姓: | 伊耆 | ||||||
名: | 石年 | ||||||
网笔号: | 烈山氏 | ||||||
下游),后来进入黄河中游,与九黎族发生了长时期的冲突。九黎族的首领叫蚩尤,兽身人面,铜头铁脖子,头上有角,耳上生毛硬如剑戟,能吃砂石,可能是以某种猛兽为图腾的氏族。他有兄弟八十一人,即八十一个氏族,是勇悍善战的强大氏族部落。蚩尤把炎帝驱逐到涿鹿(今河北西北桑干河流域,或者今山东泰山周围)。炎帝向黄帝求援,双方在涿鹿大战-场。蚩尤请风伯雨师兴风作雨,造了大雾使黄帝的士兵迷失方向,黄帝请旱神女魃,把天气放晴,造了“指南车” 辨别方向。这场激烈战争的结果是蚩尤失败,被杀死了。黄帝取得了胜利,被推举为“天子”。
姜氏族为西戎族(或东夷族)一支,原为游牧民族(或农耕部落),很早期便由西方进入中原。而当时在今陕西与河南交界处,居住著以蚩尤为首的九黎族(有说独苗族),双方因部落发展而发生长期冲突,炎帝不敌而退至今河北省一带。据说因“炎帝欲侵凌诸侯 ”,后又与轩辕氏族姬姓之黄帝进行三次激烈的战役,此次被认为是华夏民族第一场大规模的战争,称为阪泉之战(阪泉,今京郊延庆境内的阪泉村)。面对着统领熊、罴、貔、貅、貙、虎为图腾部落的强大对手,炎帝终告不敌,与之结盟并归顺之,黄帝以胜利的姿态结束了这场战争。
炎帝 神农氏
古代史书关于神农氏的世代记载是这样的:神农氏统治经历了七十个世代,(一说十七个世代)到黄帝部落崛起的时候才衰落下去了。这里有一个问题前面忘了说明的需要说明一下,即神农氏以前包括神农氏的时代,像伏羲,女娲,神农这样的称呼乃是对于某个部落或者部落的若干代首领的统称,而不是对唯一一个君主的称呼。但是后世的学者们往往产生歧见,比如关于古蜀国的历史记载中,很多人都认为蚕从和鱼凫是古蜀国的两代君王,但是实际上蚕从和鱼凫乃是两个分别长达数百年的古蜀国王朝,每个王朝都有十几个世代。(《史记.五帝本纪》中也提到:黄帝崛起的时候,恰好 “神农世衰”,黄帝与炎帝战于阪泉之野。请注意这个“世”字。)这就是为什么伏曦,女娲,神农的统治往往高达数百年乃至数千年的原因。按照一世三十年计算,那么神农氏统治的时期大约为两千年(如果是十七个世代则大约是五百年)黄帝的时代,在距今大约五千年以前,以此上推两千年,大约就可以推断出神农氏统治开始于距今大约七千年以前。
【中文名称】: 涿鹿之战
【发生时间】: 黄帝时期(公元前26世纪)
【发生地点】: 河北省涿鹿县
【中文名称】: 阪泉之战
【发生时间】: 黄帝时期(公元前26世纪)
【发生地点】: 阪泉(今河北省涿鹿县东,—说今山西运城解池附近)
神农氏后,中原出现两大部落联盟。其首领分别为炎帝和黄帝,据传皆少典氏后裔。炎帝长于姜水 (渭水支流,今陕西岐山东),以姜为姓。其族沿黄河流域向东发展进入中原,成为黄河中游地区的强大部落联盟。黄帝长于姬水(即岐水,今陕西境,亦有他说),以姬为姓,东进中原后,居:于轩辕之丘(今河南新郑西;比),称轩辕氏(又称缙云氏、帝鸿氏、有熊氏)。其族形成包括姬姓12部落的部落联盟。黄帝经常进攻附近有肯归附的部落,势力不断扩大。炎帝也在不断扩大自己势力,两大联盟终于暴发冲突。黄帝率领以熊、罴、貔、貅、虎、雕、歇、鹰、鸢等为图腾的各部落,在阪泉之野与炎帝各部落交战。经三次激烈战斗,黄帝部落联盟终于获胜,初步建立了黄帝对中原地区的领导地位。
明代,有关炎帝陵庙的修葺,史书记载颇详。较大规模的修葺有三次:第一次是洪武三年(公元 1370年)。明太祖朱元璋即位后,诏命遍修历代帝王陵寝,由此炎帝陵庙也得到了一次全面修葺。第二次是嘉靖三年(公元1524年),由酃县知县易宗周主持。这次重修是在原庙旧址上拓宽兴建,基本上改变了旧庙原貌。第三次是万历四十八年(公元1620年)。酃县县令派人于路旁募款,发起重修。新庙规模虽因循旧制,但庙貌大为改观。
清代对炎帝陵庙的修葺,有据可查的约有9次。清世祖顺治四年(公元1647年),南明将领盖遇时部进驻炎陵,屯兵庙侧,炎帝陵庙惨遭破坏。是后,当地官民士绅及时进行了补葺,但由于战争频仍,资金缺乏,修葺未能完善。康熙三十五年(公元1696 年),清圣祖玄烨遣太仆寺少卿王绅前来炎帝陵告灾致祭。王见陵庙栋宇损坏严重,入告于朝,奏请修葺,圣祖准奏。由酃县知县龚佳蔚督工,整修一新,但是未能恢复前代规模。
清朝最大的一次修复是在道光十七年(公元1837年),由知县俞昌会主持、当地士绅百姓募资捐款所进行的一次重修。重修工程自孟夏开始,年底竣工,费时 8个月有余。这次重修后的炎帝陵殿,高大宽敞,金碧辉煌,,庄严肃穆,蔚为壮观,各附属建筑,依山傍水,错落有致,与主殿相辉相映,形成了一个统一的整体,也为炎陵山增添了无限秀色。
民国年间,炎帝陵殿的修葺活动,据有关文字记载有4次:第一次是民国四年(公元1915年), 酃县知事瞿燮捐资百元,连同炎帝陵修葺费14元,交人筹措修复,土木将兴,旋因湘军驻陵侧,以至无法施工而作罢。第二次是民国十二年(1923年),因连年兵祸,陵庙倾圯在即,酃县政府再次呈文请修,湖南省政府拨款500元,令县长欧阳枚鸠工修葺。第三次是1936年。酃县县长夏礼鉴于“炎陵殿宇年久失修,多已损坏”,于年初组建了修复炎陵筹备委员会。但是半途而废,修复计划未能实施。第四次是1940年,第九战区司令长官兼湖南省政府主席薛岳主持的一次大修。1940年日军犯西南,为防患于未然,薛岳拟将省政府迁酃县炎陵山。是年春,拨专款于炎陵山修建省政府机关办公用房和员工宿舍,修筑了茶陵至酃县炎陵山的简易公路,同时对炎陵殿宇进行了全面修葺。
