现代中国 List of Authors
Liu YaziShen YinmoHai ZiLo FuShu Ting
Xu ZhimoXimurongYu GuangzhongSi ZhiLiu Bannong
Bei DaoGu ChengBian ZhilinDai WangshuDuo Duo
Chang YaoXiang MingGu YeshangyuChi ChiChen Zhongkun
Xiong YanJue BiguxiaDiBaiQi HongshengWang XuSheng
Lu XuGangYu RenBai LinTai YangdaoQiu She
Yi MingZhou MengdieZheng ChouyuLan YuningyanLiu Huaming
Liu HuajunChi KaiGuo MoRuoLin LingShang Qin
Luo MenXi ChuanOuyang JiangheDi YongmingYang Lian
Zhang CuoTian JianA LongJi XianHui Wa
Ma HuaQin ZihaoLin HengtaiRong ZiYa Xian
Yang HuanYang LingyeLin HuiyinBai QiuGuan Guan
Zhang Haiou
现代中国  (1954 AD)

poetry appreciate《唐名家诗导读》
civility apprehend《宋代文化与文学研究》

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  Male, Manchu, born in 1954. In March 1982 graduated from the Hebei Normal University, with a bachelor degree; in 1987 graduated from Jilin University Chinese Department, received a master's degree; in 1997 graduated from Fudan University, received a doctorate. Since 1997, taught Chinese literature at Zhongshan University.
  Department of ancient literature is now professor and doctoral tutor, part-time director of the Chinese Song Dynasty Literature Association, the Deputy Secretary-General of China Society of verse, ancient literature secretary-general of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou City, vice president of Language and Literature Association, Guangdong Provincial Writers Association member. Research direction for the Tang and Song Chinese Ancient Literature.
  Chinese literature; ancient poetry, words, text; Tang and Song poetry, articles, school
  Major works
  "Song Dynasty Literature and Cultural Studies" China Social Sciences Press, published in April 2002
  "Ya-Yun Song" Beijing Normal University Press in October 1993 published
  "Liu Yong on the draft" (Translation) Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House published in 1998, 12
  "Introduction to Tang famous poem" The Guangdong People's Publishing House in September 1999
  Main Papers
  "Narrative of the word" China Social Science No. 2, 2004
  "Pre Happy Poetics" Sun Yat-sen University No. 1, 2004
  "Su Shi Rong Bai culture and poetry criticism by" Olive No. 11 (Japan Research Bulletin Song Poems, 2002.12)
  "Song" Late, "identified" Sun Yat-sen University No. 3, 2003
  "Song Review and Prospects" Literature Review No. 3, 2002
  "Interpretation of modern cultural consciousness of Su Shi's" literary heritage, No. 4 1996
  "Lay not official attitude Huaihai level meeting" literary heritage No. 6 1997
  "Poetry and the Poetry of Yu Jing Tong Qu" literary heritage No. 4 2001
  "Literary History of the newly created tree" Fudan University No. 6 of 1997
  "Classical Landscape Poems of natural philosophy and natural imagery of Jilin University No. 3 2000
  "Three Song Dynasty Buddhist name" Sun Yat-sen University No. 1 1999
  "Early Song Dynasty" white bodies "identified" Sun Yat-sen University No. 6 of 2000
  "Chinese culture" Unrestrained "Tradition and Song literati Unrestrained mentality" of the ninth issue of Taiwan's Sun Yat-sen (1999.8)
  "Life is tragic consciousness in traditional Chinese culture to learn and explore the" No. 4 1989
  "Living in Banishment of Song Dynasty," Exploring 4 1997
  "Causes of the reclusive hermit Song" Exploring No. 4 1999
  "Prodigal Liu Yong and Orthodox monarch and his subjects Aesthetic Conflict" research 1997 3
  "Song Writers hermit liberal values" of academic research 6 2000
  "Su Shi Qing literary concept in the U.S. sense of" academic research 6 2001
  "The elegance of the tendency of Sheng Song," Social Sciences 2, 1990
  "Ambiguity and classical poetry," Social Sciences No. 6 1996
  "Xie Chuan Chi Cultural Interpretation," Social Sciences 2, 2000
  "Mad by aggressive - Song Dynasty of righteous feelings," Social Science Forum, 2001 11
  "Su Shi Exile or outside of any state of mind during the Unrestrained" Chinese Cultural Studies No. 2, 2002
  "Comment Wang Zhaopeng" Chinese Verse 1, 1996
  "Liu Yong Song of the subject content" (translation) Chinese Verse 1, 1997
  "Flaws Abstract defect to our forefathers," the Chinese Verse 1, 1999
  "On the request of the history and deep links" Chinese Verse 2, 2000
  "Jiaxuan Ci Ya personality consciousness" Teachers of Ningbo No. 2 1995
  "Ji in Consciousness of the hero character" of Guangzhou University No. 1 1993
  "Prototype of the cultural significance of Su Shi," Journal of Yantai Teachers No. 1 1990
  "In recent years, research groups Literature in Ancient Studies," The Northern Forum No. 1 1997
  "Nu Wa, Wu Jiang, daughter of the country - a prototype of the Theme of Cultural Change," of Literature, No. 2 1992
  "Theme of the dual culture" of Literature, No. 1 1993
  "Little Yan Comparative Structural Analysis of the word meaning" of Literature, No. 2 1998
  "Wang Jiefu also known as Kai-Ching, Kai-parent" ACADEMIC No. 3 2001
  "Ancient Chinese hermits, Buddhist and celebrities," History and Knowledge No. 8 of 1997
  "Noble heritage: literary heritage of the contemporary mission of" Guangdong Wind 1999 10
  "Slender poetry world," Poetry 1, 1998 to explore
  Research projects
  "Song shape and morphology of the article," Ministry of Education, 2001-2004 independently assume project, ongoing
  "Song of the opposition mentality Scholars" project in 1998-1999, Guangzhou, independent commitment to closed items
  "Song Poetry" Sun Yat-sen independently assume project 1998-2000, closed items
  "A Summary words" National Book of the Committee I am finishing the 1995-1997 project, more than 20 million words
  "Song Art Theory," National Social Science Independent planning project in 1998-2000 to write one of the sub-project, "Poetics of the Song Dynasty" (monograph)
  "Appreciation of Poetry," Teaching Software Engineering internet construction project Zhongshan University 2001-2002
  "Song learning site famous poem," Education of Guangdong Province "151 Project" project 2002-2003
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