網筆號: | 元聖至明成武獻文睿智章仁神聰懿道大孝皇帝 | |||||||||||
廟號: | 宣宗 | |||||||||||
陵墓: | 貞陵 | |||||||||||
閱讀李忱 Li Chen在诗海的作品!!! |
宣宗勤於政事,孜孜求治。他非常喜歡讀《貞觀政要》。他重新整頓吏治,並且限製皇親和宦官。他把死於甘露之變中的除鄭李之外的百官全部昭雪,也曾經想根除宦官,但鑒於甘露之變的前車之鑒,未能有所行動。 宣宗勤儉治國,體貼百姓,減少賦稅,註重人才選拔,階級矛盾有所緩和,百姓日漸富裕,使十分腐敗的唐朝呈現出“中興”的小康局面,史稱大中之治。宣宗一即位,就把武宗朝的宰相,晚唐重臣李德裕貶出朝廷。一直到死,李德裕也未能還朝。又重用牛黨的白敏中為相。延續幾十年的牛李黨爭最後以李黨的徹底失敗告終。對外關係上,唐宣宗還趁吐蕃、回紇衰微,派兵收復了河湟之地,平定了吐蕃,“收三州七關,平江嶺以南”,名義上打通了絲綢之路。
唐宣宗李忱即位(公元847年)後,决定宰相的人選,首先想到的是白居易,但下詔時,白居易已去世八個月了。於是,唐宣宗寫下《吊白居易》,深表懷念之情。 綴玉聯珠六十年,誰教冥路作詩仙。 浮雲不係白居易,造化無為子樂天。 童子解吟長恨麯,鬍兒能唱琵琶篇。 文章已滿行人耳,一度思卿一愴然。這首詩比喻巧妙,語言曉暢,思念故人,情感深沉,對白居易的巨大文藝成就作了高度的形象的概括,表達了作者沉痛的惋惜之情。綴玉,文章字字如綴玉;聯珠,詩歌象珍珠串聯。綴玉聯珠,比喻白居易一生留下了大量優美動人的詩文佳作。白居易生於公元772年,病死於846年,說他有六十年的創作生涯是實寫。說他是“詩仙”,是譽美之辭。人們稱李白為“詩仙”,仔細想起來,唐代的李白、杜甫、白居易都是令人註目的大詩人,稱白居易為“詩仙”也可以理解和接受。“浮雲”二句表述惋惜之情,人才難得。白居易先後在杭州、蘇州任刺史,增築湖堤,蓄水灌田;疏瀎水井,以利飲用。他的政績為世人所知,離蘇州時,“郡中士民涕泣相送”。後拜秘書監,次年轉刑部尚書。但晚年不得志。58歲時定居洛陽。正要重用他時,得知他仙逝,這對宣宗來說,是出乎意料的悲痛。“童子”二句重點突出白居易的兩篇代表作《長恨歌》、《琵琶行》,以表示對白居易的無限敬重和懷念。我們知道,《長恨歌》是膾炙人口的名篇,以精練的語言、優美的形象,敘事和抒情相結合,敘述了唐玄宗、楊貴妃在安史之亂中的愛情悲劇,“長恨”是它的主題。敘事、寫景、抒情,和諧地結合,回環往復,婉轉動人,纏綿悱惻。《琵琶行》和《長恨歌》各具特色。它們一直傳誦國內外,“童子解吟長恨麯,鬍兒能唱琵琶篇”;顯示了強大的藝術生命力。《琵琶行》展現了琵琶女起伏回蕩的心潮,抒發了“長安故倡”的“天涯淪落之恨”,也抒發了作者的“天涯淪落之恨”(見洪邁《容齋隨筆》捲七)。 “文章”兩句,進一步表達了作者對白居易的器重、難以割捨、無比悲愴的內心世界。白居易著作《白氏文集》收詩文3800篇,成75捲。傳世名篇有《新樂府》50首、《秦中吟》10首。如《賣炭翁》、《觀刈麥》、《輕肥》幾乎傢喻戶曉。他的《策林》75篇縱論天下大事,內容切實,見解精闢;他的《與元九書》洋洋灑灑、夾敘夾議,是唐代批評文學的重要文獻;他的《草堂記》、《冷泉亭記》等,寫景狀物,旨趣雋永,歷來為人重視。唐宣宗是愛纔的,愛的就是白居易這樣的傑出人才。白居易不僅有文才,而且有從政之才。他在野時撰寫詩文,才華出衆;從政時頗有業績,光彩照人。對比之下,唐宣宗對那些目無法紀、仗勢凌人、欺壓無辜的所謂“人才”是毫不留情的。例如,有個樂工叫羅程,善於演奏琵琶,宣宗通曉音律,很喜歡他。但是,羅程恃纔橫暴,以小故殺人,被捕入獄。有些樂工羅拜於庭對唐宣宗哭訴道:“羅程負陛下,萬死,然臣等惜其天下絶藝,不得復奉宴遊矣!”唐宣宗果斷地回答:“汝曹所惜者羅程;朕所惜者高祖、唐宗法。”於是還是把羅程處以死刑。不僅如此,唐宣宗對親屬也不姑息。其舅鄭光為節度使,唐宣宗與鄭光討論為政之道;鄭光應對鄙淺,宣宗不悅,鄭光終不復任民官。由於宣宗明察果斷,用法無私,從諫如流,恭謹節儉,後人稱他為“小太宗”。(陸欽)
查閱新舊《唐書》、《資治通鑒》等有關正史,雖並無發現唐宣宗為僧的史料記載,但其中也確有些地方讓人揣測不透。比如在《舊唐書·唐宣宗本紀》中就記載有宣宗為光王時為了避禍,假裝癡呆,文宗、武宗常常在宴會上把他當作笑料,武宗氣盛,對他更加傲慢無禮等等之詞。接着又云:“宣宗皇帝器識深遠,久歷艱難,備知民間疾苦。”如此等等。綜上所述,我們不能不提出以下問題:第一,如果說宣宗為僧之事完全出自文人士大夫和僧人的杜撰,那麽正史中“久歷艱難,備知民間疾苦”又從何而來?第二,宣宗為光王時,是否因為受到武宗的迫害,被迫流落民間,隱匿為僧呢?即使退一步說,假若宣宗真的隱匿為僧,武宗病死於會昌六年(公元846 年),宦官立其為皇太叔,不幾日,唐宣宗便登基即位,時間僅僅相隔10餘天,宦官們在找到他之前,就非常肯定地認為一定能夠找到他,而且會這樣容易地就將他找到?此外,衆所周知,宣宗是一位恩怨分明、報復心理極強的人,如果真像傳說的那樣,武宗曾差點將其迫害致死,那麽他即位後,竟然不對武宗進行任何報復?有一次,朝臣李景讓以叔不應拜侄為由,奏請將武宗等神主遷出太廟,宣宗將這件事讓群臣議論,結果不瞭瞭之,並未采納李景讓的建議。
