夏代 人物列表
禹 Yu夏启 Xiaqi太康 Tai Kang仲康 Zhong Kang夏相 Xia Xiang
少康 Shao Kang杼 Zhu槐 Huai芒 Mang泄 Yi
不降 Bu Jiang扃 Jiong廑 Jin孔甲 Kong Jia皋 Gao
发 Fa履癸 Lv Gui契 Qi伯益 Ba Yi
仲康 Zhong Kang
夏代  (前2089年前2030年)
名: 仲康
籍贯: 安邑/斟寻/帝丘

  仲康,夏朝君主.生卒年不详, 后羿废黜太康后,立仲康为王。仲康名义上在位13年,实际上仍由后羿专政。仲康不甘心作傀儡,一心想夺回大权,曾派大司马胤侯去征伐后羿的党羽义和,试图削弱后羿的力量。终因实力薄弱,反被后羿软禁,无力恢复夏的天下。仲康因此忧闷成病而死。葬于安邑附近。
  仲康 - 仲康政权

  Legislation are: pour find (today Yanshi Northeast).
  Si Nakayasu, named Si, were Nakayasu, but also for the health. Royal feudal dynasty in China four times in summer any king, his grandfather was the first dynasty, Xia Yu, Wang Si, son of King Si Kai second term. Wang Si Xia Dynasty Tai Hong third term is his brother.
  Tai Hong four years (before 2048), have poor monarch Criticism from the Perspective heard Xia Wang Si Yi Tai Hong Luoshui south to hunt, that this is the best time to attack Xia dynasty, they personally led the army to break the way blitz pour all summer looking, self-reliance is king. But the pressure soon forced to nobility, he had to vacate the throne, the descendants of the royal family in summer. Si Kai's six sons were still alive, so who should be the new Chief of the Xia Wang then? The old binary and the third son Bo Kang Kang are ignorant and incompetent, and stupid mind, except eat, drink, anything else will not, simply unbearable for the king. Only the fourth eldest Nakayasu physically fit and ambitious, have always been coveted the throne. So they secretly activities Nakayasu by several veteran came forward, elected him as the new king. Hou Jun Criticism from the Perspective has agreed to make way for poor countries, but his condition is: Xia Dynasty not only to remove a poor tax, but every year there are poor countries to double tax. Si Nakayasu is no political vision of the mediocre, in order to get on throne, he agreed without hesitation. Thus, there is poor Hou Jun Criticism from the Perspective let out of the throne, led a poor army had plundered in the summer carrying a large number of property returned to the poor stone.
  Si Nakayasu king formally ascended the throne, No. Nakayasu, change Jiayin years (before 2047) as Nakayasu first year.
  Nakayasu seven (Gengshen, before 2041), after several years of development and building of the kingdom's armed forces became stronger and stronger, Si Nakayasu that now have the ability to compete with poor countries, and will be announced not to have poor China tribute, and the order of the poor countries continue to pay taxes to the Xia Dynasty.
  Si Nakayasu 41-year-old Ji Diwei, virtual record 19-year reign of power ("Road century after history"), died Nakayasu 18 years (Xinwei, before 2030), year-round six-year-old. Burial Place of death unknown, the King of Nakayasu, honorific post Nakayasu, posthumous title of Emperor Nakayasu.
  Xia Dynasty palace
  Nakayasu's regime was the political chaos in a poor set up Xiaochao Ting, still Xun dan served as both as appropriate. Nakayasu though a bit ambitious, but not as a character, can not afford to restore the scale after the summer. Nakayasu throne after years of development, the kingdom has gradually increased military operational capabilities, Nakayasu see a more powerful way Kun allies that they can compete and poor, and declared no longer to have poor tribute, and the order of the poor continue to pay taxes to the Xia Dynasty. Nakayasu act unilaterally tore up a peace treaty angered with the poor, Hanzhuo again led military invasion Xia Houshi their territory. Finite military Rulangsihu, very brave battle. Xiahou Shi troops vulnerable, making it poor military formidable, almost equal to pour the summer capital Xun dan served. Nakayasu panic, and to preserve the blood, he sent for the Prince sent similar composition for the country (now Jiangsu), allowing him to study composition for Hou, where the martial arts, to prevent accidents. Sure enough, soon bid farewell to Prince phase, there is poor military on a hope, a poor summer and the military forces with a more intense outbreak of fighting. Nakayasu worry about breaking the city after a bloody massacre of the poor Hanzhuo will, then catch the overnight, leading his men abandoned the cities to escape out of the East Gate, the North crossed the Yellow River, they go to the Si surname Zhu Hou Kunwu, the Royal Park once again left with the poor . Later, Nakayasu Fan in Sharber had help to Emperor Hill (now in Henan Puyang) as both began Pianju corner rule.
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