黄帝 List of Authors
Yellow emperor; The huangdi; MauslleumZhuan XuKu
Di ZhiDi YaoShun
Yan DiShen NongshiShao Dian
Chang Yi
Shen Nongshi
黄帝  (4082 BC3702 BC)
Reign4082 BC3702 BC
神农氏4082 BC3702 BC

  Legend of Shen Nong is born a "crystal belly", is almost completely transparent, all internal organs can be seen, but also eat things visible. At that time, people often become ill because of something you eat, or even killed. Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs for this determination can eat a bag left on the body, introduced to other people eat, as a medicinal; not be able to eat on the right side of the bag on the body, to draw attention to not eating.
  According to legend, Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs Unfortunately, in the poisoning death.
  Western mountain areas, also referred to as a "Shennongjia", also Shennong related.
  】 【Historical records
  Shennong inspiration from here: millet can be planted year after year, continuously, if there is more vegetation chosen people to actually use lots of planting, all the food problem is not solved? At that time, with long grain and weeds, herbs and flowers open together, what to eat, what not to eat, no one can not tell. Shen Nong tasted the same as, the same as to try to grow, and finally selected from the rice, millet, millet, wheat, beans grains, their descendants him as a "God of grain", "agricultural assassinator."
  Grains Taiwan Shen Nong statue, Jian Pi leaves, first-born dual-angle, holding the grain. Wall murals record the major achievements of his life, in addition to land reclamation, I tasted a hundred herbs, sowing grain, Kap Shui irrigation, there are Japan and China for the city, making pottery, taste and other drug treatment.
  Shen Nong is the other founders of the great achievements of Chinese medicine and medicine.
  What is the relationship Shennong and Yan in the end? Both are the same people? On the relationship between Yan and Shen Nong, academia has long formed a view diametrically opposed factions: one group that is the Shen Nong Yan. This school's point of view is to prevail, be regarded as mainstream, such as Hunan Yandi Ling Shen Nong memorial is to come as the Yan Emperor worship, so the memorial will have the theme of Herbs Yan compensation. The other view holds that the two systems of Emperor Yan and Shen Nong who has nothing to do, it can not be the same person.
  Ancient historical records on the Shen Nong generation is this: Rustic rule has undergone 70 generations, (some say 17 generations) to the time before the rise of the Yellow Emperor tribes waned. There is a problem in front of forgotten shows the need to state that the Shennong times before, including Shennong, like V Xi, Nu Wa, Shen Nong this title but for a tribe or tribal leaders of several generations of collectively, and not the only monarch title. But later scholars tend to produce differences, such as historical records of the ancient Shu State, many people think that is teal silk and fish from two generations of ancient Shu king, but in practice, and Yufu silkworm but from two separate for several hundred years of ancient Shu Kingdom, every dynasty has a dozen generations. ("Historical Records. Wudi," also mentioned: the rise of the Yellow Emperor, when, exactly, "Shen Nong Shi decline," Huang Di and Yan Di Osaka spring in the wild fight. Please note that this "world" word.) This is why V Xi, F Wa, Shen Nong's rule is often as high as several hundred or even thousands of reasons. I, calculated according to three decades, then the reign of Shen Nong about two thousand years (if it is 17 generations is about five years) age of the Yellow Emperor, in about five years ago before this last push two years, about Rustic rule can be inferred began about seven years ago before.
  Legend】 【
  Rustic Blue Bird will panacea fed to the mouth, Shennong gradually awake from the coma. Blue Bird lightly clouds return after the completion of the mission. Shennong moved to tears, shouted to the Blue Bird thanks, I did not realize, a mouth, elixir floor, immediately germinate a grass, grass to grow on top of a Red Bead. Rustic look closely, the same as with the elixir, a taste in your mouth, body pain all over consumption, we are pleased to himself: "There is rule of Snakebite prescription!" So, to get this taste herbs name "a pearl head." Later, medicine experts to give it the name "Trillium."
  People's suffering, Shennong see in the eyes, pain in their hearts. How to give people fill their stomachs? How to treat people? Shen Nong tried to think three days and three nights, and finally came up with a solution.
  To mark the Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs, for the benefit of human achievements, the people took it a boundless forests, named "Shennongjia." Shen Nong heaven to retrogradation Village, renamed as "fragrant Village."
