赵国 List of Authors
Xun ZiShen DaoGongsun LongZhao ShuaiZhao Dun
Zhao ShuoZhao WuZhao ChengZhao YangZhao Wuxu
Zhao JiaZhao HuanZhao JiZhao WuhouZhao Zhang
Zhao ChongZhao YuZhao YongZhao HeZhao Dan
Zhao HeZhao QianZhao JiaLi Mu
Gongsun Long
赵国  (?320 BC~?250 BC)
Name and Alias: 子秉

the Eclectics, a school of thoughts flourishing in ancient China《公孙龙子》

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  Spring and Autumn Warring States period, thinkers. Gong, the word legend, son of Bing, Zhao people (now Handan), activity's about 320 BC to 250 years ago. His life story has no way to know in detail.
  Gong, the Chinese philosopher of the Warring States period. White Pine famous representatives from the firm. Zhao late Warring States person. Eloquent, The prince hangers worked. He raised "from the Kennedy White," "White Horse" and other propositions, that the "firm Whitehead", "may not it, as derived from their white are firm, no firm has"; "pat white they derived may not their kin who are not white ", stressed the difference between vision and touch it," Kennedy Whitehead 2. " Analyzed the relationship between the general and individual, emphasis on "White Horse" (individual) and "Ma" (General) of the difference, come, "White Horse" conclusions. Gong also suggested "only by his one another," the name the theory, emphasizing the "name" must have certainty that this name specifically refers to this fact, he refers specifically to he real name. He also conducted a preliminary classification of the concept discussed, Differences and similarities between some of the concepts important insights. Gong exaggerated view of the differences of things and concepts, no concept of things and the identity, but he was not in the usual sense of the sophists, and many of its pioneering ideas, promoted the development of ancient Chinese logic thinking. "Han Dynasty History" contains Gong a "public Sunlong Zi" is the key information of Gong thinking.
  People's life
  The prince that he may take longer time to make a hanger. "The prince Yuqing Historical Biography," said, "The prince favor Gong." In about 248 BC to 279 BC, the Gong disciples had led to Zhao Yan from China, "Lu should be made" set, King Yanzhao to that of "Yan Bing." Yan Wang Although agreed, but when faced with Yan Wang Gong, said the recruitment of Yupo the original king of Qi, Qi can break the "people in the world" to the Yan State to, Qi was finally broken. Current "vassal king of the people in the DPRK who make use of those soldiers," so I think the king will not Yan Bing, King Yanzhao silent response. Gong Yu Wei has been with the son of Mu on the school. In Zhao, "Lu trial should access" set, Gong with Zhaohui Wen Yan Bing Wang On. Q Gong Zhao said: "The soldiers Gua Ren Xiaoyan things carry on more than ten years, but not a, Xiaoyan almost non-soldiers?" Gong said: "The Lin Zhao, Qin Lishi two are occupied, the king put on mourning States clothing, Gao Su cloth total; East attack was the city of Qi, and Wang Zhi Jiu plus meals, to celebrate. How could this be Yan Bing? "" Lu Yin Ci "wrote: Qin Zhao entered into covenant with:" noble as the Qin, Zhao help it; Zhao really wanted to, to help the Qin. "But soon. Qinxing Bing Gong Wei, Zhao Wei makes stronger prescriptions. Wang Zhaohui Wen Qin people blame non-compliance with the Covenant. The prince Zhao told this matter. The prince Gong to the ideas that can be sent messengers to blame Zhao Qin said the rescue Zhao Wei Qin did not help, but also contrary to the Covenant. Zhaoxiao Cheng Wang nine years (BC 257), Bing Qin attacked Zhao, Wei The prince makes to help. Xinling Jun shuaibing rescue Zhao, Handan preserved. Trying to use the State of Zhao Yu Qing Xin Lingjun The prince of the request for the increase in deposit Handan fief. Gong heard of this, to discourage The prince said: "The ruler will not cover the military killed the power and force closure east of the city. Zhao Guohao outstanding people in, more than the right hand of the monarch, while the king with the country were so pro. husband closed east of the city force, to prevent reactive, Pei Zhao with India, to endure the incompetence of the country suffering from a solution, desire benefits, the closure is relative, while the Chinese total power also. King and terms are, as not to subject it. " The prince accepted the Gong's views, not accepted the fief. Gong good at debate. "Public House Sun Longzi track," said Gong The prince home with holes worn in the meet, discuss debate Gong's "White Horse." Old age, so Zou Yan Guo Qi Zhao, The prince made with Gong on "White Horse," said. Gong is thus Qu from the post disappeared. Gong's main idea, save in the "public Sunlong Zi," a book. "Han Dynasty History" master of "Kung Sun Longzi" 14. This deposit 6. "Hint House" is a collection of Gong's life descendants words written biography. The remaining five are: "White Horse", "On referring to things", "pass variable theory" and "strong white theory", "Name of", in which the "White Horse" the most famous.
  Gongsun Whitehorse
  Warring States period, there have been philosophers, contend with each other. The prince hangers Gong Zhao its "White Horse" came, and fame.
  Zhao was a popular horse succeed deadly infectious diseases, resulting in a shooting horses dead. Qin horses a lot, in order to prevent spread of this plague the state of Qin, Qin posted notices in Hangu Pass mouth: "Where a horse can not enter Zhao customs."
