尼祿·剋勞狄烏斯·德魯蘇斯·日耳曼尼庫斯 | |||||||
尼祿的父係出自於“多米提烏斯”的支係“阿赫諾巴爾比(字面意思為‘青銅色的鬍須’)”,他的父親“多米提烏斯·阿赫諾巴爾比(Domitius Ahenobarbi)”在提比略皇帝死後不久即水腫身亡。尼祿的母親則是出自於屋大維的直係血親“阿格裏庇娜”,她曾經遭到提比略和卡利古拉兩位皇帝的流放,在剋勞狄皇帝任內召回。尼祿出生於羅馬南方的海邊城市安提烏姆,阿格裏庇娜為新生兒命名為“魯基烏斯”(即全名字為“魯基烏斯·多米提烏斯·阿赫諾巴爾布斯”)。這位魯基烏斯3歲喪父,母親也遭到流放,因此他的幼年都是由姑母“列比達”傢族帶大。公元49年,阿格裏庇娜與她的“叔父”——剋勞狄皇帝——結婚。她將獨子過繼成為剋勞狄傢族的成員,並改用該氏族的名字“尼祿”。
尼祿熱愛藝術,他本人就是一個詩人、劇作者、演唱者與竪琴演奏者。他常舉辦盛大的競技賽會,並親自下場參與比賽。他贊助文藝、建築、與各項的工程發明,在屋大維統治之後,尼祿當政時期的帝國呈現出了文藝勃興的景象。在64年羅馬大火之後,他建造了著名的華麗“金宮(Domus Aurea)”。
羅馬城的大火是發生在公元六四年七月十七日,然而這一場大火的真正原因一直都是千古的歷史疑案。然而大多數的人都相信,這是一場人為縱火的案件,而其中尼祿皇帝又因暴行而成為最大的嫌疑者。據當時調查,縱火者應是出自於尼祿皇帝,則其原因乃是因尼祿皇帝想要擴建宮殿,然而都城皇宮的周圍都住滿羅馬平民,因此幾乎難以開工建造,因此乘着夜深人靜的時刻教唆手下去縱火,以遂其所願。 發生在羅馬的這一場大火,是由大競技場開始燒起。大競技場位於臺伯河的東岸,是在羅馬城的西南部,堆滿了帳篷等易燃物品,因此火勢一發不可收拾。再加上起火的這幾天颳西南風,更是助長風勢。當火神吞沒大競技場之後,竟然又往左右延伸出兩股火勢,其中左邊一股嚮凱旋大街燒去,接連着的凱旋門、布匿戰爭與高盧戰爭紀念牌坊及神殿等,都在剎那間化為烏有。而右邊的這股火勢,則是燒毀了帝國政府官衙以及其他高樓大廈,那些四通八達的街道、商店及民房,也都化為灰燼。結果全城幾乎陷入一片火海之中,就這樣這一次的大火一連竄燒了六天七夜,結果放眼羅馬全城皆為焦土一片。
在帕提亞方面,認為亞美尼亞在文化上與波斯相近,因此决定可以自行管理亞美尼亞的事務,毋需照會羅馬。帕提亞國王沃洛吉西斯一世拒絶羅馬恢復舊王的要求,任命自己的胞弟提裏達特斯為亞美尼亞王。58年,科爾布洛率領的羅馬軍團進入東方,與帕提亞—亞美尼亞聯軍展開一連串的戰役。59 年,科爾布洛攻下亞美尼亞的國都,將帕提亞的勢力趕出,提裏達特斯逃亡。羅馬方面則擁立提格拉尼斯為亞美尼亞王。尼祿認為戰爭已經結束,便將科爾布洛調回敘利亞。
羅馬帝國在猶太地區的最後一任巡撫是富祿辣士(Gessius Florus),此人品德低下,暴虐無道,他在猶太巡撫的任內,幾乎衹為剝削,荒廢政事。富祿辣士的貪贓枉法幾乎是毫不掩飾、肆無忌憚的手段。在其治理任內人民無法安定居所,所到之處,充滿了橫徵暴斂,並且叛亂的風聲時有所聞,情勢已是緊張異常。 序利亞總督迦流(Gestius Gallius),已耳聞猶太地區的混亂,因此在公元66年藉著猶太人過逾越節的名義,視察耶路撒冷。猶太人藉此機會在迦流面前狀告富祿辣士的種種惡行,而迦流遂在群衆面前允諾要懲治富祿辣士。當迦流離開耶路撒冷之後,富祿辣士非但沒有檢討自身行徑,反倒變本加厲的迫害猶太人,期使猶太人對羅馬帝國的叛變,而自己能夠在當中作收漁人之利。之後富祿辣士強行嚮猶太人的聖殿徵收金子十七他連得,但猶太人拒不接受,因此富祿辣士藉此機會率領軍隊到耶路撒冷企圖以武力遂行所願。進而引發猶太人的全面叛變。猶太人與羅馬人的戰爭,造成了猶太人的聖殿被毀,耶路撒冷城破荒涼,猶太人被趕逐分散四處的悲劇。 戰爭於公元66年展開,雖然一開戰猶太人便占了上風,然而就在維斯帕先奉命平亂後,即刻節節進逼耶路撒冷,進行“收復平亂的工作”。公元67至68年間在尼祿的指令下,維斯帕先重新攻占加利利和撒馬利亞,並且要揮軍直搗耶路撒冷,尼祿的死訊使維斯帕先必須折返羅馬擔任皇帝。政權穩定後,他派自己的兒子提多指揮平亂,最後傾覆整座耶路撒冷城就是此提多將軍。約在公元72年9月底,城北的部分已經完全落入羅馬人的手中,而整個耶路撒冷也全部被占領了。
* 波蘭顯剋微支《你往何處去(Quo Vadis)》
在位 54年10月13日──68年6月9日
全名 尼祿·剋勞狄烏斯·德魯蘇斯·日耳曼尼庫斯
出生 37年12月15日
去世 68年6月9日
前任 剋勞狄一世
繼任 加爾巴
王後 阿剋代(54年-62年)
王朝 朱裏亞·剋勞狄王朝
父親 多米提烏斯·阿赫諾巴爾比
母親 阿格裏庇娜
Sali Na Emperor Claudius and his ex-wife gave birth to a daughter the United States a son: the eldest daughter Kelaodiya house large Weiya, youngest son does not 列塔尼库斯. However, as Nero Claudius adoptive family for 12 years when compared to 8-year-old does not 列塔尼库斯 older, so Nero became heir to the throne, "Caesar." Agri shelter Na strongly cultivated his own son for the emperor, hiring teachers for his philosophy 名士塞内加 and let Nero and housing large Weiya marriage. Nero at this time to enter politics in public office, several times in Latin and Greek in the senate made a speech, and held their own in the name of fighting large-scale event with animal performance.
Early years of good governance
Nero's mother, Tina Bailey Agri very strong desire for power has, Nero gradually adulthood, the mother's interference with politics on a sense of dissatisfaction. In Seneca's suggestion, Nero an audience at a forum in Armenia envoy to the emperor's capacity to prevent mother to enter the venue. Agri shelter Na vehemently responded to was once to help his little brother will not 列塔尼库斯 grown to threaten Nero. 55 years, not 列塔尼库斯 poisoning after the meal, the next generations guess is that Nero poisoned.
