黄帝 List of Authors
Yellow emperor; The huangdi; MauslleumZhuan XuKu
Di ZhiDi YaoShun
Yan DiShen NongshiShao Dian
Chang Yi
Di Yao
黄帝  (2467 BC2258 BC)
Last Name: 尹祁
First Name: 放勋
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 唐尧
Reign2383 BC2258 BC
帝尧2383 BC2282 BC

  According to legend, the father of Emperor Yao Ku, Chen Feng's mother for the female. Is the great-grandson of Emperor Huangdi, reigned 70 years, "according to the sun and moon, wind and rain actions, all working from the dress," Death of the half-brother after the Yao Zhi throne. Zhi reign of 9 years, as poor governance, and abdication on the Yao.
  1 According to legend, one of the Five Emperors in Ancient China, Tang Yao was born in Shunping County (formerly End counties) Iraq Qishan, so Iraq has called on the Yaoshan Qishan. Yaoshan the south are mountain celebration, celebrate mass for the mother were born Yao, Qing Wang are both buried after death, hope all in the name of the mountain by the board Yaoshan hope all come. According to "Historical Biography of Five" and other classical records, Yao are descendants of the Yellow Emperor, one of five emperors in ancient times the son of Ku, whose real name is put Xun. KU's death, put Xun's brother loved his throne successor, 15 years of age in the place is sealed Tang Xun Hou, Tang with his people through thick and thin, the development of agriculture, and properly handle all types of government, the land governed Tang well-organized, not only by the people of the support, but also by many tribal leaders praise. But God loved little to do with outstanding performance, the tribal leaders also put Xun and alienate pro-Zhi. Emperor Zhi nine, Zhi Tang personally led officials to put the throne in Hsun Chan, put Xun Ji Diwei, Emperor Yao numbers, due to closure in the early Tang dynasty is the Tang as the number, this is the first dynasty in Chinese history No. descendants called Rhodium. TANG Yao's reign, and comply with the development of human civilization, the political ground for the careful and frugal, fixed calendar, Shide Zheng, anti-natural disaster, the founding of the system, select elite, distinguished achievements.
  Rhodium power early astronomical calendar is far from perfect, people often held up farming, so Yao Zu organization specialized personnel to sum up the experience of predecessors, so that Xi, and the two ethnic palm astronomical, running under the moon and stars and other celestial phenomena and the natural world waiting to presumption of time, measured four seasons so, on the moon for a period in January, the sun a period of one year as 366 days. This is the earliest record of our calendar, laid the foundation for China's Lunar New Year; Yao after the power is still very frugal life, living the thatched cottage, drink vegetable soup, wear woven kudzu crude commoner. Always pay attention to listen to the views of people who, in humble Gong Menqian set up a "For Remonstrance of the drums", whoever he or countries mentioned any comments or suggestions, you can always hit the side drum, Yao hear the drum immediately met with, listened carefully to the opinions come. To facilitate the public to find the court, he also makes the roads on a "defamation of the wood," that is buried on a wooden posts, poles next to it was guarded, people have opinions, can be presented to the caretaker, such as the bearer willing to go the court, keepers will give guidance. As in time to hear the opinion of the Yao people's suffering on the very understanding; Yao came to power when serious flooding occurred, the flood engulfed the hills, spread around, he let Gun flood control, ease nine river, over the flood ; Yao initial ruling, there is no basic state system, the state only tribe of the Commonwealth, a very loose management is not conducive to national unity, so Yao's administration has accumulated some experience, start building the country's political system, which is very important to a is appointed by various government officials, the first time in our history, to establish a systematic political system, created for the slavery laid the foundation for the country.
