唐代 人物列表
李隆基 Li LongJi李世民 Li Shimin李治 Li Zhi
李显 Li Xian李旦 Li Dan李亨 Li Heng
李适 Li Kuo李昂 Li Ang李忱 Li Chen
李晔 Li Ye李豫 Li Yu李渊 Li Yuan
李重茂 Li Chongmao李诵 Li Song李纯 Li Chun
李恒 Li Heng李湛 Li Zhan李瀍 Li Chan
李漼 Li Cui李儇 Li Xuan唐哀帝 Tang Aidi
沈法兴 Shen Faxing李子通 Li Zitong刘黑闼 Liu Heita
王摩沙 Wang Masha
李诵 Li Song
唐代  (761年806年)
网笔号: 至德弘道大圣大安孝皇帝
庙号: 顺宗
陵墓: 丰陵

  顺宗在父亲德宗即位的当年,即大历十四年(779)十二月诏立为皇太子,到了第二年即建中元年(780)正月备礼册立。到贞元二十一年(805)正月二十三日德宗遗诏传位,二十四日宣遗诏,他于正月二十六日正式即位。这样算来,顺宗做皇太子整整 25年,按照当时习惯,就是26年。
  在做太子的26年中,他亲身经历了藩镇叛乱的混乱和烽火,也耳闻目睹了朝廷大臣的倾轧与攻讦,在政治上逐渐走上了成熟。史书上对他的评价是:“慈孝宽大,仁而善断。”他对各种技艺学术很是上心,对于佛教经典也有涉猎,写得一手好字,尤其擅长隶书。每逢德宗做诗赐予大臣和方镇节度使时,一定是命太子书写。尤为令人称道的是,在建中四年(783)的“泾师之变”随皇帝出逃避乱时,顺宗执剑殿后,在40 多天的奉天保卫战中,面对朱泚叛军的进逼,他常身先禁旅,乘城拒敌。将士们在他的督促激励下,无不奋勇杀敌,取得了奉天保卫战的胜利,确保了出逃的德宗的安全。
  顺宗的太子生涯虽然不像唐朝前期的皇太子那样波折不断,动辄被废,但贞元三年(787)八月的郜国大长公主之狱,也险些把他推向灭顶的深渊。事情是这样的:郜国公主是肃宗之女,她与驸马萧升所生一女是顺宗为皇太子时的妃子。郜国公主仗恃自己地位特殊,自由出入东宫。她在萧升死后,个人生活放荡,不仅与彭州司马李万私通,还和太子詹事李昪、蜀州别驾萧鼎等一些官员暗中往来。如果仅仅是私生活有失检点,这在唐朝的皇室也不是大不了的事。但是,有人在告发郜国公主“淫乱” 的同时,还揭发她行厌胜巫蛊之术,这样就冒犯了皇帝。德宗闻之大怒,因为事情牵涉到皇太子,德宗就立即将他找来,狠狠地批了一通。顺宗被父皇切责,惶恐不知所措,就仿效肃宗在天宝年间做太子时的故伎,请求与萧妃离婚。此事发生以后,德宗萌动了废皇太子改立舒王李谊的念头,并且把时为宰相的前朝老臣李泌召入宫中商议。
  崔昭仪 生浔阳公主
  赵昭仪 生李结
  王昭仪 生李总、李约、李绲
  牛昭容 很受宠,曾经在顺宗登基后与帝心腹宦官李忠言共同协助中风不能言的顺宗料理朝政。
  太子妃 萧氏 萧升和郜国公主之女,因母亲郜国公主的缘故,被自己的表弟兼公公唐德宗所杀。
  张昭训 生李经
  崔昭训 生临汝公主
  永贞元年,与诸公主皆进封。时戚近争为奢诩事,主独以俭,常用铁簪画壁,记田租所入。文宗尤恶世流侈,因主入,问曰:“姑所服,何年法也?今之弊,何代而然?” 对曰:“妾自贞元时辞宫,所服皆当时赐,未尝改变。元和后,数用兵,悉出禁藏纤丽物赏战士,由是散于人间,内外相矜,忸以成风。若陛下示所好于下,谁敢不变?”帝悦,诏宫人视主衣制广狭,遍谕诸主,且敕京兆尹禁切浮靡。主尝诲诸女曰:“先姑有言,吾与若皆帝子,骄盈贵侈,可戒不可恃。”开成五年薨。

  In the Tang dynasty emperors, along quite distinctive features were an.
  Third, Shun emperors were in such a short career, also made the overlord. This is not only the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, probably in history, into the overlord of all the emperors in the role of the fastest emperor.
