农民协会是青年和壮年农民当权,所以对于推翻神权,破除迷信,是各处都在进行中的。 Since the latter control the associations, the overthrow of religious authority and the eradication of superstition are going on everywhere.
过人的才智;对键盘艺术痴迷地爱好 A pyrotechnic wit; pyrotechnic keyboard virtuosity.
对键盘乐器痴迷地爱好;过人的才智。 pyrotechnic keyboard virtuosity; a pyrotechnic wit.
中国队在星期天的亚洲资格赛中以1比0胜阿曼队,首次获得了世界杯决赛的入场券;全国上亿球迷欣喜若狂,纷纷庆祝这一盛事。 China reached the World Cup finals for the first time on Sunday by beating Oman 1-0 in an Asian qualifier, setting off a frenzy of celebration by hundreds of millions of ecstatic soccer fans around the country.
飞机突然迷失了方向 The airplane suddenly lost its way.
在人群中警察迷失了跟踪目标 The police lost their quarry in the crowd.
在他们之间的恋情处于萌芽状态时,海蒂的父母果断地终止了它的发展,然而,海蒂迷人的丰采竟使查理终生难忘。 But her parents quashed[5] the the romance before it really begun-- but the memory of pretty Hetty stayed with Charlie all his life.
他对爵士乐着了迷。 He is queer for jazz.
她好像对环城赛跑很着迷。 She seems to be queer for the round-the-city race.
这些问题甚至使专家糊涂;这个问题完全使我迷糊。 These questions confuse even the experts; This question completely threw me; This question befuddled even the teacher.
"确实,现年46岁的赖斯,外表与美国最完美的国家安全顾问亨利·基辛格没有多少相似之处,但是朋友和同事们说,赖斯是他们所认识的头脑最精明、口齿最清楚和风度最迷人的人物之一。 Indeed,Rice,46,bears little outward resemblance to Henry Kissinger,the quintessential national security adviser,but friends and colleagues say she is among of the smartest,most articulate and charming people they know.
编写出色的软件仍然是艺术多于科学,最好由怪痞、入迷并愿意连续数月浸沉于棘手问题的电脑玩家来做。 Writing brilliant software is still more art than science, best done by quirky and obsessive hackers willing to immerse themselves in thorny problems for months at a stretch.
狂热的足球迷 A rabid football fan.
他对高速公路赛车着了迷。 He is crazy about speedway racing.
女王对赛马十分着迷。 The queen is wild about house-racing.
啊!如此说来,经理入迷的是高尔夫球。 Aha! So it 's golf that turns the manager on.
啊!如此说来,经理入迷的是高尔夫球。 Aha! so it's golf that turn the manager on.
哈利是一位迷人且讨人喜欢的年轻人。 Harry is a charming and agreeable young man.
惬意的放松;迷人的景色。 pleasureful relaxation; an agreeable prospect.
足球迷欣喜若狂地向胜队欢呼 The football fans cheered the winning team with agony of wild joys
真正让黛比着迷的是那盒亚马逊雨林的录相带,它令黛比那强壮的身躯里渴望回归家园的心激荡不已。 What Debbie enjoyed to the point of obsession was a video of the Amazonian rainforest. It seemed to stir an atavistic chord in her stout breast.
高原明珠滇池、天下奇观石林、西双版纳热带雨林、“银苍玉洱、风花雪月”的大理、世界纬度最低的滑雪胜地丽江玉龙雪山、风景迷人的香格里拉等都是闻名遐迩的旅游胜地; Among Yunnan's famous tourist attractions are Dianchi Lake the pearl on the highland, the Stone Forest the number one wonder under heaven and Xishuangbanna tropical rainforest. Dali is well known for its snowcapped Cangshan Mountain, the crystal-clear Erhai Lake, the wind at Xiaguan, flower at Shangguan, snow at the Cangshan Mountain and the moon mirrored in the Erhai Lake. The Yulong Snow Mountains in Lijiang is a skiing resort at the lowest latitude in the northern hemisphere. The Shangri-La scenery in northwest Yunnan is picturesque.
使躁动、骚动或迷乱 To agitate, stir, or confuse.
营救队在这一地区仔细搜寻迷途旅人的踪迹。 The rescue team rake the area for a trace of lose traveller.
科学家曾用移植的大脑微电极和小型的无线电接受装置从500多码以外引导五只老鼠穿过一个复杂的由梯子、台阶、铁圈和坡道组成的迷宫。 Scientists used brain implants and tiny radio "backpacks" to guide five rats through a complex maze, composed of ladders, steps, hoops and ramps, from a distance of more than 500 yards.
解迷必须有机灵的头脑。 One need an agile mind to solve puzzles.
在遇到护林员的时候我们几乎快要迷路了。 we were pretty much lost when we met the forest ranger.
带着着迷的敬意聆听讲演者 Listened to the speaker with rapt admiration.
安静地坐着,陶醉于音乐;带着着迷的敬意聆听;痴迷于幻想。 sat completely still, enraptured by the music; listened with rapt admiration; rapt in reverie.
使着迷使陷入狂喜,销魂的境地 To enchant or seize with rapture.
使痴迷,使狂喜 To fill with rapture or delight.
着迷的,喜出望外的充满了兴奋或痴迷的;极度欢喜的 Filled with great joy or rapture; ecstatic.