音乐 music分类表
莺歌燕乐 Yingge Yanyue

  专门从事音乐活动,给人带来美的享受的成功人士。 例如:莫扎特,贝多芬等等
  1:舒柏特 (Franz Seraph Peter Schubert)
  舒柏特最广为流传的是他那由感而发的六百多首歌曲。 我们熟悉的还有著名的《舒伯特小夜曲》,优美的旋律,令人陶醉。
  2:肖邦(Fredric Chopin)
  肖邦(1810-1849),波兰作曲家。肖邦在孩童时代就显示了音乐天才。十九岁时他写下了《f小调钢 琴协奏曲》,1831年,肖邦来到巴黎,与许多杰出的艺术家来往,如音乐家李斯特、柏辽兹,文学家雨果、巴尔扎克、海涅,画家德拉克洛瓦。在与闻名于世的小说家乔治.桑的交往中,肖邦步入创作最旺盛的时期。肖邦是浪漫主义时代最有独创性的艺术家之一,他的风格是独一无二的。在第一流的艺术家中,肖邦是唯一把他的创作生活集中于钢琴上的大师。他巧妙克服了钢琴不能演奏任何时间长度的持续音的主要局限。对于现代钢琴风格的形成,功不可漠。他第一次在音乐中突出斯拉夫民族因素,使斯拉夫民族因素归入了欧洲音乐的主流。他的作品旋律矫健勇猛;玛祖卡那骑士般的辉煌;圆舞曲充满甜蜜 的柔情。肖邦还写了幻想曲、谐谑曲、叙事曲、即兴曲、前奏曲、奏鸣曲。他抒发感情神秘莫测、令人销魂。
  1866,他创作出最初的三部交响曲、交响诗《弗兰契斯卡·达·利米尼》、幻想序曲《罗米欧与朱丽叶》、舞剧《天鹅湖》以及《第一钢琴协奏曲》等。这是柴科夫斯基创作的第一个时期。柴科夫斯基的晚年是他创作的顶峰时期。1888-1889年他访问了德国、捷克、法国 和英国,与勃拉姆斯、格里格、德沃夏克、古诺、马斯涅等结下了友谊。 1877年开始,是柴科夫斯基的创作的极盛时期。他开始创作两部天才的作品--歌剧《叶甫根尼·奥涅金》和他的成名作《第四交响曲》。柴科夫斯基的晚年是他创作的顶峰时期。在这期间,他除了创作《叶甫根尼·奥涅金》、《第四交响曲》外,还创作了《第五交响曲》、《曼弗里德交响曲》,歌剧《黑桃皇后》、《约兰塔》,舞剧《睡舅人》、《胡桃夹子》;还有《暴风雨》、《意大利随想曲》、《一八一二年序曲》、《D大调小提琴协奏曲》、大提琴《洛可可主题变奏曲》以及各种器乐重奏、钢琴独奏、声乐浪漫曲等,几平涉及所有体裁。特别是他在1893年夏天写出的《第六(悲怆)交响曲》,是他的绝笔之作。
  舒曼的代表作有:钢琴曲《蝴蝶》、《狂欢节》、《交响练习曲》、《幻想曲集》等 1840年写了138首歌曲,被称为"歌曲文萃", 还写了四部交响曲,及《a小调钢琴协秦曲》、 《曼弗雷德序曲》等。

