对参加扑救外单位火灾的专职消防队、义务消防队所损耗的燃料、灭火剂和器材、装备等,依照规定予以补偿。 Full time fire brigade and obligatory fire brigade shall be compensated for fuel, extinguishant and device and equipage used in taking part of fire fighting and rescue for other units.
不过,由于许多美国和欧洲股票基金经理早前过度减持亚洲股票,故须进行补仓,引发资金再度流入港元。 The flow of funds quickly reversed as many US and European equity fund managers began to replenish their heavily under-weighted Asian equity portfolios.
互给补足或相等 To be complementary or equivalent.
她有权获得失业补贴。 She qualify for unemployment.
这家公司没有资格要求政府补助金。 The company does not qualify for a government grant.
按该法案第二款,他没有获得补助的资格。 He do not qualify for a grant under section 2 of the act.
插入成份,插入词在书写中插入的与上下文的语法结构没有关系的限定或补充的词、短语或句子 A qualifying or amplifying word, phrase, or sentence inserted within written matter in such a way as to be independent of the surrounding grammatical structure.
医疗补助计划美国的一项由国家和联邦政府联合拨款方案,替负担不起自己医疗费用的人向医院和医生支付费用 A program in the United States, jointly funded by the states and the federal government, that reimburses hospitals and physicians for providing care to qualifying people who cannot finance their own medical expenses.
第三十四条 在县级以上地方人民政府划定的崩塌滑坡危险区、泥石流易发区范围内取土、挖砂或者采石的,由县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门责令停止上述违法行为、采取补救措施,处以罚款。 Article 34 In the case of earth-fetching, sand-digging or quarrying in areas in danger of land-collapsing or land-sliding or where mud-rock flow is liable to occur, as designated by the local people's government at or above the county level, the department of water administration under the people's government at or above the county level shall order the cessation of the above law-breaking acts and the adoption of remedial measures, and shall also impose a fine.
新建宿舍提供1237个优质单位,补替原本位于荷李活道和广东道的534个旧宿舍单位。 They provided 1237 high-quality quarters, replacing 534 very old Junior Police Officers quarters at sites on Hollywood Road and Canton Road.
调整片,补翼附着在较大的机翼上,用来帮助稳定飞机辅助性的小机翼 A small auxiliary airfoil that is attached to a larger one and that helps stabilize an aircraft.
母亲昨天补了一床被子。 Mother pieced a quilt yesterday.
外科手术为修补伤口、缺陷或畸形等治疗疾病的外科手术 A surgical procedure for remedying an injury, an ailment, a defect, or a dysfunction.
境况不佳的汽车行业一直是政府补助的“跛鸦子”。 The ailing motor industry is a lame duck that the government has helped in the past.
从1980年到1998年,少数民族自治地区获中央财政定额补助1400多亿元。 From 1980 to 1998, the autonomous areas received more than 140 billion yuan of quota subsidies from the central financial authorities.
近年来,中央政府给西藏的财政定额补贴每年都达12亿元以上。 In recent years, the annual financial set- quota subsidy from the Central Government to Tibet has been over 1. 2 billion yuan annually.
改革开放以来,随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立,新疆与内地各兄弟省区市的经济技术合作与交流,人才的互相流动日益兴起和扩大,以市场为导向,以资本为纽带,以“物流”、“人才流”为特征,以优势互补为原则的新的支援新疆经济和社会发展的形式已迅速发展起来; Since the introduction of the policies of reform and opening-up and with the gradual establishment of a socialist market economic system, economic and technological cooperation and exchanges, and the interflow of highly qualified personnel between Xinjiang and other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have kept expanding. A new market-oriented pattern of aiding Xinjiang’s economic and social development has shaped up, with capital investment as the bond, “material and human resources interflow” as the characteristic, and mutual complementarity as the principle.