Internal affairs
However, the power monopoly of Nero after the aristocratic patriarch of respect for light off gradually. He began to accept people like flattery, and his big fight with the opposing political forces. The most famous is the 65-year "grant claim of conspiracy", a group of Republicans who intend to overthrow the political rule of Nero. But they plan to leak in advance. Nero expansion of attack and got rid of dissidents, so that the upper classes of Rome emperor's reign of terror at any time feel.
Fire in the city of Rome occurred in the year July 17, 2064, but the real reason for a fire that has been through the ages the history of Mystery. However, most people believe, this is a case of arson, because of the atrocities of which the Emperor Nero to become the biggest suspects. It was the investigation, arson should come from the Emperor Nero, their reasons but because you want to expand the palace the emperor Nero, but have lived around the capital of the Roman Palace of civilians, it is almost difficult to start the construction, so ride the dead of night always go hand abetting arson in order to achieve their wish. This took place in Rome in a fire, started by the big arena Shaoqi. Large Arena at the eastern bank of the Tiber, in the southwestern city of Rome, filled with tents and other flammable materials, so the fire got out of hand. Coupled with fire southwest wind blowing past few days, it is contributing to wind. When the god of fire engulfed a large arena, the surprise went, extended two stocks around the fire, which left an went to the Triumph Street fire, connecting with the Arc de Triomphe, the Punic Wars and Gallic War Memorial Arch and the Temple were all on the moment Inter naught. To the right of the shares of the fire, it is burned the imperial government, and other high-rise government office, which is easily accessible by roads, shops and homes, are also reduced to ashes. Results of almost the whole city into a sea of flames, and thus channeling a row this time the fire burned Six Days Seven Nights, the results look at the whole city of Rome are all ruins.
According to Tacitus records that Nero Antium back from Rome to open his palaces with victims, and from Ostia and neighboring towns and transportation relief. However, heavy losses caused by fire, it was widely suspected this should be the result of arson. Nero heard was he himself secretly suspected arson, the expansion in order not to talk, he declared that the disaster was a Christian conspiracy vertical fire. So he ordered the arrest of Christians, openly their brutal torture - the cross, dressed skins so fierce dogs killed, will they reinforce the columns as a candle.
