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黄帝 Yellow emperor; The huangdi; Mauslleum颛顼 Zhuan Xu喾 Ku
帝挚 Di Zhi帝尧 Di Yao舜 Shun
炎帝 Yan Di神农氏 Shen Nongshi少典 Shao Dian
昌意 Chang Yi
喾 Ku
黄帝  (前2468年前2369年)
网笔号: 高辛氏
阅读喾 Ku在百家争鸣的作品!!!
  传说中的古代帝王名,即五帝之一的高辛氏 [Ku,a name of legendary emperor]
  (英译:Legendary ancient 帝 king's. )
  传说,高辛氏原来不叫高辛氏,姓姬名 聪明多智,就请姬 帮助他出点子。姬 说:“九个国家齐来攻打我们,我们如果跟他们硬打硬拼,必然顾此失彼,难以取胜。”颛顼说:“以你之见呢?”姬 说:“九国敌人都想独吞我们的地盘,他们彼此之间必然互不相让。我们若能叫他们之间互相打起来,不就好平灭了吗?”颛顼一想:对呀!姬 想这个办法就是好。于是就派人分别到九国敌人中调拨他们的关系,很快使他们彼此发起了战争。后来颛顼没费多大力气,就平灭了九国之乱。颛顼看姬 有能耐,就把他封在“辛”这个地方掌管一切。那时,这儿经常闹水灾,水来了,老百姓就往另一个地方迁徙。而重新迁徙的地方又闹了水灾,老百姓便又重新迁回来。这样迁来迁去,老是不能安居乐业。姬 又想了一个办法:带领大家把住处的地势加高。但是加高的速度却赶不上水涨的速度,头天加高的,第二天又被水淹没了。夜里,姬 睡不着,便跑到天上跟玉皇辩理,说:“天既然生了人,为什么又故意与人们为难,不叫人们活下去呢?”玉皇辩不过他,便派天神下来,一下子把“辛”这个地方的地势抬高到了水面以上。这儿的老百姓再也不被洪水赶得乱跑了。从此“辛”便称为“高辛”,姬 便被称为“高辛氏”
  帝(ku 库),名俊,号高辛苦、氏,是黄帝曾孙,玄嚣孙子,父亲叫矮(jiao 矮)极,颛顼是他的堂房伯父。相传帝生于穷桑(西海之傧),母握裒因踏巨人足迹而生。帝少小聪明好学,十二三岁便有盛名,十五而佐颛顼,封有辛地方(今河南商丘),实住帝丘(今濮阳),三十而得帝位,迁都毫邑(今河南偃师县西南),在位七十年,享寿百岁。死后葬于濮阳顿丘城南台阴野之秋山。

  The legendary emperors of ancient names, that is one of the Five Emperors DIG's [Ku, a name of legendary emperor]
  (English translation: Legendary ancient emperor king's.)
  KU (kù), surnamed Ji, one of five emperors in ancient times. He is the grandson of the Yellow Emperor, "born gods, since word of its name."
  KU Jidi Wei, the "Cong to know far out to detect micro. Sunchon meaning, to know people's urgent. Ren and Wei, Hui and letters, cultivating the next big service." He reigned seven years, peace and order, people live and work.
  KU has several sons in the history of China is famous. He had abandoned native Yuanfei Jiang (that Hou). Abandoned is the ancestor of weeks. Jane gave birth to Princess Di sub-contract. Qi is the business of the ancestors. Views are born Yao Qing Fei. Yao is the history of the famous sage of the monarch, one of the Five Emperors. Plays Fei Chang Yi-sheng had loved. Zhi Ku inherited the throne, after the demise to the Emperor in nine.
  Ku tribe, "Spring and Autumn woof" in a book called "life calendar order," the book said, the World Communication 10, 400 years, "Wei Yi" in the "Ji lan" is 350 years.
  Only then, "Ku" and "Shun" into the history of literature. Ku maintained its position Oriental Bird Yi Business ancestor, most said that he and Jane Di deed for black bird health. Shun addition to the "national language" (Wei Zhao has been changed to Ku) is still maintaining its position as the Shang ancestor of God, the other documents were simultaneously with Yao as "Three Kings" before the Emperor, loss of business ancestral identity. Later, because of and Xia Yu, Hou, etc. throughout the Tribes fused into Huaxia, they are arranged into the KU Department of Huangdi Shi (see "Department of the Rites Timor article") for the mysterious empty the Sun, as a tie with Zhuan Xu one of the important two-line system, and he arranged for the Yao, Zhi, Qi, millet father, the Yao tribe, Shang, Zhou Dynasty became his children and grandchildren. Because this lineage compiled in the Zhou Dynasty, so as the eldest son of the Week millet, commercial leases as the second son, took the original confrontation between the major East and West Tribes married brothers. Shows that KU has been arranged in the national status of integration is important. To the "Five Emperors Germany" presented the first "Five Emperors say", he was one of five emperors; the second, third two "Five Emperors" has not he; fourth "Five Emperors said," there he was. As for his relationship with the high-Hsin, as Zhuan Xu and Gao Yang's relationship, just as the "Five Emperors Germany", "emperor system" in it into one of the. Will then become history after that.
  】 【Ku Ling
  According to legend, when Kuangyin unsuccessful, defected to the Northern Wei Guo, passing Ku Ling, drawing lots for divination, when the emperor ordered. Later, when he really had in Guide Jiedushi in Shangqiu became rich. Kuangyin accession to the throne, because Shangqiu Song during the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Song is a later state, and its title to "Song."
