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汉光武帝 Han Guangwudi汉明帝 Han Mingdi汉章帝 Han Zhangdi
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隗纯 Kui Chun
汉明帝 Han Mingdi
东汉  (28年75年)
字: 子丽
网笔号: 孝明皇帝
庙号: 显宗
陵墓: 显节陵

  已经表现出了过人的资质。 在10岁时就通晓了《春秋》 .光武帝统一中国后,发现垦田亩数和人口不对,于是开始重新清查田亩,就是历史上有名的度田事件。各个州郡的官员进京汇报工作,光武看到陈留吏的牍上写有,“颍川、弘农可问,河南、南阳不可问。”于是他就问陈留吏这是什么。陈留吏说不知道什么意思,他是在洛阳的长寿街上得到的。这时,帐幄后面只有12岁的东海公刘阳插话说,这是郡里的官吏教他(陈留吏)怎么核查土地。光武又问,那为什么河南南阳不能问呢?刘阳又说,河南是帝乡,南阳是帝城这两个地方田亩和宅第肯定逾制所以不能认真核查。光武于是让虎贲将诘问陈留吏,陈留吏所言果然和刘阳一样。光武也不得不对自己这个只有12岁的儿子另眼相看。
  【限制外戚 功臣豪强】
  贾贵人 生汉章帝
  阴贵人 生梁节王刘畅
  刘建 千乘哀王
  刘羡 陈敬王
  刘恭 彭城靖王
  刘党 乐成靖王
  刘炟 孝章皇帝
  刘衍 下邳惠王
  刘畅 梁节王
  刘昞 淮阳顷王
  刘长 济阴悼王
  刘姬 母不详,永平二年封获嘉长公主,适杨邑侯将作大匠冯柱。
  刘奴 母不详,三年封平阳公主,适大鸿胪冯顺。
  刘迎 母不详,三年封隆虑公主,适牟平侯耿袭。
  刘次 母不详,三年封平氏公主。
  刘致 母不详,三年封沁水公主。适高密侯邓乾。
  刘小姬 母不详,十二年封平皋公主,适昌安侯侍中邓蕃。
  刘仲 母不详,十七年封浚仪公主,适軮侯黄门侍郎王度。
  刘惠 母不详,十七年封武安公主,适征羌侯世子黄门侍郎来棱,汉安帝尊为长公主(武安长公主)。
  刘臣 母不详,建初元年封鲁阳公主。
  刘小迎 母不详,元年封乐平公主。
  刘小民 母不详,元年封成安公主。
  谥号陵寝 刘庄谥曰“孝明”,庙号“显宗”,葬“显节陵”,死时48岁

  China's Eastern Han Emperor Liu Zhuang (28-75), the word sub-Li, Han. Han Guangwu fourth child, the mother Empress Empress Yin Lihua Yin Guang Lie. Reigned AD 57-75, where 19 years. Reign Yongping (58-75). First name Yang, Feng Wang East China Sea. Jianwu 19 (43), established as a crown prince, Jianwu Meta years (57) in February, to become emperor. Emperor Ming's reign, and all must abide by Guangwu system. Emperor Ming and his son Emperor Zhang (75-88) reign of three years, clean politics, socio-economic prosperity of the country is relatively stable, known to history as "Ming and Zhang." Enthusiastic advocate of the Han Dynasty Confucianism, focusing on grammar Legal Advisors for the harsh political police, has the overall authority, under the right did not hesitate. Empress House, he shall not be strictly Monkey and political, on your Qigong Chen also multi prevention. Meanwhile, the virtual elimination of tyranny caused by Wang Mang surrounding the threat of minority intrusion, so Han and minority ethnic relations have been restored and developed. Yongping 16 years, life Dou Gu, Geng Zhong conquest North Hun. Han Jin arrived in Tianshan, hit call Yan Wang, beheaded more than a thousand level, chase Po of sea (now Xinjiang Barkol Lake), take Lu to Yiwu. Subsequently, the sinus solid Youyi class than to the Western Regions, from a Central Asia are Qianzairushi. Wang Mang founded the country since the first year (Year 9) At this point,
  To the Han and minority ethnic relations have been restored and developed. Yongping first year of the prefect of Liaodong Han Ji Rong's Xianbei leaders to pledge allegiance partial Chishan Wuhuan any break, the West from Wuwei, East do Xuantu's beyond the Great Wall Tribes are to included in the Frontier province stationed themselves to stop. Yongping eight years, then set the degree of Emperor Ming Liao camp, and ordered Zhonglang Jiang Wu-tang line Duliaojiangjun things to guardianship South Hsiungnu. 16 years, the sinus solid, Geng Zhong four expeditions to the North such as divide our forces Hun. Plug the Jiuquan Han, Jin arrived in Tianshan, hit call Yan Wang, beheaded more than a thousand level, chase Po of sea (now Xinjiang Barkol Lake), take Lu to Yiwu. Chi Yi Wo Du Wei Ming Di Zhao, and Li Shi Tuen Tianyi Wu Lu left the city. Subsequently, the sinus solid You Yi Ban Chao Sima false Guo Xun and in the Han Dynasty, from a Central Asia are Qianzirushi. Wang Mang founded the country since the first year (Year 9) Thus, the Western and Central sever ties 60 years after restoration of normal relations. The following year, sinus solid, Geng Ping-car division set after he petitioned complex set Protectorate of the Western and Wujixiaoyu. Yongping years, Wang and Yi Liu appearance in Ailao rate of five thousand households included its people. Ten years, since the Munsan west of the White Wolf, set hundreds of wood and other countries also are held kind of vassal Feng Gong. In addition, with the normal development of foreign relations, Buddhism began to spread in the Western Han Dynasty of China, Emperor Ming Dynasty God heard their sounding name Buddha, then sent messengers to go to obtain his book, Tianzhu and Salmonella, and the establishment of the first Chinese in Luoyang White Horse Temple, a Buddhist temple.