AD 60 years, as Britain's Roman legions busy campaign Mona Island, southeastern British Isles shuaibing Queen Boudica fought against Roman rule. British Army Executive, Paulinus returned to the military, in 61 years put down Boudica's rebellion.
In the Parthians, the view that the Armenian and Persian are similar in culture, therefore, decided to self-manage the affairs of Armenia, without note in Rome. Parthian King 沃洛吉西斯 I, the king refused the request back to the old Rome, the appointment of his brother 提里达特斯 king of Armenia. 58 years, Keerbuluo led Roman legions into the east, and the Parthian - Armenian forces launched a series of battles. 59 years, Keerbuluo capture the capital of Armenia, the Parthian forces out, 提里达特斯 flee. Rome side crowned king of Armenia 提格拉尼斯. Nero that the war is over, they put Keerbuluo transferred back to Syria.
Jewish revolt
Roman Empire in the Jewish area of the last governor is a rich spicy Lu Shi (Gessius Florus), low moral character who, violence, and his Jewish governor's term of office, almost exclusively for the exploitation, abandoned political affairs. Shi Fu Lu spicy bribery is almost no secret, unscrupulous means. People in their governance can not be stability within the home office, wherever he went, full of exacting, and often heard rumors of rebellion, the situation is extremely tense. Sequence Australia Governor Gallio (Gestius Gallius), has heard the Jewish area of confusion, so the Jews in AD 66 by the name of the Passover, visit Jerusalem. Jews to take this opportunity before Gallio Fu Lu spicy disabilities sued the bad things, but Gallio then before the masses promised to punish the rich spicy Shi Lu. When Gallio after leaving Jerusalem, Fu Lu spicy disabilities act has not only review their own, and have actually intensified the persecution of the Jews, the Jews of the Roman Empire of the mutiny, but he can be close in which the spoils of victory. Shi Fu Lu after hot forced to impose the Jewish Temple with his seventh gold was, but refused to accept the Jews so rich spicy Shi Lu led the army to Jerusalem to take this opportunity to attempt to carry out like force. Triggering a comprehensive Jewish revolt. Jews and the Roman war, resulting in the Jewish Temple was destroyed, broken desolate city of Jerusalem, the Jews were expelled by the tragedy spread around. 66 years of war in the year to start a war against the Jews although they prevailed, but the level in the Vespasian ordered chaos, the immediate edging Jerusalem, to "recover-insurgency work." AD 67-68 years under the instruction at Nero, Vespasian recapture Galilee and Samaria, and to Hui Jun destroy Jerusalem, the death of Nero to Vespasian returned to Rome as emperor. Political stability, he sent his son Titus command-insurgency, the final collapse of the whole city of Jerusalem is the general Titus. In about AD 72 by the end of September, some north of the city has completely fallen into the hands of the Romans, and the whole of Jerusalem are all occupied.
Nero had three marriages. The first is the young daughter of Claudius house with a large Vija marriage, but after Nero became emperor, like the house on behalf of large Vija maid Ake, intend to house a large Vija divorce, after Seneca and Agri shelter Na advised before anything, but the husband and wife in name only. Agri shelter Na death, housing large Vija were exiled to live outside the island. 58 years, Nero's wife, like the minions Otto Bo Peiya Sabina, for the convenience of giving her the title of Queen, Nero in 62 years on charges of adultery, forced housing large Vija suicide, so Bo Peiya become his second wife.
Committed suicide
Garba raised his army, and Rome riot
Since the preparation and arrangement of historical Rome, the more the upper class for the Empire. Since the late Nero rule rather brutal rule of the class, so many achievements in historical perspective more than a negative view of all policy Nero. Such as the fire of Rome 64 years, Suetonius it to considerable length, write down Nero Xingzailehuo behavior, and understand that Nero ordered that the fire was arson; but that description and whether the facts agreement has always been historians is considerable controversy. Coupled with Nero's death by the descendants of the "memory erase", so his story will explain most of the negative stereotypes of the left.
The development of the early Christian church, when the power comes Nero. But Christianity in Rome was a very religious discrimination, so by the government and the people's resentment and misunderstanding. The Nero false grounds that the chief culprit in the fire of Rome 64 years for the Christians, the persecution of the Christians and the killing to impose open, so the church records, had to Nero as the Antichrist, and the Apostles Paul and Peter is killed in his hands. Nero was the first Christian tyrant oppression.
* Poland, Henryk Sienkiewicz, "where you go to (Quo Vadis)"
Born on 15 December 37
Queen Ake generation (54 years -62 years)
Zhu 里亚克劳狄 dynasty dynasty