  5 It is worth mentioning that, "Ji" is an abbreviation of Hebei Province, contains and hopes the good wishes. As mentioned earlier, Hebei Province, the "wing" comes from the ancient Jizhou. Then, "Ji" mean? Ancient Chinese legend of the Emperor Yao, was born in Hebei Province Shunping County, after its capital Pingyang (Linfen City in Shanxi Province this year, is also a land of ancient Jizhou). Hebei Province in this southern activities Shunping County, Dingzhou, Tang County, Wangdu County, Longyao of local history, there are activities on the Emperor in the record. Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 25-220 years) have a standpoint of scientific origin of the book named something called "Release Name", it explained, "Jizhou" when the origin of the names wrote: Jizhou the north, where the emperor lived, this place insurance has changed and confusion wants governance, poor and weak hope to become rich and powerful, famine want a good harvest. "Ji" is a multi-meaning words, there are multiple meanings in Chinese, of which one meaning is "hope" means. In the Chinese written language, there is "Hope", "aspirations", "Hope," these words. "Release Name" to explain the meaning of the name Jizhou, is "hoping" to use this sense. This Jizhou, is placed the state of hope, then, now referred to as "Ji" is placed in Hebei Province, the land of hope.
  Yao became emperor, in order to facilitate the rule of the world, the ruling also from the threat of flooding to the capital, moved the capital from Pingyang Royal Hill (now Linfen, Shanxi Province), it left a lot of Yao Pingyang sites. Yao of the fief Liu eup, most people still live in the same place did not follow Yao to the capital to an official.
  7 Baoding a long history, first excavated from Xushui Nanchuang early Neolithic sites show far million years ago our ancestors have lived and multiplied here. According to legend, 4,000 years ago, in Tanghe River has been called the Tang Hou Yao and Shun demise in
  So why Tang Yao led his clan away old haunt, the West resettlement of Taiyuan do? Mr. He Guangyue in his famous "Origin of the history of Yan and Huang" in that forces due ethnicities increasingly strong, as the leader of the Tang Yao tribal alliance in order to avoid harassment of Dongyi tribe, then led his troops in the West Migration, "from the Tang County, hope all Proceeding along the south line of the Tang, Jingjing Guo along Hutuohe via Taiyuan, re-entering the Binh Duong. "(" On the Tang Yao's "), Mr. Zou Heng is also the case that, in his" On the first week of the Xia and Shang Archaeology TECHNOLOGY culture, "the article pointed out:" Taiyuan area of ancient culture is mostly Hebei Longshan (Culture), Xu Tan type and light social culture, and its excavated a large number of pottery, are like the Longshan culture, Jian ditch those. "The discussion and underground relics of mutual support, revealing the type of Taiyuan Tan Hui culture, social culture and light the close relationship between Hebei Longshan culture, which is also confirmed by the Hebei Tang Yao Tang County tribes, hope all along the West resettlement of Taiyuan, Taiyuan settle real possibility. Need further explanation, or need to correct that, Tang Yao rate their tribal resettlement of Taiyuan West line, may not be as "off along the Hutuo Jingjing, via Taiyuan." Moreover, Mr. He Guangyue said Tang Yao so West resettlement of Taiyuan is "replaced by Emperor Shun Yi nationality after the" argument also is doubtful.
  Second, Tang Yao and Shun's "demise" or Tang Yao Shun on the "emperor to abdicate," Tang Yao should be moved from the Taiyuan Pingyang after, and not before. History contains: "Yao rule Pingyang, Shunji Hosaka," and "be replaced by Emperor Shun Yi nationality after" before the West resettlement of Taiyuan is said, far from both the regional and geographical reality, but also with the fact that the development of timing clock management not ring true, it seems unreasonable.
  Based on historical data contained in the historical Shanghai River flooding rampant, self-evident dynasty created "from 1368 to 1948 580 years, a total of 387 times a major flood," described as "three-two disaster." Especially the upper reaches in Shanxi, Hebei Sanggan downstream in the water system, Hutuo water system, "water rapids, wider at the upstream flow volume of sediment, flow into the plains after the sharp drop in sediment deposition, bed packing, tail Lu smooth, easy to disaster. " ("Hebei Relics and Legends"), the home of Tang County TANG Yao tribes, hope all along, just at the western slope of the Taihang Mountains area of convergence with the North China Plain, north of Yang (Sanggan River), south Hutuohe, west Tanghe , dense river network, is the flood-prone area. Rhodium is why the West resettlement, identify their reason for avoiding flooding as the main reason. Because the most ancient in all of the time talking about Tang Yao record flooding. "Shangshu Yao Song", said: "Yao staggering the time of floods"; "Universal Gazetteer", said: "Yao nothing itch when upstream water, stop up and 4"; "Jin by search strategy", said: " When Yao infestation of yellow water, shock and Royal Park. "and so on and so forth. Perhaps it is because often by Tanghe, Hutuohe Baptist flooding damage, so only carry Tang Yao tribe living in the old haunt to leave by the flat area east of the Taihang Mountains, west along the tops Hutuohe upstream migration, through the Taihang Gorge , Shanxi Province, into the current environment, in this Yuxian another tributary of Wu River along Hutuohe, temperature Rivera, Xing-Fen River tributaries (the ancient river water than today several large), continue traveling southwest, and finally came to the Fen River middle reaches of the river valleys, this Taiyuan basin.