炎帝陵殿被焚以后,重新修复炎帝陵殿已成为广大炎黄子孙的强烈愿望。党的十一届三中全会以后,修复条件日趋成熟。1986年 6月28日,由酃县人民政府主持,陵殿修复工程正式破土动工,到1988年10月胜利竣工。重修后的炎帝陵殿,规模较前稍有扩大,整个建筑占地面积 3836平方米。分为五进:第一进为午门,第二进为行礼亭,第三进为主殿,第四进为墓碑亭,第五进为墓冢。殿外修复了咏丰台、天使馆、鹿原亭等附属建筑。整个建筑金碧辉煌,重檐翘角,气势恢宏,富有民族传统风格。
是炎黄青胄,中国人是炎黄子孙。神农氏族始祖炎帝始生地在姜水,轩辕氏族始祖黄帝始生地在姬水,早在2700多年前的春秋时代就有定论。《国语·晋语》中记载:“黄帝以姬水成,炎帝以姜水成。”姜水在宝鸡地区,这在1500多年前的北魏时代,中国古地理学家评道元就明确地写人《水经注》中。明代天顺五年《一统志》记载:“姜水在宝鸡县南。”即今宝鸡市区渭河南姜水边的姜氏城。宝鸡市区渭河南有浴圣九龙泉,泉上有唐建神农祠,祠南蒙峪口有常羊山,常羊山有炎帝陵,均在(宝鸡市)渭滨区益门乡(神农乡)境内,都是众民百姓祭祀先祖炎帝的场所。炎帝陵主要游览建筑有:神农门、羊脚亭、炎帝陵大门、炎帝行宫、羊首亭、“神农城池”、“华夏始祖”牌坊、祭坛广场、炎帝大殿、炎帝塑像、大型彩绘、墓前石阶、陵墓等。宝鸡民间春节正月11日集会九龙泉祭祀炎帝诞辰;每年 7月7日集会天台山祭奠炎帝死葬。近年来,海内外同胞多次成批来宝鸡姜水流域姜城堡、九龙泉、天台山寻根拜祖,但祠毁陵圮失修。作为神农故乡的炎黄子孙 ——宝鸡人深感内疚。为此渭滨区益门乡政府先后邀请专家学者与研究宝鸡方志的同志,进行实地考察,结合史志文献记载论证.市政府、政协以及地处蒙峪沟口常羊山下的宝鸡桥梁厂领导,决心在神农氏族始祖炎帝的出生、创业与丧葬之处重修神农祠和炎帝陵,为炎黄子孙拜祖谒陵祭奠先祖炎帝修建场所。弘扬民族文化,功垂中华历史。炎帝陵划分陵前区、祭祖区、墓冢三个部分。陵前区:姜城堡处有一古式重檐牌坊,上书:“炎帝故里”四字。堡东“浴圣九龙泉”上有沐浴殿和九龙亭。清姜路北段十字路口有座石质华表牌坊,上书“神农之乡”四字。清姜路中段十字路口又有一座古式牌坊,上书“人杰地灵”四字。宝鸡桥梁厂门前天台山入口处的蒙峪,坐东面西有座跨路古建筑“神农门”牌坊。过神农门经桥梁厂家属区,向南即为常羊山炎帝陵,有盘山公路直达陵殿;另有直登陵殿的石阶。祭祀区:“炎帝陵”所在的常羊山,距宝鸡市南约5公里。进入山门,有百米台阶,谒陵人可拾级登陵台,陵台处有牌坊、山门。门外竖立着一块石碑,上刻“常羊山”三个大字,是西安著名书法家吴三大的手迹。常羊山风光宜人,沟底终年流淌着清冽的山泉小溪,也流淌着永远诉说不完的美丽传说,炎帝神农就诞生在这块美丽的土地上。步入炎帝庙的大门,左厢房里展出着炎帝的生平及传说故事,右厢房的墙壁上悬挂着各界人士的题词。东西两侧设有中国农业展览馆和中医中药史展览馆。修建炎帝陵及祭奠炎帝活动的生动场面可以通过电视录相展示在人们眼前。院子的正面是大殿,殿前是可容纳千人的祭祀广场。大殿面5间,左右两边的大红柱子上是西安著名书法家茹桂书写的对联:“创始定有人千载岐黄崇炎帝 ”,“流传安无据八方稼穑念神农”。正面门额上是“炎帝大殿”四个大字。殿堂正中央是炎帝的大型塑像,殿内灯火辉煌,香火不断,宏亮的钟声悠扬悦耳,回荡整个山谷…… 祭祖区内还修建姜炎圣母宫和神农阁。西山腰有百草堂、药王洞建筑,既是研究中医中药的场所,又可以为群众看病。陵墓区:穿过殿堂往南,便是一条笔直的通往后山顶的小道。炎帝陵就在这后山顶上。人们迫不及待地登上陡峭的、层层相叠的台阶,直至登上第999个台阶,才算终于到达常羊山的中峰顶。这是个庞大的圆形陵墓,墓冢周围用青石砌筑,墓碑上刻有“炎帝陵”四字。四周松柏成林。墓前通道两边为历代帝王塑像,陵家后为颂扬炎帝功德的诗词、楹联和绘画作品的碑林。陵墓东连天台山风景名胜区,北隔蒙峪河与诸葛山相望,南边松柏成林,越林梢可远眺高耸人云的秦岭大散关,向西俯视清波滚滚的姜水,姜水萦绕姜氏城北流人渭河。陵墓整体以山取势,古建成群,三面凌空,给人以雄伟、神圣、肃穆、古雅、幽静的感觉。“国之大事,在祀与戒。”“盖古圣之功德,惟帝最大。故后世之报享,帷帝最隆。”作为农业、医药和市场的创始者,炎帝神农氏在历代祀典中,一直居于崇高的地位。海外侨胞、港澳同胞和大陆各界人士纷纷来炎帝陵祭祖拜谒。这里有江泽民、李鹏、赵朴初、周培源、周谷城、杨静仁、张爱萍、王首道、钱伟长、江华、王任重、耿飚、张平化、严济慈、萧克、罗青长、屈武等人的题字、题词,也有社会各界人士留下的墨宝。
