曹魏 人物列表
曹操 Cao Cao曹丕 Cao Pi曹叡 Cao Rui
曹芳 Cao Fang曹髦 Cao Mao曹奂 Cao Huan
公孙渊 Gongsun Yuan
曹叡 Cao Rui
曹魏  曹魏(205年239年)
字: 元仲
网笔号: 明皇帝
庙号: 烈祖
陵墓: 高平陵

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阅读曹叡 Cao Rui在诗海的作品!!!
  魏明帝(205年出生,239年正月丁亥逝世于洛阳嘉福殿),名曹睿,字元仲,文帝长子,文帝死后继位,是曹魏的第二位皇帝。在位时间是从226年五月丁巳到239年他逝世,在位13年,享年35岁, 葬于高平陵(今河南省洛阳市东南大石山)。
  曹睿的母亲是甄夫人,他从小获得曹操的喜爱,220年他被封为武德侯,次年齐公,再次年平原王。由于甄夫人得罪了曹丕被杀,因此曹丕很久没有被立为太子,有一段时间他甚至打算立他的另一个儿子作为太子。一直到曹丕病重将死,曹睿才被立为太子。 公元226年5月丁巳日文帝病死,他于同日继位。第二年改年号为“太和”。
  太和 227年—233年
  青龙 233年—237年
  景初 237年—240年

  Emperor Ming (205 births, 239 deaths in the first month Dinghai Ka Fuk Temple in Luoyang), name of Cao Rui, characters Chung, the eldest son of Emperor Wen, Emperor Wen died subsequent bit, is the second emperor of Wei. Reigned from 226 to 239 in May Dimba, he died in office 13 years, at the age of 35 years old, was buried high pingling (Luoyang, Henan province southeast of Big Rock Hill).
  Zhen Cao Rui's mother is his wife, a child, he was Cao Cao's love, 220, he was given the title Wu De Hou, Qi public the following year, again in plain king. Chen Pi offended because his wife was killed, so Pi is not established as a crown prince a long time, a time he even intended to put his other son as crown prince. Cao Pi has been seriously ill to dying, Cao Rui Cai Bei established as a crown prince. 226 AD, Emperor Wen on May Dimba dead on his throne on the same day. Changed the second year reign as the "Wo."
  Cao Rui had just succeeded to the throne, Prime Minister Zhuge Liang will lead the army to the Northern Expedition of Shu Han Wei, Nan (now southeastern Gansu Longxi), Tianshui (Gansu Gangu Dong Nam today), stability (the original town southeast of Gansu Province today) three prefectures have rebelled against Shu Wei vote, shaking off in a moment, so very frightened Cao Wei, Cao Rui himself hastily led his army west Chang'an town, sending his troops to stop general Zhang He Hu Liang. Zhang Hesheng beat in Jieting Ma Su Shu, Zhuge Liang was forced to retreat.
  Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang has a number of his troops was Wei, Rui Cao Sima Yi appointment, Hao Zhao, Guo Huai and others, and the Shu Army confrontation. AD 234, Zhuge Liang led his army the last time the Northern Expedition, and Sima Yi in Wuzhang the original confrontation. Sima Yi not adhere to Yi to be labor. Zhuge Liang Sima Yi sent sent to the woman's clothing, intended to humiliate Sima Yi. Wei soldiers insulted that coach, played one after another asked. Sima Yi Cao Rui petition, requirements and Shu Army pretend battle. Rui Cao Sima Yi's memorial reading, take the hint, flatly refused to play, and sent Secretary of State for the army, division, Xin Pi, holding symbol section, to be suppressed Wei camp.
  May that year, Sun Quan should be approximately Shu, his troops in three columns Gong Wei, Rui Cao decisively to send troops, in Hefei (Anhui Hefei Northwest today) beat Wu Jun main force, leading to Wu Jun retreat across the board. Makes the Shu and Wu pincer's plans. In the same year in August, Zhuge Liang because of overwork, died in Wuzhang former military, Shu retreat.
  237 AD, the Liaodong prefect Gongsun Yuan Wei betrayal, self-reliance as Yan Wang. Rui Cao Sima Yi ordered his troops put down the rebellion in eastern Liaoning.
  However, during the reign of Cao Rui, massive construction projects, pay attention to playing decorative, but he valued the teachers of the law, recruitment to the placement in the Chongwen Museum, to encourage them to engage in academic research, it is conducive to cultural development. He could compose poetry writing, good at making verse poetry, and Cao Cao, Cao Pi and Cao Wei called the "three ancestors." Qing Dynasty who had two volumes of his prose, poetry verse 10 I first edited volume.
  Rui Cao's death posthumous name Emperor Ming, the posthumous names of King Sejong.
  Reign title
  Wo 227 -233 years
  Dragon 233 -237 years
  King in the early 237 -240
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