瓦卢瓦-昂古莱姆王朝 人物列表
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查理九世 Charles IX亨利三世 Henri III
亨利三世 Henri III
瓦卢瓦-昂古莱姆王朝  (1551年9月19日1589年8月2日)

  亨利三世 Henri III(原名:亨利·亚历山大 Henri Alexandre,1551年9月19日-1589年8月2日)法国瓦卢瓦王朝国王(1574年—1589年在位)。亨利二世第三子,母为凯瑟琳·德·美第奇。生于枫丹白露。在1560年—1574年,他的封号是奥尔良公爵;1566年又受封为安茹公爵。1573年获选为波兰国王,但他只在波兰待了6个月;在1574年其兄查理九世去世后,他就放弃让他感到不自在的波兰王位,回国即位为法国国王。

  Henry III ascended the throne, had worked in the St. Bartholomew in 1572 played a major role in the tragedy; France's religious wars in his reign to white-hot state. Henry III started a non-partisan policy: the abolition of Huguenot some privileges, but the Catholic Holy League was dissolved. However, the 1584 Henry III's younger brother and heir, the Duke of Anjou and Alençon Francois death brought Huguenot leader Henry of Navarre became heir to the throne. Catholics fear the situation will have on their side, then in the head, under the leadership of Henry Duke of Guise against Henry III, triggering the so-called War Henry III (Henry III, Henry Duke of Guise, Henry of Navarre). May 12, 1588, the Duke of Guise entered Paris, erecting barricades in the streets, barricades on the day known to history. Henry III to flee to Chartres. In the same year on December 23, Guise Duke of Guise and his brother Cardinal Henry III at a Banquet, and the nature of the negotiations, the meeting was the assassination of Henry III's attendants. Regis Group, the Cardinal of Lorraine in Paris, owned by Charles the king, saying, "Charles X." Henry III, Henry of Navarre had with the joint, with attacks in Paris.
  August 1589, Henry III, stationed themselves Bali Xi southern suburbs, in the Jacobin convent by a Dominican repair 士雅克克列孟 stabbed to death.
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