居鲁士二世(大帝), 冈比西斯一世之子,约前550年–前530年在位 (ruler of Anshan 约前559年 –前550年 征服米底王国)
居鲁士大帝(现代波斯文:کوروشکبیر,传统译名为希腊语Κύρος 的拉丁文形式Cyrus的译音;中文圣经译为“古列”;前599年-前529年)即居鲁士二世。波斯帝国的创建者,阿契美尼德王朝的第一位国王(前549年—前529年在位)。波斯部落领袖冈比西斯一世之子。公元前558年领导波斯部落联盟,当时波斯还只是米底的一个附庸。公元前550年,居鲁士征服米底,开始使用“米底诸国国王”的称号。继而征服帕提亚。前546年征服吕底亚和小亚细亚的各希腊城邦。公元前545年至539年,相继征服德兰吉亚那、马尔吉安那、花剌子模、粟特、巴克特利亚、阿里亚、格多路西亚、萨塔吉底亚、阿拉科西亚、犍陀罗等地;斯基泰人亦告臣服。公元前539年,居鲁士率波斯大军攻占巴比伦。此时居鲁士的扩张达到了顶峰;巴比伦以西直至埃及边界的许多国家纷纷自愿归顺波斯人。居鲁士下令修复巴比伦、亚述、埃兰以及犹太的神庙,准许被历代巴比伦国王强行迁至美索不达米亚的人民重返各自的国家。“释放巴比伦囚虏”一事为犹太人铭记于《圣经》中。居鲁士已建成艮古未有的大帝国,巴比伦也成为他的行宫之一,他接受尊号为“巴比伦之王,众国之王”(万王之王)。公元前529年,居鲁士出征中亚的游牧部落马萨革泰人,战败被杀。
Cyrus the Great (Modern Persian: کوروشکبیر, the traditional translation of the Latin form of Greek Κύρος Cyrus the transliteration; Chinese Bible translated as "Cyrus"; before 599 years - 529 years before) that Cyrus II. Founder of the Persian Empire, Achaemenid dynasty's first king (before 549 years - 529 years before the reign). Cambyses I of Persia, son of tribal leaders. 558 BC Persian tribal alliance leadership was the end of the Persian rice is only one client. In 550 BC, Cyrus conquered meters underground, began to use "the end of Asian countries rice king" of the title. Then conquer Parthia. 546 years before the conquest of Lydia and Asia Minor in the Greek city-states. 545 to 539 BC, have conquered Delanjiya that, Margiana, Hualazimo, Sogdian, 巴克特利亚, Arria, 格多路西亚, Sartaj Lydia, 阿拉科西亚, Gandhara, etc.; Scythians were also reported surrender. 539 BC, Cyrus the Persian army captured Babylon rate. At this point Cyrus expansion reached its peak; Babylon, Egypt, west of the border until the voluntary submission of many countries are Persians. Cyrus ordered the restoration of Babylon, Assyria, and Alan and the Jewish temple, to allow the king of Babylon was ancient Mesopotamia, forced relocation of people to return to their respective countries. "Release Babylonian captivity" of the Jews in mind the "Holy Bible". Gen Cyrus has been built not of great empires of ancient Babylon became one of his palaces, he accepted the honorific title of "king of Babylon, king of the United States of" (King of Kings). In 529 BC, Cyrus set off the nomadic tribes of Central Asia Thai Massa leather, defeated killed. Cyrus the Great, the image of the East and West in ancient literary and historical writings left an indelible mark; Xenophon written one of his "Biography of Cyrus."