  City, is a product of Chinese culture and special, it has a prominent symbol of China constitutes a male macro cultural landscape around the city reveals the cultural characteristics and historical origins. Not far-fetched to say that China's city of five thousand years of civilization in the history of the mother, plays a very important position can not be ignored. Taiyuan Chinatown and Yao have the reputation of the early legends and literature, tells us a historical fact: Back in about 4500 years since the Tang Yao era, this Taiyuan already has a very developed culture, a relatively dense population of the original settlement. The primitive tribal land of reproduction in Taiyuan, live, work, not only the development of the economy here, creating their own culture, but also build a powerful tribal alliance, created to protect themselves from intrusion of the ancient city --- Tang City. Only because of the history of ancient and historical changes, and since then the site or in the old Chinatown near there came a Jinyang, really tall spread in oral, are set out in the annals of the "Chinatown" gradually obliterated the. This is the legend, because the text was not mature, can only rely on word of mouth rumor, from generation to generation, and this is recorded history, was one of those records on the legend of the "Historical Records." However, this does not weaken EMI transmission of the legend, one has a true "history of the shadow." There are not many of the legends, was confirmed by the unearthed relics is the history you! Objectively speaking, in a sense, the story is the first history, or the history of mankind is from the legend of the beginning of the first covered the area from overseas, which is that as the history of ancient civilization?
  Since the early Tang Yao are Taiyuan, has build a Chinatown in Taiyuan, Taiyuan, so there "Tang" and "Guo-" the ancient name. Back, "Don" of ancient Italy, "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" as "Tang, big words are." "Bai Hu Tong number" as "Tang, floating about too, the appearance of moral Tai also." Visible, Tang is Associative, the basic intention is: lying, rhetoric, order; extended meaning is: the moral Tai people to say, the orders issued. Paternal clan in the late primitive period of tribal alliance, who could preach rhetoric, broadcast cloth command, headquarters ethnic group? Only tribal alliance leaders, Yao is one such outstanding personality. So, to Yao crowned the title is from the Tang, the ancient Tang Yao to be a result of closure of the No. Tang said, is debatable, the fact may be just the opposite, it was because Yao Tang and number, known as Tang Yao, so only to territories with Don's name. Originally known as "Don" at least three names, such as Hebei, the "Tang", Taiyuan, the "Tang", Shanxi Jinnan the "Tang", are due to Tang Yao repeated movement, had settled there and named it fully proved that the name first, Rhodium, after "Don" of the names this truth.
  Yao and Yao tribes, I do not know out of the pioneering spirit of the tribe? Fen was blocked or because of flooding in Huoshan and when? They stay in Taiyuan, after a period of time, leaving their races, leaving results that have been set, leaving Taiyuan Tang culture and ancient Chinatown, but also along the direction of continuing movement Fen Nanliujiang eventually settled in --- Pingyang today's Linfen basin. In response, later in the history books have recorded. Zheng Xuan Han people in their "Poetry Profile" said: "Yao started the Home Jinyang, later moved east of the river." Yan Qing known if Kui Han family book "Shang Shu Zheng," also said: "Yao is the first real emperor are Jinyang , after the government moved to Binh Duong. "Thus, there has been" Yao Pingyang ", which also confirms" the Original Jinyang Yao, Jinyang after the move, "the old record. Another ancient name of Taiyuan "North Down", that is, by the early Tang Yao Pingyang moving the capital of Taiyuan, after all, due to the north of Taiyuan, located in Binh Duong, the difference between the beginning of the Tang Taiyuan and Binh Duong are the Don, then submitted subject to geographical location In Taiyuan, in front of Tang has added a "North" word, that is, Taiyuan, also known as "North Down" why.
