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  在英美文學中,司各特的《威弗利》(1814)是最早的歷史小說。其他著 名的歷史小說還有,庫柏的《皮襪子故事集》、阿?托爾斯泰的《彼得大帝》,以及我國羅貫中的《三國演義》、姚雪垠的《李自成》等。

  "Historical novel" is an attributive phrase, it's subject is "novel", "history" is the principal limitation and modification, that is, "historical novel" is the theme of historical fiction.
  It is with the theme of historical figures and events, reflecting aspects of life in a certain historical period; full-length works, you can display aspects of life and a time trend of historical development. These works the main characters and events depicted have historical basis, but to allow the appropriate fictitious. Thus, while it can give readers some historical knowledge, but its main purpose is to give readers inspiration and education. "Three Kingdoms", "Rereading" is the historical novel.
  【Features】 Historical Novels
  】 【Celebrity in the eyes of historical novels
  Britain H. Osborne, "Oxford Art Guide" (1970):
  Historical Novels: the use of historical material, to imagine the rich and re-constitute the event of a narrative style, character or use of fictitious or real historical figure, or both.
  Since the allowed range of activities is very wide, so the novelist often try to recreate a certain degree of accuracy, he described the event to be spectacular  dramatic scenes.
  British Luojifule "Dictionary of Modern Western terminology of literary criticism":
  Historical: This term refers to such a class of novel: the writer of the time when writing these novels compared to the time the novel takes place obviously has a "historic." Can be described using the past tense, the account of time can be arranged in the past, but also among the events in the past, some within the time interval. Historical subjects, regardless of big and small, both in national affairs, but also the private sphere, the hero can be either in the history of real people, it can be fictional characters, but their fate is closely linked with actual historical events.
  As time went on, writers began to describe the historical novel techniques for contemporary events, so that this genre of fiction, not only for the great 19th-century realistic novel provides the conditions generated, and eventually merge with . Thus, two interrelated literary trend trend emerged: the first emphasis on historical themes, but also when dealing with such subjects rely more and more exotic and archeology as accurate, Flaubert's "Salammbo "(1862) is an example; other is dealing with more realistic themes Zhen" of naturalism. "
  British and American literature, Scott's "Wei Fuli" (1814) was the first historical novel. There are other famous historical novel, Cooper's "Leather Stocking Tales," Ah? Tolstoy's "Peter the Great", and China Luo Guanzhong's "Romance of Three Kingdoms", like Yao's "Rereading," and so on.

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