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Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus
意大利 儒略·克劳狄王朝  (September 23, 63 BCAugust 19, 14 AD)
Reign27 BC14 AD

  Octavian was Caesar's nephew and adopted son of Sun, was also officially designated as Caesar's heir. 43 years ago, he and Marc Anthony, Ray will be reached after the three alliance formed to defeat the assassination of Julius Caesar's Republican aristocracy.
  Anthony was busy fighting in the East and the romantic pull off with Keliaopei; Octavian in Rome on forming people's minds, to consolidate power, cloth rumor slander Anthony: Anthony more and more like an Egyptian rather than Roman. The situation more tense. Finally, 32 years ago, Octavian declared war to Anthony. Soon the war would see the outcome: the West Bank 阿克提乌姆 Bay in Greece, Octavian defeated Antony. Anthony fled to Egypt, and Octavian fight another day, but Zaibai result of suicide. Keliaopei pull off suicide. The Little Caesar Octavian was ruthlessly killed, so as not to affect the identity of the Kaiser's only inheritance.
  阿克提乌姆 after the battle, Octavian has cleared all obstacles to his progress. After years of civil war, the Roman law of the country almost a no, but Rome and unwilling to accept an autocratic monarchy. Octavian is smart. First, he disbanded the army, for the election. Results Octavian was elected consul, that the chief magistrate of the Roman Republic. BC for 27 years, official occasions, he would return power to the Senate position and let his forces out of Egypt. Senate not only refused his request, also conferred on him to Spain, Gaul, Syria's sovereignty - the richest provinces of the Roman troops. Immediately, the Senate granted its "Augustus" (Augustus) number. This title and the ancient religion, is said to etymology as "authority" (auctoritas) and and as the person (augur) spiritual practice relevant. Person's religious belief at the time, this title means that holders who have exceeded the authority of any statute and the nature of their status are not defined. In addition, the power to consolidate Octavian also allowed the special measures or with the forthcoming imperial reign of terror when individuals in quite separate.
  These things are very traditional Roman political move. However, the Senate was already past the assassination of Caesar, the non-nobles of the senate. Antony and Octavian clean the alien forces in the Senate, and his gang over the Senate. What extent these resolutions have expressed the will of the Senate, and the number of black box behind the operation, we have know.
  Augustus wrist with a very bold to seize power, the wisdom of using very carefully ruled Rome. Rome gave him almost absolute power, he gave Rome four years of sustained growth of domestic peace and prosperity, known to history as "Roman peace" (Pax Romana). He created the first standing army of Rome (including the navy), and the Army stationed at the border, to prevent them from interference in internal affairs. Another creation of Guards (Praetorian Guard) garrison and defend the emperor himself Gyeonggi. He also reformed the Roman fiscal and taxation system.
  Roman rulers usually on economic ignorance, Augustus was no exception. Including the Roman emperor Augustus, including agriculture, regarded from the heavy taxes levied to spend in the military, temples and entertainment. Once the empire is no longer expanding, no war swept goods, the economy began to stagnate and eventually decline. Augustus and the Rule by this perspective it seems that the imperial power and prosperity of the highest point. Augustus had tried to revive agriculture and farming settlement veterans, but with little success. Capital is still dependent on food imports in Egypt.
  12 years after the death of Agrippa in BC, Livia's son Tibei Li with his wife divorced, and married Agrippa's widow. Ti Beili Paul Augustus shared competence of civil officials, but soon retired. Cover and Luigi were in 4 BC and 2 BC deaths and the death of his brother Dulususi (9 years BC), the Tibei Li was recalled to Rome, and was adopted by Augustus .
  Portrait of Augustus: the first gate Department of carefully painted the famous statue, Augustus died immediately and was included in the ranks of God deification. Its by Ming Kaisa and his
  August (Latin Augustus, the Romans in June) of the month that is named after Augustus; before it was called Sextilis (Latin for "six" means).
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