lüè · láo wáng cháo zuòzhělièbiǎo
wéi Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus lüè Tiberius Claudius Nero
Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus láo shì Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus
Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus
Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus
lüè · láo wáng cháo  (37niánshíèryuè15rì68niánliùyuè9rì)
· láo · · 'ěr màn

   · láo · · 'ěr màn ( NeroClaudiusDrususGermanicus, 37 nián 12 yuè 15 68 nián 6 yuè 9 ), luó guó de huáng , 54 nián héng 68 nián zài wèi shì luó guó zhū · láo wáng cháo de zuì hòu rèn huáng hòu shì duì de shǐ liào chuàng zuò xiāng dāng duōdàn biàn duì de xíng xiàng miáo shù jiā zài 20 suì shí qīn luàn lún tōng cháng bèi liè wéi luó de bào jūn zhī
   zǎo nián
   de chū duō de zhī ā nuò 'ěr miàn wéi qīng tóng de )”, de qīnduō · ā nuò 'ěr ( DomitiusAhenobarbi)” zài lüè huáng hòu jiǔ shuǐ zhǒng shēn wáng de qīn shì chū wéi de zhí xuè qīnā ”, céng jīng zāo dào lüè liǎng wèi huáng de liú fàngzài láo huáng rèn nèi zhào huí chū shēng luó nán fāng de hǎi biān chéng shì 'ān ā wéi xīn shēng 'ér mìng míng wéi ”( quán míng wéi · duō · ā nuò 'ěr ”)。 zhè wèi 3 suì sàng qīn zāo dào liú fàngyīn de yòu nián dōushì yóu liè jiā dài gōng yuán 49 niánā deshū héng héng láo huáng héng héng jié hūn jiāng guò chéng wéi láo jiā de chéng yuánbìng gǎi yòng gāi shì de míng ”。
   dēng shàng huáng
   huáng láo qián měi shēng yòu cháng láo · wēi yòu liè dàn guò chéng láo jiā shí wéi 12 suìjiào 8 suì de liè niánzhǎng shì biàn chéng wéi huáng wèi de chéng rénkǎi ”。 ā zāi péi de qīn shēng 'ér wéi huáng yán pìn zhé xué míng shì sài nèi jiā wèitā de jiào shībìng ràng wēi jié hūn zài shí jìn zhèng jiè dān rèn gōng zhíshù zài yuán lǎo yuàn dīng zuò guò yǎn jiǎngbìng de míng bàn liǎo xíng sài huì dǒu shòu biǎo yǎn
  54 nián 10 yuè 13 huáng láo yīn shí zhòngdú wángrén men huái néng shì 'ā xià ), 17 suì de shùn chéng huáng wèi
   zhí zhèng guò chéng
   zǎo nián shàn zhèng
   zhí zhèng zhī chūguó jiā fāng zhēn yóu 'ā sài nèi jiāxiān huáng jiù chén jìn wèi jūn zhǎngguān sài · gòng tóng jué dìng men yuán lǎo yuàn jiē zuòwéi chí qián cháo de wěn dìng zhǎn zhèng zài shǒu bàn shì de sài huìbìng xiāo bāo shuì rén de juān pāi mài shuì shí de luó jǐng xiàng shí fēn fán róngbiān jìng qíng shì zhì píng suí
   jiā máo dùn rén quán gǒng
   de qīn 'ā yōng yòu xiāng dāng qiáng liè de quán wàng zhú jiàn chéng nián zhī hòuduì qīn de gān zhèng gǎn mǎnzài sài nèi jiā de jiàn zhī xià zài yīcháng měi shǐ chén jiàn de chǎng zhōng huáng de shēn fèn zhǐ qīn jìn huì chǎngā duì fǎn yìng liècéng zhù jiāng chéng nián de yòu liè lái wēi xié 。 55 nián liè zài yòng cān zhī hòu zhòngdú wánghòu rén cāi shì suǒ xià de