  Quality and intelligence
  Legend in the era of Yao, the first time developed a calendar so that working people can engage in the timely production activities in accordance with section will not delay the farming season. Agricultural Cultivation of Chinese nation is a long history of ethnic, attaches great importance to the farming season, so "Shangshu · Yaodian" which documented in detail.
  Political failures
  Night, old couple asleep, but sleep can all celebrate. She also could not help but close my eyes and sip on the mouth to laugh. Dim in the chilly wind Courtyard, Chilong pounced her body, she puzzled. Wake up who is still a stench of Xianshuimozai, left beside a painting covered with foam Xianshui children, a red painted portrait, face sharply lower on the full, eight mining eyebrows, long hair, a letter: is subject to God Bless . She hid this picture, since then, celebrate all the pregnant. She lives in Tan Ling, after 10 months, the Health and BU to a son. Qing were left out Chilong graphic look, sons be born and the map were drawn exactly the same. KU News reported that celebrate birth to a son for him, this the happy surprise, his mother just in time to the birth of the son died. KU is a dutiful son, the death of his mother crying into Lei Rener, where there will be happy happy. His mother, three years of consecutive service filial piety, but also no less than Gu Qing Du and son thing. Qing is with his son living in her parents, straight to her son to the old, only let him return to his father's side. The child was later Emperor Yao. So Yao, hours before the surname with the grandparents for the Iraqi Qi (SAGE) s, the latter also known as Tao Down.
  Yao, Yin visit
  "Zhuangzi" in the account, Yao Xu asked by the: "Nie missing the emperor can do? I want the king invited him to Ni." Xu You said: "No good! That of the world would be a dangerous thing. Gnawing lack of The man, clever, agile, extraordinary talent, and you have to because of his strong points on these personnel to implement natural for him to accept the mission of government would be wrong. he was out on the prohibition of mistakes, but I do not know the causes of fault . let him emperor? He would advocate abandoning the natural wisdom; he will have meaning to the standard to distinguish things, we should, as Huoshaohuoliao equally to knowledge; must bury ourselves in things, not interfering in things everywhere on should take four to busy, trying to meet the requirements of things; should do everything possible to change things, which makes them unable to peace. how it can make him emperor? While his behavior can be emulated by ordinary people, but he can do is a vassal state of the monarch, the emperor can do without. governance is to produce unrest pretext, is the courtiers of the disaster, is the scourge of monarchy. "Hsu from the teacher to understand his very thorough, after Hsu's discouraged by the, Yao also natural that this matter.
  Yao, visit Xian, the most ancient recorded by the story of Xu devaluation visit. Xu Chao Fu from the word for time celebrities. He advocates natural inaction, does not covet fame wealth, insist on their own lives a simple life, no request known to the world. Yao, he learned to visit him, and then hide away. He happened to run into missing Nie, asked him to go? He said: "To avoid Emperor Yao." Nie lack asked: "Why?" Xu You said: "Yao man, ah, vigorous implementation of righteousness, I am afraid he has been ridiculed the whole world, future generations will be some people who happened to eat. People do, not difficult to win over them. love them, they get close to you; to their interests, they will attract to you; praise them, and they will hard. for things they dislike, they should fled. love the people, so that people benefit out of righteousness, that something good faith implementation of righteousness, by virtue and take advantage of the many. such acts of righteousness, not can not really practice, but also a hypocritical tool. that wanted to use a person's decision to make the world profitable thing but across the board Bale. yiu know sage can benefit the world, but not a sage of the harm the world. Only it does not reuse the sage who knew the truth. "After some time, Yao, Hui to visit from the, worship Xu as Pei Ze being. Xu Yao on by the said: "The sun came out, not torches extinguished, in the light of the universe under the sun to shine it is not exaggerated? Been under heavy rain, and also to the pouring Park, not in vain it? As the Son of Heaven, I am ashamed to accomplish throne is inappropriate, please allow me to be the world entrusted to Mr. Yu, the world is bound to peace. "Hsu from the pair of Emperor Yao said:" You control the world, have peace and prosperity long time, since the world has good governance, and also let me place you go for a ready-made emperor, and I to name? name, is a subordinate real thing, that I am not interested in name. wrens build nests even in the deep forest, but also accounted for on a sufficient; Mole is, go run the Yellow River water, it is enough, but drinking a full stomach. you go back! emperor no use to me. cook that? makes offerings, sacrifices will not be a substitute for cooking. "Xu As is to Minoyama under the Ying Yang of water, farming and food, very happy, life is not lust throne. Legend, Yao to the world by the HUI, HUI disgusting shame by the thought that, to the river to wash the ear, ear wash after the name of river. Some cows to the river water, meet Xu from the ear wash, ask the reasons why, they will say: "You wash the dirty ears to the water here, and I do not want my cow drink this water." Cattle on the holding into the river upstream to the water.