Yan Emperor, the legendary leader of ancient tribes during the surname Jiang, also known as Chidi, strong mountain's, one said that Shen Nong (or Shen Nong's descendants). According to legend, women mother board, day trips Huayang was Dragon Rao Shen, induction of pregnancy, gave birth to Yandi. Legend of Emperor Yan's first personal cattle, horned head. Yan was born in strong rocks room, longer than the ginger water, holiness, to fire German king, No. Yan so. Yan few and intelligent, could speak for three days, five days to walk, three things to know with farming. His life for the people to do many good things: to teach the people farming, people can eat enough clothes Feng; to allow people suffering from maladies, he tasted a variety of medicinal herbs, so that their day in the 70 th drug. He also made musical instruments, so that people understand the etiquette, praiseworthy for future generations. The initial activities of its tribe in this region of southern Shaanxi Province, and later development east along the Yellow River, and the Yellow Emperor conflict. Spring in the Battle of Osaka, the Yellow Emperor Yan was defeated, Yandi and Huangdi tribe tribes merged to form the Huaxia, today the Chinese people call themselves "descendants of Yan and Huang." Now supports the other historians claim that the Yellow Emperor of the Yellow River, Taishan west, Yan events in the lower Yellow River, east of Mount Tai, the two tribes to compete for dominance in the spring that is Zhuolu Osaka (both are located in the this Zhuolu County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province) decisive battle, defeat the Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor in exile in the South (later recalled), creating a situation of Chinese unification.
Yan surname Jiang. According to legend, he was head of a cow, probably is a totem of the clan head of cattle. Initially, the clan activity in Weihe River Basin, said other activities at the Surabaya River (Yellow River
Yan Huang Union expanding, submission of the tribes more and more, but Chi has always refused to accept an inevitable war. Chi led textual criticism, and the Union war on Argumentation (Argumentation this village in Hebei Province), is the legend of the times for the second war, known as the War, the so-called Zhuolu Central Plains, the source for this. Finally defeated Chi You. From then on it with the Yellow Emperor Kang clan settled down in the Central Plains. "Chinese people" the word, was one of the Chinese civilization started Zu Yandi and Huangdi's back and enshrined.
