姓: | 姬 | |||||||||
名: | 旦 | |||||||||
網筆號: | 文公 | |||||||||
2、輔助武王 翦滅殷商
殷紂王並沒有深刻認識到西方姬姓勢力發展的嚴重性,他對外徵東夷,對內拒諫飾非,醇酒婦人,酒池肉林,把國內政治搞得一片混亂。文王死後,武王即位,以周公為最主要的得力助手,在召公、畢公等幫助下,在盟(孟)津觀兵,大會天下諸侯。這是一種進攻前的總演習,也是一種試探。觀兵後的第二年十二月,武王在周公等人的幫助下,統率戰車三百輛,虎賁三千人,甲士四萬五千人,渡過盟津。二月甲子(約前 1027年)凌晨,武王在商郊牧野集衆誓師,誓詞就是《尚書》中的《牧誓》。
紂王是死掉了,可是對如何處置殷商遺民和上層貴族的問題,武王一時拿不定主意。他首先問太公望 ——姜尚。太公說:“我聽說過,愛屋及烏。如果相反,人不值一愛,那麽村落裏的籬笆、圍墻也不必保留。”意思是不光殺掉殷紂,連敵對的殷人也不能保留,而要統統殺掉。周武王不同意。又找來召公商量。召公說:“有罪的殺,沒罪的留下。”武王說:“不行。”於是又找來周公。周公說:“讓殷人在他們原來的住處安居,耕種原來的土地。爭取殷人當中有影響有仁德的人。”周公這種給以生路,就地安置,分化瓦解的政策,深得武王的贊許。武王命令召公釋放被囚禁的箕子和被關押的貴族;修整商容故居,並且設立了標志;讓閎夭培高王子比幹的墳墓;命令南宮括散發了鹿臺的錢財,打開鉅橋的糧倉,賑濟饑餓的殷民。這一切措施都表明要反殷紂之道而行之,給受殷紂殘害的人平反昭雪,大力爭取殷人。
3、東徵叛國 平定三監
4、大行封建 以屏周室
薄姑等國也曾參與反周,師尚父——姜太公原被封為齊侯,都營丘(今山東臨溜北)。太公是位智勇雙全的將領。武王伐紂時他率先衝入敵陣,這次周公東徵,他又立下大功,封地相當大。周公讓召公封給太公的土地是“東至海,西至河,南至穆陵,北至無棣。” 同時還具有專徵專伐的特權,“五侯九伯,實得徵之。”營丘附近還有許多小國,太公就封時東夷族萊人就和他爭地。齊國先後滅掉這些小國,而成為東方大國。
5、營建洛邑 製禮作樂
周公稱王的第五年(前1020年),正式營建洛邑。三月初五,召公先來到洛邑,經過占卜,把城址確定在澗水和洛水的交匯處,並進而規劃城廓、宗廟、朝、市的具體位置,五月十一日規劃成功。第二天,周公來到洛邑,全面視察了新邑規劃,重新占卜。卜兆表明湛水西和湛水東,洛水之濱營建新都大吉。經過一年左右的時間建成。城方一千七百二十丈,外城方七十裏。城內宮殿富麗堂皇,新都叫“新邑’’或“新洛邑 ”;因此地原有鄂邑,北有郟山,故又稱“郟郫”。新都為周王所居,又叫“王城”。新邑東郊,湛水以東殷民住地叫“成周”,意思是成就周道。原來的鎬京就稱作“宗周”了。
《康誥》的目的是安定殷民,全篇內容不外是“明德慎罰”。周文王因為“明德慎罰,不敢侮鰥寡” 纔有天下。殷代“先哲王”也是安民,保民。“明德”的具體內容之一就是“保殷民”。“慎罰”,是依法行事,其中包括殷法的合理成分。刑罰不可濫用,有的案情要考慮五、六天,十來天,才能判定。至於殺人越貨,“不孝不友”的,要“刑茲無赦”。文告中反復強調“康民”、“保民”、“裕民”、“庶民”。告誡康叔要勤勉從事,不可貪圖安逸。“天命”不是固定不變的,能“明德慎罰”纔有天命。“明德慎罰’’也不是一切照舊,而是參酌殷法,推行周法,使殷人“作新民 ”。
《酒誥》是針對殷民飲酒成風而發的。釀酒要用去大量糧食,這種飲酒風習在以農業起傢的周人看來,簡直無法容忍。周公並非完全禁酒,在有祭祀慶典的時候還是可以喝一點。群飲是不行的,不可放過,要通統捉來“以歸於周”,“予其殺”。“予其殺”是我將要殺,未必殺。所以“歸於周”,是不要給殷人以象“小子封刑人殺人”的印象。這同“保民”、“安民”是一致的。應該引導殷民去“藝黍稷”即種莊稼,也可 “肇牽牛,遠服賈”,去經商養父母。殷代先王,從成湯至帝乙都不敢“自暇自逸”,更何況敢聚會飲酒了。至於工匠飲酒,另當別論,不要殺,姑且先進行教育。在政策上區別對待是十分鮮明的。
周天子能授民授疆土,則必以土地國有為前提。“普天之下,莫非王土,率土之濱,莫非王臣。 ”(《詩經·小雅·北山》)在周公文治武功盛極一時的時代,並非虛構。由此引申出來的“田裏不鬻”;土地不許買賣,恐怕也出自周公。周公能授給姜太公以專徵專伐的特權,那麽,“禮樂徵伐自天子出”恐怕是周公時代或更早確立而為周公所法定下來的。為了加強中央王朝對地方的統治,册封、巡狩、朝覲、貢納等制度,也很可能是周公在總結前代經驗的基礎上確定下來的。
6、讓位成王 有始有終