  Yao, who went to visit a state called the child support the parent who ask that this person can be asked after the world, should the world make child support the parent state. State child support the father replied: "the world can you let me down, but unfortunately, I now worry about the disease with humor, good governance is preparing a rule, can not accept." Yao, barely not good, but great respect for the man.
  Pingyang North there is a flood river, which originated in the first foot of Fushan cattle Northeast, where many ancient Black wind, grab the black mountain black water, so the first cow is also known as Wu Ling Shan or Montenegro, also known as black water of the flood water. West of the river Blackwater and River confluence Taiwan after Ma, Guo-line along the valley to the fast-flowing, flood season, the river surged, Smirnov two sides, often devastating. Blackwater has a legend on the black wind banshee trouble, trouble, flood water shot up, flooded farmland near the village. Banshee travel time (dry season), such as hair earthquake, the earth was moving, flood river dried up, leaving no water dripping. Emperor in order to relieve the suffering of the people leading the group of people to eliminate demon horse to water management disaster. Yao Guo and his party came to line, Banshee has to go, over and over drought, Renkunmafa, even a drop of water to be found. We Zhengchou the dry matter, Yao mount a large white horse, Yangshouzhangsi, with hoof in a square rock, da, da, da, even the plane three times, with splashes of Mars rock, a collapse horseshoe pit, that horse would look down, nose to run gas Diming three sound, an immediately clear water from a crevice in the child coming out, Wow, Wow, Wow, the burst of children has become a fresh water spring, we saw, a pleasant surprise , eager taste this sweet cool water. This is the spring plow horse (a King Ling Yao) in origin, since the marks going down the stone fountain is still faintly visible. Yao, Solutions of a parched and his party went on their way, suddenly black wind blowing, Feishazoudan, Tianhundian, heavy rain, landslides along the valley mouth, blocking the waterway. Guo line mouth up, flood Wang Yang, saw the village flooded. Yao immediately organized the local people and security personnel along with his followers, in the excavation plane stone Taniguchi, clawed a hole in, put accumulation of flood flow away along the line of people Guo remove a major flood. After the flood discharge to the river waters and the inconvenience of cross-strait exchanges, Yao decided by erecting a stone bridge in the river, and called for completion within three days. We only dry day and night, daytime work is also easy to handle, but it is difficult winter night black goo, this is deer fairy know. Day night, when we work Zhengchou the invisible, the sky suddenly floated Yiduohongyun, glowing, illuminate the river on a bridge along the shining of one. It was looking up, he saw a deer standing in the cloud fairy waved to you, the original cast of a deer fairy release their Xiapei glory, contribute to assist in the fight for the bridges. After one side of the hill in the Dan Qiaodong found a deer stone, that stone and is very similar to the shape of deer, we thought that was a deer standing there watching fairy bridge, and everyone fighting for three days and three nights, the fourth day morning, stone on the bridge stands firmly in the Song Da. Yao Wang, and everyone cheered with victory. Suddenly, surging, it began to downpour, immediately flood Pentium, big waves rolling on the dash bridge, banshee in the air exposed faces grim laugh. Yao helplessness the occasion of the Golden Dan Ling Zhu threw away Banshee will Lingzhu placed on the bridge tries to dominate the stone bridge. From then on, no matter how big the flood, and flood can not be washed does not collapse, this stone bridge, but because spit Ling Zhu Yao, debilitating, sick in bed.
