唐代 沈佺期 Shen Quanqi  唐代   (656~714)
寒食 Cold Food
回波词 Echo words
上巳日祓禊渭滨应制 The day had Fuxi Weibin write poem according to the emperor's order
夜宴安乐公主宅 Dinner party Cushion Archduchess house
苑中遇雪应制 Court in the case of snow write poem according to the emperor's order
饯唐永昌(一作饯唐郎中洛阳令) Preserves one for Tang Yongchang Preserves tang physician trained in herb medicine luoyang ream
狱中闻驾幸长安二首 Wen receives favor from prison Chang'an 2
邙山 Name of a hill Mountain
句 sentence
郊庙歌辞·享龙池乐章·第三章 Suburban Lyrics Enjoy longchi movement Third Jhang
乐府杂曲·鼓吹曲辞·巫山高二首 Official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) potpourri Advocating qu diction Wushan high 2
横吹曲辞·关山月 The music diction Watching the mountains
横吹曲辞·长安道 The music diction an Road
杂曲歌辞·独不见 Potpourri Songs alone vanish
古意呈补阙乔知之(一作古意,又作独不见) Interest and charm of antique taste assume buque qiao zhizhi 1 for interest and charm of antique taste Also for alone vanish
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷97_36
