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神权共和时期  (591年644年)

  奥马尔·伊本·哈塔卜 عمر بن الخطاب,又译欧麦尔(约591年—644年)伊斯兰教历史上的第2任哈里发(634年起)。先知穆罕默德最著名的拥护者和战友之一。
  奥马尔出生于麦加,早年当过牧羊人和商贩,在低微的环境下长大。他的父亲Khattab ibn Nufayl出身于一个中产阶级多神论家庭。在那个尚未开化的时代,他受过良好教育、尚武,并且体格强壮。尽管奥马尔广受尊重且来自一个具有贵族血统的家庭,但他与其余的古莱什族人并没有太大的不同。在伊斯兰创教前奥马尔只是古莱什部落的普通一分子,但是伊斯兰创立之后,奥马尔成为地球上最伟大的人之一[来源请求]。
  当穆罕默德开始宣讲伊斯兰道义时,奥马尔致力于保护阿拉伯传统的多神教信仰。他坚决反对穆罕默德,并积极迫害穆斯林。在早期传说中,奥马尔甚至断然行刺穆罕默德。一个过路的穆斯林告诉他最好先出理好自己的家务,因为当时奥马尔的妹妹和妹夫都已皈依伊斯兰教。当抵达他妹妹的住所时,他发现她和她丈夫正在诵读《古兰经》上的诗篇。这激怒了他,使他与妹夫发生斗殴。他妹妹为了保护丈夫而被奥马尔误伤,当看见她流血时,奥马尔深感悔悟。为了表示和解姿态奥马尔也读了一段他妹妹刚刚念诵的经文。据说因为被经文感染,奥马尔当天就皈依了伊斯兰教。当奥马尔向古莱什族酋长Abu Jahl报告他改变信仰后,据传酋长怒斥他:“神诅咒你!”怀着满腔热忱,奥马尔从此公开为伊斯兰教在克尔白祷告并成为部落酋长,Abu Sufyan和Abu Jahl对此大为愤怒然而只能坐视。这一行径进一步使得穆斯林对公开传播伊斯兰教信心大增,因为没有人敢于阻挠奥马尔的祷告。
  奥马尔于622年迁居麦地那,他是最早迁居麦地那的移民者之一。在那儿他成为穆罕默德的两大主要顾问之一(另一位是艾卜·伯克尔)。他参与了Badr, Uhud, Khaybar的战斗和奇袭叙利亚,及许多其他的战役,成为穆罕默德的亲密战友。625年,奥马尔的女儿Hafsah嫁给了先知穆罕默德。
  在636年的幼发拉底河畔的al-Qādisiyyah会战中,阿拉伯人以少胜多大败波斯人。会战过程中阿拉伯将领Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas包抄了萨珊大军并击杀波斯将领Rostam Farrokhzād。
  奥马尔让长老带领他去古老的犹太神庙遗址。当发现遗址覆盖于污渍之中,奥马尔十分震惊。那是因为罗马人发起了把它用作卖堆的风俗。奥马尔当场跪下用手去清理。当穆斯林们看到他的行动后也纷纷跟随他,马上阿克萨的全部地区,越25英亩,被清理干净。其后,一个木质的清真寺在遗址南部被建立,这就是今天阿克萨清真寺。奥马尔被一个已皈依伊斯兰教的拉比Ka'ab al-Ahbar带领参观了遗址的奠基石。这块石头被栅栏包围,许多年以后倭马亚王朝的哈里发在遗址之上修建了圆顶清真寺。
  作为一个征服者,奥马尔主导了多项改革并全面检视了国家政策。他在新征服的土地上确立并发展了行政部门,包括一些新的政府部门和官僚机构,并主持了穆斯林统治区域的人口普查。在他的统治下,驻军的城市如巴士拉、库法被建立及扩展。638年,他主持扩展和修复了麦加的大清真寺和麦地那的先知清真寺。他开始组织编撰伊斯兰法典, 于此同时,他下令逐出Najran 和 Khaibar的基督教及犹太教团体,并禁止非穆斯林在汉至省居住三天以上。(G. Levi DellaVida and M. Bonner, Encyclopedia of Islam, and Madelung, The Succession to Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), p. 74)

  Aomaeryi this Khattab عمر بن الخطاب, also translated Umar (about 591 -644 years) claimed that Islam in the history of any of the first two caliphs (634 onwards). Prophet Muhammad and fellow supporters of one of the most famous.