  Legend Dig's not called DIG's original surname Ji were smarter intelligence, please help him with suggestions for JI. Ji said: "The nine countries Come attack us, if we fight hard with them recklessly, inevitable loss, difficult to win." Zhuan Xu said: "You shall see it?" Ji said: "The enemy wants pocketed our nine countries site, they must each side with each other. if we can call them fight each other, not like flat bury it? "Zhuan Xu a thought: That's right! JI think this way is good. So he sent to nine countries were enemies in the allocation of their relationship, and soon launched their war with each other. Later, Zhuan Xu had little effort, you level off a nine-nation chaos. Zhuan Xu Ji has the capability to see, put his seal in the "Xin" This place is in charge of everything. At that time, always busy here, flood, water, and people go out into another place of movement. Re-migration areas in the downtown of the flood, people must again move back again. This move to move to, always can not live and work. JI want a way: to lead us to the residence heightened terrain. However, the rate has not kept up heightening the speed of the water rose, heightening the previous day, next day it was completely under water. Night, Ji could not sleep, then went to the Jade Emperor in heaven with the defense arguments, saying: "days since birth, why they deliberately make things difficult with people, do not call it living?" Jade defense, but he, he sent down the gods all of a sudden the "happiness" of this place over the terrain elevation to the surface. The people here are no longer running around the flood is done. From "Sim" then called the "DIG", Ji will be called "high-Hsin"
  KU Temple was built in the Han. In the Yuan and Ming has been repaired many times. The magnificent temples, lush green pines and cypresses, stone tablet everywhere. There is an old well in the central temple. Beam painted dragon dragon greet the well, lifelike. According to legend, more rain a year of drought has come true, it was hailed as a "spiritual well."
  Ku (ku libraries), name of Jun, number of high hard, s is the grandson of the Yellow Emperor, Xuan din grandson, my father called dwarf (jiao low) pole, Tang Fang Zhuan Xu was his uncle. According to legend, Ku Sang was born in the poor (the West Sea of Bin), parent holding take out a giant footprint and students riding. KU when young, smart, studious, 12-year-old will have known, 15 and Zuo Zhuan Xu, Xin Feng a place (this Shangqiu), real live Emperor Hill (now Puyang), 30 derived throne, moved the capital cents eup (now Yanshi County, Henan Province Southwest), reigned seven years, hundred years to enjoy life. Puyang Farmington buried south of Taiwan, after the death of Yin Baseball Akiyama.
  Legend KU four concubines, long Fei Jiang called the original, there is Tai State (now the county of Shaanxi martial arts) Jun daughter. According to legend, the original Ginger's parents, the result of a giant footprint and go out to embark on pregnancy without a husband's children, and so abandoned the three children born in the Shen Xiang, wild forest and ice on the protection of all dead birds were cattle and sheep Tiger Balm Therefore, the name "abandoned", and later grew up like agronomy, teaching race grain border of Hou Ji, a week of ethnic ancestors. Jane plays Princess Di, is a loose state (now Taiwan counties of Gansu) Jun daughter. According to legend, his sister Jane Di construction defects in her family when the vernal equinox to the mysterious pool spa bath, with swallows flying over, leaving an egg, was swallowed Jane Di, after the birth to deeds, that is, the ancestors of Shang. 3 Fei Qing Du, according to legend she was the daughter of the Great, was born in the wild-dimensional bucket (probably in this Hebei Jixian), adopted by Chen Feng's woman, Chen Feng Yin's death has been a long Ru adoption. After all celebrate with the adoptive father of Ma Yun Puyang come to this. Are due to celebrate his head is always covered by a Huang Yun, was considered strange woman, the mother heard of Ku, Ku Quan Di Na Wei Fei, epigenetic Yao. Robin is Puyang ancestors, the original name of celebration all, force all Robin Temple, the place names are related with the celebration came to Puyang, no historical records. 4 Fei Chang-yee, smart beautiful on, made a long pedal, a woman called Mr. Dinv, a son called epigenetic Zhi. Zhi Yao in succession to the throne, made the emperor.
  KU good parade, he east to Mount Tai, the East China Sea; northeast to Liaoning; north to Zhuolu, Hengshan, Taiyuan; northwest Ningxia, Gansu; southwest to Sichuan; south to Hubei, Hunan and Cheung Sha. He traveled around almost the saying, visited the Goddess, Shaohao, Huang Di, the incumbent remains. While these legends may not be the truth, but it was somewhat of a vast area of China.
  KU, surnamed Ji, one of five emperors in ancient times. He is the grandson of the Yellow Emperor, "born gods, since word of its name." 15 years old, because of Emperor Zhuan Xu active adjuvant, was sealed in the DIG (now South City Business kg digoxin〕. 30 years old, on behalf of Emperor Zhuan Xu, both in Bo. Because of his rise in the DIG, the history of high-Hsin.
  KU has several sons in the history of China is famous. He had abandoned native Yuanfei Jiang (that Hou). Abandoned is the ancestor of weeks. Jane gave birth to Princess Di sub-contract. Qi is the business of the ancestors. Views are born Yao Qing Fei. Yao is the history of the famous sage of the monarch, one of the Five Emperors. Plays Fei Chang Yi-sheng had loved. Zhi Ku inherited the throne, after the demise to the Emperor in nine.
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