  Agriculture, including cultivation, harvest reserve, the three major steps in processing food. Before the advent of agriculture in the original collection fishing and hunting in early times, harvest reserves and consumption are two completely separate processes, people collect and reserves are not always the food, people eat what are often taken and eaten, not must be something the previous Reserve, reserves of food and people are often not plant seeds. With the emergence of pottery, people only have a safe and effective storage methods, and thus the long-term reserves of food and water, and food reserves to the acquisition of two independent process closely together. Only in this case, it will form a large demand for access to plant seeds. Original planting began in the use of gourds for drinking water apparatus Fu Xi times, people are first planted gourd, gourd in the planting process, it has accumulated rich cultivation techniques. To Nu Wa's age is age pottery, planting techniques and the demand for seeds of plants, once combined with the emergence of agriculture was also ready to come out. In fact, when people start planting gourd, not necessarily because of demand growing gourd think, is likely to be children and play out of love began planting gourd. There are three reasons: First, children have a lot of free time to take care of, protect and manage their "work" results; Second, a large white gourd seed particles, is very popular; third is large and easy gourd seed particles seeding operation. There are many parts of our country folk custom of fasting gourd seeds, big people use "to eat gourd seed packet, president of teeth" to the group to frighten children, shows that people's attention and protection gourd seeds, gourd cultivation also implies that the history of old. When our ancestors turned to plant grass planting gourd plant the seeds for food, the primitive agriculture was born.
  Peaks of the western Hubei Province, has an stands, Lin Tao Gao Taishan undulating land, which lies across the Yangtze River and Han River between the radius of 3250 square kilometers, which is China's famous Shennongjia. According to legend, Shen Nong ancient times the people in here Bianchang hundred herbs cure disease, due to the high wall of steep cliffs, rare herbs is not easy to adopt, Shennong on logging Excellent Quality, and, hence, here after known as 'Shennongjia'.
  】 【In Mountain
  In Mountain scenic location, convenient traffic, Jiaoke Gong Road, Jiaozuo-Liuzhou railway running through its next, Jin Luo highway longitudinal Meanwhile, catering services, comfort and thoughtful pleasure, honest, folk espresso!
  Unique natural conditions
  In Mountain scenic area belongs to the southern end of the Taihang Mountains, Zhongshan front lots, the topography of north to south, in 250-1116.9 meters above sea level. One grass Au Ling, purple top, top-catching colors, such as copper trench top elevation is 1000 meters. Steep mountain peaks and the proliferation of gully aspect, habitat diversity. Due to tectonic movements, water erosion cutting and long-term leaching of lime, forming many cliffs, canyons and natural caverns deep groove. Deep ravines, high cliffs are everywhere in the 100 meters, deep groove year without seeing the sun, dark threatening. The terrain can be divided into three categories: First, areas of steep cliff, located in the Taihang Mountains 1 ~ 2 km along the south lot, going up from 200 meters above sea level suddenly rose to 700 to 800 meters, slope at 45 ° -90 °, bare rock, soil barren, sparse vegetation, mostly of steep cliffs, it is difficult to climb. Second, the buffer zone of steep elevation of 700 meters to 900 meters, claimed two points, slope at about 20 °, deep soil, plants grow well. Third Peak slow flat area, and larger, flat open terrain, the formation of many squares, the small basins, water conditions are good, more acidic soil, suitable for a variety of plant growth.
  2, hydrological
  In Mountain scenic area is located in warm temperate continental monsoon climate, four distinct seasons. Dry windy spring, summer, hot, rainy, autumn Qinghe day long, cold and dry winter. According to Qinyang weather observation: the average temperature of 14.3 ℃. In January the coldest -2 ℃, extreme minimum temperature -17.6 ℃; July the hottest, with an average temperature of 27.4 ℃, extreme maximum temperature 42.1 ℃. Activities throughout the year more than 10 ℃ accumulated temperature 4692.2 ℃. Average sunshine hours 2496 hours of sunshine rate 57%. Frost-free period 219 days. Average annual rainfall of 619 mm, mostly concentrated in 7,8,9 for three months, accounting for 70% of annual precipitation, water and heat over the same period. Winter rainfall accounts for 10% of annual precipitation, spring precipitation accounts for about 20% of annual precipitation. As is located along the south of Taihang, North China Plain and the Shanxi plateau transition sections, high mountains, dense forests, varied topography, both block the invasion of northwest cold, but also retain the warm air along the southeast coast, forming a unique micro-climate, rainfall than plain ones, air temperature, high summer temperatures lower than the plain 6 ~ 8 ℃. Taihang Mountains, although the arid regions of China famous, but in Mountain Scenic Area of ditch and over the cliff, there springs Emission, gurgling water, year-round inexhaustible. Unique climate, terrain, climate and the formation of many small niche is conducive to a variety of plants and animals flourish.