What is the relationship Shennong and Yan in the end? Both are the same people? On the relationship between Yan and Shen Nong, academia has long formed a view diametrically opposed factions: one group that is the Shen Nong Yan. This school's point of view is to prevail, be regarded as mainstream, such as Hunan Yandi Ling Shen Nong memorial is to come as the Yan Emperor worship, so the memorial will have the theme Yan tasted a hundred herbs. The other view holds that the two systems of Emperor Yan and Shen Nong who has nothing to do, it can not be the same person.
Ancient historical records on the Shen Nong generation is this: Rustic rule has undergone 70 generations, (some say 17 generations) to the time before the rise of the Yellow Emperor tribes waned. There is a problem in front of forgotten shows the need to state that the era of Shen Nong Shennong previously included, such as Fu Xi, Nu Wa, Shen Nong this title but for a tribe or tribal leaders of several generations of collectively, rather than only call on the monarch. But later scholars tend to produce differences, such as historical records of the ancient Shu State, many people think that is teal silk and fish from two generations of ancient Shu king, but in practice, and Yufu silkworm but from two separate for several hundred years of ancient Shu Kingdom, every dynasty has a dozen generations. ("Historical Records. Wudi," also mentioned: the rise of the Yellow Emperor, when, exactly, "Shen Nong Shi decline," Huang Di and Yan Di Osaka spring in the wild fight. Please note that this "world" word.) This is why V Xi, F Wa, Shen Nong's rule is often as high as several hundred or even thousands of reasons. I, calculated according to three decades, then the reign of Shen Nong about two thousand years (if it is 17 generations is about five years) age of the Yellow Emperor, in about five years ago before this last push two years, about Rustic rule can be inferred began about seven years ago before.