  Black wind Banshee is not mitigated, Emperor in mind at ease. Guo line in the edge of the village, next to a hill, river floods, called marriage pile. Marriage heap bottom, there is a cave, all the way to Huoshan foot, black wind demon will drill in the cave. It turns out that hole breeze slowly, refreshing, the people working after more than the hole Xie Liang, covered with cool, refreshing breeze called holes. Since the hole after drilling black wind demon, sometimes stir up trouble and destruction of rural villages; sometimes into Tau horse face, spit black wind, hurt people and animals; sometimes into a Vamp, a deep breath, sucked into the human stomach. Confused people around, day and night restless, scattered to escape, barren countryside, blocking traffic. Folk said: "The breeze into a black hole wind, black wind cave goblins places; gasped, not seen shadow people and livestock. Cool to become a man-eating pit, which makes road off pedestrians, times of hardship." Yao, news reporting, sick and we discuss Xiangyao pesticides. Yao mother see her son from overwork, very sorry, they volunteered to wish Xiangyao pesticides, as children share those concerns. This day is in June during the first ten days, Yao mother armed with Spring Festival, watched attentively the face of the sun, take a deep three-tone, turned to the hole, with a spiritual mantra and sealed the hole, then waited three months in the hole day and night. Strange to say, never did not venture out of black wind demon mischief. Then along came the news from Huoshan that the existence of a black wind from the foot of the hole in the rush out of Huoshan, come to naught. Since then, the black hole breeze wind tunnel resumed the name of the people fled, they came back to their homes. Yao, mother of Hongfu people care, live a peaceful life, Yao, bid farewell to the people to return to Binh Duong mother, inside the radius of dozens of men and women have to kneel on the floor, begging to leave the elderly to live these days, we all tried a little reward mind. Yao mother decided to keep these days, and people share the joy. Yao people are happy to respectfully regardless of the mother as the Yao, the marriage was renamed the heap regardless of Delhi, construction of a "Yao Gu Temple", a year in June during the first ten days, sacrifice radius of the village people dance, the eternal mother of End Jinian Yao, Yao, also Riding on schedule to watch the singing and dancing, five miles away from the temple on the dismount on foot, later generations will call this village for the next Mazhuangshan, tied over the horse, said Shuanma stone pile. Yao went to the Higashiyama area (now Fushan County) visited, walk five miles outside the temple before Yao Kou launched, launched after claims that the foot pad stones to be launched Taiwan, Ma said Taiwan Village village.
  Yao the dragon with the transformation, on the Aura specially sensitive. Reiki by the dripping pool attracted to this way will we live with and take to Reiki development of agriculture, making the people live and work. In order to thank God and pray to the future, Yao will select the best food, and soaked with water dripping lake, with a special technique to remove all impurities, extract the real nuggets stuffed pray together the essence of water, the water clear and pure, fragrance quiet long, to respect God, and distributed to the people, to celebrate the well-being.
  Legend of Ancient Hakaya Hill North Cave a slope with Yao Wang wrangler. Hills, green grass and hillside scrub, ditch under a Lin Hai. Spring grass germination, vibrant, wooded summer, flowers are blooming, autumn maple leaf red as fire, winter snow pine and cypress Aoshuang. Legend here, "Yao Wang tree planting," Yao Wang's release is Masan, where the North since their remaining Mazhuangshan, Wrangler south beach, health horse, two horse Yao village names are handed down when the king's name. "Linfen county" in this place as one of the famous Linfen. Yamashita Fenshui gate west of East Malaysia, West Malaysia gate pass to Yao Wang's horse farm, deer fairies and Yao Wang marriage, is still the band managed a mile race.