   hòu lái zhǐ kòng cānyù xiàng yīn móuliú fàng liǎo shì 'ā de cháo zhōng yǒu biǎo míng duì kàng qīn tuì xiū wèitā xīn rèn jìn wèi jūn zhǎngguān。 59 nián rán xiàn yīn qínyāo qǐng qīn dào kǎn hǎi biān de bài bié shù jiǎ bié dìng zhì liǎo sōu huá měi de xiǎo chuán jiē sòng 'ā dàn zài háng xíng zhōng chuán shēn jiě zhì zào wài de jiǎ xiàng yān 'ā dàn 'ā shàn yóu yǒngbèi guò de chuán jiù ā pài de xiàng bào 'ān zhī zhī hòuzhǐ kòng gāi míng shì fèng zhī mìng lái shā huáng biàn pài bīng dào 'ā de bié guǎn shā liǎo zhì wán quán gǒng liǎo de huáng quán
  62 nián bìng 。 65 niánsài nèi jiā shòu dào xiàng yīn móu qiān lián qiē kāi xuè guǎn de fāng shì shā
   nèi zhèng
   zài nèi zhèng de cuò shī shàng běn shàng duō shì xiàng píng mín zhòng suǒ qīng xié de míng liǎo duì wěi zào zhǔ de bàn xiàn zhì sòng 'àn biàn bào chóu de shàng xiànyòng lái fáng zhǐ quán guì jiè zhe duì píng mín shī xíng de píng děng xuē jiàng liǎo duō jiànjiē shuì de shuì bìng gōng kāi zhèng de shuì shōu fáng zhǐ guān yuán tān liáng shí jià xiàn zhì ràng pín qióng de luó gōng mín néng gòu wēn bǎo
   'ài shù běn rén jiù shì shī rén zuò zhěyǎn chàng zhě shù qín yǎn zòu zhě cháng bàn shèng de jìng sài huìbìng qīn xià chǎng cānyù sài zàn zhù wén jiàn zhù xiàng de gōng chéng míngzài wéi tǒng zhì zhī hòu dāng zhèng shí de guó chéng xiàn chū liǎo wén xīng de jǐng xiàngzài 64 nián luó huǒ zhī hòu jiàn zào liǎo zhù míng de huá jīn gōng( DomusAurea)”。
   dàn zài quán lǎn zhī hòuduì yuán lǎo guì de chóng jìng zhú jiàn dàn miè kāi shǐ huān jiē shòu rén men de fèng chéngbìng duì de zhèng zhì shì zuì yòu míng de shì 65 nián de suǒ de yīn móu”, qún gòng pài de zhèng zhì rén shì suàn tuī fān de tǒng zhìdàn men jìhuà zài shì qián xiè lòu kuò miànzhěng ràng luó de shàng céng jiē suí shí gǎn shòu dào huáng de kǒng tǒng zhì
  64 nián de luó huǒ
   luó chéng de huǒ shì shēng zài gōng yuán liù nián yuè shí rán 'ér zhè yīcháng huǒ de zhēn zhèng yuán yīn zhí dōushì qiān de shǐ 'ànrán 'ér duō shù de réndōu xiāng xìnzhè shì yīcháng rén wéi zòng huǒ de 'àn jiànér zhōng huáng yòu yīn bào xíng 'ér chéng wéi zuì de xián zhě dāng shí diào cházòng huǒ zhě yīngshì chū huáng yuán yīn nǎi shì yīn huáng xiǎng yào kuò jiàn gōng diànrán 'ér chéng huáng gōng de zhōu wéi zhù mǎn luó píng mínyīn jīhū nán kāi gōng jiàn zàoyīn chéng zhe shēn rén jìng de shí jiào suō shǒu xià zòng huǒ suì suǒ yuàn shēng zài luó de zhè yīcháng huǒshì yóu jìng chǎng kāi shǐ shāo jìng chǎng wèi tái de dōng 'ànshì zài luó chéng de nán duī mǎn liǎo zhàng péng děng rán pǐnyīn huǒ shì shōu shízài jiā shàng huǒ de zhè tiān guā nán fēnggèng shì zhùzhǎng fēng shìdāng huǒ shén tūn méi jìng chǎng zhī hòujìng rán yòu wǎng zuǒ yòu yán shēn chū liǎng huǒ shì zhōng zuǒ biān xiàng kǎi xuán jiē shāo jiē lián zhe de kǎi xuán mén zhàn zhēng gāo zhàn zhēng niàn pái fāng shén diàn děngdōuzài chà jiān huà wéi yòuér yòu biān de zhè huǒ shì shì shāo huǐ liǎo guó zhèng guān gāo lóu shà xiē tōng de jiē dàoshāng diàn mín fángyědōu huà wéi huī jìnjiēguǒ quán chéng jīhū xiàn piàn huǒ hǎi zhī zhōngjiù zhè yàng zhè de huǒ lián cuàn shāo liǎo liù tiān jiēguǒ fàng yǎn luó quán chéng jiē wéi jiāo piàn