  Specializing in music, brings the enjoyment of the successful United States. For example: Mozart, Beethoven, etc.
  Musician, is a broad term, simple, said the area is focused on music artists. He includes the world who make music, and playing music. Musicians who sing also be considered. But they have a special name singer.
  Among the musicians have a special category, he did not create does not playing music, but is responsible for directing Symphony, called the conductor. Good conductor has a special charm to lead Orchestra, he is often the most brilliant band in the role.
  The pop singer because very few call them musicians, is a relatively unique group.
  A musician often has multiple identities, he may focus on one area of music, such as composer, but also take into account their performance. Or he may just focus on playing, but also write music-related books, is a writer. In addition, musicians are also examples of cross-cutting, many contemporary musicians are doing the work of film scores, theater or music.
  Based on the musicians of various countries or areas judged are different.
  World-renowned musicians
  1: Schubert (Franz Seraph Peter Schubert)
  (1) famous description:
  (2) The representative works
  Schubert is the most widespread sense of his by a hair over 600 songs. We are familiar with the famous "Schubert Serenade", beautiful melodies, intoxicating.
  2: Chopin (Fredric Chopin)
  (1) famous description:
  Chopin (1810-1849), Polish composer. Chopin in childhood musical genius on the show. 19 years old, he wrote the "f Minor Piano Concerto", 1831, Chopin went to Paris, and from many distinguished artists such as musician Franz Liszt, Berlioz, writer Victor Hugo, Balzac, sea Nirvana, painter Delacroix. With the famous novelist, George. San exchanges, Chopin into the most productive period of writing. Chopin is the romanticism of the times one of the most original artists, his style is unique. In the first class artists, Chopin is the only focus of his creative life, a master of the piano. He can not play the piano skillfully overcome any sustained length of time the sound of the main limitations. The formation of the modern piano style, power can not be indifferent. He highlighted the first Slavic nation in the music elements, making the Slavic ethnic factors included in the mainstream of European music. Melody and supple ferocity of his work; Mazurka brilliant like that knight; Waltz full of sweet tenderness. Chopin also wrote a Fantasia, Scherzo, Ballade, Impromptu, Prelude, Sonata. To express his feelings mysterious, it is ecstasy.
  (2) Representatives:
  "F Minor Piano Concerto", C Minor Etude "revolution" and so on.
  3: Weber
  (1) famous description:
  Weber (1786 a 1826) German composer. Born in a home theater, on the German folk music, customs, have deep experience. This is music to his later great significance. Weber-year-old to study piano, and later studied composition, 12-year-old began writing opera music. 1813, he served successively as Prague and Dresden Symphony Orchestra, Theatre, these two famous performing groups played an important role.
  (2) Representatives:
  Weber's masterpiece is the opera "free shooters" that is, "Der Freischütz." It was rich German style and romantic atmosphere, is considered the first German opera diffuse doctrine. In addition, he also wrote the opera "Oberon" and less Overture, Concerto, Sonata. Among them, the piano song "Yao Wu," the most popular.
  4: 彼得伊里奇 Tchaikovsky
  (1) famous description:
  彼得伊里奇 Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) the nineteenth century the great Russian composer, music educator, known as the great Russian musicians. 7 May 1840 he was born in the Urals city of V Tejinsike family atmosphere full of music. As a child he already showed remarkable musical talent, in 1862, Tchaikovsky entered St. Petersburg Conservatory of Music, _set_ foot on the real professional music education received a decisive way. 1866 became professor of the Moscow Conservatory, which lasted eleven years. He created a variety of good works. 1877 start, is Tchaikovsky's creative zenith. Tchaikovsky is a summary of the whole development of European music, a whole era of the great size of the Russian world. He built his grand symphonic music system, a pinnacle of symphonic music, one person. Tchaikovsky wrote a lifetime total of seven symphonies, of which "g minor," Symphony is a symphony of his genre debut, is a real Russian Symphony, characterized by focus on the psychological description, full of patriotic Doctrine of the lyric mood. This symphony is also understood that his symphonic works were the door step and the "Path."
  (2) Representatives:
  1866, he created the first three symphonies, symphonic poem "弗兰契斯卡 Dalimini" Fantasy Overture "Romeo and Juliet" ballet "Swan Lake" and "Piano Concerto" and so on. This is Tchaikovsky created the first period. Tchaikovsky's later years of his creative peak. 1888-1889, he visited Germany, the Czech Republic, France and Britain, and Brahms, Grieg, Dvorak, Gounod, Masi Nie forged a friendship, and so on. 1877 start, is Tchaikovsky's creative zenith. He began writing two works of genius - the opera "Eugen Onegin leaves," and his fame as "the Fourth Symphony." Tchaikovsky's later years of his creative peak. During this period, apart from writing, "Ye Eugen Onegin", "Fourth Symphony", but also created the "Fifth Symphony", "Manfred Symphony", the opera "Queen of Spades" "Iolanta", ballet "Sleeping uncle" and "The Nutcracker"; also "The Tempest," "Capriccio Italien", "1812 Overture", "D Major Violin Concerto," Cello "Luo Cocoa Variations on a Theme "and a variety of instrumental ensemble, piano solo, vocal Romance and so on, several levels involving all genres. In particular, he wrote in the summer of 1893, "Sixth (Pathetique) Symphony", is his absolute pens for.
  5: Robert Schuman
  (1) famous description:
  Robert Schuman (1810-1856) German composer and music critic. He was born in the German city of Zwickau, childhood love for music and literature. Schumann sensitive feelings by nature, and there are democratic thought. In 1834 he founded the "New Music Magazine," the music to change the air was stale, and promote the development of romantic art, play an important role. Care and support he has not known musicians, such as: Chopin, Berlioz, Liszt, Brahms, Wagner and so on.
  (2) Representatives:
  Schumann's works are: piano song "Butterfly", "Carnival," "Symphonic Etudes," "Fantasia" and so in 1840 wrote 138 songs, called "songs Digest", also written four Symphony, and "a minor co-Qin Piano Song", "Manfred Overture" and so on.
  6: 卓阿基诺罗 Sydney
  (1) famous description:
  (2) Representatives:
  Rossini composed nearly 40 operas, includes "The Barber of Seville", "Fall of William," "Cinderella," "thieving magpie" and now opera, "Othello," "Moses" and so on.
  7: Rimsky - Kesakefu
  (1) famous description:
  Rimsky - Kesakefu 〔〕 1844-1908 Russian composer and music educator. He is recognized as the best "sea landscape" master. However, he first is a famous Russian composer, in particular, master the art of Russian opera. He was born in a noble family, from childhood by the family's nurturing atmosphere, year-old began learning the piano, 11-year-old trying to write music. 186 512 month premiere of his "First Symphony" to be successful. 1871 became a professional musician. He engaged in teaching for three years, students are quite good, including: Arenski, Asafyev, Glazunov, Liyaduofu, 伊波里托夫 Ivanov, Zhu Iglesias Khodorkovsky and Prokofiev and other famous musicians more than 200. In his life the last two decades, he almost did not use too pure symphonic music in the form of writing. His symphonic music has a headline, narrative and music and picture-like tendencies, and his symphonic music of the plot, the warrior with the Russian songs and legends, folk tales and oriental scenes of people's lives has very close ties. His symphonic music, with strong national characteristics and strong oriental flavor. He is also the "and the acoustic Practical Guide", "Orchestral Orchestration" and biography "My musical life" and so on.
  (2) Representatives:

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