  Omar was born in Mecca, early years, worked as shepherds and traders, grew up in humble circumstances. Khattab ibn Nufayl his father came from a middle class family polytheism. Not civilized in that era, he was well educated, martial arts, and physical strong. Although Omar widely respected and noble descent from a family, but he and the rest of the Gulai Shi clan and not much different. Its founding in the pre-Islamic tribal Omar is just an ordinary member of Gu Laishi, but after the founding of Islam, Omar became the greatest person on earth one [citation needed].
  When Muhammad began to preach the Islamic morality, the Omar is committed to protecting the Arab belief in the traditional polytheism. He strongly opposed Muhammad, and actively persecuted Muslims. In the early legend, Muhammad Omar and even outright assassination. A crossing of the Muslim to tell his best good-first-out their home grounds because it was Omar's sister and her husband have converted to Islam. When they reached the residence of his sister, he found that she and her husband is reading "Koran" on the Psalms. This angered him, so he and brother fight occurred. His sister to protect her husband was Omar accidental injury, when I saw her bleeding, Omar deep repentance. Omar said the conciliatory gestures to also read some his sister had just recite the scriptures. Because Scripture is said to be infected, the same day Omar converted to Islam. When Omar Abu Jahl to the Quraysh chiefs after reporting his conversion, he allegedly chiefs angrily: "God curse you!" With enthusiasm, Umar Islam, from public to pray in the Kaaba, and a tribal sheikh , Abu Sufyan and Abu Jahl, however, can only sit and watch this much anger. The act further allows Muslims to spread Islam in public confidence, because no one dared to obstruct Omar prayer.
  Omar in 622 moved to Medina, he was among the first immigrants moved to Medina one. Where he became one of Muhammad's two key advisers (the other was Abu Bakr). He took part in Badr, Uhud, Khaybar fighting and Syrian surprise attack, and many other battles, a close ally of Muhammad. 625, Omar's daughter Hafsah married the Prophet Muhammad.
  Abu Bakr in office a short time, the exercise of his functions and powers most of the time occupied by traitors, war, war in the vain attempt of some tribes from the Muslim League. Omar was the principal adviser Burkle. In the Abu Bakr died in 634, after Omar was designated as heir.
  In the 636 years of the Euphrates River in the al-Qādisiyyah battle, the Arabs defeated the Persians to win with fewer. Arab generals during the Battle of Sa `d ibn Abi Waqqas outflank the Sassanid army and kill the Persian general Rostam Farrokhzād.
  Omar allow elders to lead him to the site of the ancient Jewish temple. When found among the ruins covered in stains, Omar was shocked. That is because the Romans used to sell it initiated the custom of the heap. Omar knelt hand to clean up the spot. When the Muslims see his actions have also followed him, and immediately all the regions the Al-Aqsa, the more 25 acres, was clean. Later, a wooden mosque in the southern sites were established, which is today the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Omar has been converted to Islam by a rabbi Ka'ab al-Ahbar a guided tour of the site's cornerstone. Stone surrounded by fencing, many years later Caliph Umayyad dynasty built a dome over the site of the mosque.
  As a leader, Mullah Omar as he is known for simple and severe life. To be intoxicated and vulnerable flourishing contemporary impact of various other leaders, his attitude to life and is small compared to the momentum Muslim persecution no change. AD 639, he succeeded to the throne as the Caliph, after 4 years, shiggi to (referring to Muhammad from Mecca to Medina's history of migration events) 17 years after the development of the Islamic calendar (Hijri calendar) to shiggi to serve era.
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