   tuó de jìzǎi cóng 'ān gǎn huí luó láikāi fàng de gōng diàn 'ān zhì zāi mínbìng cóng 'ào lín jìn de chéng zhèn yùn liáng zhèn dàn yóu huǒ zāi suǒ zào chéng de cǎn zhòng sǔn shīrén men biàn huái zhè yīnggāi shì rén wéi zòng huǒ suǒ zhì tīng wén yòu rén huái shì běn rén suǒ 'àn zòng huǒwèile shǐ chuán yán kuò biàn xuān chēng zhè chǎng zāinàn shì yīn móu zòng de huǒ shì xià lìng dài gōng kāi jiāng men cán zhé héng héng dīng shí jià shòu ràng 'è gǒu yǎo jiāng men dīng shàng zhù zuò wéi zhú
   duì wài guān
   liè diān
   gōng yuán 60 niányóu liè diān de luó jūn tuán máng zhēng zhàn dǎo liè diān dǎo dōng nán de wáng shuài bīng fǎn kàng luó tǒng zhì liè diān jūn tuán zhǎngguān bǎo huí jūn 61 nián píng dìng de pàn biàn
   dōng fāng guān
   gōng yuán 55 niánluó de dōng fāng shǔ guó měi shēng zhèng biànzuì hòu yóu de wáng jìn měi bìng chéng wéi xīn de guó wángyóu luó xiàng shì měi wéi bǎo guóliú wáng de měi rén shì xiàng qǐng qiú yuán zhù shì pài qiǎn 'ěr màn jūn tuán zhǎngguān 'ěr luòràng quán quán chǔlǐ dōng fāng shì
   zài fāng miànrèn wéi měi zài wén huà shàng xiāng jìnyīn jué dìng xíng guǎn měi de shì zhào huì luó guó wáng luò shì jué luó huī jiù wáng de yào qiúrèn mìng de bāo wéi měi wáng。 58 nián 'ěr luò shuài lǐng de luó jūn tuán jìn dōng fāng héng měi lián jūn zhǎn kāi lián chuàn de zhàn 。 59 nián 'ěr luò gōng xià měi de guó jiāng de shì gǎn chū táo wángluó fāng miàn yōng wéi měi wáng rèn wéi zhàn zhēng jīng jié shùbiàn jiāng 'ěr luò diào huí
  62 niánbèi chù de zài jūn duì de bǎo zhī xiàzài jìn měi pài shuài lǐng luó jūn tuán yíng zhàndàn què zāo dào yán zhòng de shī bài zài zhǎng kòng liǎo měi zài dēng shàng wáng wèi shì zài rèn mìng zài de 'ěr luò chū zhànyóu 'ěr luò de wēi míng zài dāng yòu xiāng dāng de yǐng xiǎng dāng 'ěr luò zài yòu jiàn diāo bǎo shíyǐn liǎo duì fāng de kǒng huāng fāng miàn xiǎng 'ěr luò jiē zhànbiàn pài qiǎn shǐ zhě shāng tán píng tiáo jiàn
  63 nián luó chéng xié chéng rèn wéi měi guó wángdàn guó wáng de wáng guān yóu luó huáng shòu jìn 'ěr luò de jūn yíngzài de xiàng zhī qiányóu 'ěr luò dài huáng wéi jiā miǎnhòu lái qīn luó zài wèitā jiā miǎnbìng shèng de qìng diǎn huān yíng yīn zài gāi wéi chí liǎo xiāng dāng liáng hǎo de míng zài shā zhī hòuchū xiàn guò sān wèi jiǎ zhōng zhī céng shòu měi de zūn chónglìng fāng miàn hòu luó de dōng fāng biān jìng wéi chí liǎo shí nián de píng
   yóu tài rén
   luó guó zài yóu tài de zuì hòu rèn xún shì shì( GessiusFlorus), rén pǐn xiàbào nüè dào zài yóu tài xún de rèn nèijīhū zhǐ wéi xuēhuāng fèi zhèng shì shì de tān zāng wǎng jīhū shì háo yǎn shì de shǒu duànzài zhì rèn nèi rén mín 'ān dìng suǒsuǒ dào zhī chùchōng mǎn liǎo héng zhēng bào liǎnbìng qiě pàn luàn de fēng shēng shí yòu suǒ wénqíng shì shì jǐn zhāng cháng zǒng jiā liú( GestiusGallius), 'ěr wén yóu tài de hùn luànyīn zài gōng yuán 66 nián jiè zhù yóu tài rén guò yuè jié de míng shì chá lěngyóu tài rén jiè huì zài jiā liú miàn qián zhuàng gào shì de zhǒng zhǒng 'è xíngér jiā