埃塞俄比亚 Ethiopia 埃及 Egypt 突尼斯 Tunisia 阿尔及利亚 Algeria 尼日利亚 Nigeria 塞内加尔 Senegal 南非 South Africa 安哥拉 Angola 贝宁 Benin 布基纳法索 Burkina Faso 布隆迪 Republic of Burundi 博茨瓦纳 Republic of Botswana 赤道几内亚 Equatorial Guinea 多哥 Togo 厄立特里亚 Eritrea 佛得角 Republic of Cape Verde 冈比亚 Gambia 刚果 Republic of the Congo 刚果民主共和国 Democratic Republic of Congo 吉布提 Djibouti 几内亚 Guinea 几内亚比绍 Guinea-Bissau 加纳 Republic of Ghana 加蓬 Gabon 津巴布韦 Zimbabwe 喀麦隆 Republic of Cameroon 科摩罗 Comoros 科特迪瓦 Ivory Coast 肯尼亚 Republic of Kenya 莱索托 Kingdom of Lesotho 利比亚 Libya 利比里亚 Republic of Liberia 卢旺达 Republic of Rwanda 马达加斯加 Madagascar 马拉维 Malawi 马里 Republic of Mali 毛里塔尼亚 Mauritania 毛里求斯 Republic of Mauritius 摩洛哥 Kingdom of Morocco 莫桑比克 the Republic of Mozambique 纳米比亚 The Republic of Namibia 尼日尔 Niger 塞拉利昂 the Republic of Sierra Leone 塞舌尔 Seychelles 斯威士兰 Swaziland 苏丹 Sudan 索马里 Somalia 圣多美和普林西比 Sao Tome and Principe 坦桑尼亚 Tanzania 乌干达 The Republic of Uganda 赞比亚 The Republic of Zambia 乍得 the Republic of Chad 中非共和国 The Central African Republic |
Eritrea Capital:Asmara Country Code: er |
历史 厄立特里亚原为埃塞俄比亚所建立的屯垦区,1890年为意大利所占领,并成为意大利的殖民地,第二次世界大战后在联合国的同意之下,与埃塞俄比亚共同组成联邦。1962年遭埃塞俄比亚兼并,成为该国第14省。 “厄立特里亚解放阵线”在1960年代成立,以武力争取厄立特里亚脱离埃塞俄比亚。“厄立特里亚人民解放阵线”在1970年代自“厄立特里亚解放阵线”分裂出来,逐渐取代后者成为埃塞俄比亚境内的主要厄立特里亚叛军。埃塞俄比亚共产政权在1991年被叛军推翻后,新政府同意在厄立特里亚举行公民投票,以决定该地区是否脱离埃塞俄比亚。1993年4月终于在联合国的斡旋与监督之下举行了公民投票,结果以99.8%赞成通过脱离埃塞俄比亚,并于同年5月24日宣布独立。 行政区划 全国划分为6个省。首都阿斯马拉。 * 1 中部区(Central) * 2 南部区(Southern) * 3 加什-巴尔卡区(Gash-Barka) * 4 安塞巴区(Anseba) * 5 北红海区(North Red Sea) * 6 南红海区(South Red Sea) 人口 372万,有9个民族。 语言 现时有多种语言在厄立特里亚被使用,大部份来自闪米特语族及库希特语族。在厄立特里亚被使用的闪语族语言有阿拉伯语、提格雷语、提格里尼亚语及最近被确认的达立克语(Dahlik),该国有超过八成人口以这些语言(主要是提格雷语及提格里尼亚语)为第一语言。英语及意大利语也有一些人使用。 公事上主要使用提格雷语及阿拉伯语。提格雷语可用吉兹字母拼写。 经济 和大多数非洲国家一样,国家的主要经济来源依靠农业。约80%的人口从事农业及相关工作。绝大多数情况也是最主要的影响农业的自然灾害是旱灾。 在2008年5月6日,厄立特里亚是世界上汽油价格最贵的地方。约每加仑9.58美元,比世界第二贵的地方--挪威,贵出85美分。 The history of the land that is now called Eritrea, in one way or another, is associated with its coastline on the Red Sea, which extends more than 1000 km. From across the seas came various invaders (and colonizers) such as the South Arabians hailing from the present-day Yemen area, the Ottoman Turks, the Portugese from Goa (India), the Egyptians, the British and, in the 19th century, the Italians. Over the centuries, invaders also came from the neighboring countries of Africa to the south (Ethiopia) and to the west (Sudan). However, present-day Eritrea was largely impacted by the Italian invaders in the 19th century. In the period following the opening of the Suez canal in 1869, when European powers scrambled for territory in Africa and tried to establish refuling bases for their ships, Italy invaded and occupied Eritrea. On January 1, 1890 Eritrea offically became a colony of Italy. In 1936 it became a province of Italian East Africa (Africa Orientale Italiana), along with Ethiopia and Italian Somaliland. The British armed forces expelled those of Italy in 1941 and took over the administration of the country which had been set up by the Italians. The British continued to administer the territory under a UN Mandate until 1951 when Eritrea was federated with Ethiopia as per UN resolution 390(A) under the prompting of the United States adopted in December 1950; the resolution was adopted after a referendum to consult the people of Eritrea. The strategic importance of Eritrea — because of its Red Sea coastline and mineral resources — was the main cause for the federation with Ethiopia, which was the first step in the annexing of Eritrea as its 14th province in 1962, even though many nations favored independence. This was the culmination of a gradual process of takeover by the Ethiopian authorities, a process which included a 1959 edict establishing the compulsory teaching of Amharic, the main language of Ethiopia, in all Eritrean schools. The lack of regard for the Eritrean population led to the formation of an independence movement in the early 1960s, which erupted into a 30-year war against successive Ethiopian governments that ended in 1991. Following a UN-supervised referendum in Eritrea (dubbed UNOVER) in which the Eritrean people overwhelmingly voted for independence, Eritrea declared its independence and gained international recognition in 1993. English is used in the government's international communication and is the language of instruction in all formal education beyond the fifth grade. Eritrea is a single-party state. Though its constitution, adopted in 1997, stipulates that the state is a presidential republic with a unicameral parliamentary democracy, it has yet to be implemented. According to the government, this is due to the prevailing border conflict with Ethiopia, which began in May 1998. |