  Emperor Yao ordered at the time of distress, first "on the 10th and out," He Jia scorch, then flood inundated the countryside, the village square around the country, separatist rule the roost, dominating the party. Yao, Hou Yi tribes rely on the support of party leaders in the country, to level the pack, re-unified the Central Plains, and flood and drought, led the fight against the masses, and the people praise. One day, he visited Singapore to Cave Wrangler, with livestock farmers to talk about the road. Herders have also described the way people of an evil fairy story of the deer. Between being said, suddenly saw a fairy floating in the air volley away to the Cave, the public refers to the Emperor in pastoral delight, said that the deer is called Hakaya fairy goddess. Yao, Yao returned after the fairy's image has surfaced deer in his mind, lingering in his mind. Night dream fairy carried away deer heaven, Ning Mu smile, came to him, join hands with him, nothing to fall back Passions, Jia Yun volley with the tour. Yao, micro-service to Hakaya mountain mission, go Cave, far side of the lawn to see a forest of young woman dancing, graceful, Huer vacated, Huer pass through stone, such as people is true, carry out air as the ground , around a deer with her. Emperor in thought, she must deer fairy, and so vigorous went up to her Dagong salute. Unexpectedly without setting her answer, withdraw hid behind a pine tree, surface mounted with the role of shy to comb her hair. Yao will be approached, she would comb a bundle of trees to this line, then go to another plant trees behind the laughter with. Yao, also mocked the chase, unknowingly came to a quiet place, suddenly sprang from the valley of a python, tell the red letter, look Lin Lin, head high to impinge upon Yao, Yao, back less, were on the floor of the grass trip down. In this critical moment, deer fairy rushed, off a stride jump Yao, body care hold him in front, tilt Shouyi Zhi, and saw that the python was trembling, paralysis in the ground, according to instructions, turned around and retreated to the valley. This metamorphosis of python is formed by the Black Tiger cents; desire to harm Emperor Yao. Yao, startled, the deer again and again handed it over to appreciate the grace of fairy life-saving. Cave on the way back two go hand in hand with each other to talk Passions, fall in love. Emperor in the evening to keep Cave. The next day Tour deer Fairy Hill led the Emperor in viewing, deer fairy pointing to a big shiny mirror stone, said: "I often came face to face upon it with plastic surgery." Stream channel came under Shitai side, deer fairy said she "always sat in the first stage comb bun, we pass for my dresser." Her to the opposite shore of the layers of stone steps one finger, said she often from climb the stairs there, called Sin ladder. She said she often rode Black Dragon to ditch the asparagus waterfall shower after swimming o "I like the magic of nature, like the freedom to live, but see you later, I called idealists the world within the heart admire your ambition willing to help you light the Great Business. " Yao, hear, very pleased, that is willing to fly wing to wing the birds flying together. Two then make marriage, married selected wedding day. Yao, the two sides end with the deer fairy Luan Chou in the Cave into to hole for the new house, opposite the mountain Guanghua bright candle, lit up like daylight South Cave general. Later, people would say that the wedding night as "the wedding night."
  Emperor in marriage, busy govern the kingdom, she is also often take care of the deer thing Wrangler field. Second year of the deer gave birth to a boy fairy, Yao is very pleased, as he named "Zhu." Deer fairy tending his son, began to grow. Heard of a python swallowing pastoralists in the Wrangler beach, she would like certain is that Black Tiger cents in Xingyaozuoguai. So determined to yield Nazhi bad python. She chased it from the beach Wrangler python, track came under the dresser, it was about to turn around python, deer leap the fairy, with a sword piercing the man's throat that python, python assassination. Black Tiger escape away, and later left the python cave there. Black Tiger even more hate deer fairy fairy, fairies trying to harm the deer. Denounced to the Emperor of Heaven fairy deer only, the Emperor of Heaven to send Chants arrest Black Tiger cents, to care about Black Tiger Yang Sin pressure under the hills southeast, is Wohushan. The religion also fine with the Emperor in cutting off carnal thoughts fairy deer, deer fairy helpless, the young children return Yao, Zhu, Since then, seclusion deep in the mountains. Yao, sent out to find, disappeared, went pro last Hakaya Hill, did not call out and night, and he saw no echo. Yao, San Yi's girl wife and marries another woman, gave birth to seven men and two women. Zhu children in Dundee after the closure (Fushan), it said Danzhu Yap. It was gratitude deer fairy merit, Black Dragon Cave in South Cave, a small cave in the left margin for the deer fairy statue to commemorate thousands of years will not be extinguished.