liú suì zài qún zhòng miàn qián yǔn nuò yào chéng zhì shìdāng jiā liú kāi lěng zhī hòu shì fēi dàn méi yòu jiǎn tǎo shēn xíng jìngfǎn dǎo biàn běn jiā de hài yóu tài rén shǐ yóu tài rén duì luó guó de pàn biànér néng gòu zài dāng zhōng zuò shōu rén zhī zhī hòu shì qiáng xíng xiàng yóu tài rén de shèng diàn zhēng shōu jīn shí lián dàn yóu tài rén jiē shòuyīn shì jiè huì shuài lǐng jūn duì dào lěng suì xíng suǒ yuànjìn 'ér yǐn yóu tài rén de quán miàn pàn biànyóu tài rén luó rén de zhàn zhēngzào chéng liǎo yóu tài rén de shèng diàn bèi huǐ lěng chéng huāng liángyóu tài rén bèi gǎn zhú fēn sàn chù de bēi zhàn zhēng gōng yuán 66 nián zhǎn kāisuī rán kāi zhàn yóu tài rén biàn zhàn liǎo shàng fēngrán 'ér jiù zài wéi xiān fèng mìng píng luàn hòu jié jié jìn lěngjìn xíngshōu píng luàn de gōng zuò”。 gōng yuán 67 zhì 68 nián jiān zài de zhǐ lìng xiàwéi xiān chóngxīn gōng zhàn jiā bìng qiě yào huī jūn zhí dǎo lěng de xùn shǐ wéi xiān zhé fǎn luó dān rèn huáng zhèng quán wěn dìng hòu pài de 'ér duō zhǐ huī píng luànzuì hòu qīng zhěng zuò lěng chéng jiù shì duō jiāng jūnyuē zài gōng yuán 72 nián 9 yuè chéng běi de fēn jīng wán quán luò luó rén de shǒu zhōngér zhěng lěng quán bèi zhàn lǐng liǎo
   hūn yīn
   yòu guò sān hūn yīn shì niánshào shí láo zhī wéi de hūn yīndàn zài chéng wéi huáng zhī hòu huān shàng wéi de shì 'ā dài suàn wéi hūnjīng guò sài nèi jiā 'ā de quàn cái zuò dàn guān míng cún shí wángā hòu wéi bèi liú fàng zhì wài dǎo shēng huó。 58 nián huān shàng chǒng chén 'ào tuō de péi · bīn wèile fāng biàn jǐyǔ huáng hòu de tóu xián zài 62 nián tōng jiān de zuì míngqiǎngpò wéi shāràng péi chéng wéi de 'èr rèn
   péi céng wéi shēng xià 'érdàn zǎo yāohòu lái zài zuò shí liǎo huái yòu shēn yùn de péi zào chéng zài 65 nián wáng
   de sān hūn yīn de duì xiàng shì · měi wèile dào wéi rén de měi de zhàng wéi shāměi wèi céng shēng xià de hái
   shā shēn wáng
   wēn dài gāo
   yóu jiē huò guò shù shā de yīn móubiàn shí fēn duō dòng zhé xīng móu fǎn ràng yuán lǎo guì jiē kān yán。 68 nián chū · gāo de xíng shěng zhǎngguān yóu · wēn dài zhěng jiù rén lèide kǒu hào bīng gāo yòu duō chéng shì xiǎng yìng mìng lìng shàng 'ěr màn zǒng shuài lǐng 'ěr màn jūn tuánkāi gāo píng luàn xùn zài 68 nián 5 yuè kuì wēn dài de zhù wēn dài bīng bài shā
   jiā 'ěr bīng luó bào dòng
   wēn dài shuài bīng hòushēn wéi · bān xíng shěng de zhǎngguān jiā 'ěr suí chū bīngzài bān xiǎng yìng fǎn de xíng dòngdàn jiā 'ěr tīng wén wēn dài shī bài shā zhī hòufǎn kàng de shēng shì shòu bān de duì jūn xīn zhú jiàn tòujiā 'ěr suàn shā
   dàn shí shǒu luó yáo yán rén mín tīng shuō cóng shān chéng yùn lái de shì 'ér shì juédòu shì biǎo yǎn yòng de shā biàn qún bào dòng zhī wēn dài jīng shī bài wéi gāo bān dōuyǐ jīng chéng gōng pàn jìn wèi jūn pāo liǎo shì wéi shì biàn cāng huáng kāi luó gōng tíng suàn táo wǎng dōng fāng