【Chinese Name】: the War
【Event Description】: Chi Huang Di and Yan Di Union attack
"War" broke out, coincides with the fog and high winds heavy rain, it is very suitable for wet environments from the East Chi clan launched military action. So The initial phase of operations for the Yellow Emperor Yu Qing weather is not conducive to family circumstances, had lost nine games and nine (9 is an imaginary number, describe the number of times as much). However, before long, rainy season in the past, the weather cleared, which gives the Yellow Emperor family provides an important opportunity to turn the tables. Huangdi people grasp the fighters, in Xuannv family support, the momentum to launch a counterattack Chi family. The use of special favorable weather conditions - wind comes up, dust storms or blowing horns, hit Pigu, by Chi family Tribes confusion, shock and awe of the occasion, to guide the direction of the car, drive the public to the Chi clan attack, finally beat the enemy, and in the wild Jizhou (ie Jizhou, this Hebei) Qinsha its chief Chi. The War on the way to the victory of the Yellow Emperor family ended. After the war, the Yellow Emperor Family exploit a victory east, has arrived into the vicinity of Mount Tai, where held a "closed Taishan" Seogui triumph only after the ceremony. At the same time, "Bird Sima life less Hao honest teacher", that can Dongyi select a name attached to a small minority of the clan heads of the Qing Hao Jiu Yi Department continued to guide the people, and forced Dongyi each with its own China Group Results for the alliance.
【Time】 occurred: the Yellow Emperor period (26th century BC)
Battle of Osaka Izumi
China formed
Osaka Izumi is the Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor Battle for the battle between the Alliance leaders to conduct tribal wars, the defeat of Emperor Yan family, into the family of the Yellow Emperor, China gradually. Yellow Emperor was defeated in the War of the Dongyi Group 9 leader Li Chi, the force to the territory of today's Shandong Province, China to an unprecedented expansion of the Group. It contains Yu, Xia, Shang and Zhou are the descendants of the Yellow Emperor, after thousands of years of historical development, China's position in Chinese history will be gradually established.
"Ban Gu number," said Shen Nong should be under the day of, subdivision of the profits, created to strokes and other agricultural implements, Christian farming, so that people get great benefits, so No. Shennong. "Department of the World chapter of the Emperor" is the first to pull together Yan and Shen Nong said "about Yan," Yan said that the Shen Nong, No. Yan body, Shen Nong code. Han Gao You, "book of the time the training," said Chidi Chidi again when combined with the Shen Nong, said Chidi that Yan, the son of a small code, number Shen Nong, southern Germany, the Emperor of the fire. "Zuo Zhuan", the "national language" and "Book of Rites" has been referred to Hill's strong will to sow 100 Valley 100 vegetables. Han Zheng Xuan Note "Book of Rites," and three Wei Zhao Note the "national language", said Hill's strong as the Yan Emperor. "River Systems" Volume 12 and again strongly Hill's Rustic phase and that the wrong water southwest through the Li Xiangnan, water south of hills, is the strong mountain, hill, a cave, are said to Shen Nong birth Department Therefore, "Book of Rites," said Hill's Rustic was strong. And the strong (Li, column) the origin of Hill's title, there are two said. "Road History" that the original word as a column Horeb mountain or Li Shan, as Shennong "Zhao track" in the column mountains, so in order to column mountains, vigorous mountain clan. Liu Cheng Huai "China Myth" is that the man of God Emperor Yan, set fire to the mountain is very violent, and are thus strongly Hill's.
Yan's contribution
Second, building up the city marketplace, the first provision of the market. According to "The Book of Changes • Xi Ci under the" set, Shen Nong, "Japan and China for the city, resulting in the world of people, gather the world of goods, transactions fall back, get what they want." Shen Nong invented in Japan for the city, a barter market is China's currency, the origin and foundation of business development.
5, cut wood for the bow to the world prestige. Shen Nong founded a bow and arrow, to effectively prevent the beast attacks, a powerful blow to the violation of foreign tribes, to defend people's lives and labor.
Yan management tribe, control the world very method. He does not expect his report, not greedy of the world of finance, while the total wealth of the world. Chi you in person, the world and respect for. He German to justice, not reward the Minqin, not fine but right from wrong, unconvinced and fiscal competition between full and no system to make the people from, rather than killing Wei Li, French provincial and not bother, no disrespect to the people wear.
