姓: | 姬 | |||||||||
名: | 發 | |||||||||
先周是活動與中原西部黃土高原的一個古老部落。周人的始祖傳說是帝嚳元妃姜嫄的兒子棄。棄在帝舜時擔任農師,號稱後稷,教民耕稼有功,分封於邰。商朝初年,他的後代公劉率族人遷到磁。到古公亶父時,又遷到岐山南邊的周原(今陝西岐山縣)定居下來,逐漸發展成一個新興的西部勢力,自稱為周。古公的幼子季歷繼位後,修行道義,發展生産,驅逐夷狄,力量更為強大,與商發生矛盾。商王文丁派人將季歷殺死,季歷的兒子姬昌繼位。昌號稱西伯,仁慈愛民,禮賢下士,天下士人都來投奔。周的發展,使商紂感到威脅,於是將西伯昌囚禁於羑裏七年。周人以珍寶和美女將西伯贖出,此後,在呂尚的輔佐下,西伯昌表面上耽於遊樂,對殷紂十分馴服,實際上卻更為積善修德,和悅百姓,大力發展生産,使更多的諸侯前來歸附,進而徵討不馴服的諸侯和商的盟國,終於三分天下有其二,成為所謂的受命之主,而自稱王,即周文王,並將都城遷到豐邑(今陝西長安西南灃水西岸)。九年,周文王逝世。其子姬發繼位,稱周武王。他繼續以呂尚為師,周公旦為輔,召公、畢公等人為主要助手,繼續文王未盡的事業。將都城擴至灃水以東的鎬京(今陝西長安縣境),積極作滅商的準備。兩年後,武王在盟津召集八百諸侯會師盟誓。周文王受命第十一年十二月,武王兵出潼關,聯合各方國諸侯,揮師東嚮,於次年二月甲子日在牧野打敗商朝的軍隊,殺死殷紂王,史稱“武王滅商”,建立了中國歷史上最長的一個朝代——周朝。周朝經歷了37代天子,800多年,到公元前256年,纔被秦國滅掉。公元前770年, 平王遷都洛邑(今河南洛陽)。豐鎬二京在西,洛邑在東,習慣上稱公元前770年以前的周朝為西周,以後的為東周。
這次觀兵實際上是一次為滅商做準備的軍事演習和檢閱。他率大軍先西行至畢原(今陝西長安縣內) 文王陵墓祭奠,然後轉而東行嚮朝歌前進。在中軍竪起寫有父親西伯昌名字的大木牌,自己衹稱太子發,意為仍由文王任統帥。大軍抵達黃河南岸的盂津(今河南孟津縣東北),有800諸侯聞訊趕來參加。人心嚮周,商紂王孤立無援的形勢已形成,諸侯均力勸武王立即嚮朝歌進軍。武王和姜太公則認為時機還不成熟,在軍隊渡過黃河後又下令全軍返回,並以“諸位不知天命”告誡大傢不要操之過急
又二年,武王探知紂王更加昏庸暴虐。良臣比幹、箕子忠言進諫,一個被殺,一個被囚。太師疵、少師強見紂王已不可救藥,抱着商朝宗廟祭器出逃。百姓皆側目而視,緘口不言。武王同姜尚研究,認為滅商條件已完全成熟,遵照文王“時至而勿疑”的遺囑,果斷决定發兵伐商,通告各諸侯國嚮朝歌進軍。出發前,太史卜了一卦,得兆象大兇。見此不吉之兆,百官大驚失色。武王决心已定,不迷信鬼神,毅然率兵車300 乘、近衛武士3000人、甲士4.5萬人嚮朝歌進發。大軍到達朝歌郊外70裏處的牧野(今河南汲縣南),各諸侯率兵車4000乘會合。紂王聞知周兵已到,調集都中士兵,再加把囚犯、奴隸、戰俘武裝起來,共起兵17萬(一說70萬)相迎。雙方開始了歷史上著名的牧野之戰。武王在戰前嚮全軍發表誓詞,歷數商紂的罪惡,說明伐紂的正義性,動員將士們英勇殺敵。决戰開始後,周軍士氣高漲,奮勇衝殺。商紂的軍隊在周軍凌厲攻勢下一觸即潰。那些被迫參戰的奴隸、囚徒不願為紂王賣命,反把武王看作救星,倒轉矛頭引導周軍殺入朝歌。紂王見大勢已去,登上鹿臺,自焚身死。商朝由此滅亡。
九年,周文王逝世。其子姬發繼位, 稱
周武王。他繼續以呂尚為師,周公旦為輔,召公、畢公等人為主要助手,繼續文王未盡的事業。將都城擴至灃水以東的鎬京(今陝西長安縣境),積極作滅商的準備。兩年後,武王在盟津召集八百諸侯會師盟誓。周文王受命第十一年十二月,武王兵出潼關,聯合各方國諸侯,揮師東嚮,於次年二月甲子日在牧野打敗商朝的軍隊,殺死殷紂王,史稱“武王滅商”,建立了中國歷史上最長的一個朝代——周朝。周朝經歷了37代天子,800多年,到公元前256 年,纔被秦國滅掉。公元前770年, 平王遷都洛邑(今河南洛陽)。豐鎬二京在西,洛邑在東,習慣上稱公元前770年以前的周朝為西周,以後的為東周。
Shang situation map
Another two years, more stupid tyrannical King Zhou of Shang King Wu Discovery. Yoshiomi Bi Gan, Jizi advice in plain speaking, one killed, one jailed. Grand Preceptor defect, less hopeless division has strong see King Zhou, the Shang ancestral ceremonial vessels holding flee. Eyebrows and the people are visual, mouth shut. Jiang Shang King Wu of the same, that business conditions have been ripe off, follow the King Wen "to not freeze when the suspect" and will resolutely decided to send army attack commercial, notice to enter the feudal country to Chaoge. Before departure, a hexagram Tai Shi Pu, Zhao-Johnson was fierce. Seeing Ominous signs, the King was stunned. King Wu is determined, not superstition ghosts, resolutely shuaibing 300 by car, Konoe warrior 3000, 4.5 million people to Chaoge Jiashi embarked. Army 70 miles to reach the outskirts of Chaoge Makino (today ji xian South), 4000 by the princes shuaibing car meet. King Zhou of Shang Bing has heard about weeks