Yanzhou Wang did not deeply understand the seriousness of the development of the West surnamed forces, who imposed Dongyi outside, non-domestic refuse remonstrance decorated wine, woman, Jiuchiroulin, the domestic political Gaode chaos. After the death of King Wen, King Wu came to the throne to the Duke of Zhou was the most right-hand man, in response the public, such as completion of public help, in the League (Bangladesh) Tianjin view soldiers, the General Assembly the world princes. This is a general exercise before the attack, but also a test. View of the second year in December after soldiers, King Wu, the Duke of Zhou, who with the help of command tanks 300, Huben 3000 people, Jiashi 45,000 people, through the AU-chun. February Jiazi (about pre-1027) morning, King Wu Makino set in rural public oath-taking business, oath is "Book of History" in the "Mushi."
King Zhou was dead, but on how to dispose of the Shang Dynasty and the upper nobility of the problem, King Wu 1:00 undecided. He first asked the grandfather Wang - Jiang Shang. Grandfather said: "I've heard, he is in love. If the contrary, the person is not worth loving, then the village fence, wall do not have to keep." Meant not only to kill Yan Zhou, Yin people can not even hostile preserved, to kill all. King Wu did not agree. And got called to discuss the public. Zhao Gong said: "The guilt of the killing, not guilty of leaving." King Wu said: "No way." So he got the Duke of Zhou. Duke said: "Let the people of Yin live in their original residence, the original cultivated land. For people of Yin which affect a truly virtuous person." Gong give way out of this, local integration policy of disintegrating, won King Wu of praise. King Wu ordered the public release of imprisoned Zhao Ji Zi and imprisoned nobles; repair business volume residence, and the establishment of a flag; to Hong Pei-yao higher than dry tomb of the Prince; command Shadows distributed Lutai including money, to open a huge bridge granary, hunger relief Yin people. All these measures show the opposite direction to the anti-Yan Zhou, Yan Zhou mutilation to be to rehabilitate, to lobby for people of Yin.
