside the well-known experts and scholars have come there at home and abroad well-known security vendors and some medium-sized enterprises in our province chief information officer (CIO) and so on more than 400 people attended the forum. The event rave reviews, and unprecedented, as the 2002 Provincial Associations of academic activities, a highlight.
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