  Particularly worth mentioning is that we began to develop in the Taihang Mountains on Zuyan Di Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs, Xing agriculture, the history of mankind from nomadic to settled, from fishing and hunting to farming remains a major turning point, Changzhi municipal government in Yan once tasted a hundred herbs to build a grand memorial Yan Emperor. Now, a 39 m high, Asia's first giant bronze statue of Emperor Yan Tsui stack has been standing in the towering peaks of 100 Valley mountains. As the main offering to the statue into the altar, temple, and 100 Cottage, Shen Nong well, Shen Nong Quan, Lei Si-dong, God countryside, inscriptions and other landscape under construction.
  Long ago, the Chinese have "Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs and Japan met Seventy-toxic, have tea and the solution of the" legends. Shen Nong said that there is a crystal clear in the stomach, eat something, people can see clearly in his gastrointestinal. At that time people, eating is devouring, so often Naobing. Shen Nong order to relieve people's suffering, put the plants are trying to see it again and see these plants in the stomach changes, which determine which non-toxic toxic. When he tasted a kind of white blossoms of evergreen leaves time in the stomach from top to bottom, from bottom to top, full of mobile washing, as if to check what in the stomach, so he took such leaves that as "Charlie." After the people again, "Charlie," calling it "tea." Shen Nong wading over many years to climb, try hundred herbs, poisoning every day, several times, thanks to tea to save. But the last time, Shen Nong's no time to eat tea, or poisoned by poisonous weeds. It is said, when he saw a kind of open yellow flowers in the grass, that the calyx in one of a ground motion, and he was curious, put the leaves in his mouth and chew slowly. Moment, he felt hard by the stomach, not enough time to eat tea, intestines on a one to disconnect, and the original is in the Ussuriensis Maxim's drug. Future generations to reverence, commemoration of the inventor's achievements in agriculture and medicine, was eulogized on the generation of such a story of Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs.
  Shen Nong Chronicle:
  Oare 320 years, Alexander Shen Nong in the black water breaking water, wood, fire, seven three communities encirclement of God, Megatron the world.
  Oare 580 years in April, God Emperor Shen Nong Herbs in the South Peak poison the international petrochemical Agrimonia rock.
  Gong: Five Spectrum
  Treasure: red whip
  China began Zuyan Di Shen Nong's birthplace - strong mountain, located in the south of Suizhou Li Jiulong Mountain Town. Shen Nong Tung ancient farmers in nine mountainside. Historical records, "Shen Nong's mother Andehn, Agriculture and Health Yan sense" here. Shennong Horeb attractions in the area, built Shennong hole monument of Emperor Yan, Yan Emperor Shen Nong Memorial Square, Memorial of Emperor Yan, Yan Emperor Shen Nong arch and other monuments. Horeb spots Shennong planning and construction, to "return to the ancient architecture, the environment also wild" as the characteristics of planning as "the world's strong mountain clan hall," "ritual pilgrimage", "Holy Relics Tour", "Datong Market", "Yan Hometown economic and technological development "," service hospitality management, "the six areas, the construction of temple restoration of Emperor Yan, Alexander strong ancestral hall, temple saint, Charity Hall, Shen Nong Temple, An Dengquan, grasses and garden, view of the Temple of Heaven, Shen Nong nine wells Attractions . Jiang river landscape fashion, 9 Ling Qing Lan, smoke temple bells in the evening, village sunset, Kwu Tung Ching snow, fog reduced off rock, dragon flag, etc., because of material through the landscape, extraordinary beauty. For thousands of years, whenever Yan birthday memorial day, tens of thousands of people around the world come to worship Horeb Shennong, cherish the memory of Chinese ancestor, strong domestic and overseas Chinese people Xungenwenzu mountain has become the Holy Land.
  "Zuo. Zhaogong twenty-nine": "Hill's the Master said, there is a strong pillar for the millet, from the worship of more than summer; Zhou Ji abandoned also, since the business has been worshiped." Jin Du Yu for making note saying: "Lie Hill's, Yan also played in the Li."
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(4082 BC3702 BC)
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