元昭皇后晁氏 晁皇后生唐懿宗、萬壽公主,晁美人逝世後被追封昭容、皇太後,後被追謚為元昭皇后
Emperor Xuānzong Li Chen (810 -859 years), the 16th emperor of Tang Dynasty (847 -859 years in office, which was not Wuzhou Zheng right), first name Yee, formerly known as light king, reigned 13 years. Emperor Xian Zong Li Chun 13 children, yuan and five years (810 years) was born June 22 Daming Palace, is the younger brother of Li Heng Tang Mu cases, Tang Wuzong Li Yan's uncle.
Life】 【
He Huang Shi Jin Xuanzong recovered
[Tang] Choi Hyun
Notes Enpo border thousands of miles, contact the triumph Kwan Fong universe. Wang dispute the right solution names braided,
Rong Ge base vote to make the distance. Interest Sanqiu dust Wing Shu, Qing Jiu Zhe River auspicious away.
Carrying a total of 1000 case of noble and wise, but with the concept of popular and Fu.
Dazhong 10 years (859) in May, the Emperor Xuan Zong as the panacea to food poisoning, health has been bad, and can not be more than a month towards a row. To August, the Emperor Xuan Zong of a terminally ill patient soon died of. Subsequent changes in his palace is frequently, but Xuanzong is asleep on the. He has confidence in Prime Minister Ling Hu Tao Photo The Chief Minister is responsible for funeral, as he did one last thing. The ministers on the posthumous title Hao Yue Xiao Sheng Wu Xianwen Emperor, the posthumous names of Emperor Xuan Zong. The second year in February, buried Ching Ling.
Evaluation of the history that has been burnt during the reign of Emperor Xuan Zong three fire, a fire to make "the right to Howe died down," the second fire to "fear a traitor Law", three fire to "steel gas Temple be frightened," and praised him for the "Wise King", "British Lord." Looking Xuanzong 50 years of life, he has done for the Zuzong Ji industry unremitting efforts, which undoubtedly delayed the Tang Empire to the general trend of decline, but he could not completely reverse this trend. When the building is going to dump, who can display their Huitianzhili there such thing as what? !