  Fen when Danzhu are swimming beaches, and a group of people, suddenly saw his father a few guards, Burongfenshui, strong pull him on the Ping Shan, the bow into his hands and said to him: "God of your father and mother call you to the mountains to hunt, you have to give parents who ah loaded. "Danzhu thought: I did not learn archery skills, ye hunt then? Danzhu thorns preserved everywhere to see the mountains, sky, white clouds blossoming hope, how can there be any rabbits, birds? This was clearly a father, his mother can not do anything! "Well, I just do not learn to hunt, parents can see how I like!" champions good nor bad advise, Danzhu was sitting motionless. A group of people are clamoring, Yao, totter from the foot of the mountain came to be a poet, and clothes have also been linked to broken. Breathless to see the way God the Father, Danzhu heart can not help some soft-hearted, God the Father had to Baigui compliant bow, sing a Well: "Father God this age is such a high mountain to climb, let children into the mountains to hunt, do not know where that from? "Yao, wiping the sweat, sat down on a piece of stone, asked:" bad son ah, you are not small, and 17, eight years old, is not the proper way, hunting will not fight, waiting for the hungry in the future die? You see foot of land so vast, so good scenery, you will not mind a little parade for the Royal Father, land, mountains and rivers, population control will you? "Danzhu blinked his eyes, said:" The rabbit run fast, the birds fly high, this mountain was no rabbit in the sky without birds, ask me to play Sha miles. the common people heard you say, the land of mountains and rivers have good governance, which the father with his son for God to worry about re-ah. "Yao, say such a Danzhu not wanting to move ahead, careless treatment industry, then said with a sigh: "You do not want to learn to hunt, military conquests of the stone school-row chess bar, stone chess learned, useful too big a mile." Dan Zhu listen to Father God will not ask him to hunt, switched to the next stone chess, a slight turn from his heart, "chess is not easy to do under the stones? sit down for a while to learn it." Danzhu throw the arrow, to his father taught him immediately . Yao, said: "How can something that can be learned overnight, you just willing to learn on the line." Talking pick up the arrow, squat body, a flat slope with the arrow in the rocks on the vertical and horizontal force depicts a dozen Road lattice, so that Defenders just picked a lot of rocks son, but also points to the Danzhu half of the hand set to lead his tribe in the campaign, said the process of how to use stones to move back to teach combat tactics to explain to Danzhu. Danzhu also heard at this time go down, there appears to be patient. Until the sun to go down when Emperor in teaching or as a dedicated son playing chess. The urging of the champions, father and son were only down a flat hill, washed my face in mind springs back to Pingyang capital.
  Martial arts legend
  The Legend of Yao people most commendable is his son and not Successfully Passes Throngh Longhai, Zen in the Shun, not to the emperor of the place is private. Yao reign of 70 years, felt the need to choose a successor. He has long held that his son Danzhu Xiongwan is not available, so discuss with the Si Yue, ask them to recommend candidates. Si Yue Shun recommended that this person is filial piety, family relations, handled very well, and can influence their families so that they Gaiecongshan. Yao decided to study something, and then to decide.
  Yao letting Shunzong Guan Baiguan, dealing with the Chief, the King had to obey the command of Shun, Pepsi revive, no one abandoned, and is particularly well-organized, no disorder.
  After three years of a variety of inspection, Yao Shun this man, whether that speak and act, are mature and reliable, and able to contribute results, decided to shun the throne demise. He was the first month the previous day (the first), held at the Imperial Ancestral Temple, Christianity and Islam ceremony, officially to succeed his Shun, the emperor of the board position. Yao retreated to avoid the place, 28 years after the death, "sad people, such as the mourning parents. Three, four Mo give music to Sze-yiu," people of his nostalgia for the abundance of its.
  Yao's comments
  "Dian" records, Yao came to the throne at a time when the prime of life, 16-year-old Hou Tang was promoted by the emperor, reigned seven years, eight years after the end of Christianity and Islam, the age of Yao and down in the hundred years. Yao is a paternal clan society of the tribal alliance leaders later. Imperial Century cloud, "before sealing the Tang Yao, now Zhongshan Tang County is also, in this Dingzhou. After only Jinyang." Cheng poem: Jinyang, Yao started home this post is to move east of the river in Pingyang, then Yao is the case, in this Linfen Ming carry on.
  See entry: Yao surname
  Fen Yao Temple, originally built in the West Bank, Jinyuan Kang resettlement in the East Fen, Tang Xianqing three years (685 years) has moved to the site has 1,300 years ago; ancient ritual, which are state-level, and conducted several renovation and expansion Qing Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Guangxu and Empress Dowager Cixi, Linfen Yu, your visit to this once.
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