Prehistoric Europe   Early Russia   Rurik Dynasty   Time of Troubles   House of Romanov   近现代俄罗斯   Russian Federation   

Chinese EraNameStart YearEnd YearEra Span
鲍里斯·戈东诺夫Boris Godunov1598 AD1605 AD8 year(s)
费多尔二世Feodor II1605 AD1605 AD1 year(s)
伪德米特里一世False Dmitriy I1605 AD1606 AD2 year(s)
瓦西里四世Vasili IV1606 AD1610 AD5 year(s)

  The Time of Troubles (Russian: Смутное время, Smutnoye Vremya) was a period of Russian history comprising the years of interregnum between the death of the last Russian Tsar Feodor Ivanovich of the Rurik Dynasty in 1598 and the establishment of the Romanov Dynasty in 1613. At the time, Russia was occupied by Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Dymytriads, and also suffered from civil uprisings, usurpers and impostors.

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