As for the Yan Emperor was born, has no conclusion, in fact, is a deification of Emperor Yan's figure, it represents an ancient man in the struggle with nature to change the nature of the collective wisdom embodied. Today, "Yan" and "Yellow Emperor" as a symbol of China five thousand years of civilization has been included in the annals of world civilization, the Chinese also known as "Chinese people."
Agriculture, including cultivation, harvest reserve, the three major steps in processing food. Before the advent of agriculture in the original collection fishing and hunting in early times, harvest reserves and consumption are two completely separate processes, people collect and reserves are not always the food, people eat what are often taken and eaten, not must be something the previous Reserve, reserves of food and people are often not plant seeds. With the emergence of pottery, people only have a safe and effective storage methods, and thus the long-term reserves of food and water, and food reserves to the acquisition of two independent process closely together. Only in this case, it will form a large demand for access to plant seeds. Original planting began in the use of gourds for drinking water apparatus Fu Xi times, people are first planted gourd, gourd in the planting process, it has accumulated rich cultivation techniques. To Nu Wa's age is age pottery, planting techniques and the demand for seeds of plants, once combined with the emergence of agriculture was also ready to come out. In fact, when people start planting gourd, not necessarily because of demand growing gourd think, is likely to be children and play out of love began planting gourd. There are three reasons: First, children have a lot of free time to take care of, protect and manage their "work" results; Second, a large white gourd seed particles, is very popular; third is large and easy gourd seed particles seeding operation. There are many parts of our country folk custom of fasting gourd seeds, big people use "to eat gourd seed packet, president of teeth" to the group to frighten children, shows that people's attention and protection gourd seeds, gourd cultivation also implies that the history of old. When our ancestors turned to plant grass planting gourd plant the seeds for food, the primitive agriculture was born.
Buried on the record about Yan, the earliest writing found in Jin Huangfu Mi's "imperial century", Red Emperor, "the reign of 120 years of the collapse, buried in Changsha." Bleeding Luo Song Writing "Road History" on account of more specific: Yan, "The tea-end collapse buried Changsha, It is called Chaling." According to local history, "Ling county" records, the area has been the Western Han Dynasty Tomb, the Western Han Dynasty, Greenwood, Insurrection Army Xing, Geographical Distribution and fear looters to explore, then will be razed to the ground mausoleum. Tang Dynasty, Buddhism, Buddhist temples built before the tomb, it is called "Tangxing Temple", but the front of the tombs, "when there is enshrined."
After the Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty in the past century, the court only worship Yandi Ling's activities, without Youzhao repair Yandi Ling temple records.
Yongzheng 10 year (AD 1733), the magistrate Zhang Jun Devotional using state treasury, published by the Qing dynasty imperial tomb enactment of the ancient temple reconstruction unified format, also referred to Ling Ling Temple, which is the name of the house. This laid the Yandi Ling Temple built the basic shape, forming a "pre-three - courtesy Pavilion - main hall - tombs," the four into the pattern. Ling temple for the whole fake palace, magnificent, ancient architecture reflects the traditions of China.
After the founding of new China, Hunan Yandi Ling is listed as cultural heritage site. New Year's Eve 1954, as pilgrims worship incense candle, ignite hall bunting, accidentally caught fire, resulting in the main hall and bowed Yandi Ling Ting burned. "Cultural Revolution" period, the tomb house and outbuildings were destroyed and heavy, in addition to tombs, all razed to the ground.