   yuán lǎo yuàn zhī kāi zhī hòu jué tuī jiā 'ěr wéi huáng bìng xuān wéirén mín gōng ”, rèn réndōu zhuī huò zhū shā zài guò de huò shì de bié zhuāng huò zhuī díshì bīng jīng duàn jué de táo wáng dào , 6 yuè 9 shēn biān zhǐ shèng sān rénzuì hòu jiāng shǒu de hóu lóng shājié shù 14 nián de zhí zhèngxiāng chuán dāng shí de miàn duì jiǒng kùn de huán jìng yuàn chǐ bèi shǒu xià de líng suǒ jué dìng shādàn shì yòu shí fēn shù dāoquè gǎn wǎng xiōng táng shàng zhèng zài chóu chú de shí hòu biān de rén kàn nài fán liǎojiù tuī dāo kǒu tuī jìn liǎo luó shǐ shàng zuì cán bào de jūn wáng zhī jiù zhè yàng jié shù liǎo shēng mìngyuán lǎo yuàn zhī hòugōng duì de shāhéng héng fán shì de xiàngbēi wénjiàn zhù shàng de míng jiā xiāo huǐ huò chú
   hòu shì píng jià
   shǐ xué jiā de píng jià
   yóu luó shǐ liào de biān xiě zhěng zhěduō wéi guó de shàng céng jiē yīn wéi tǒng zhì de zhōng hòu duì gāi jiē céng de tǒng zhì xiāng dāng cán bào shì liú chuán hòu shì de shǐ liào duō miàn de guān diǎn kàn dài de qiē shī zhèng xiàng 64 nián de luó huǒ 'āi tuō biàn xiāng dāng de piān xiě xià xīng zāi huò de xíng wéibìng míng bái zhǐ chū zhè zhǒng huǒ shì xià lìng fàng huǒ dedàn zhè zhǒng miáo xiě shì shí shì fǒu wěn lái shǐ xué jiā shì yòu xiāng dāng de zhēng dezài jiā shàng hòu shòu dào hòu rén de shā”, yīn de shì biàn duō liú xià miàn jiě shì de bǎn yìn xiàng liǎo
   běn rén 'ài shē huáduì shēn biān de qīn rén chén shǔ cán bào réndàn de gōng guò píng lùnyán jiū zǎo luó guó shǐ de zhuān rén yuán chū duō zhǒng de tóng miànxiàng
   jiào huì de píng jià
   jiào zǎo jiào huì de zhǎnzhèng zhí dāng zhèng zhī shírán 'ér jiào zài dāng shí de luó shì xiāng dāng shòu dào shì de zōng jiàoyīn shòu dào guān fāng rén mín de fǎn gǎn jiěér zhǐ 64 nián luó huǒ de yuán xiōng wéi duì jiào shī gōng kāi de hài cán shāyīn jiào huì de jìzǎicéng jiāng shì wéi fǎn ér qiě shǐ bǎo luó shì zài shǒu zhōng hài shì jiào de bào jūn
   xiāng guān chuàng zuò
   yóu liú xià lái de shì xiāng dāng duōshì de cái fēng yīn duō de chuàng zuò cái
  * lán xiǎn wēi zhī wǎng chù ( QuoVadis)》
   zài wèi 54 nián 10 yuè 13 ─ 68 nián 6 yuè 9
   quán míng · láo · · 'ěr màn
   chū shēng 37 nián 12 yuè 15
   shì 68 nián 6 yuè 9
   qián rèn láo shì
   rèn jiā 'ěr
   wáng hòu ā dài( 54 nián -62 nián
   péi · bīn ( 62 nián -65 nián
   · měi
   wáng cháo zhū · láo wáng cháo
   qīn duō · ā nuò 'ěr
   qīn ā

  Sali Na Emperor Claudius and his ex-wife gave birth to a daughter the United States a son: the eldest daughter Kelaodiya house large Weiya, youngest son does not 列塔尼库斯. However, as Nero Claudius adoptive family for 12 years when compared to 8-year-old does not 列塔尼库斯 older, so Nero became heir to the throne, "Caesar." Agri shelter Na strongly cultivated his own son for the emperor, hiring teachers for his philosophy 名士塞内加 and let Nero and housing large Weiya marriage. Nero at this time to enter politics in public office, several times in Latin and Greek in the senate made a speech, and held their own in the name of fighting large-scale event with animal performance.
