西晋 List of Authors
Si MayiSi MashiSi MazhaoSi MayanJin Huidi
Jin HuaidiJin Mindi
Si Mayi
西晋  (179 AD251 AD)
Last Name: 司马
First Name:
Name and Alias: 仲达
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 高祖宣帝
Township: 河内温

  Sima Yi (179-251), the word Trend, Hanoi temperature (today Wenxian) people. Three Kingdoms Wei Guojie a politician, military strategist, the founder of the Western Jin Dynasty. Wei had served in the large military governor, Qiu, Tutor. Is his assistant, the Wei Tuo Gu Colonial of three generations of an important official post as full control of the powerful minister Wei affairs of state. The most significant achievement of his life many times personally led the successful fight against Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition army. His grandson Sima Yan (ie second son Sima Zhao's son) was closed after the king was, bestowed for the Xuan Wang Yi, Emperor Wudi emperor, the Zhuizun Yi as Jinxuan Di.
  Defense for the second son of Sima Yi Sima, history books call him "little odd section, smart and more rough, contact the press learned, V Ying Confucianism" ("Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor"). Eastern Han dynasty, chaos, Sima Yi was born in troubled times, the "world often generously with worry Heart" ("Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor").
  Jian six years (201 years), counties elected him to the rafters of dollars. Cao Cao is any common phenomenon when, after hearing his name, sent him to the Fuchu office call. Sima Yi, see Han fortunes have been minimal, not in the hands of Cao Cao, the wind will be an excuse for their own paralysis disease, the body can not be living. Cao Cao did not believe, sent to gather information at night, Sima Yi was lying there, motionless, like a real general contracting Wind Bi.
  Kin 2 years (215 years), Cao Cao campaign against Zhang Lu, Sima Yi army. He was Cao Cao, said: "Liu Bei to Liu Zhang prisoner fraud force, Shu Gangneung not accompanied by the distant war, this must seize this opportunity also. Now if Yao Wei Hanzhong, Yizhou vibration, into the gates of the bound to collapse. So the potential, easy to for the skill. saints can not be violated when the timing is wrong not carry on. "Cao Cao said:" People suffer no foot, acquired Longyou, complex for enriching Shu "(" Tai Ji Jin Shuxuan ")! Did not adopt his proposal.
  Huang first two years (221 years), military governor removed from office, was promoted sijung, Shang You Pushe.
  4. Colonial Secretary
  Sima Yi in turn moved more than one thousand seven Youzhou Mengda Yu Zhong. Yao Jing Shu will soon, Zheng He led his subordinates such as seven thousand people to come down.
  "Volume 72nd Mirror" recorded as follows: ... ... Guo Huai, fees, etc. Yao Jiao Liang, Liang destructible, by a large scythe mow the wheat, and Yi met in the east of the Gui. Yi-grabbing by the military insurance, soldiers may not pay, bright cited also. Yi, etc. The halogen after the city looking bright. Zhang He Hu said: "He is far to reverse me, battle assignment shall not, that my interest is not in war, trying to use the system for the long term also. And the army has in recent Qishan know, human from the solid, this can only Tuen divided into Jones, showing out later, should not be forced into the front and dare not, you will lose popularity also. this bright little food alone, but also OK to carry on. "Yi is not from, so look for light. Ji Zhi, then dig climbing camp, refused to fight. Jia Xu, Wei-ping a few battle assignment, as saying: "Kung Wei Shu, such as the tiger, the world laughs Nai Ho!" Yi disease. Zhu Jiang Xian battle assignment. Summer, in May, Singh has, Yi Nai Shi Zhang Hesheng attack without any level when the supervisor on the South Circuit, since the case of Mean to light. Light to Wei Yan, Gao Xiang, Wu class against war, Bing Wei defeated, by a Han Chinese with 3000, Yi also Paul camp. June, light grain to make back the military, Sima Yi, Zhang He Hu pursue the removal. He Hu Jin to the door (now the southwest of Gansu Tianshui), and light combat, Shu V by high-cloth, crossbow tousled hair, Fei Shi in his right knee Ercu He Hu.
  Zhuge Liang east of the road blocked by Sima Yi, Wei forward from, there Guo Huai block, is moving troops to invade San pass, Long City and other places, and then return in triumph attack Sima Yi.