Journal of Mintsa Xuanzong off, use the selfless, listened, as flow, re-pity official tours, reverent thrift, Hui Oi things, so that large and medium for political, finished in the Tang dead, people think Wing, said that a small Taizong.
"Little Emperor Taizong" and "Little Golden Years"
Also sized four years, Loneliness in the sand outside the state (now Dunhuang) soldiers and civilians, in Zhang Chao, led by recapturing the expulsion of the Tibetan Morimasa sand state, and five years to re-join themselves to the Tang Dynasty in the medium and large.
Xuanzong also very good at manipulating the ministers, most were among a large middle-aged dependents of the prime minister Linghu Xuanzong Xuan St., once said: "I Illustrative years, I am the emperor of the trust, but Zou Shi Yan Ying Palace, no one is not sweat. "Xuanzong extremely courteous, but the Minister, be applied with affection by ethics, very respectful, this way of controlling the Minister of Grace and with authority, intelligence technique called rule.
Xuanzong also very approachable, the palace of some low boots, as long as can remember Xuanzong seen side of each other's appearance and name and the charge of the work, has never made a mistake, that these house fall ill, physician to Emperor Xuan Zong will send their treatment, even in person to visit the disease and also reward items, which can be the kings is extremely rare.
Xuanzong in respect of a matter is of extreme self-discipline, and even can be called bigotry, a place dedicated to Emperor Xuan Zong had formed a women's dance band, which bit stunning contestants were intended to increase Xuanzong harem favorite of income, after a period of time that such Xuanzong There may be reproduced reign down towards the story. So to cut off the woman's own miss, Xuanzong to simply send her a cup of poisoned wine the way their lives, so you can simply call it a terrible act. (In this case, historians have a dispute, hereby specify)
But for more serious eunuch problems Xuanzong 鉴于 "Sweet Dew", have no good way, especially Xuanzong I was rescued by eunuchs, You are eunuchs are crowned, so he could only scope for some small Eunuch power to do something within the constraints as much as possible. However, as Xuanzong proper disposal of large middle-aged is not too expansive force between the eunuchs, and no cause greater harm to the country.
Xuanzong who have many other advantages, such as the versatile, thrifty life, love reading and so on. On these advantages, which can be reference to other famous could maintain life, described in detail in this is no longer.
Emperor Xuānzong focus on talent
Poetry】 【old and hanging Bai Shi Emperor Xuānzong
Bai after the death of Emperor Xuānzong (Li Chen) has "suspended the Line" (see "Quan Tang Shi" volume IV) poem:
Jade beads decorated six years together,
Who taught Ming Road for Shixian.
Clouds do not line Bai,
Good luck words Lotte inaction.
Boy Solution Yin Regret song
Hu Pipa children can sing articles.
The article is full pedestrian ears
Once Sijun a sorrowful!
The emperor as a poet to make poetry, which in ancient times is not that rare, they may also be rare. Bai officials of course, but Xuanzong entirely be described as a poet, the poem was evident Bai name. Poem sums up the poet's creative career, praised his work easy to understand and widely known, was revealed to the poet, the renowned the world over lament and mourning. To honor the poet at the time, but also smiling at the Jiuquan had.
Strict with their children the Emperor Xuānzong
Emperor Xuānzong is a thrift, the emperor, for the children require more strict, almost to the extent not entirely human.
Surprising is that Xuanzong's second daughter, Princess Yongfu, has been selected as the consort prince in the consolidated, the next day we should marry, the princess is very happy. Coincidentally at the same time and Xuanzong I eat, because a little small Ouqi, the broken chopsticks. Xuanzong Dadongganhuo, angrily said: "You're such a nature, how can you do at home wife married scholar?" Edicts have come immediately, so that four women in the consolidated Guangde Princesses. In this way, Yongfu Princess Yanzheng looked at his fiance was Fu Huang claimed, gave his sister.