  Early years of good governance
  Nero's mother, Tina Bailey Agri very strong desire for power has, Nero gradually adulthood, the mother's interference with politics on a sense of dissatisfaction. In Seneca's suggestion, Nero an audience at a forum in Armenia envoy to the emperor's capacity to prevent mother to enter the venue. Agri shelter Na vehemently responded to was once to help his little brother will not 列塔尼库斯 grown to threaten Nero. 55 years, not 列塔尼库斯 poisoning after the meal, the next generations guess is that Nero poisoned.
  Internal affairs
  However, the power monopoly of Nero after the aristocratic patriarch of respect for light off gradually. He began to accept people like flattery, and his big fight with the opposing political forces. The most famous is the 65-year "grant claim of conspiracy", a group of Republicans who intend to overthrow the political rule of Nero. But they plan to leak in advance. Nero expansion of attack and got rid of dissidents, so that the upper classes of Rome emperor's reign of terror at any time feel.
  Fire in the city of Rome occurred in the year July 17, 2064, but the real reason for a fire that has been through the ages the history of Mystery. However, most people believe, this is a case of arson, because of the atrocities of which the Emperor Nero to become the biggest suspects. It was the investigation, arson should come from the Emperor Nero, their reasons but because you want to expand the palace the emperor Nero, but have lived around the capital of the Roman Palace of civilians, it is almost difficult to start the construction, so ride the dead of night always go hand abetting arson in order to achieve their wish. This took place in Rome in a fire, started by the big arena Shaoqi. Large Arena at the eastern bank of the Tiber, in the southwestern city of Rome, filled with tents and other flammable materials, so the fire got out of hand. Coupled with fire southwest wind blowing past few days, it is contributing to wind. When the god of fire engulfed a large arena, the surprise went, extended two stocks around the fire, which left an went to the Triumph Street fire, connecting with the Arc de Triomphe, the Punic Wars and Gallic War Memorial Arch and the Temple were all on the moment Inter naught. To the right of the shares of the fire, it is burned the imperial government, and other high-rise government office, which is easily accessible by roads, shops and homes, are also reduced to ashes. Results of almost the whole city into a sea of flames, and thus channeling a row this time the fire burned Six Days Seven Nights, the results look at the whole city of Rome are all ruins.
  According to Tacitus records that Nero Antium back from Rome to open his palaces with victims, and from Ostia and neighboring towns and transportation relief. However, heavy losses caused by fire, it was widely suspected this should be the result of arson. Nero heard was he himself secretly suspected arson, the expansion in order not to talk, he declared that the disaster was a Christian conspiracy vertical fire. So he ordered the arrest of Christians, openly their brutal torture - the cross, dressed skins so fierce dogs killed, will they reinforce the columns as a candle.
  AD 60 years, as Britain's Roman legions busy campaign Mona Island, southeastern British Isles shuaibing Queen Boudica fought against Roman rule. British Army Executive, Paulinus returned to the military, in 61 years put down Boudica's rebellion.