  Xin Pi is unknown whether that Zhuge Liang died, Sima Yi said: "The heavy military family, military secret account book, soldiers and horses cereals, are abandoning this, Is there anything people can donate their Solid Organs and Health Down? Should catch up the "(" Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor "). Thus, shuaibing catch up. Off the ground more thorns, Sima Yi sent 3,000 soldiers be wearing flat-bottomed clogs made of soft material, in the army before the walk, thistles all thorns in the clogs, and then force stances in hand. Has been tracked Chian This exact death by Zhuge Liang. At that time people saying: "Death to go Zhuge Health chongda" Sima Yi smiled and said: "I will feed students, it is also inconvenient dead material" ("Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor").
  5. L Rentai Yu
  King first two years (238 years) the first month, Sima Yi Wei Ming Di Zhao returned to Beijing, ordered him to shuaibing crusade. Emperor Ming said: "This not enough labor Jun, things will want to grams, so as to phase tired ears. Jun degree of its line of what account?" Sima Yi said: "abandoned the cities and pre-walk, on account also. According to Liao water from the force, times account also. Zuoshou Xiangping, this Chengqin ear. "Emperor Ming asked:" its terms, will be out? "Sima Yi replied:" but who can clear the depth he has, Yu has been abandoned, the non-it, and also. suspended military expedition today, will that not last, they first and then keep the water from the Liao Dynasty, there is a world total is also lower. "Mingdi asked:" when dealing? "Sima Yi said:" to the Hundred Days, but also the Hundred Days, attack Hundred Days to 60 days for rest, for one year is enough "(" Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor ").
  Coincides with heavy rain, Liao water surge, ground several feet high, Wei fear, Zhujiangsiyu to move camp. Sima Yi ordered the transfer operators are vocal cut, the military governor to make Shizhang Jing disobedience beheaded, the military, before security. Gongsun Yuan troops out of the city by the rain, firewood Wrangler, Enron composure. Wei generals request attack, Sima Yi not adopted. Division Machen Gui Yue Q Sima Yi: "attack on the Yong Xi, eight times, day and night, and it could be a semi late, pulling fortified city, cut Mengda. Today are far to slow even more security, theft and confusion Yan Yu . "Sima Yi said:" The emperor said: "Mengda less public support for one year while the food, my men four times the food is not flooded up to the month to plan a year in January, security from time to speed? One of four hit, is to make a half solution, still as whom. Is not total casualties, and food competition also. I have this Zeizhong few, thieves hungry I eat, water, rain Cornell, no skill, although when the promotion of, Yi He should do. Spontaneous Capital, do not worry about thieves attack, but the fear of thieves away. Vertical grain thief to do this, but not around down together, their cattle and horses grazing, cutting, copying it, the drive for it to go too. Fu Bing who deception, good for Incident. Thief with the public relies on the rain, so although hunger storm, yet ready to know what, when shown the inability to safety. Scared of taking a small profit to non-account also "(" Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor ").
  More than a month, the rain stopped, the water gradually receded. Xiang-Ping Wei completed the siege, from the earth mountains, digging tunnels, building floor vehicles, such as siege equipment hook ladder, day and night storm. Best food the city, the dead are many, and so it will drop Yang Zuo. When the occasional meteor from southwest to northeast across the city, falling in the beam near the water, the city increasingly shock fear. Gongsun Yuan is also terror, in August, the king sent him with the construction, royal doctor Liu Fu request rescue, then Mianfu (hands tied behind the back and face in front) clique are surrendering. Sima Yi beheaded angel, publish official call to arms to denounce: "Xi Chu Cheng nations, and Zheng Bo still leading a sheep and welcome the Routan. Solitary as the king who, while on the public spaces, built retirement homes, etc. For Disembarrassing alone, not at Chu Cheng said that evil! two very old, will lose purpose rumors have been cut of phase. if the intention had not been, there can be more clear decision youth who laid off to "(" Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor "). Gongsun Yuan Wei sijung also sent forward to set the date of the request sent to the hostages. Sima Yi Wei speech on: "playing with five major military can fight when the war, not war when to defend, can not observe when walking, I do only two ears down and die. Ru refused Mianfu, this is the decision to die, no need to send any "(" Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor ").
  Some of that time Sima Yi Jun Yi Shan soldiers in the cold, begging him to Ru Yi, Sima Yi not to. Some people said: "Fortunately, more so jacket can give to." Sima Yi said: "Ru are official property, and the ministers also selfless Shi" ("Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor"). So Throne court, the six-year-old over more than a thousand soldiers to lift military service, sent their hometowns. Then, in the original one-year period, the victory triumphant return.