Yan Temple
Yan Huang blue helmet is the Chinese people are all Chinese. Zu Yandi Shennong family before beginning habitat in the ginger water, Xuan Yuan clan before beginning Zuhuang Di Ji water habitat in the early Spring and Autumn Period 2,700 years ago, there is conclusive. "Mandarin Jin Yu" records: "the Yellow Emperor to Ji water into, Yan with ginger water into." Ginger water in Baoji, which 1500 years ago, the Northern Wei dynasty, ancient Chinese geographers comments Road yuan to clearly write "water from Note "in the. Ming Tian Shun five years, "Yi Tong Zhi" record: "ginger water in Baoji County South." Baoji term of the present water's edge of the Chiang Wei-Kang City, Henan Province. Baoji Weihe have nine holy bath Longquan, Quan Tang Jian Shen Nong Temple there, there is often Yangshan Meiyukou Temple nammon, often Yangshan have Yandi Ling, are in the (Baoji City) Weibin yimen township (Shen Nong Township) territory, the people are the people worship the first place Zu Yandi. Yandi Ling major tour construction are: Shen Nong door, sheep foot pavilion, Yandi Ling door, Yan palace, sheep, the first pavilion, "Shen Nong city", "Chinese ancestor," the arch, altar Square, Yan Basilica, the statue of Emperor Yan, large painting, the tomb stone order, tombs and so on. Baoji civil Spring Festival gathering nine first month on the 11th birthday of Emperor Yan Longquan worship; annual meeting on July 7 Tiantai Mountain Festivals Yan after death. In recent years, several compatriots at home and abroad come to bulk water basin Baoji ginger ginger Castle, 9 Longquan, Tiantai roots Baizu, but the Temple destroyed tomb destroyed disrepair. Shen Nong Chinese people as a homeland - Baoji people feel guilty. This Weibin yimen township government has invited experts and scholars and research Baoji Chronicles of comrades, field trips, combined Chronicles documented proof. Municipal government, the CPPCC and often located in Yangshan port Mongolia Dayugou Baoji Bridge Works under the leadership and determination in the beginning of Zu Yandi Shennong birth family, the funeral business and rebuilt between Temple and Yandi Ling Shen Nong, and pay homage to their ancestors for the Chinese people Baizuyeling Yan construction sites. National culture, Chinese history and vertical power. Yandi Ling Ling anterior division, ancestral areas, the mass graves of three parts. Ling former District: Ginger Castle Department has an antique double eaves and the arch, a letter: "Yandi native place," four words. Fort East "Bath St. 9 Longquan" There is temple and bathing pavilion, Kowloon. Qing Jiang North Section intersection with Block, China stone arch form, a letter, "Shen Nong village" four words. Qing Jiang Road intersection there an old-style middle of the arch, a letter to "old times" four words. Baoji Bridge Factory Tiantai Mountain in front of the entrance to the Mongolian valley, take the east west cross road of ancient buildings, Block "Shen Nong's Gate" arch. Shen Nong door manufacturers through an area by the bridge, the south shall always Yangshan Yandi Ling, a winding mountain road directly Ling temple; another house of stone steps Naoto tomb. Sacrifice Zone: "Yandi Ling," where often Yangshan, from about 5 km south of Baoji City. Into the gate, there are 100 m level, Ye Ling Tang Ling Taiwan may gradually fall; hence, Ling Taiwan Department has the arch, gate. Door erected a stone tablet inscribed "often Yangshan" three characters, is a famous calligrapher Wu Xian three of the handwriting. Yangshan often pleasant scenery, year-round flowing ditch Qinglie the spring stream, but also never tell endless flowing legend of Emperor Yan was born in this beautiful land. The door into the Temple of Emperor Yan, Zuo Xiang room display with Yan's life and legends, the right wing of all walks of life hanging on the wall inscription. East and west sides with China Agricultural Exhibition Hall and Exhibition Gallery, the history of Chinese medicine. Yan Emperor Yandi Ling and memorial activities in the construction of the vivid scenes video through the TV show in people's eyes. The front yard is the main hall, before the house is square to accommodate thousands of worship. Basilica surface 5, left and right sides of the red column is the famous calligrapher Ru Gui Xian couplet written: "It was a founding set Qi Huang Chong Yandi Thousand Leagues", "Spread peace without, according to Nian Shen Nong P Plus with farming." Front door is the amount of "Yan hall", describe. The middle is a large temple statue of Emperor Yan, hall lit, incense constantly, the bell loud and melodious music, echoed throughout the valley ... ... worship in the region also built Jiang Yan Shen Nong Court Palace and Notre Dame. Cottage waist with 100 in Xishan, Yao Wang hole construction, both the place of traditional Chinese medicine, but also medical treatment for the masses. Tomb area: south through the hall, is a straight path leading to the summit after. Yandi Ling on top of the hill in this post. People wait to board a steep, stacked layers of the steps, until the board the first 999 steps to be considered finally reached the peak usually in Yangshan's. This is a huge circular tomb, with bluestone masonry around the mass graves, tombstones engraved with "Yandi Ling" four words. Surrounded by pine and cypress forest. Channel on both sides of the emperors tomb statue, after family tomb of Emperor Yan merit praise poems, couplets and paintings of the forest of steles. Tiantai tomb scenic area east, north across the sea Mongolia Wenyuhe and Zhuge Hill, south of Pine forest, overlooking the more Linshao towering cloud of Qinling Mountains were scattered off the west overlooking the rolling Qingbo ginger water, ginger water Chiang Wei River north of the city linger inflow. Tomb as a whole to take the situation mountains, ancient architecture in groups on three sides volley, gives a grand, sacred, solemn, quaint, quiet feeling. "Affairs of state with the ring in worship." "Cover Gusheng of merit, but the greatest emperor. So future generations to enjoy the newspaper, hangings most lung Emperor." As agriculture, medicine and the founder of the market, about Yan Religion in the ancient China has been living in high status. Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and mainland China have all walks of life paid homage to Yandi Ling ancestors. There Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, Zhao Puchu, Zhou Pei-Yuan, Zhou Gucheng, Yang Jingren, Zhang Aiping, Wang's first Road, chang, v. to Wang Renzhong, Geng Biao, Zhang Ping of, Yanjici, Xiao Ke, Luo Qing Long, Qu Wu et inscription , inscription, also left the community calligraphy.