  In the Parthians, the view that the Armenian and Persian are similar in culture, therefore, decided to self-manage the affairs of Armenia, without note in Rome. Parthian King 沃洛吉西斯 I, the king refused the request back to the old Rome, the appointment of his brother 提里达特斯 king of Armenia. 58 years, Keerbuluo led Roman legions into the east, and the Parthian - Armenian forces launched a series of battles. 59 years, Keerbuluo capture the capital of Armenia, the Parthian forces out, 提里达特斯 flee. Rome side crowned king of Armenia 提格拉尼斯. Nero that the war is over, they put Keerbuluo transferred back to Syria.
  Jewish revolt
  Roman Empire in the Jewish area of the last governor is a rich spicy Lu Shi (Gessius Florus), low moral character who, violence, and his Jewish governor's term of office, almost exclusively for the exploitation, abandoned political affairs. Shi Fu Lu spicy bribery is almost no secret, unscrupulous means. People in their governance can not be stability within the home office, wherever he went, full of exacting, and often heard rumors of rebellion, the situation is extremely tense. Sequence Australia Governor Gallio (Gestius Gallius), has heard the Jewish area of confusion, so the Jews in AD 66 by the name of the Passover, visit Jerusalem. Jews to take this opportunity before Gallio Fu Lu spicy disabilities sued the bad things, but Gallio then before the masses promised to punish the rich spicy Shi Lu. When Gallio after leaving Jerusalem, Fu Lu spicy disabilities act has not only review their own, and have actually intensified the persecution of the Jews, the Jews of the Roman Empire of the mutiny, but he can be close in which the spoils of victory. Shi Fu Lu after hot forced to impose the Jewish Temple with his seventh gold was, but refused to accept the Jews so rich spicy Shi Lu led the army to Jerusalem to take this opportunity to attempt to carry out like force. Triggering a comprehensive Jewish revolt. Jews and the Roman war, resulting in the Jewish Temple was destroyed, broken desolate city of Jerusalem, the Jews were expelled by the tragedy spread around. 66 years of war in the year to start a war against the Jews although they prevailed, but the level in the Vespasian ordered chaos, the immediate edging Jerusalem, to "recover-insurgency work." AD 67-68 years under the instruction at Nero, Vespasian recapture Galilee and Samaria, and to Hui Jun destroy Jerusalem, the death of Nero to Vespasian returned to Rome as emperor. Political stability, he sent his son Titus command-insurgency, the final collapse of the whole city of Jerusalem is the general Titus. In about AD 72 by the end of September, some north of the city has completely fallen into the hands of the Romans, and the whole of Jerusalem are all occupied.
  Nero had three marriages. The first is the young daughter of Claudius house with a large Vija marriage, but after Nero became emperor, like the house on behalf of large Vija maid Ake, intend to house a large Vija divorce, after Seneca and Agri shelter Na advised before anything, but the husband and wife in name only. Agri shelter Na death, housing large Vija were exiled to live outside the island. 58 years, Nero's wife, like the minions Otto Bo Peiya Sabina, for the convenience of giving her the title of Queen, Nero in 62 years on charges of adultery, forced housing large Vija suicide, so Bo Peiya become his second wife.
  Committed suicide
  Garba raised his army, and Rome riot
  Since the preparation and arrangement of historical Rome, the more the upper class for the Empire. Since the late Nero rule rather brutal rule of the class, so many achievements in historical perspective more than a negative view of all policy Nero. Such as the fire of Rome 64 years, Suetonius it to considerable length, write down Nero Xingzailehuo behavior, and understand that Nero ordered that the fire was arson; but that description and whether the facts agreement has always been historians is considerable controversy. Coupled with Nero's death by the descendants of the "memory erase", so his story will explain most of the negative stereotypes of the left.
  The development of the early Christian church, when the power comes Nero. But Christianity in Rome was a very religious discrimination, so by the government and the people's resentment and misunderstanding. The Nero false grounds that the chief culprit in the fire of Rome 64 years for the Christians, the persecution of the Christians and the killing to impose open, so the church records, had to Nero as the Antichrist, and the Apostles Paul and Peter is killed in his hands. Nero was the first Christian tyrant oppression.
  * Poland, Henryk Sienkiewicz, "where you go to (Quo Vadis)"
  Born on 15 December 37
  Queen Ake generation (54 years -62 years)
  Zhu 里亚克劳狄 dynasty dynasty
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