The original direct rule of the local business dynasty, King Wu, divide it into three parts, the son of King Zhou Wu Geng Bei Lu by the parent in charge, Wei Cai Shu by the degree of control, Yong S by the Guan Shu fresh charge, known to history as the "three supervisors." (And some said Guan Shu and Cai Shu, Huo-tert-called "three supervisors." Uncle Howard, but said "three supervisors," one of the "Historical Records", "Han" and not set.) Guanshu the manor in tube (now the area in Zhengzhou, Henan), Uncle's manor in Cai Cai (Henan shangcai this area). Uncle Dan on Lu Feng (now Qufu, Shandong Province), the Duke of Zhou. Look at the Camp Hill closed grandfather (now Shandong Linzi North). Public Shuang Feng Zhao Yan. (Southwest of Beijing today, a say in Beijing.)
Eliminate commercial return, with the Duke of Zhou King Wu in Gaojing about Iraq in the Lo and the establishment of water the plains between the new capital in order to control the East. As worked hard day and night, King Wu is ill, and the duke to ancestors too pious king, Wang Ji, King Wen prayer. He said: meta Sunmou you got violent crisis seriously ill, if you owe God a child, let me to replace him. I have Rende, but also versatile. Meta Sunmou you as I am versatile, can not serve spirits. Today we see it and I think this prayer is funny, but to three thousand years ago, the Zhou people who believe the spirits of heaven, it was very sincere and unselfish. After the prayer, King Wu of the disease although has improved, but soon, or a visit. Before his death, King Wu in the virtuous talent willing to pass the throne to the uncle once - the Duke of Zhou, and said the matter did not need telling, you can personally decide. Duke Tiqi more than, refused to accept. King Wu's death, succeeded to the throne Prince chanting is to become king. Cheng Wang, but was more than 10 years old. The face of the early state legislation, is not solid, internal and external incoming complex situation, as the king is absolutely unable to meet. "Big Book of Letters Patent," said: "The big storm in the western territories, the West natives are not static." "Historical Records Zhou Ji" also said: "The group of public fear, Mu Bo." King Wu's death, the country lost its focus the situation is urgent need for a prestige both talent there who deal with the problem in time to clean up the situation, the responsibility will fall on the shoulders of the Duke of Zhou. Duke ruling king, the king played a role. This was natural. Many ancient books Zhougong records, only to the Han Dynasty, the situation of the unified and after the formation of monarchical supremacy, Zhougong become inconceivable, then Duke is the only "Regent", "false king," and so saying.
King Wen's father, not the calendar quarter, the eldest son of two on top brother - Tai Bo, to flourish; the eldest son of King Wu King Wen Bo above a eup (Uncle Yap examination is sent back by the name "test" refers to the dead father). Duke of Zhou in his capacity as Chief Minister, photo line Wangshi, not kings, Guanshu intends fighting for power, then spread the rumor: "Duke will not help Ruzi (as King)." Yin destroyed after the third year (before 1024), Guan Shu and Cai Shu Wu Geng Lu father preached the week with the rebels. Up the response with the East Xu, suddenly, dozens Huaiyi close to the size of the original square with the Shang state. This is just the establishment of the Zhou dynasty for more than three years, is an extremely heavy blow. If the rebels do not be overcome, it will face great difficulties in Zhou Dynasty, Emperor Wen of all dropped a few years to build exploits will ruin. Among the royal family in a precarious week. Within the royal family was also skeptical of the Duke of Zhou kings. This attack from within and outside the situation, to make Duke a very difficult position. He first internal stability, to maintain unity, hope and call to convince the public cool grandfather. He said: "I did not avoid difficult situations and king, is worried that the world betrayed the Zhou Dynasty. Otherwise, I discredited in the return of the king too, Wang Ji, King Wen. Three Kings sayings the world has been a long time, and now have the achievement. King Wu left us prematurely, as the king is so young, I was to achievements of the Zhou Dynasty, only do. "unified internal views of the Duke of Zhou, the second year (before 1023) at the Eastern Campaign, crusade tube, Cai , Wu Geng. Prior to the divination, issued the "Great Patent."
BC in 1022 successfully tied the three supervisors to discuss the rebellion, killing the principal culprits Guanshu fresh, Qin Hui and killed the North fled to Wu Geng, banished the sin Uncle Cai less degree. Tsai Shu died, his son Juan "rate de tame good", and his father a big difference. After hearing the Duke of Zhou, then promoted him as Lu Guoqing Shi, Lu Hu to good governance, Duke closed to new Cai Hu again.
