唐代 许浑 Xu Hun  唐代   (?~858)
将为南行陪尚书崔公宴海榴堂 Southbound will accompany Shang shu (surname) To honor a celebrity at a dinner party or luncheon hosted by a club, government Hai liu hall
赠王山人 Gift king hermit
宣城崔大夫召联句,偶疾不获赴因献 Announce city (surname) Doctor for rent Joint sentences Even illness has not been offered to go for
登尉佗楼 Ascend Wei tuo Building
韶州驿楼宴罢 Shaozhou Yilouyanba
和淮南王相公与宾僚同游瓜洲别业,题旧书斋 and Huainan wang Dear husband and Bin liao With travel Guazhou Villa Old issues sanctum
送卢先辈自衡岳赴复州嘉礼二首 Send Lu Antecedent from Heng yue Complex state visit A wedding 2
宿松江驿却寄苏州一二同志(一作宿望亭驿寄苏州同游) Send Songjiang relay places but Suzhou (city) Just a few Compeer Send a relay for residential Wangting Suzhou (city) With travel
卢山人自巴蜀由湘潭归茅山因赠 (surname) Hermit from Prachuap khiri khan cause Xiang township Maoshan return for gifts
颍州从事西湖亭宴饯 Yingzhou City Pursue The west lake Ting Yan preserves
瓜洲留别李诩 Guazhou Give souvenir on parting Li Xu
余谢病东归,王秀才见寄,今潘秀才南棹奉酬 Wang Yu Xie disease Dong gui Xiucai Jianjijinpan Xiucai Southern Boating Feng pay
献韶阳相国崔公 Shao Yang Xiang-Guo Cui offer public
郡斋夜坐寄旧乡二侄 County, Night sitting lodge at Jiu township Two nephews
题崔处士山居 Cui title Department disabilities to live away from civilization
疾后与郡中群公宴李秀才 After illness Counties cluster To honor a celebrity at a dinner party or luncheon hosted by a club, government (a surname) xiucai
晨起白云楼寄龙兴江准上人兼呈窦秀才 And tear Bai township Send a quasi-Xing Jiang F Buddhist monk And showed a sinus xiucai
宴饯李员外 Li Yan preserves ministry councillor
酬钱汝州 Pay money Yu Chau
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷535_7