  That day, Gong white horse to Hangu Pass before. Customs Officials said: "You may pass through customs into the customs Tajima can not." Gong argued that: "White Horse, how can not pass it?" Kwan Officials said: "The white horse is a horse." Gong say: "I am Gong is a dragon?" Officials Lengle Leng Guan, but still insisted that: "in accordance with the provisions of either white horse black horse, as long as Zhao's horse, are not income related." Gong often eloquent Name of soil itself, he Clear Knife Road, to: "'Ma' is the name of the Lord, 'white' refers to the color, the name and the color is not a concept." 'White Horse' concept, a distinction that is 'white' and 'horse' or 'horse' and 'white', which is two different concepts.
  Example, to horse, to the yellow horse, dark horse who can, but if white horse, to the dark horse, a yellow horse can not, this show, 'White Horse' and 'horse' is not all about it! So white horse is not horse. "
  Customs clerks heard the more loss, the pass was talk of preventing the confusing Gong, Ruzhui clouds the fog, did not know how verbal exchanges, Gong and reluctantly had to let all pass to the White Horse.
  Gong Hui Shi did not emphasize "real" is relative, changing, and the emphasis on "name" is absolute, unchanging. He thus received a total of Plato with the same idea or concept, or a total of Plato's philosophy with Western philosophy is very famous.
  His book, "Public Sunlong Zi", an article, "White Horse." The main proposition is "White Horse." Gong by three arguments, seeks to prove this proposition. The first is: "the horse. So life form also; white person, so life color also. Life color who are non-life form. Hence it is: White Horse." If the use of Western logic, we can say that this is stressed that "Ma", "white," "White Horse" different connotation. "Ma" meaning is an animal, "white" is the connotation of a color, "White Horse" is an animal plus the connotation of a color. Three different connotations, so White Horse.
  The third point is: "Ma intrinsic color, so a white horse. To horse color, a horse such as have ears. On taking the White Horse? So white, non-horse. The horse, horse-and-white also, white horse. Hence it is : White Horse. "This point seems to be stressed that" horse "is a total phase," White Horse "is a total phase difference. Malaysia's total phase is the essential attribute of a Chema. It does not bear with the color, but "horses as horses." This "horse" in common with the "White Horse" common difference. That is, as a horse as a horse with white horse white horse different. So White Horse.
  In addition to horses, as horses, there are white as white, and white were compared. "White Horse", said: "White are uncertain as white, but can also forget the. Horse, made of white. Fixed white too. Fixed by the white, non-white also." Fixed white, is a specific white, found in The white variety of practical objects. Found in a variety of real white objects white, set of these objects. But the "white" co-phase is not any real set of white objects. It is the common white undecided. "Kung Sun Longzi" otherwise a "strong white theory." The main topic is "off strong white." Gong proof has two parts. The first part is, assuming there is firm and white stone, he asked the question whether said: "The firm, white, stone: three, I am? Said: no. Said: Second, I am? Said: can. Said: What zai? Said, : No firm was white, his move is also 2; no white was firm, the move is also the second. " "Not as strong they are derived from those of their white, non-kin also. Pat it shall not be derived from their white firm, obtaining the firm has no white also." This dialogue is strong proof of knowledge on the side, white is the mutual separation. There is a strong Whitehead, with sight, only "get it white," only a Whitehead; hand touch, only "get it strong," there is only one hard rock. White felt could not be feeling strong, feeling strong sense of time can not be white. Therefore, knowledge on the side that only "Whitehead" or "hard rock", not "strong Whitehead." This is "no firm was white, his move is also 2; no white was firm, the move also two" means.
  Ponder the second part of the debate is the debate on metaphysics. The basic idea is that strong, white, as were similar between the two is uncertain the firm's strong, variable by the white white. Firm, white as the total relative performance of materials in all kin, among all the white matter. Of course, even if the actual world, no strong material, white material. The firm or the firm, white, or white. Such a firm, white, as common, completely independent of the firm and all firm Whitehead presence of white matter. Firm, white is independent of phase, this is the fact that the. The fact is that the real world and not some thing firmly white, the other white and not some thing firmly. So strong, white is clearly separated from each other.
  Gong to the theory of knowledge, metaphysics, debate, and established his proposition: firm, white separation. In ancient China it is a well-known proposition in order to "debate from the Kennedy White" famous. "Kung Sun Longzi" There are one, "referring to things on." Gong as "objects" that specific individual's property. "Means" that the abstract of a total phase. "Means" the meaning of the word, a noun meaning is "finger"; a verb meaning, that is "specified." Gong Why is the "means" that were similar, meaning it is used along with these two. A common noun, with the famous terminology: is "Name." To certain specific matters as the extension. To attribute such things as shared content, an abstract noun is not, only that property, or a total phase. Since Chinese is not inflected language. So a common noun and an abstract noun is no different in form. This way. In Chinese, the Westerners called the general term, also said that a total phase. Also, Chinese has no articles. So a "horse", which both expressed the general horse, but also that individual horse; to either a horse, also said the horse. However, a critical view, "Ma," the general concept of the word essentially means that the total phase, and a horse, this horse is nothing but the general concept of individual applications. It can be said, in Chinese, a total phase is a name that "means" thing. Ponder the total phase is called the "means" is the underlying reason why.
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