How to rule the conquered areas, is a big problem after the victory, Wu Geng, and suddenly the country, Huaiyi insurgency, key areas that can not be reused old chiefs, feudal Zhou Dynasty to be the most reliable member of this and King Wu packet has been different. Duke closed the brother Kangshu to the center of the original king of Shang rule to Chaoge to have (Qi County, Henan Province today), points to his family of seven people Yin: Dow; Shi's, Fan's, Qiang's, Fan's, Hunger's finally Kwai's, mostly those with some kind of handicraft expertise of the clan. Kangshu feud not only large area, and eight division force system to prevent people re-Yin resistance.
Bo Gu and other countries also participated in anti-weeks, the division Shangfu - Jiang Taigong originally been called Qi Hou, Metropolitan Hill (now Shandong Pro slipped North). Great-grandfather was a wise and brave generals. King Wu took the lead when he broke into enemy positions, and Evolution of this, he set a great service, great fiefs. Duke closed to the public response to the grandfather's land was "the east sea, west river, south Mu Ling, north to Wudi." Also has a special levy special privilege of cutting, "five Houjiu Bo, may levy the real." Camp There are many small hill nearby, great-grandfather on the seal when the Yi nationality Levin and his people to fight to. Qi successively eliminating these small countries, and become East.
Remove the above-mentioned countries, the Duke of Zhou feudal also a large number of countries and different surname surname country. According to "claw effect Xunzi" records, the Duke of Zhou "Li 71 countries, surnamed persons living alone 50." Zuo Zhuan "Xi public twenty-four years, Fu-liang said:" Zhougong Di di s not salty, so Ping Zhou feudal relative to Fan. Tube, Cai, Cheng Huo, Lu, Wei Mao, Dan, Gao, Yong, Cao, Teng, complete, original, Feng, Xun, Zhao Wen s also. Han River, Jin, Ying, Han, Wu of Mu also. Fan, Jiang, Xing, Mao, confer, sacrifice, the Duke of Zhou of Yin also. "Shows the Duke of Zhou countries large and small letters, numbers not less.
Eastern Campaign battle is brutal and intense, "Book Bin Feng break Axe": "Jipo my ax, and destitute I Williams. And Evolution of the four countries is the Emperor. Compassion for us people, also pores will. "followed and Evolution of the soldiers, out of the gap ax, even if the sufferings ridden battle, can students still very fortunate. Eastern Campaign homesick soldiers, demobilize once the heart is full of all sorts of treatments, "Book Bin Feng Tung Shan" is a vivid reflection of this psychological. No longer the downturn, before fighting the kind of "wind and rain are hovering to the CD audio Jiao Jiao" picture.
East are Luoyi in Iraq and the Lo flowing through the Illo water basin center, flat, fertile soil, its south Mountains, north is Mang mountain, mountains, difficult terrain. Iraq, Luo, Zhan, Jian-clock during convergence. Hulao Pass east, west, Hangu Pass, according to what the traffic choke points. Down along rivers, up to people of Yin old haunt. Shun Luoshui, up Qi and Lu. South Ru, Ying dihydrate, up to Xu Yi, Huaiyi. Iraq, Los basin is really a good place for its capital.
In order to consolidate the rule of week, Duke has released a variety of message, from here you can glimpse the rule of Duke summed up the experience of summer Yin, developed on the various policies. Duke has had to Wei Kangshu "Kang", "Wine Patent," "Zi-cai" 3 statement.
"Zi material" also is promoting "Matilda", against "the King murder." As among the people, nor with harm, with abuse, is "The King widowed, as are women, together with content from the." Up and down is not murder but "Respect few," and "cooperation with content from the" stable situation will naturally arise. The formation of such a situation can not easily get to do as farmers weeded, the land, idle the entire field boundary ditches; as the maintenance of the Home Office as Qin-xiu Yuanqiang, walls painted mud, on top of Gallant; Also Like craftsmen treatment device, handling things Matthews, and then painted black and red paint. In short, the ground with Matilda, protect the people, to "years except (for) the king."