  Zhengshi years (241 years) in April, four Gong Wei Wu Emperor Sun Quan divide our forces: General Quan Cong Wei tens of thousands of his troops out of Huainan Shaobei decision (now South Shou County, Anhui) of water, Wei attack 6 North, General Zhuge Ke Security (now Luan in the Northeast), a former general attack Fancheng Zhu Ran (now Hubei Xiangfan), a large attack ancestors in general Zhuge Jin (now Hubei Nanchangosaurus Man River).
  Then, Cao Shuang, who stepped up the pace of usurped power. Zhengshi nine (248) March, Huang Zhang door only when the people in chambers without permission to quartz and other 11 people sent to Cao Shuang, Cao Shuang, He Yan and Zhang took the opportunity when the collusion, seek crisis Sajik. Cao Shuang and Sima Yi party is also worried that pretend to be sick. In the same year the winter, Yin Li Sheng Henan provincial governor to be appointed to Jingzhou, his line went to visit them. Sima Yi pretend ill, so that the two maids to support themselves and take away clothes, Nabu Wen, fell to the ground, also pointing to the mouth that thirst. Maids offer porridge to his mouth to pick up the soup stream stricken. Li Sheng said: "People love that old style of public launch tomorrow, He intended to respect the body of Cornell!" Sima Yi deliberately breathlessly said: "The old pillow illness, died overnight. Jun Qu and when the state, and state close to Hu, whom good preparation. fear that no longer meet in order to sub-division, Zhao brothers to care. "Li Sheng said:" When has the honor to state (Li Sheng is Jingzhou), the non-and the state. "Sima Yi deliberately confused the words:" Jun parties to and the state. "Li Sheng said:" When the honor of Jingzhou. "Sima Yi said:" The shortage of old Italy, Jun Yan understand. this is also for the state, Sidley heroic, good construction feats! "Sheng-back on Cao Shuang, said: "Sima public over gas corpse home, and spirit have left, worrying about carry on." a few days, he added: "Tutor no longer be economic, it is sad" ("Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor"). Since then, such as Cao Shuang Sima Yi no longer defensive.
  Sima Yi Zhao Stuart line of high-soft fake section of the military generals, or managed by Cao Shuang barracks, he said: "The king Zhou Boyi" ("Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor"). Zhao Tai Pu Wang and watch the leading military serve as an umbrella Cao Xi barracks. Sima Yi Qiu Jiang their rate of economic and other Lebing Out in Compliment to the emperor, stationed in the Lo pontoon. Sent the memorial to the emperor: "First Dizhao Majesty, the King of Qin and Chen Sheng Yu Yu bed, arm grip Chen said, 'something to read after dark'. Betray this great general Shuang Gu Ming, lost chaos States Code, which is unauthorized to be, outside the special authority. Qunguan playing staff, the parents are home; Old Guard the old one, and see exclusion dismiss. According to plate teeth, and even vertical unbridled day. Youyi Huang Chang when the door to all supervisors, specifically of diplomatic relations, wait on artifacts. world threat from human pregnant apprehensive. His Majesty will be to send sit Qide long security? this non-first Di Zhao and Chen Sheng Royal Majesty the bed of the original idea. Morrison though rotten step, the courage to forget the preamble. Xi-Zhao Gao very Italian, Qin is dead ; Lvhuo early break, Han Jo Yong-Yan. This is the lesson of His Majesty, Chen is also mandated to autumn. Shuang tailor or poor ministers whether the king of hearts, brothers not typical soldier Old Guard; played the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother as imperial played purposes. Chen Zhe Edict main door so stop by and Shuang Huang, Xi, training clerks to the official Hou soldiers on the first, if missed driving them to Junfacongshi. Lijijiangbing Yi Chen Zhe Luoshui pontoon, snooping into a very " ("Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor").
  Cao Shuang want to believe their words, Heng Fan, who cited past and present, every means to remonstrate, from evening until dawn the next day advised. Advised to the last, Cao Shuang cast knife to the ground, said: "Sima just when allegedly attempted to grab my right ear. I can Hou also the first, after all wealthy Weng" ("Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor"). Huan Fan cried and said: "Cao Zidan beautiful woman, health Ru brother, dolphin calves ears! He plans to sit Rudengzumie today also" ("Comprehensive Mirror Volume 75th")!
  In the same year, Cao Pi Tang emperor, appointed as the Book of Sima Yi, and soon turn military governor, Yu Shi Zhongcheng, sealing Yasukuni Xiang Hou.