  Emperor Ming of the world, official comparison Ching Ming, domestic stability. Protection offered to displaced persons in several occasions even ordered to give poor people Grading and public land, credit kind of food. Yongping nine to twelve years, as the "Year of Biden Nim", appeared in 30 cups of grain, cattle and sheep were wild prosperity. Yongping 10 years, Wang Jing Bian Drainage Renovation completed, it eliminates the flat since the Western Han Dynasty bad decision since the Bian River, Bian Drainage East invasion of harm. Therefore, the historical records of its business at the CAS, account Zi colonization. Guangwu Dynasty, the country residence of the population contained in more than 21 million, to the Emperor Ming dynasty, in less than two years time increased to more than 34 million.
  Guangwu, the imperial clan of the same surname Wang more restrictive. Although his 10 sons are champion, but not allow them on the country. Are concentrated in Luoyang. And feud are small compared to the Western Han Dynasty of the kings differ widely. But also in the county home, without any real power. Guangwu death, Emperor Ming throne, kings began to go their own fiefdoms. Emperor Ming of the same half brother Liu Jing, a Guangwu of you Prince of the more talented one, he wrote a letter to waste Prince Liu Jiang said that he was waste of innocence, the East China Sea should raise an army from his own fiefdoms, so take the world as the Han emperor, the throne. Jiang Liu frightened after receiving the letter, immediately give the letter to Emperor Ming. Emperor Ming did not pursue the matter. Later Han Qiang and operations, Liu Jing has to move around. Emperor Ming letting him fiefdoms. To the manor, he asked fortune teller, I look like Xian Di, Xiandi 30 years old when the emperor, I am also 30, could raise an army it? Scared to tell the Qin and Han officials quickly fortune teller, Liu Jing afraid of himself in jail. Emperor Ming and no accountability. Later, Liu Jing Wu sacrifices they wish to curse, is the report of the Qin and Han officials, under fear of suicide.
  Guangwu Xu Chu Wangying born beauty, when the Emperor Ming, and Emperor Ming when the Prince good relations. Liu Ying make guests, but also the closure of the country as beetles, jade crane, engraved text for the auspicious omens. Preparing to revolt. By a man named Yan widely denounced, Yuji played the situation demands Heaven's him, Emperor Ming could not bear, but to remove him into exile, and later committed suicide Liu Ying. Emperor Ming literati officials found to make the list of Liu Ying, this large prison Hing, implicated a lot of people.
  Despotic】 【restrictions Qigong Chen
  Guangwu of the unification of the country in Jianwu after 12 years, working within the building. To strategic defense against the Huns, on the Western countries are required to reset the protection and the removal of proton entry into the request be rejected. This was the absence of sufficient strength be a right choice. After 20 years and Emperor Ming Guangwu more than 10 years of rest, restoration of the Eastern Han Dynasty's strength greatly. 15 years in the Emperor Ming, Liu Zhuang died 3 years ago, Emperor Ming decided to take tough measures against the Hun. Pine Geng Bing (famous Han Geng Yan's nephew) sinus solid (nephew of the Eastern Han Dynasty hero Dourong) rate force attack North Hun. Geng, the rate of road Sinus, sinus military has been hitting the Tian Shan, Geng Jun Gong to three Mulou Hill. Victory. Two years later, Geng, sinus has shuaibing the Western Region, Division States attacking vehicles. Car division after the country before the king and the king have to surrender. After defeating the Huns in the North, dispatching beyond the Western Regions, the Ban Chao was more commonly think he is a star, in my opinion he is a diplomat. He took 36 personal aspect to the Western Regions, the famous phrase, nothing ventured, nothing gained is good shan and his good country, with 36 attacks on the North Hun missions. Hun of the missions to wipe out the North. In fact, such a tough course like angels, when the Emperor Wu everywhere. None of canning just leave it. Ban Chao result of the activities in the Western Protectorate reconstruction, Ban Chao Chen dynamic multinational force with the Western Region, against those who refused to obey the state. Emperor Ming Hun and when the North Western's strategy for Emperor Zhang, Teijin complete elimination of the North when the Huns, under control and lay the foundation for the Western Regions.
  】 【Reign reign
  】 【Concubines children
  Chang-Dao Wang Jiyin
  Liu slave mother is unknown, three letters Princess Pingyang, fitness Taihong Lu Shun Feng.
  LIU Hui mother is unknown, 17-year closure Wuan Gong master, Zheng Qiang Hou Shizi Huangmenshilang applicable to edge, Emperor An of Han respect for the Princess (Wu An Changgong owners).
  AD 69, Liu Zhuang life the famous water conservancy expert Sandra, Wang Wu is responsible for governance of the Yellow River.
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