我本身活到了42岁才了解这句话的含意,对年轻的学生来说这可说是一句金玉良言,我想再补充两句话来勉励会上其他参加者,那就是“学无先后、达者为先”以及“活到老、学到老。” It took me 42 years to realise this axiom. Prof Kao's words are certainly a gem for the students. I would like to add by quoting the popular saying "it matters not when we start learning, whoever attains shall be the teacher" (xue wu qianhou, da zhe wei shi) and that learning is a life-long experience (huo dao lao, xue dao lao).
我本身活到了42岁才了解这句话的含意,对年轻的学生来说这可说是一句金玉良言,我想再补充两句话来勉励会上其他参加者,那就是“学无先后、达者为先”以及“活到老、学到老。” It took me 42 years to realize this axiom. Prof. Gao's words are certainly a gem for the students. I would like to add by quoting the popular saying "it matters not when we start learning, whoever attains shall be the teacher" (xue wu qian hou, da zhe wei xian) and that learning is a life-long experience (huo dao lao, xue dao lao).
中国实施移民扶贫开发的主要做法有:一是插户移民。即由贫困户自行投亲靠友,分散安置,政府给予一定补助。 The major methods of aiding the poor by migration include: First, governments subsidize the poor households for migrating and resettling near their relatives or friends.
以义卖捐赠来补助经费。 Finances are aided by rummage sales.
屈从于修补工作而看起来疲倦的她;由于失眠她的脸憔悴而枯槁;疲惫但高贵的脸;震惊地看到他英俊年轻的脸庞露出疲倦的神情-查尔斯.狄更斯。 looking careworn as she bent over her mending; her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness; that raddled but still noble face; shocked to see the worn look of his handsome young face- Charles Dickens.
同意进行补偿贸易 Agree to do compensation trade
在通航或者竹木流放的河流上修建永久性拦河闸坝,建设单位必须同时修建过船、过木设施,或者经国务院授权的部门批准采取其他补救措施,并妥善安排施工和蓄水期间的航运和竹木流放,所需费用由建设单位负担。 When building permanent dams and sluice gate structure on navigable or bamboo and log rafting streams, the construction unit must simultaneously build facilities for ship or log passage or, after being approved by departments authorized by the State Council, take other remedial measures and also make adequate arrangements for navigation and bamboo and log rafting during the construction period and the initial filling period, and bear the expenses thereby incurred.
做好汛期雨洪的拦截及回灌工作,补充、涵养地下水源; More attempts will be made in the retention of rainwater and flood for underground recharge during rainy season, in order to restore and conserve underground water sources.
营地的补给品在漫长的雨季里受潮了。 The camp supplies dampened during the long rainy season.
对乔治她没什么爱情。只是由于跟拉尔夫分手后她需要个人来填补心灵的空虚。 It wasn’t all that love stuff she felt for George. It was simply that she needed someone to fill in in her blank mind ever since Ralph split up with her.
他们正在用一笨重的机器压紧新补修的路面。 They are using a heavy machine to ram down the surface of the newly mended road.
以后被传入其它装置的临时性的随机存储器的一部分;用来补充计算机系统组成部分之间的数据流出率的差异。 (computer science) a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data that is waiting to be sent to a device; used to compensate for differences in the rate of flow of data between components of a computer system.
第一百二十一条从一九八五年五月二十七日至一九九七年六月三十日期间批出的,或原没有续期权利而获得续期的,超出一九九七年六月三十日年期而不超过二零四七年六月三十日的一切土地契约,承租人从一九九七年七月一日起不补地价,但需每年缴纳相当于当日该土地应课差饷租值百分之三的租金。此后,随应课差饷租值的改变而调整租金。 Article 121 As regards all leases of land granted or renewed where the original leases contain no right of renewal, during the period from 27 May 1985 to 30 June 1997, which extend beyond 30 June 1997 and expire not later than 30 June 2047, the lessee is not required to pay an additional premium as from 1 July 1997, but an annual rent equivalent to 3 per cent of the rateable value of the property at that date, adjusted in step with any changes in the rateable value thereafter, shall be charged.