632年6月8日,穆罕默德在麦地那病逝。穆罕默德生前没有指定继承人,部落酋长们认为,他们对穆罕默德的服从,已经随着先知的去世而告终结。于是,各部落停止进贡,各行其是。这一变故在伊斯兰教历史上视作“叛教”,引起了一系列有计划的战争。为了让贝都因人继续效忠于麦地那,最后经各派协商,同意由穆罕默德的岳父阿布·伯克尔出任先知在世间的代表,称为哈里发(khalīfat Rasūl Allah,意为真主使者的继承人)。正是在他的领导下,叛教的部落重新回到了信徒的行列,阿拉伯半岛恢复了统一,阿拉伯人开始了最早的对外扩张。
最初的四大哈里发由穆斯林公社选举产生,历史上将这4位哈里发统治时期称之为神权共和时期,又称四大哈里发时期。阿拉伯史学家把神权共和时期的四位哈里发叫做“拉什顿”(al-Rāshidūn 正统派)。这一时期,帝国版图迅速扩张,为阿拉伯帝国奠定了基础。
Abu Bakr, the first successor of Muhammad, according to Sunni beliefs, nominated Umar as his successor on his deathbed, and there was consensus in the Muslim community to his choice. Umar Ibn Khattab, the second caliph, was killed by a slave. His successor, Uthman Ibn Affan, was elected by a council of electors (Majlis), but was soon perceived by some to be ruling as a "king" rather than an elected leader. Uthman was killed by members of a disaffected group. Ali then took control but was not universally accepted as caliph by the governors of Egypt, and later by some of his own guard. He faced two major rebellions and was assassinated after a tumultuous rule of only five years. This period is known as the Fitna, or the first Islamic civil war. Under the Rashidun each region (Sultanate, Wilayah, or Emirate) of the Caliphate had its own governor (Sultan, Wāli or Emir).
Muawiyah, a relative of Uthman, and governor (Wali) of Syria became one of Ali's challengers, and after Ali's death, managed to overcome the other claimants to the Caliphate. Muawiyah transformed the caliphate into a hereditary office, thus founding the Umayyad dynasty.
In areas which were previously under Sassanid Persian or Byzantine rule, the Caliphs lowered taxes, provided greater local autonomy, greater religious freedom for Jews, indigenous Christians, and brought peace to peoples demoralized and disaffected by the casualties and heavy taxation that resulted from the decades of Byzantine-Persian warfare.