  Sixth, after Zhuangxian Huang Huang Zu Zong-Wang is the only of his people. Wang Liang Jiazi in Daizong choose when to enter the palace, the Daizong because only one young (when he was 13 years old), took her along given the still Fandi of cases, first for the Ru Ren, after Prince Edward Liang Di. She is the mother Kenso.
  Ninth, all the Tang emperor, only that he left a complete "Shun were Record." The book of 5 volumes, the author is a generation writer, called Man from generations of decline of the great writer Han Yu. Some people think that all of the text Jane Han Yu and eunuchs so close, so the Record eunuch involved in multi-language text in back care, but that is left were the cis and the period of the first-hand records, very valuable.
  Life】 【
  Shun was established as a crown prince were the living conditions of the past, we only know that he was canonized as King Xuan, the history of his other records is not a lot. Li Shun were selected as the crown prince, it was already 19 years old. At this time, he has a father, in the last year or ten years of Dali (778) in February, his eldest son, Lee Chun-born.
  Prince Shun career were the early Tang Dynasty, although the Crown Prince did not like the twists and turns, and always has been spent, but Zhenyuan three years (787) in August of Gao National Princess of prison, and nearly drowned him into the abyss . Something like this: Gao Princess is the daughter of Su-tsung, she and a daughter born Fuma Xiao Sheng is the time of Shun were the Crown Prince concubine. Gao Princess Zhangshi their special status, free access to Orient House. Xiao Sheng her death, personal debauchery, not only Pengzhou Sima Lee Wan fornication, but also, and Prince Edward Zhan Shi Li Lei, Bie Jia Shu Xiao Ding and some state officials in secret dealings. If only the privacy faux pas, it is not in the Tang Dynasty's royal big deal. However, it was denounced Gao Princess in "promiscuous", it is also revealed vestiges of her line art of Witchcraft, so offended the emperor. Corrections to the smell of the furious, because the matter involved the Crown Prince, the Han and he immediately got brutally granted a pass. Shun-Fu Huang were being cut responsibility, fear a loss, on the follow Suzong in Tianbao years old tactics time to do Prince, the request and Xiao Fei divorce. After the incident, the Han and the abolition of the Crown Prince germinating Stand, Wang Li Shu Yi's idea, and the prime minister when the former veteran Limi selecting him for the palace deliberations.
  Shu Wang is the younger brother of the Han and Miao Li (Zhao Jing Prince Edward) son of premature death due to Li Miao, Corrections to its adoption, as their own, very loved. Li Mi son that the emperor instead established homes nephew wrong, Corrections furious. Limi it to give a detailed list of waste since Prince has been established Zhenguan lessons of the Emperor Taizong of care and waste legislation Sukjong Prince injustice because of impatient regret killing Jianning king, advised him to issue a warning before, must not be too hasty . Limi, then moved Corrections, the Prince finally makes his position along were able to save.
  Shun cases from 26 years among the crown prince's actions to see that his political attitude is cautious. Before his Fu Huang, only one thing on the published opinions, that is to late to stop Corrections appointment Zhen Yuan Pei Yanling, Wei Mu, etc. for the prime minister drainage. We all know that the Han and later years in office a long time because, on the minister's suspicions and prevent heart heavier, no longer leave the prime minister the right to make it around the crafty villain by the trust and reuse, such as Pei Yanling, Li Qi Wan, Wei Mu, etc. rely on drainage Corrections to the mud, due to inter-Allusion, carved to take power, exclusion, framed Lu Zhi et al. This world, on the Pei Yanling, who, by exploitation of Lebanon and wealth derived into hatred with the gear, the court above, we are all silent resentment. As the Prince of Shun were always looking for opportunities, a good mood when the Fu Huang, calm debate, pointed out that these people can not be reused. Therefore, the Han and ultimately no appointment Pei Yanling, Wei Mu into the drainage phase. Han Yu's comment on his "home storage position two years (in this case its probably not really mean), the world is overcast by their gift," said inevitably some very kind, probably refers to the purposes of this matter. But for other things along were always tight-lipped, but dare not act rashly. On every front in the Fu Huang matter of playing, he was always more than serious, even close confidant of the Emperor's eunuchs, also something false to the color of his emotions inside, the individual. Figures on the up and down the court, he basically Bujibuli, aloof of. However, these are superficial. Shun were among the crown prince during the period is certainly not the court on world affairs and political indifference, his side of the king and Wang Shuwen and other influential people on the regular and he talks about world affairs and people's plight.
