公元前626 年,亚述人派迦勒底人领袖那波帕拉沙尔率军驻守巴比伦,他到巴比伦后,却发动反对亚述统治的起义,建立新巴比伦王国,并与伊朗高原的米底王国联合,共同对抗亚述。公元前612年,亚述帝国结束,遗产被新巴比伦王国及米底王国瓜分,其中新巴比伦王国分取了亚述帝国的西半壁河山,即两河流域南部、叙利亚、巴勒斯坦及腓尼基。
19世纪下半叶,在巴格达附近发掘出很多泥版和圆柱,使人对古巴比伦的历史认识大增。其中之一是深具价值的一份文献,称为拿波尼度编年史,现今收藏于大英博物馆。巴比伦王拿波尼度曾与儿子伯沙撒共同摄政。但他比儿子活得更久,后者于公元前539年10月5日的晚上在居鲁士手下的军队攻陷巴比伦时被杀。拿波尼度编年史就巴比伦的陷落提供一项注明日期的记录,帮助确定事件发生的时间。以下是拿波尼度编年史一小部分的翻译:“塔斯利都月(提斯利月(9/10 月)),居鲁士在底格里斯河的俄庇斯袭击阿卡得的军队。……月中第14日,西巴尔不战而降,拿波尼度逃离该城。第16日(儒略历公元前539年10月11 日;格雷果里历10月5日)古提恩的总督戈布利亚(乌格巴鲁)连同居鲁士的军队不用动刀便进入巴比伦城。其后,拿波尼度在返回巴比伦时被捕。……亚拉沙姆努月(赫舍万月(10/11月))第3日[儒略历10月28日],居鲁士进入巴比伦,居民将青绿的树枝铺在他脚前——他宣布‘和平’(sulmu)临到城中。居鲁士向巴比伦全境致意。他的总督戈布利亚在巴比伦设立(辅)总督。”
* 那波帕拉沙尔 (Nabopolassar) 公元前626年 - 公元前605年
* 尼布甲尼撒二世 (Nebuchadnezzar II) 公元前605年 - 公元前562年
* 以未米罗达 (Evil-Merodach/Amel-Marduk) 公元前562年 - 公元前560年
* 涅里格利沙尔 (Neriglissar/Nergal-sharezer) 公元前560年 - 公元前556年
* 拉巴施马尔杜克 (Labashi-Marduk) 公元前556年
* 那波尼达 (Nabonidus) 公元前556年 - 公元前539年
* 伯沙撒 (Belshazzar) 摄政王,公元前553年或前549年 - 公元前539年
Through the centuries of Assyrian domination, Babylonia enjoyed a prominent status, or revolted at the slightest indication that it did not. The Assyrians always managed to restore Babylonian loyalty, however, whether through granting of increased privileges, or militarily. That finally changed in 627 BC with the death of the last strong Assyrian ruler, Assurbanipal, and Babylonia rebelled under Nabopolassar the Chaldean the following year. With help from the Medes, Nineveh was sacked in 612 BC, and the seat of empire was again transferred to Babylonia.
Nabopolassar was followed by his son Nebuchadnezzar II, whose reign of 43 years made Babylon once more the mistress of the civilized world, including the conquering of Phoenicia in 585 BC. Only a small fragment of his annals has been discovered, relating to his invasion of Egypt in 567 BC, and referring to "Phut of the Ionians".
Of the reign of the last Babylonian king, Nabonidus (Nabu-na'id), and the conquest of Babylonia by Cyrus, there is a fair amount of information available. This is chiefly derived from a chronological tablet containing the annals of Nabonidus, supplemented by another inscription of Nabonidus where he recounts his restoration of the temple of the Moon-god at Harran; as well as by a proclamation of Cyrus issued shortly after his formal recognition as king of Babylonia. It was in the sixth year of Nabonidus (549 BC) that Cyrus, the Achaemenid Persian "king of Anshan" in Elam, revolted against his suzerain Astyages, "king of the Manda" or Medes, at Ecbatana. Astyages' army betrayed him to his enemy, and Cyrus established himself at Ecbatana, thus putting an end to the empire of the Medes. Three years later Cyrus had become king of all Persia, and was engaged in a campaign in northern Mesopotamia. Meanwhile, Nabonidus had established a camp in the desert, near the southern frontier of his kingdom, leaving his son Belshazzar (Belsharutsur) in command of the army.
In 539 BC Cyrus invaded Babylonia. A battle was fought at Opis in the month of June, where the Babylonians were defeated; and immediately afterwards Sippara surrendered to the invader. Nabonidus fled to Babylon, where he was pursued by Gobryas, and on the 16th day of Tammuz, two days after the capture of Sippara, "the soldiers of Cyrus entered Babylon without fighting." Nabonidus was dragged from his hiding-place, where the services continued without interruption. Cyrus did not arrive until the 3rd of Marchesvan (October), Gobryas having acted for him in his absence. Gobryas was now made governor of the province of Babylon, and a few days afterwards the son of Nabonidus died. A public mourning followed, lasting six days, and Cambyses accompanied the corpse to the tomb.
Cyrus now claimed to be the legitimate successor of the ancient Babylonian kings and the avenger of Bel-Marduk, who was assumed to be wrathful at the impiety of Nabonidus in removing the images of the local gods from their ancestral shrines to his capital Babylon. Nabonidus, in fact, had excited a strong feeling against himself by attempting to centralize the religion of Babylonia in the temple of Merodach (Marduk) at Babylon, and while he had thus alienated the local priesthoods, the military party despised him on account of his antiquarian tastes. He seems to have left the defense of his kingdom to others, occupying himself with the more congenial work of excavating the foundation records of the temples and determining the dates of their builders.
The invasion of Babylonia by Cyrus was doubtless facilitated by the existence of a disaffected party in the state, as well as by the presence of foreign forced exiles like the Jews, who had been planted in the midst of the country. One of the first acts of Cyrus accordingly was to allow these exiles to return to their own homes, carrying with them the images of their god and their sacred vessels. The permission to do so was embodied in a proclamation, whereby the conqueror endeavored to justify his claim to the Babylonian throne. The feeling was still strong that none had a right to rule over western Asia until he had been consecrated to the office by Bel and his priests; and accordingly, Cyrus henceforth assumed the imperial title of "King of Babylon."