Emperor Xuānzong monk is done
Emperor Xuānzong the source of things for the monks, mainly Wei Zhao degree, "read the Royal search operation" and that alone of the "Ching Ling Kingdoms", in these two articles, they said Tang Wuzong to fight for the throne, wanted to kill Light King (later Emperor Xuānzong), was allocated Attendants captured four people will be the king of light, immersed in intrauterine toilet, determined to rescue a man named Chou Gongwu the eunuchs, they pretend to have an excuse to kill the king of light, and to Send Royal. Three years later, Wu Zong died, chief eunuch only will light up when the king requested the royal family. Although the article was very vague, and did not directly explain Xuanzong had become a monk, but there was indeed such a legend, perhaps, this is one reason why it legends. Five hours, "Korea Story," "Bei" and Lu Song "Summer Man notes," also has a light the king fled to the south fled to the Buddhism of the brief record. Five at the end, people praise Ning Song "Song Monks," also said that Emperor Xuan Zong for the monks, who travel side to Hangzhou, Ciampi good care of his Master. Xuanzong throne, the Ciampi dead, Xuanzong to gratitude, it Chici temple name, posthumous master Qi security for the Monkey King, also Emperor sad poem mourning. In addition, Zen's Famous Monk Greek Games, "Wan Ling Huang Bo Lu" There are also records that Emperor Xuānzong for the monks, the Buddha had seen the sons of Master Huang Bo bowing, asked, "do not look at Buddha to seek, do not view demand, not the public demand , Presbyterian Sunday when asked for what? "So the two questions and answers, the detective to talk about. Zen to say "legal case" instead of that through, the two men talk, it becomes a "yellow fold bowing" as the name of the famous "detective." Greek transport in Jiangxi Road, off the main security Huang Bo, legend had also and are doing the Mountain View novices Emperor Xuānzong with waterfalls, stonewalls.
Xuanzong for the monks on the legend, as time goes on, the more widely spread, but also travels more and more magical. To the Ming Dynasty, there were a Buddhist monk in his essays round Gordon's "Blue Rock Collection", which is documented that: Xuanzong is low, climbed to the brother Mouzon dragon bed, to meet the Minister's attitude, Mouzon very much appreciated. Takemune came to the throne, remember this, we feel jealous, want to kill Emperor Xuan Zong, Emperor Xuan Zong had to escape, on the busy Hong Yan Chi ordained a Buddhist monk monk sects. Busy with Chile after the monks came to Lushan, Jiangxi, two waterfalls with the concept, intellectual leisure proposed to poetry, the motive is that this extraordinary degree of popularity, would like to take the opportunity to quiz him to determine exactly how their bottom line, we first Yinchu 2 Poem: "through the clouds through the stone to endure labor, to know the source of high distance." Emperor Xuan Zong Yin then to: "How can streams retain, after all the sea for the waves." intellectual leisure monk met with the person knowledgeable and grace, it treated with respect. Later, in a Yanguan at the Greek Games were the first Master, in his prayer, the two would talk about "Detective" Come here, and "Huang Bo Wan Ling Lu" is different in the records will be wise idle monk instead of the Zen master Huang Bo, location has become from the Huang Bo Jiangxi Lushan Mountain. In addition, "Huang Bo Wan Fu Chi Buddhist Poems," also a Buddhist monk on the Emperor Xuānzong records, the book will be moved to another location in Fuqing Huang Bo mountain, waterfall view of the Zen master Huang Bo Yin's two poems to read: "1000 Rock myriad endure labor, a distance, we know the source of the high. Emperor Xuānzong poem by Yin did not change back. "Buddhist Poems Chi" also said the Emperor Xuānzong to Fuqing Huang Bo Hill, the then south to Hoi An watch Luoyang River, then south to the Tongan, there was even a night out to meet the so-called God, as a matter of the arrival of Emperor Xuan Zong.
Search new and old, "Tang", "Mirror" and the official history, although not found in historical records, Emperor Xuānzong for the monks, but also did not speculate on some of the local people through. For example, in "Old Tang Emperor Xuānzong of the century" on the record with Xuanzong to light when the king to avoid misfortune and pretend dementia, master of literature, Takemune often at the banquet to him as a joke, Takemune fit, more arrogant and rude to him more words. Then others but know yourself: "Emperor Xuan Zong emperor device profound knowledge, Jiu Li difficult, prepare to know the people's plight." And so on. In summary, we can not but raise the following questions: First, if the Emperor Xuan Zong things are totally out for the monks and the monks invented literati, then official history, "Jiu Li difficult sufferings of the people prepared to know," come from? Second, when the king Xuanzong to light, could it be that Takemune persecution, forced out onto the private, hiding it for the monk? a step back, if Xuanzong really hidden as a monk, Takemune Huichang died in six years (AD 846) , eunuchs stand it as Huang Tai uncle, a few days, then ascended the throne ascended the throne Emperor Xuānzong time just a little more than 10 days before the eunuchs in to find him, they are very confident that we can find him, and so will he easily find? In addition, we all know, is a Enyuanfenming Xuanzong, revenge strong person, and if, as rumored, Takemune had almost to persecuted to death, he ascended the throne, it actually does not Takemune any retaliation? one occasion, courtier Li Jing to tert nephew should not worship the ground that such ancestral petitioned to move out of Imperial Ancestral Temple Takemune, Xuanzong this matter to the ministers discuss the results let the matter rest, so that the proposal does not adopt Li Jing.