  Wang influential, Hangzhou people. Paternity for the Prince because of good calligraphy book, as when Prince Shun were doing calligraphy teacher, popular trust. Wang Shuwen, the more the state Sanin (now Zhejiang Shaoxing) people to be good at chess to Rushi Orient House. Wang and Wang Shuwen influential Imperial Official Titles are all in poetry and painting reflexes mission two orders of the natural pursuit of Corrections to accompany the Crown Prince entertainment. Shun were masters of their own was very respected, and each time the Tang Dynasty Chessmen are the first salute. Wang influential and Wang Shuwen see him not to play for the meet, the ink in the public debate and research about the gap, and he speaks the truth about the country Ampang. Once, the king influential, Wang Shuwen and other Shi Du talked about world political affairs when it comes to some of the more sensitive then Abuse, Shun were on his side said: "I am ready to respect these maladministration to the Fu Huang, to be able to correct. "Liu Yuxi, like all the people were commended on the move, but only Wang Shuwen silent. So when all the people were to step down, Shun Wang Shuwen were left alone and asked him: "Why would not you just say? Is not what is significant in itself?" Wang Shuwen: "I trust in His Royal Highness Prince Edward Wang Shuwen must have some views and opinions, How could it not to hear instructions from His Highness! I think the responsibility lies in the paternity Prince Catering hello, loyal to the emperor filial piety, not suitable for other things overcritical. Emperor reign long time, if you suspect that Prince is buying the people, that His Highness how to defend themselves? "Shun were heard this, and suddenly, nervous, and gratitude to the Wang Shuwen said:" If there are no such words, Mr. coaching, how could I understand the subtleties of which ah! "From then on, he Wang Shuwen particularly like it, no matter the size of Orient House, are entrusted to him and the king influential to plan.
  In addition, there are quasi-Ling Wang Shuwen of Jiujiao good at planning Hankook, after more than handsome Han Ye (Prime Minister Han Huang children of the same family), skilled officials in different way, and Chen bridge, and land quality, Lu Wen, Li Jingjian Housing Kai, etc. who basically Imperial court and six officials of bureaucratic middle and lower classes, and often talk about national affairs, has gradually become an important member of this group.
  That was a birthday on the birthday of Corrections, a slight knowledge of the Crown Prince presented a number of Buddhist statues as a gift, Corrections Executive Yi Wei life portrait was made for the Compliments. Corrections to the Prince happy with this gift, let him give the Executive Wei Yi fine silk, as rewards. Wei Yi by Prince executive reward, in accordance with the courtesy to thank the Orient House. Friends on the Way to the Orient House Bese execution when the Crown Prince, who were solemnly along Prince Imperial Academy when the executive Yi Wei Wang Shuwen recommended: "Bachelor familiar with Wang Shuwen this person? Wei before he was a ah!" From then on, Wei Yi and Wang Shuwen intersection enforcement, and closer bilateral relations. Become a "two kings" group in a special position of the central figure.
  Cui Zhaoyi Health Xunyang Princess
  NIU Zhao Rong was favored, had ascended the throne after Emperor Shun were trusted eunuch Li Zhong words together to help the smooth stroke were not made dishes affairs of state.
  Zhao Xun Cui Princess Health linru
  Li were Wang Wei, the early name of Mianyang. Wang Yang Chuan, Wang backward. Wang 30 years, opening into a two pass away.
  Middle Wang Li Chou, first name Zhiqing forever. Han-Dong Wang, Wang backward. King for three years, dollars and years pass away.
  Sung Wong Li knot, first name AIDS. Wang Yunan, Jin Wang. King 18 years, Changqing years pass away.
  And Wang Li Qi, first name slip down. Wang Dong, Jin Wang. Wang twenty-eight, Wo years pass away.
  Fukuo Lee York, Ambassador Li Weibo Key Periods. Northern Sung Painting first year, into the worship Sagong. Wang 50 years, Northern Sung Painting years pass away.
  Yuewang Li Gun, the king 20 years, Tai Wo years pass away.
  Yi Wang Li Cheuk Wang fifty eight years, Northern Sung Painting three years pass away.
  Liangguo Gong Li Jing Princess from virtual, and Hanyang princess with the students. Xianning before sealing Princess, Princess Pu resettlement. Zheng He married. Death of a prince, bestowed Liangguo Gong master and posthumous.
  Cloud Princess Ann, also with the students of Hanyang. Marry Liu Shi Jing.
  Linru Princess, Zhao Xun Cui born. Fleas pass away.
  Shaoyang Princess, flea death of a prince.

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