阿尤布王朝為12世紀—13世紀統治埃及、敘利亞、也門的回教王國。由庫爾德人建立的該王朝最強盛時期,版圖甚至延伸至聖城麥加與北伊拉剋。阿尤布傢族的阿尤布、謝爾庫赫兄弟原先是Zengid Dynasty的士兵,然後他們獲得了獨立地位,而阿尤布之子便是埃及民族英雄薩拉丁。
首都 開羅(1171年至1174年)
語言 阿拉伯語(官方語言) 庫爾德語
宗教 遜尼派伊斯蘭教
政府 君主製
- 1174-1193 薩拉丁(首位)
- 1331-13411 艾弗達勒 穆罕默德(末位)
- 建立 1171年
- 廢除 1341年
- 12世紀 est. 7,200,000(估算)2 人
貨幣 第納爾
Saladin was confirmed as Nureddin's deputy in Egypt, and on the death of Nureddin on April 12, 1174 he took the title sultan. During his reign Damascus, rather than Cairo, was the major city of the empire. Nevertheless he fortified Cairo, which became the political centre of Egypt. It was in 1183 that Saladin's rule over Egypt and North Syria was consolidated. Much of Saladin's time was spent in Syria, where he fought the Crusader States, and Egypt was largely governed by his deputy Karaksh.
Saladin's son Othman succeeded him in Egypt in 1193. He allied with his uncle (Saladin's brother) Al-Adil I against Saladin's other sons, and after the wars that followed, Al-Adil took power in 1200. He died in 1218 during the siege of Damietta in the Fifth Crusade, and was succeeded by al-Kamil, who lost Damietta to the Crusaders in 1219. However, he defeated their advance to Cairo by flooding the Nile, and they were forced to evacuate Egypt in 1221. Al-Kamil was later forced to give up various cities in Palestina and Syria to Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor during the Sixth Crusade, in order to gain his help against Damascus.
Najm al-Din became sultan in 1240. His reign saw the recapture of Jerusalem in 1244, and the introduction of a larger force of Mameluks into the army. Much of his time was spent in campaigns in Syria, where he allied with the Khwarezmians against the Crusaders and Ayyubids. In 1249 he faced an invasion by Louis IX of France (the Seventh Crusade), and Damietta was lost again. Najm al-Din died soon after this, but his son Turanshah defeated Louis and expelled the Crusaders from Egypt. Turanshah was soon overthrown by the Mameluks, who had become the "kingmakers" since their arrival and now wanted full power for themselves.