to mobilize all the soldiers, together with the prisoners, slaves, prisoners of war, armed, were dispatched troops 170,000 (some say 700,000) snowflake. The two sides began the history of the famous Battle of Makino. Delivered to the army before the war, King Wu oath, listing the evil Shang Zhou, shows the justice of cutting Zhou, mobilizing soldiers who's fighting. Battle began, Zhou Junshi gas rising courageously rush ahead. Shang Zhou Li Zhou Junling military offensive in the next Yichujikui. Slaves who were forced to war, prisoners do not want to sacrifice their lives for the King Zhou, King Wu as against the savior, turn the tables and Zhou Jun Sharu Chaoge guide. King Zhou saw the hopeless situation, boarded Lu Tai, self-immolation in his death. Shang thus perish.
King Wu of Zhou Jian weeks later, large-scale feudal hero advisers, such as the Shang Feng Yu Qi, Zhou Gong Dan Lu Feng Yu, call letters on public shi Yan, Shu few letters in the tube, sealed at the Tsai Shu degree. It is said that the 71 weekly total of feudal vassal state, including fraternal country of 15, more than 40 country of the same clan. Letters state the purpose of founding, is to strengthen the rule over and First Half of the royal family as a week. Princes in their own fiefdoms in another packet Bureaucrats, Bureaucrats in their fiefdoms where they Packet disabilities, such top-down rule of the people. King Wu's death, his son ji song to the throne, to become king. Into the young king, the world is initially for the Duke dissatisfied nobility once afraid to Wangshu She governance. Guan Shu and Cai Shu dissatisfied, and Yan Zhou's son, Wu Geng, led Huaiyi, rebellion. Zhou Gongyi natural shuaibing Eastern Campaign, put down the rebellion, Heaven's a Wu Geng and Guan Shu, Cai Shu was exiled, the remnant of Shoufu the Yin. In order to strengthen the rule of the East, the Duke of Zhou Cheng Wang Zhiming Feng Luoyi responsible for construction work. Luoyi completed, as the king himself came to Luoyi King City, the General Assembly and the Shii world vassal ruler length, and will follow the Wu Geng of Yin Dynasty move into the insurgency into a week in order to control. Duke also ritual music of the Zhou dynasty established laws and institutions and the music system, established the patriarchal system as the center of the political system. Dong Yi Cheng Wang has personally crusade to the east to stability. Into the king's death, the succession of the kings of the cause of Kang Ji-Cheng Wang, diligent in political affairs, plain near the people, not the penalty for several decades, society more stable.
Zhengzhou, Henan Province today said that Qi Li Yan village. Yan's is the later one.