  King first two years (238 years) the first month, rates of cattle Sima Yi Jin, Wu Zun, etc. Buji 40000 Gongsun Yuan Zheng, breaking Xiangping. Killing more than 7000 construction outlook in Beijing.
  Evaluation】 【History
  Tang Taizong Li Shimin who have "Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor" for History, points out Sima Yi in character, military, political and other aspects of the conflict or say unbalanced. Reads as follows: husband world large, Li Yuan-oriented. Bangguo of you, heads of state first. Chaos impermanence, rise and fall of a transport. Therefore in the Five Emperors on top, the highest Wansheng worried; three kings have come, but for the sake of office of their worries. Intellectual competition, competition is at stake, the size of phase swallowing, strong or weak phase attack. Catch almost Wei room, three-Ding Shi Chun, arms rest, atmosphere fog flying cross. Xuan Huang Ting postures to-day should be on Zuoming, text to keep on governance, armed with Itsue. If the employer has, if and Seeking; Wife resistance and the unpredictable nature of lavish and energy content, and light with dust, with the roll back and forth, JI potential wing scales, thinking is a situation. Ornaments have been loyal to the heart of fraud, Yan'an was the danger of life. Concept within its Xionglue off, never outside the British initiative, exterminate Gongsun in the Hundred Days, capture Mengda late in surplus, in order to soldiers from moving if God, seek no further account carry on. West subsequently held public ownership, and Zhuge stalemate. Suppressing the hoplite, the non-fighting, leaving the women's government, party energies heart. Rod section when the door aggressively on Dayton Qu, battle assignment Trinidad, pretends like to protest. And the people of Qin Shu, Yong cowardly non-enemy, the Foreign insurance road, work and rest are different in this power struggle, its profits can be seen. The solid back closed military base, Mogan and Commander, but have not really scared of Health before the suspect died while still lodged in virtual and good will of the Road, lost in the Sri Lankan peace! Emperor Wen of the world, a supplementary weight, Xuchang Xiao He of the same committee, Chong Hua Huo Guang even the send. When that section dedicated to do, Iraq could Qi Fu. And the Emperor Ming to the end, the pillars are of, by the left two masters, Zuo Ming Dynasty, Ji Cheng Ren died of child care, health of the newspaper had no martyrdom. Son of Heaven outside, inside the hoplite, Tomb of soil is dry, suddenly with murder, Zhen Chen of the body, rather if this peace! Make good of the party, to Sri Lanka for the confusion. Policy for husband's crusade, not at the East and West Yu Chi? Adjuvant of the heart, then chaos before the loyalty? Jin Ming hide their faces so ashamed to deceive false to success; Shile wantonly made, evil laugh to set the industry back. The ancients had a saying: "charitable three years, and those who know little, evil day, heard in the world." However, from time that almost! Although over the year since the implicit, and eventually see deride future generations. Their ears are still ringing bell stolen, to everyone for the deaf; committed theft of gold, that the market for Mo see. Old friend who is greedy in recent far left, who were injured were being addicted to profits; if not Lose to benefit people, then when the bad people but has blessing. Shun Li and give an easy power, power back of the occasion and can not do anything. Unpaired base in the state of Jin, forcing more than the Wei Zuo? Although the complex area Doug Yu, Germany was the common people, and the days when no Kai, Po-bit still resistance, non-compete can be intellectual, not try, though, after Qing flow Queensland, and north of body finally carry on.
  Fang Xuanling: ① little odd section, smart and more rough, contact the press learned, V Ying Confucianism. Han Dynasty chaos, there are worries the world often generously heart. ② Timor avoid suits in width, suspicion and more contingent. ③ a break in the wolf care too.
  Yang Jun: This is the people.
  Poetry】 【related
  World opened up, sun, moon and light weight.