Yan palace
According to Ming Chenghua 10 year (1475), "Yan palace rebuilt landmark" record: "Shen Nong palace Paragon Village at it off before, Jau-Ji Swire, no paper test, Temple Village in swapping the southeast, the existing graves, Mulan wound care, however much difference a few hundred Yubu Temple and the Palace also. "
The Chinese nation has a long history back to ancient times. And the Yellow Emperor Huangdi about Yan's to their great historical achievements are revered as the human ancestor of the Chinese nation, generation by the Chinese people respect the earth.
According to "The Book of Changes", "pipe" and other pre-Qin literature relevant records, and many find the Yangtze River Basin, including Hunan, 7000-9 years ago to verify the ancient cultural relics that Yan is the founder of the Chinese agricultural civilization. According to legend, the beginning kind of grain to the people Yan food production Leisi to facilitate cultivation, Bianchang hundred herbs to Medicine Man ailments, governance hemp cloth to imperial China for the cold, mold storage civilian objects to be cut as Yee Tong feelings for the piano, Japan and the City benefit of the residents, quiet residential wood arrows with safety, repeat gossip to explore astronomical phenomena, after the herbs to treat the people in the southern tour in Japan have never stopped poisoning case of 70, the end result of mistake to try Ussuriensis Maxim and "collapse buried in Changsha The tea-tail "term of the present deer Yanling County, Hunan Province original reservoir. Yan Gong unquestionable, Deese later. He created the original farming civilization, so that ancestors changed Rumaoyinxue to hunting and fishing and gathering wild fruits as the source of all life, the state embarked on the creative community can be said that the first time in our history "green revolution." Especially the younger generations of ancestors fierce battle prehistoric Yan led the congregation in the spirit of hard work, self-improvement of the pioneering and innovative spirit, social commitment of the national spirit of unity is the Chinese self-esteem, self-reliance, self-confidence, self-generated sources and model of the spirit.
Yanling's supporters believe that many documented "Dibeng this" "The collapse buried in tea-tail" of the deer of the original Pei, here is the Yandi Ling authentic; Baoji supporters that "Yan was born in the old Williams "is Yandi Ling is the only land of the election; high Jinping County (now Gaoping) is recorded, seems to only show that Yan had parade this point, the number of some name is not correct is starting, in the debate almost impossible to fight with the former two .
"Hubei Annals" contains: "Shen Nong from Horeb, the mountain's strong, this village is also with Li." Horeb, also known as Li Shan, as also for the Lishan Shi. Shennong Horeb attractions in the area, built Shennong hole monument of Emperor Yan, Yan Emperor Shen Nong Memorial Square, Memorial of Emperor Yan, Yan Emperor Shen Nong arch and other monuments. Jiang river landscape fashion, 9 Ling Qing Lan, smoke temple bells in the evening, village sunset, Kwu Tung Ching snow, fog reduced off rock, dragon flag, etc., because of material through the landscape, extraordinary beauty. For thousands of years, whenever Yan birthday memorial day, tens of thousands of people around the world come to worship Horeb Shennong, cherish the memory of Chinese ancestor, strong domestic and overseas Chinese people Xungenwenzu mountain has become the Holy Land.