Nine years, King Wen of Zhou's death. His son Ji Fa to the throne, saying
Under the rule of the tyrant King Zhou of Shang Shang, politically very corrupt, but still has a strong military power. King Wu assess the situation and prepare to make positive conditions for the destruction, waiting for an opportunity. 9 years after he ascended the throne in order to facilitate business are offensive Chaoge (Qi County, Henan Province today), the capital provided by HSBC (now Xi'an Feng Shui Southwest West Bank) moved to Ho (now Xi'an east coast of Southwest Feng Shui), held a historic the famous "Mengjin View soldier."
Another two years, more stupid tyrannical King Zhou of Shang King Wu Discovery. Yoshiomi Bi Gan, Jizi advice in plain speaking, one killed, one jailed. Grand Preceptor defect, less hopeless division has strong see King Zhou, the Shang ancestral ceremonial vessels holding flee. Eyebrows and the people are visual, mouth shut. Jiang Shang King Wu of the same, that business conditions have been ripe off, follow the King Wen "to not freeze when the suspect" and will resolutely decided to send army attack commercial, notice to enter the feudal country to Chaoge. Before departure, a hexagram Tai Shi Pu, Zhao-Johnson was fierce. Seeing Ominous signs, the King was stunned. King Wu is determined, not superstition ghosts, resolutely shuaibing 300 by car, Konoe warrior 3000, 4.5 million people to Chaoge Jiashi embarked. Army 70 miles to reach the outskirts of Chaoge Makino (today ji xian South), 4000 by the princes shuaibing car meet. King Zhou of Shang Bing has heard about weeks to mobilize all the soldiers, together with the prisoners, slaves, prisoners of war, armed, were dispatched troops 170,000 (some say 700,000) snowflake. The two sides began the history of the famous Battle of Makino. Delivered to the army before the war, King Wu oath, listing the evil Shang Zhou, shows the justice of cutting Zhou, mobilizing soldiers who's fighting. Battle began, Zhou Junshi gas rising courageously rush ahead. Shang Zhou Li Zhou Junling military offensive in the next Yichujikui. Slaves who were forced to war, prisoners do not want to sacrifice their lives for the King Zhou, King Wu as against the savior, turn the tables and Zhou Jun Sharu Chaoge guide. King Zhou saw the hopeless situation, boarded Lu Tai, self-immolation in his death. Shang thus perish.
Nation-building measures
King Wu of Zhou Jian weeks later, large-scale feudal hero advisers, such as the Shang Feng Yu Qi, Zhou Gong Dan Lu Feng Yu, call letters on public shi Yan, Shu few letters in the tube, sealed at the Tsai Shu degree. It is said that the 71 weekly total of feudal vassal state, including fraternal country of 15, more than 40 country of the same clan. Letters state the purpose of founding, is to strengthen the rule over and First Half of the royal family as a week. Princes in their own fiefdoms in another packet Bureaucrats, Bureaucrats in their fiefdoms where they Packet disabilities, such top-down rule of the people. King Wu's death, his son ji song to the throne, to become king. Into the young king, the world is initially for the Duke dissatisfied nobility once afraid to Wangshu She governance. Guan Shu and Cai Shu dissatisfied, and Yan Zhou's son, Wu Geng, led Huaiyi, rebellion. Zhou Gongyi natural shuaibing Eastern Campaign, put down the rebellion, Heaven's a Wu Geng and Guan Shu, Cai Shu was exiled, the remnant of Shoufu the Yin. In order to strengthen the rule of the East, the Duke of Zhou Cheng Wang Zhiming Feng Luoyi responsible for construction work. Luoyi completed, as the king himself came to Luoyi King City, the General Assembly and the Shii world vassal ruler length, and will follow the Wu Geng of Yin Dynasty move into the insurgency into a week in order to control. Duke also ritual music of the Zhou dynasty established laws and institutions and the music system, established the patriarchal system as the center of the political system. Dong Yi Cheng Wang has personally crusade to the east to stability. Into the king's death, the succession of the kings of the cause of Kang Ji-Cheng Wang, diligent in political affairs, plain near the people, not the penalty for several decades, society more stable.
King Wu of broad mind and long-term vision, and ability to have a decisive matter is located in the Shang Dynasty's no way that he shot a pleading, for good of the flag to get the support of the masses, thereby greatly expanded its power and influence, in the process of cutting Zhou, he personally led the dauntless spirit of soldiers and horses destroy Chaoge, beat King Zhou of a surprise. While King Wu's personal charm has a very distinguished, he is also loved by people, and this is he was an important reason that people support.