It appears that Emperor Xuānzong regarding whether the monks did, according to the existing historical data, it is difficult to give it to a conclusion, only until the discovery of new materials, the go reveal this historical mystery.
Empress】 【
Empress Yuan Chao Tang Chao Chao Queen's Health Yizong, Wanshou princess, after the death of beauty bestowed Zhao Rong Chao, Empress Dowager, after chasing posthumous title Empress Chao-yuan
】 【Children
Li Cui Tang Yizong
Prince Huai Jing Li ripple, Feng Yong Wang Huichang six years before. Dazhong years pass away, You Zhao chasing volumes.
Ya Li Jing Wang, medium and large before the first year of the king. In death pass away.
Tong Wang Li Zi,
Li Yi Qing Wang, medium and large 14-year death of a prince.
Pu Wang Victor, medium and large two years before the king. In death pass away.
Lee Yoon-E Wang, Dazhong five years before the king. Qian Fu for three years pass away.
Huai WANG Li contact, medium and large eight and Chiu, Hong 2 Wang Feng. In death pass away.
King Zhao Rui Li, Qian Fu for three years pass away.
Kang Li Wen, Qian Fu four years pass away.
Wang Guang Li Yong, Wang Dazhong eleven years before, and Wei Wang Feng. Qian Fu four years pass away.
Wei Wang Li irrigation, medium and large 14-year death of a prince.
Wanshou princess, queen mother of Chao. Princesses Zheng Hao. Princess's favorite for the Emperor Xuānzong, previously issued an edict: "the old king ritual, something which a total of. Wanshou Princess Feng Jiu Gu, Yi Shi and law." The old system: car gold buckles opinion to Click. The emperor said: "I am thrifty rate of the world, should start from near and easy to copper." Princess times per Jin Jian, Emperor will Zhun Min Du Hui, said: "No mean person at home, have nothing to do current affairs." Said: "Peace Princess, An Legong master of evil, can not not quit! "it is only afraid of all the Lord, can compete for the wedding. Emperor Xuānzong then issued an edict: "couples, educate the client. The Princess, the county primary has a son and widowed, not remarried."
Yongfu princess, who married in Cong Xu.
Princess Huai Qi Guogong before sealing West Princess. Yan Qi marry. Qi is the vice-minister. Sized when the main pass away, and the posthumous posthumously.
Canton de princess, married to Cong. Early Cong Shang Yongfu Princess, Princess and Royal Food, anger folding dagger chopsticks, emperor said: "This could be for the scholar's wife?" He also is still the main Xu Cong. Xu Cong was victimized by Huang Chao, Kwong Tak said the Princess cried: "Friends will not only exist today, a thief should kill me!" Nest allowed, is constriction room. Attending home and courteous law, to try demoted from Cong Shaozhou, the waiter only a few people, but counties feedback left. All internal and external champion, marriage, death, sacrifice, both the main body A labor, Qi Shu Xian obtaining the heart, for the women's world news.
Justice and princesses.
Raoan Gong master.
Tang princess.
Plain Princess, pass away when the Northern Sung Painting, Yier bestowed.
Tang Yang Princess.
Xuchang Zhuang Su Princess to marry Liu Zhi. Death of a prince and in time.
Feng Yang Princess.
】 【Mystery
Why such a wise eunuch crowned emperor? Is not a eunuch who heads the worse? Of course not. Here I explain to you: Li Chen childhood wise, in order to revitalize the Tang, and only won the throne, is now the most powerful eunuch, can only help them to ascend the throne, so he pretended to look Hansha Mongolia had a eunuch, eunuchs that he better be controlled, so he was carried to the throne. It seems that Li Chen is really what a powerful person!
Chronology of events】 【Lee Chen
In 810 AD, Emperor Xian Zong Li Chun Li Chen was born the son, formerly known as Yi Li.
AD 846, the eunuch Li Li Chen own throne.
AD 848, Li Leader ranking positions were dismissed after the exiled Office Location of Yazhou died.
AD 859, Emperor Xuānzong Li Chen died after taking over the immortality.
<< 前一君主: 武宗 至道昭肅孝皇帝 李瀍 | 唐代李忱 Li Chen (847年~859年) | 後一君主 >>: 懿宗 昭聖恭惠孝皇帝 李漼 |