"Kang", "Wine Patent," "Zi-cai," the Duke of Zhou of the conquered region's political strategy, and the "toast" is a treat to move to Los Yap Yin stubborn public policy. Luoyi built, these people built the city of Yin stubborn how pleasure. Naturally put the issue on the agenda. "Toast" is the Duke of Zhou Yin stubborn people to the statement issued. Text divided into two section. The first was hearts and minds, so that people obey Zhou Yin stubborn rule. The reason is you have these carbon was not good, God gave me the injunction of small "State Week", not me, "Yi Yin life dare" "dare to seek position." It's like your ancestors did not replace the Road Xia Jie Cheng Tang, as is, "God does not guarantee" Xia Jie. I brought you from the "days (large) Yap Commercial" to move to Western soil, do not blame me, I pity pity you, this is also the host of heaven. Give the second paragraph of content is that way of life so that they live locally, there is your land, with your house, "Seoul Seoul is still soil, Seoul is still rather dry only." Obey orders if you can have Germany, was also appointed. God would have mercy on you, otherwise you will not only lose their land, and I would add to God's punishment upon you.
Psychological tactics on prisoners to make it self-reliant, incentives and penalties. This is a set of reform policies. Duke repeatedly affirmed the "fate" is not his creation, but rather inherited from the ancient times. "Mo universal love, under the" primer "Yu oath": "with the days of punishment" is issued Miao Yu Zheng three oaths. When Tom swearing words in the conquest of Xia Jie said: "There is more crime in summer, bearing in mind the mandate of heaven." "Heaven" is not simply reflect the natural forces of God, God has intervened in human affairs. Duke in the "Mushi," also referred to "Christine days, a fine line." The enemy more about fate of the Duke of Zhou, the "day" concept has been developed. "Destiny" is the transfer, how to keep "Fate", depending on there, "Germany", Jie Zhou lost because of loss of heaven, "Germany", Zhou to keep "fate" must have "moral", so the Duke of Zhou in the teaching week when many people say, "Matilda." "Fate" can be kept and turned into a fight. People no longer blindly obey "heaven", but also has the possibility of subjective efforts, which is positive. Son of Heaven is a day's agent, on the one hand he has the supreme authority, but not unconditional, he must have "moral", or fate would transfer, so the sovereign, the emperor can not do whatever they want, is conditional, subject to constraints . Zhou also said the destruction on the eve of "I am not a life almost in the day?" Duke than he thought, than the people of Yin to be a big step. To keep one of the conditions of heaven is "protecting people", people must be sovereign status seriously consider.
Gift central issue to be addressed is the distinction between the respectable and humble, that were the rule of law, and further stresses that the establishment of the system of succession. In the absence of strict inheritance system, and the duke of course be called "king salt", pipe, CAI can also be a result of war and betrayal of the royal throne. Little Bang Bang Yin Zhou has to consider the lessons learned from large, not to mention the summer by Duke Yin history is well known. Special offerings and the Yin from Xianbi brother to younger brother and a limited number of view, is divided Di Shu, and is the son of a mother expensive. Chuan Yin is the brother and son of co-exist, has led to a "IX Rebellion." Brother eventually have to pass to son, which was originally physiology. Son and brother have mass transfer length, mass of young and Successfully Passes Throngh Longhai conflicts. Communication is more a brother's son, brother and Mass Communication brother's son conflict. The existence of these conflicts, disputes often lead to the royal family, royal family disputes will lead to the decline of royal power, the country Zuo soon. After the Yin from Kangding, after Wu B, Wen Ding, Di Yi, Di Xin (Zhou), significantly abolished the transmission system and the brother of the system established to son. Weeks before the Duke did not establish long-entropy system, following the not too Talbot and Zhong Yong Wang, but the calendar quarter. King Wu a brother name Peter Yap test, King Wen to King Wu Ji Fa is the crown prince. Since the Duke of Zhou after the calendar, "Cheng Wang, Kang, King Zhao, Mu, a total of Wang, Yi Wang", remove the outside until You Wang Xiao Wang is the son of, this is not accidental, this