  】 【Doubt
  Zhuge Liang Sima Yi on the same nine Qishan in the Lite campaign, the "Book of Jin" with the "Three Kingdoms" Han Jin Chunqiu have different records, especially in the stalemate of war, are very different. The overall strategic situation in the two books written on the line, are Sima Yi Xie a Qishan of the circumference, and Zhuge Liang defeated the attempt to seize food Wei, Zhuge Liang finally to retreat because the food runs out. There is a difference between "Han Jin Chunqiu" said Zhuge Liang defeated Guo Huai, FEI Yao, rush in the harvest some food, "Book of Jin" record Zhuge Liang did not grab food, "Han Jin Chunqiu" battle of the record on this is contradictory , the fee Sima Yi Yao has been staying on command and Zhuge Liang Gui possible war with Guo Huai, "Book of Jin" in Sima Yi went on Gui Liang Qiang Liang prevent success, there is a major grain producing areas. Near defeat in Zhuge Liang Wei Qishan grab a small amount of food is possible, but Sima Yi did not affect the main force of the food supply, food shortages did not change the Shu Army. Historical records of Sima Yi's military is relying on Longxi food supply. The results of the two armies at war, with Zhuge Liang Sima Yi is fighting, two books of records are different, "Han Jin Chunqiu," said Jia Xu, Wei Ping was rescued and not as a war with Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi was forced to face the challenge of losing, Shu Army gains a first 3000, (a first, small leader, similar to the current squad, and the like. it could be projected over 10 000 soldiers off Sima Yi)
  Binh Dinh Cao Shuang Sima Yi Cao Wei saving the political chaos, keep Tuogu commitment to maintain Cao Fang's throne, not only for the individual group's power. First of all, he gave up power to recuperate the time to go home, Sima Shi, Sima Zhao brothers are middle-ranking officials of DPRK-China, Sima's group is weak. At this point let alone the right to establish special Sima, Sima Ka Ping division after the change in power in important positions and no brothers. Sima Yi actually until the group began to receive Cao Shuang key members of the marginalized against the time, Sima Yi is still content to, as he SUN Li said, to "tolerance is not tolerance." Also just to the right of first Cao Shuang, deprived of the political status of many despotic aristocracy, deprived of their sacrifice honor. Shu stubborn war waged on and so on, these chaotic political Sima Yi did not stop, that has no respect for Cao Shuang Sima Yi had, and was ready to usurp the throne. Cao Shuang to usurp the throne is significant, his food, clothing and ceremonial pomp and emperor almost the same as the palace of Queen is still the home side full of artifacts, from the palace itself before taking beware of people to their capitals, and even to false edict, to the palace before they were 57 people sent to Ye City, unauthorized access to too much music instruments, arsenal Jinbing. Empress Guo was moved to marginized Hai Ba imprisoned, sent to monitor the little emperor trusted, then the only threat to his usurpation only Sima Yi, he trusted to look side to send the movements of Sima Yi, Sima Yi side squeezed against the relatives, confidant, are preparing to seize the throne, Empress Dowager Guo, Liu Fang, Sun seniority in the past powerful, all have been deposed him, and Sima Yi because early on home rest and recuperation, so he is the latest hit. Only Sima Yi Cao Shuang last group also collapsed, emperor usurper can begin, SUN Li, Lu Yu, etc. have been excluded, finger pointing and even relatives of Sima Yi Du Shu, this is the end of orthodox nine, and later tried Lu Yu Cao Shuang gang members, aware of their rebellion usurper ready within three months of operation, Cao Shuang not "Three Kingdoms" in the weak, useless waste, cutting the armed forces under his command Shu, autocracy against SUN Li, is also ambitious, high-handedness of the elite. Sima Yi So there is the idea of pardon him, not because of Cao Shuang did not want to usurp the throne of the conspiracy evidence, largely unwilling to bear the expertise of the right to kill Tuogu Minister reputation, but also to understand the real Cao Shuang was Zhitaicaishu, see Cao Shuang small group established with the main factions have a conflict, nor the people support him, no threats, and Cao Shuang's usurpation scheme is not to the actual implementation, he has not yet Emperor Fei of independence, the change in the Ka-ping, when Cao Shuang did not provoke a civil war, finally the peaceful settlement of the conflict. Sima Yi has also vowed not to pursue Cao Shuang, so it pledged to pardon him, send him food. However, the list can be seen from the sacrifice, Cao Shuang dictatorship offend too many people during the final step into the court still killed him. Do not think that deposed Cao Shuang Sima Yi is his own to seize power, but Sima's and Cao power struggle that simple. Are involved in deposed Cao Shuang Sima Yi Group and most of the factions, Empress Dowager Guo, Jiang economy and high flexibility are all representatives of major factions, the DPRK also proposed joint participation of all factions, as the prime minister Cao Cao, Sima Yi, Wei Gong of power than that much more time still to be towards the proposed constraints, he wants to restore corporal punishment, but towards meeting most against Cao Cao also only temporarily abandoned. Sima Yi is not but accepted the court, Cao Shuang against and oppression of other factions, eventually killed by their demands, "Three Kingdoms" Cao Shuang Chuan, the detailed accounts of the political chaos Cao Shuang, ready to usurp the throne, and step into the court after he was executed.
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