system is the establishment of primogeniture should be attributed to Duke. After the establishment of primogeniture, the eldest son inherit only entropy, thus eliminating the branch by law Shu brothers compete for the throne, stabilize and consolidate the role of the order of the ruling class. Primogeniture is the core of legal cases. Duke of the legal and political systems were combined, created a comprehensive service in slavery superstructure. Bet the king is a large world, but surnamed princes of the Zhou to say that careen. The closure of these princes in their own country is large, and Autumn is 小宗 surname, so the formation of a pagoda-shaped structure, which is the top of the Zhou. Zhou Tai Feng surname princes, one of the aims is to form the blood ties to the regime that combines the structure of the alliance than the form of the Yin a big step forward. Zhou surname not married, are regarded as the Zhou Sheng Jiu princes of the relationship between different surnames. Kinship marriage system composed of the Zhou Dynasty's rule. To the Warring States period, it exposes the weakness of the system of prefectures and counties to replace the feudal system, but under specific conditions at the time, no doubt formed a kind of Huaxia structured as the main political institutions, a much Yin people rule for the progress of the organization. Deduce from the cases in the legal system must respect the parent child maintenance base, base brother brother respect, respect for the emperor, princes base of the hierarchical etiquette. This etiquette is the externalization of affiliation. Conversely, it also played the role of the legal system to consolidate cases, the purpose is to maintain the patriarchal, maintaining rule of the Zhou S6, anyone who violated the protocol, room, clothing, appliances, etc. The specific requirements will be regarded as indecent assault, and overstepped.
6, to make way into the king beginning and an end
"No Yi", do not seek comfort, yes, the Duke of Zhou Cheng Wang warned, that is read today, we also feel that it is fresh. "No Yi" at the beginning of the talk, to know the hard work farmers farming, and understand "bad people" - farmers hidden reason. Hard farming parents, and their children do not know the hard work the land, it will ease and even jump to birth, or even insult his parents said: "The elderly, they know nothing." Such words of filial piety is no promise at the time say of. "Kang" also mentioned that the Friends of the lack of filial piety is not the person to be sentenced. As a supreme ruler of the hidden secrets beneath the weal and woe to know, otherwise you will make ridiculous things to. Duke went on to cite the name of Jun in the cases of the Yin Tai Wu, Gao Zongwu Ding, Zu-Shang Dynasty A, not solemn fear Wei, Qin self restraint, "rather not waste" is a long time for the villains, to ensure benefit little people, not dare to insult widowed, they can enjoy the country a long time. Later, Yin Wang, born on the ease and comfort, do not know hard work of farming, but pleasure-seeking, so they do not have long to enjoy the country. Duke went on a week so they give the king of Wang Ji's modest and restrained like fear, particularly in reference to King Wen to wear good clothes, Zifeng thrift, in agricultural work, to "protect pregnant Sham, Wai fresh widowed," from too early to have lunch sometimes too late to eat dinner, to the unity of all people. He did not dare linger pleasures hunting, do not obtain exceptionally things, so enjoy the country is relatively long. Duke warned future generations, and not to indulge, "on view at the Plaza, on the tour, Oda (hunting)" and can not let it be said: no harm to what is now pleasure, not as confused as Shangzhou in wine. If you do not listen, they will confound kings Fa, incurred the resentment the people who curse. Some people told us: "Villains hate you, call you." Say they have an error, deep self-introspection, and not to Hannu, and not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, Luanfa innocence. Otherwise, the same Yuanfen concentrated in you alone, that the consequences will be disastrous.
Duke said the hood, care about the weal and woe, "no fleeing" from police or to educate future generations is, but the "ease" and not "Yi" is often subject to conditions and living environment class about being determines consciousness, the situation without outside pressure, the royal family, "sang Yi" is inevitable, from the "Yi" and loss of the country is inevitable.
Courteous triazole feeding, the world's hearts 100 Yip Hing.